Thursday, 12 October 2017

Monster Index

Monster Index

A couple of days ago I've noticed that I have 50+ monsters posted on this blog, so it would be useful to make an index for easy reference.

Aarakocra - Monster: Aarakocra.
Aasimar Warrior - NPCs: Planetouched Warriors.
Abeil Queen - Monsters: Abeils.
Abeil Soldier - Monsters: Abeils.
Abeil Vassal - Monsters: Abeils.
Aberrant Cacodemon - Monsters: Cacodemons.
Aberrant Head - Monster: Dullahan.
Aboleth - Monsters: Aboleths.
Abyssal Drake - Monster: Abyssal Drake.
Abyssal Eviscerator - Monster: Abyssal Eviscerator.
Abyssal Greater Basilisk - Monsters: Basilisks.
Abyssal Karkanak - Monsters: Crab People.
Abyssal Maw - Monsters: Abyssal Demons.
Abyssal Ravager - Monsters: Abyssal Demons.
Abyssal Skulker - Monsters: Abyssal Demons.
Achaierai - Monster: Achaierai.
Adamantine Horror - Monsters: Clockwork Horrors.
Advespa - Monsters: Devils.
Aerial Servant - Monster: Aerial Servant.
Air Element Squid - Monsters: Element Creatures.
Air Elemental - Monster: Air Elemental.
Air Elementite Swarm - Monsters: Elementite Swarms.
Air Gen - Sorcery: Sha'ir Spellcasting.
Alabaster Aerial - Monsters: Astral Constructs.
Albatross - Monsters: Aquatic Animals.
Alhoon (Illithilich) - Monster: Alhoon (Illithilich).
Allip - Monster: Allip.
Amber Tunneler - Monsters: Astral Constructs.
Amethyst Dragon - Monster: Amethyst Dragon.
Amiq Rasol - Monster: Amiq Rasol.
Amnizu - Monster: Amnizu.
Amphibious Aboleth - Monsters: Aboleths.
Amphibious Giant Maggot - Monsters: Underdark Monsters/Races.
Amphibious Medusa - Monsters: Stormwrack Monsters.
Anathemic Carapace - Monsters: Astral Constructs.
Ancient Blue Dracolich - Lens/Monster: Dracolich.
Ancient Blue Proto-Dracolich - Lens/Monster: Dracolich.
Androsphinx - Monster: Androsphinx.
Angazhani (High Girallon) - Monsters/Racial Templates: Apes and Monkeys.
Animated Manacles - Monster: Animated Manacles.
Ankheg - Monster: Ankheg.
Annis - Monster: Annis.
Annis Hag Alter Ego - Lens/Monster: Alter Ego.
Aquatic Dragon - Monster: Aquatic Dragon.
Aquatic Elf Dolphin Rider - Monsters: Stormwrack Monsters II.
Aquatic Elf Hunter - Monsters/NPCs: Elves I.
Aquatic Elf Warrior - Monsters: Stormwrack Monsters II.
Aquatic Giant Maggot - Monsters: Underdark Monsters/Races.
Aranea - Monster: Aranea.
Arcanaloth - Monsters: Yugoloths.
Arch-Vile - Monster: Arch-Vile.
Armanite - Monsters: Demons IV.
Arrowhawk - Monster: Arrowhawk.
Asabi - Monsters: Asabis.
Ascomoid - Monster: Ascomoid.
Ash Quasi-Elemental - Monster: Ash Quasi-Elemental.
Ash Rat - Monsters: Rats II.
Asperi - Monster: Asperi.
Assassin Devil (Dogai) - Monsters: Devils.
Assassin Imp - Monsters: Imps II.
Assassin Vine - Monster: Assassin Vine.
Astral Construct - Monsters: Astral Constructs.
Astral Deva - Monsters: Angels.
Athach - Monster: Athach.
Aventi Sergeant - Monsters: Stormwrack Monsters.
Avolakia - Monster: Avolakia.
Avoral - Monster: Avoral.
Axiomatic Bulette (Perfect Landshark) - Lens/Monsters: Axiomatic Creatures.
Axiomatic Dragonne - Lens/Monsters: Axiomatic Creatures.
Ayperobos Swarm - Monsters: Devils.
Azer - Monster: Azer.
Azurin Cleric - Monsters/NPCs: Azurins.
Azurin Soulborn - Monsters/NPCs: Azurins.
Azurin Warrior - Monsters/NPCs: Azurins.

Babau - Monster: Babau.
Baboon - Monsters: Simians.
Backwatcher Carapace - Monsters: Illithid Symbionts.
Badger - Monsters: Badgers.
Baku (The Dark One) - Monsters: Bakus.
Baku (The Holy One) - Monsters: Bakus.
Baku Dreamweaver - Monster: Baku Dreamweaver.
Baleen Whale - Monsters: Fish and Whales.
Balor - Monster: Balor.
Banelar - Monster: Banelar.
Barghest - Monster: Barghest.
Battle Effigy - Monsters: Faerun Constructs.
Battle Horror - Monsters: Faerun Constructs.
Bearded Devil (Barbazu) - Monster: Bearded Devil (Barbazu).
Beetle Buckler - Monster: Beetle Buckler.
Behir - Monster: Behir.
Beholder - Monster: Beholder.
Belairon (Filth Demon) - Monsters: Dungeon Magazine Demons.
Belker - Monster: Belker.
Black Abishai - Monsters: Abishais.
Black Dragon - Monster: Black Dragon.
Black Ethergaunt - Monsters: Ethergaunts.
Black Neo-Orog - Monsters: Orcish Halfbreeds.
Black Pudding - Monsters: Ooze.
Black Rock Triskelion (Earth Avatar) - Monsters: Avatars of Elemental Evil.
Blackshell - Monsters: Turtlemen.
Blade Guardian - Monsters: Guardian Familiars.
Bladeback - Monsters: Saurials.
Blood Fiend - Monsters: Demons III.
Bloodbag Imp - Monsters: Imps II.
Bloodbloater Swarm - Monsters: Aquatic Ooze.
Blue Abishai - Monsters: Abishais.
Blue Dragon - Monster: Blue Dragon.
Blue Slaad - Monster: Blue Slaad.
Blue Telepath - NPCs: Psionic Racial Examples.
Bodak - Monster: Bodak.
Boggart - Monsters: Boggarts.
Boggart (Pathfinder) - Monsters: Boggarts.
Bone Rat Swarm - Monsters: Rats II.
Book Imp - Monsters: Imps II.
Brain Golem - Monster: Brain Golem.
Brain in a Jar - Monsters: Libris Mortis Undead II.
Brain Mole - Monster: Brain Mole.
Brainstealer Dragon - Monster: Brainstealer Dragon.
Bralani - Monster: Bralani.
Brass Dragon - Monster: Brass Dragon.
Brass Golem - Monsters: Golems.
Brass Gorgon - Monsters: Gorgons.
Brixashulty - Monsters: Friends of the Wild.
Bronze Dragon - Monster: Bronze Dragon.
Bronze Gorgon - Monsters: Gorgons.
Bronze Griffon - Treasure: Figurines of Wondrous Power.
Broodswarm - Monsters: Demons IV.
Brown Dragon - Monster: Brown Dragon.
Brown Muuch - Racial Templates/NPCs: Zotz and Muuch.
Brown Pudding - Monsters: Ooze.
Bugbear Dread Echohusk - Monsters/Lenses: Echohusks.
Bugbear Echohusk - Monsters/Lenses: Echohusks.
Bugbear Hunter - Monsters/NPCs: Goblinoids and Kobolds.
Bugbear Zombie - Monsters: Zombies.
Bulette - Monster: Bulette.
Burning Kyshakk - Monsters: Kyshakks.

Cacodemon - Monsters: Cacodemons.
Caldron - Monsters: Magens.
Caligrosto - Monsters: Loumara II.
Caller from the Deeps - Monsters: Stormwrack Monsters II.
Caller in Darkness - Monster: Caller in Darkness.
Canian Pit Hound - Monsters: Devils VI.
Carnevus - Monsters: Demons VI.
Carrion Crawler - Monster: Carrion Crawler.
Catoblepas - Monster: Catoblepas.
Cauchemar - Monsters: Nightmares.
Caulborn - Monsters: Caulborn.
Caulborn Thoughtkeeper - Monsters: Caulborn.
Cave Locust - Monster: Cave Locust.
Cave Rat - Monsters: Rats.
Cerebric Cyst - Monster: Cerebric Cyst.
Cerebrilith - Monster: Cerebrilith.
Cervidal - Monsters: Guardinals.
Cessirid - Monster: Cessirid.
Cesspit Ooze - Monster: Cesspit Ooze.
Chaggrin (Earth Grue) - Monsters: Elemental Grues.
Chain Devil (Kyton) - Monster: Chain Devil (Kyton).
Chain Golem - Monster: Chain Golem.
Changesteed - Monsters: Leucrottas.
Charged Fyora - Monsters: Fyoras and Cryoas.
Chemosit - Monsters: Demons VI.
Chiang Lung (River Dragon) - Monster: Chiang Lung (River Dragon).
Chimera - Monster: Chimera.
Chimera Skeleton - Monsters: Skeletons.
Chimeric Ankheg - Monster: Chimeric Ankheg.
Chyzaedu - Monster: Chyzaedu.
Cloud Giant Necrocarnum Zombie - Lens/Monsters: Necrocarnum Zombies.
Cloud Giant Skeleton - Monsters: Skeletons.
Cloud Ray - Monster: Cloud Ray.
Cockatrice - Monster: Cockatrice.
Cold Element Shambling Mound (Tundra Shambler) - Monsters: Element Creatures.
Combusted - Monster: Combusted.
Common Raggamoffyn - Monsters: Raggamoffyns.
Conflagration Ooze - Monster: Conflagration Ooze.
Contemplative - Monsters: Contemplatives.
Copper Dragon - Monster: Copper Dragon.
Corollax - Monster: Corollax.
Corpse Gatherer - Monster: Corpse Gatherer.
Corpse Rat Swarm - Monsters: Rats II.
Corpse Tearer - Monsters: Linnorms.
Craa'ghoran Giant - Monster: Craa'ghoran Giant.
Cranium Rat Swarm - Monster: Cranium Rat Swarm.
Crawling Claw - Monsters: Hands and Arms.
Crawling Claw Swarm - Monsters: Hands and Arms.
Crested Felldrake - Monsters: Felldrakes.
Crimson Death - Monster: Crimson Death.
Criosphinx - Monster: Criosphinx.
Crow's-nest Dragon - Monster: Crow's-nest Dragon.
Cryodrayk - Monsters: Drayks.
Cryohydra - Monsters: Hydras.
Crypt Spawn Half-Orc Fighter - Monster/Sorcery: Crypt Spawn.
Cryptoclidus - Monsters: Dinosaurs.
Crysmal - Monster: Crysmal.
Crystal Dragon - Monster: Crystal Dragon.
Crystal Ooze - Monster: Crystal Ooze.
Cursed Crimson Crawler (Shambari) - Monsters: Devils VII.
Cutpurse - NPCs: Bandits.
Cyclonic Ravager (Air Avatar) - Monsters: Avatars of Elemental Evil.
Cyclops - Monsters: Cyclopes.

Daemon Warrior - Monsters: Dragonlance Demons.
Darfellan Barbarian - Monsters: Stormwrack Monsters II.
Darfellan Warrior - Monsters: Stormwrack Monsters II.
Dark Creeper - Monsters: Dark Ones.
Dark Empath - Monsters: Dark Ones.
Dark Stalker - Monsters: Dark Ones.
Dark Umber Hulk - Monsters/Lens: Dark Creature.
Darktentacles - Monster: Darktentacles.
Death Demon (Ostego) - Monsters: Demons VI.
Death Devil (Jerul) - Monsters: Devils VI.
Death Giant - Monster: Death Giant.
Death Kiss - Monsters: Beholderkin.
Death Ox - Monster: Death Ox.
Death Slaad - Monster: Death Slaad.
Deathbringer - Monster: Deathbringer.
Decaton - Monsters: Modrons.
Deep Dragon - Monster: Deep Dragon.
Deep Dwarf Spearman - Monsters/NPCs: Dwarves.
Deep Halfling Warrior - Monsters/NPCs: Halflings.
Deepspawn - Monster: Deepspawn.
Derro Magister - Monster: Derro Magister.
Desert Cyclops - Monsters: Cyclopes.
Desert Devil (Araton) - Monsters: Devils V.
Devourer - Monster: Devourer.
Diamond Golem - Monsters: Faerunian Golems.
Digester - Monster: Digester.
Dire Ape - Monsters: Simians.
Dire Badger - Monsters: Badgers.
Dire Baraccuda - Monsters: Dire Aquatic Animals.
Dire Bat - Monsters: Dire B.
Dire Bear - Monsters: Dire B.
Dire Boar - Monsters: Dire B.
Dire Elephant - Monsters: More Dire Animals.
Dire Horse - Monsters: More Dire Animals.
Dire Lion - Monsters: Felines.
Dire Lion Effigy - Monster: Dire Lion Effigy.
Dire Rat - Monsters: Rats.
Dire Rhinoceros - Monsters: Rhinoceroses.
Dire Shark - Monsters: Fish and Whales.
Dire Snake - Monsters: More Dire Animals.
Dire Tiger - Monsters: Felines.
Dire Toad - Monsters: More Dire Animals.
Dire Weasel - Monsters: Weasels.
Dire Whiner (Obtestu) - Monsters: Demons VI.
Dire Wolverine - Monsters: Assorted Animals.
Displacer Beast - Monster: Displacer Beast.
Displacer Beast Pack Lord - Monster: Displacer Beast.
Dissolution Ooze - Monster: Dissolution Ooze.
Djinni - Monsters: Djinn.
Dragonflesh Golem - Monsters: Golems.
Dragonkin - Monster: Dragonkin.
Dragonne - Monster: Dragonne.
Dragonshell - Monsters: Turtlemen.
Drakkensteed - Monsters: Exotic Steeds.
Drakon - Monsters: Drayks.
Dread Guard - Monster: Dread Guard.
Dread Linnorm - Monsters: Linnorms.
Dread Wraith - Monsters: Wraiths.
Dreamthief Hag - Monster: Dreamthief Hag.
Dretch - Monster: Dretch.
Drider - Monster: Drider.
Drider Vampire - Monster: Drider Vampire.
Dromite Warrior - NPCs: Psionic Racial Examples.
Droplet - Monsters: Aoa.
Drow Warrior - Monsters/NPCs: Elves I.
Drow Werebat - Lenses/Monsters: Lycanthropes.
Drow-Dragon - Monster: Shadow Dragon.
Dryad - Monster: Dryad.
Duergar Tyrant - Monster: Duergar Tyrant.
Duergar Warrior - Monster/NPC: Duergar Warrior.
Dullahan - Monster: Dullahan.
Dun Pudding - Monsters: Ooze.
Dune Stalker - Monster: Dune Stalker.
Dunewinder - Monster: Dunewinder.
Duodrone - Monsters: Modrons.
Durzagon - Monster: Durzagon.
Duskling Barbarian - Monsters: Dusklings.
Duskling Totemist - Monsters: Dusklings.
Duskling Warrior - Monsters: Dusklings.
Dust Mephit - Monster: Dust Mephit.
Dust Quasi-Elemental - Monster: Dust Quasi-Elemental.
Dwarf Neogi - Monsters: Neogi.
Earth Element Rhinoceros - Monsters: Element Creatures.
Earth Elemental - Monster: Earth Elemental.
Earth Elementite Swarm - Monsters: Elementite Swarms.
Earth Gen - Sorcery: Sha'ir Spellcasting.
Earth Necromental (Large) - Monsters: Elemental Undead.
Ebony Stinger - Monsters: Astral Constructs.
Echinoloth - Monsters: Stormwrack Monsters IV.
Ectoplasm Elemental - Monster: Ectoplasm Elemental.
Ectoplasmic Swarm - Monster: Ectoplasmic Swarm.
Effigy - Monster: Effigy.
Efreeti - Monster: Efreeti.
Ekolid - Monster: Obyriths.
Elan Warrior - NPCs: Psionic Racial Examples.
Elder Black Pudding - Monsters: Ooze.
Elder Brain - Monster: Elder Brain.
Elder Psurlon - Monsters: Psurlons.
Electrum Horror - Monsters: Clockwork Horrors.
Elite Lost Nymph Barbarian - Monsters/Lenses: Incarnum Lenses.
Elite Yaggol - Monsters: Yaggol.
Emerald Dragon - Monster: Emerald Dragon.
Emerald Golem - Monsters: Faerunian Golems.
Enlightened Contemplative - Monsters: Contemplatives.
Entropic Reaper - Monster: Entropic Reaper.
Envoy of Lolth - Monsters: Demons VI.
Equine Golem - Monsters: Guards and Mounts.
Erinyes - Monster: Erinyes.
Ether Scarab - Monster: Ether Scarab.
Ethereal Doppelganger - Monster: Ethereal Doppelganger.
Ethereal Filcher - Monster: Ethereal Filcher.
Ethereal Marauder - Monster: Ethereal Marauder.
Ethereal Slayer - Monster: Ethereal Slayer.
Ettercap - Monster: Ettercap.
Ettin - Monster: Ettin.
Ettin Skeleton - Monsters: Skeletons.
Euphoric Imp - Monsters: Imps II.
Exiled Modron - Monsters: Modrons.
Eye of Fear and Flame - Monsters: Vile Undead.
Famine Spirit - Monsters: More Undead.
Fang Dragon - Monster: Fang Dragon.
Faun - Monster: Faun.
Fensir - Monsters: Fensir.
Feral-Kind Cyclopean - Monsters: Cyclopes.
Fetch (Dragonlance) - Monsters: Dragonlance Demons.
Feytouched - Monster: Feytouched.
Fiendish Cleric of Yeenoghu - Monsters/NPCs: Gnolls.
Fiendish Dire Bat - Monsters: Demons III.
Fiendish Dire Rat - Lens/Monster: Fiendish Creature/Fiendish Dire Rat.
Fiendish Familiar - Monsters: Fiendish Symbionts.
Fiendwurm - Monster: Fiendwurm.
Fiery Cacodemon - Monsters: Cacodemons.
Filth Imp - Monsters: Imps II.
Finhead - Monsters: Saurials.
Fire Bat - Monsters: Bats.
Fire Element Ape - Monsters: Element Creatures.
Fire Elemental - Monster: Fire Elemental.
Fire Elementite Swarm - Monsters: Elementite Swarms.
Fire Gen - Sorcery: Sha'ir Spellcasting.
Fire Rat - Monsters: Rats II.
Fireshadow - Monsters: Dragonlance Demons.
Flamebrother Salamander - Monsters: Salamanders.
Flamestone Panther - Monsters: Dragonlance Demons.
Flesh Golem - Monster: Flesh Golem.
Flesh Harrower (Dire Puppeteer) - Monsters: Puppeteers.
Flesh Jelly - Monster: Flesh Jelly.
Flind Warrior - Monsters/NPCs: Gnolls.
Flotsam Ooze - Monsters: Aquatic Ooze.
Flyer - Monsters: Saurials.
Flying Fingers - Monsters: Hands and Arms.
Forest Giant - Monsters: More Giants.
Forest Gnome Ranger - Monsters/NPCs: Gnomes.
Forest Sloth - Monster: Forest Sloth.
Forestfolk - Monster/Racial Template: Forestfolk.
Formian Myrmarch - Monster: Formian Myrmarch.
Formian Queen - Monster: Formian Queen.
Formian Taskmaster - Monster: Formian Taskmaster.
Formian Warrior - Monster: Formian Warrior.
Formian Worker - Monster: Formian Worker.
Frogling - Monster: Frogling.
Frost Giant - Monster: Frost Giant.
Frost Giant Jarl - Monster: Frost Giant.
Frost Salamander - Monster: Frost Salamander.
Frost Worm - Monster: Frost Worm.

Galeb Duhr - Monsters: G-Monsters.
Galvan - Monsters: Magens.
Gambol - Monster: Gambol.
Gargoyle - Monsters: Gargoyles.
Gauntlet Guardian - Monsters: Guardian Familiars.
Gauth - Monster: Gauth.
Ghargatula - Monsters: Vile Devils.
Ghast - Monsters: Ghouls.
Ghost Brute Hound - Monsters: Libris Mortis Lenses I.
Ghost Rothe - Monsters: Faerun Monsters.
Ghostly Green Dragon - Monsters/Lenses: Faerunian Lenses.
Ghostly Visage - Monsters: Fiendish Symbionts.
Ghoul - Monsters: Ghouls.
Giant Bat - Monsters: Bats.
Giant Bee - Monster: Giant Bee.
Giant Bombardier Beetle - Monsters: Giant Beetles.
Giant Cockroach - Monster: Giant Cockroach.
Giant Crocodile - Monsters: Elephants and Lizards.
Giant Dragonfly - Monsters: Giant Dragonfly and Giant Firefly.
Giant Eagle - Monster: Giant Eagle.
Giant Fire Beetle - Monsters: Giant Beetles.
Giant Frog - Monsters: Random Animals.
Giant Maggot - Monsters: Underdark Monsters/Races.
Giant Octopus - Monsters: Cephalopods.
Giant Owl - Monster: Giant Owl.
Giant Praying Mantis - Monster: Giant Praying Mantis.
Giant Psurlon - Monsters: Psurlons.
Giant Queen Ant - Monsters: Giant Ants.
Giant Raccoon - Monsters: Random Animals.
Giant Rat - Monsters: Rats II.
Giant Soldier Ant - Monsters: Giant Ants.
Giant Stag Beetle - Monsters: Giant Beetles.
Giant Strider - Monsters: Assorted Faerun Monsters II.
Giant Squid - Monsters: Cephalopods.
Giant Wasp - Monster: Giant Wasp.
Giant Worker Ant - Monsters: Giant Ants.
Giant Zakharan Rat - Monsters: Rats II.
Gibbering Mouther - Monster: Gibbering Mouther.
Gigantic Rat - Monsters: Rats II.
Gigantopithecus - Monsters/Racial Templates: Apes and Monkeys.
Girallon - Monster: Girallon.
Girallon Necrocarnum Zombie - Lens/Monsters: Necrocarnum Zombies.
Gish - Monsters/NPCs: Githyanki.
Githyanki Captain - Monsters/NPCs: Githyanki.
Githyanki Soldier - Monsters/NPCs: Githyanki.
Githyanki Warrior - Monsters/NPCs: Githyanki.
Githzerai - Monster/NPC: Githzerai.
Glaahk - Monsters: Glaahks.
Glabrezu - Monster: Glabrezu.
Glimmerskin - Monsters: G-Monsters.
Glyptar - Monsters: Medusas.
Gnashing Head - Monster: Dullahan.
Gnoll Barbarian - Monsters/NPCs: Gnolls.
Gnoll Slave-Taker - Monsters/NPCs: Gnolls.
Gnoll Warrior - Monsters/NPCs: Gnolls.
Goblin Necrocarnum Zombie - Lens/Monsters: Necrocarnum Zombies.
Goblin Skeleton - Treasure: Mantles and Robes.
Goblin Warrior - Monsters/NPCs: Goblinoids and Kobolds.
Goblin Zombie - Treasure: Mantles and Robes.
Gohlbrorn - Monster: Gohlbrorn.
Gold Dragon - Monster: Gold Dragon.
Gold Horror - Monsters: Clockwork Horrors.
Golden Lion - Treasure: Figurines of Wondrous Power.
Golden Protector - Monsters: Lammasus.
Golothoma - Monsters: Obyriths II.
Gorgon - Monster: Gorgon.
Goristro - Monsters: Demons IV.
Gravbeast - Monster: Gravbeast.
Gravecrawler - Monsters: More Undead.
Gravetouched Ghoul - Monsters: Libris Mortis Lenses I.
Gravorg - Monsters: G-Monsters.
Gray Elf Wizard - Monsters/NPCs: Elves II.
Gray Glutton - Monster: Gray Glutton.
Gray Jester - Monster: Gray Jester.
Gray Linnorm - Monsters: Linnorms.
Gray Ooze - Monsters: Ooze.
Gray Render - Monster: Gray Render.
Gray Render Zombie - Monsters: Zombies.
Gray Slaad - Monster: Gray Slaad.
Great Fihyr - Monsters: Fihyrs.
Great Old Master - Monsters: Neogi.
Greater Barghest - Monster: Barghest.
Greater Cyclops - Monsters: Cyclopes.
Greater Doppelganger - Monsters: Assorted Faerun Monsters IV.
Greater Peltast - Monsters: Peltasts.
Greater Shadow - Monster: Shadow.
Greater Spirit Centipede - Monster: Spirit Centipede.
Greater Stone Golem - Monsters: Stone Golems.
Green Abishai - Monsters: Abishais.
Green Dragon - Monster: Green Dragon.
Green Hag - Monster: Green Hag.
Green Slaad - Monster: Green Slaad.
Greenvise - Monsters: G-Monsters.
Grell - Monster: Grell.
Grick - Monster: Grick.
Griffon - Monster: Griffon.
Grig - Monsters: Sprites.
Grimalkin - Monsters: G-Monsters.
Grimlock - Monster: Grimlock.
Grisgol - Monster: Grisgol.
Grizzly Mastodon - Monsters: Elephants and Lizards.
Gruesome Lurker - Monster: Gruesome Lurker.
Guard Bat - Monsters: Bats.
Guardian Naga - Monster: Guardian Naga.
Guardian Roamer - Monsters: Roamers.
Guecubu - Monsters: Loumara.
Guttersnipe - Monsters: Raggamoffyns.

Half-Earth Elemental Minotaur - Lenses/Monsters: Half-Elementals.
Half-Elf Monk/Shadowdancer Elite Vampire - Lens/Monsters: Vampires.
Half-Elf Swashbuckler - Monsters/NPCs: Elves I.
Half-Fiend Gnoll Warlock - Monsters/NPCs: Gnolls.
Half-Fiend Human Cleric - Lens/NPC: Half-Fiend/Half-Fiend Human Cleric.
Half-Giant Warrior - NPCs: Psionic Racial Examples.
Half-Scrag Water Demon - Monsters: Half-Trolls.
Half-Troll Barbazu - Monsters: Half-Trolls.
Hammer Archon - Monsters: Creatures of Stone.
Hardshell Warrior - Monsters: Turtlemen.
Hardy Carapace - Monsters: Illithid Symbionts.
Harginn (Fire Grue)- Monsters: Elemental Grues.
Harpy - Monsters: Harpies.
Harvester Devil (Falxugon) - Monster: Harvester Devil (Falxugon).
Hell Hound - Monsters: Hell Hounds.
Hell Hound Beast of Xvim - Monsters/Lenses: Faerunian Lenses.
Hellcat (Bezekira) - Monster: Hellcat (Bezekira).
Hellchain Weaver - Monsters: Devils VI.
Hellfire Engine - Monsters: Hellfire Monsters.
Hellfire Golem - Monsters: Hellfire Monsters.
Hellfire Wyrm - Monster: Hellfire Wyrm.
Hellwasp Swarm - Monsters: Swarms.
Helmed Horror - Monsters: Faerun Constructs.
Hexton - Monsters: Modrons.
Hezrou - Monster: Hezrou.
Hieracosphinx - Monster: Hieracosphinx.
High Elf Warrior - Monsters/NPCs: Elves I.
Highwayman - NPCs: Bandits.
Hill Dwarf Warrior - Monsters/NPCs: Dwarves.
Hill Giant - Monster: Hill Giant.
Hill Giant Dire Wereboar - Lenses/Monsters: Lycanthropes.
Hill Landwyrm - Monster: Hill Landwyrm.
Hippocampus - Monsters: Guards and Mounts.
Hippogriff - Monster: Hippogriff.
Holocaust Disciple (Fire Avatar) - Monsters: Avatars of Elemental Evil.
Homunculus - Monster: Homunculus.
Hooded Pupil Ettin - Monsters: Libris Mortis Non-Undead.
Hook Horror - Monster: Hook Horror.
Hordling - Monster: Hordling.
Horned Felldrake - Monsters: Felldrakes.
Hornhead - Monsters: Saurials.
Hound Archon - Monsters: Archons.
Hound Archon Hero - Monster: Hound Archon Hero.
House Brownie - Monster: House Brownie.
Howler - Monster: Howler.
Human Cleric Banelich - Lenses: Lich Variants.
Human Commoner Skeleton - Treasure: Mantles and Robes.
Human Commoner Zombie - Treasure: Mantles and Robes.
Human Fighter Ghost - Lens/Monster: Ghost/Human Fighter Ghost.
Human Fighter Vampire - Lens/Monsters: Vampires.
Human Necrocarnum Zombie - Lens/Monsters: Necrocarnum Zombies.
Human Warrior Skeleton - Monsters: Skeletons.
Human Wizard Lich - Lens/Monster: Lich.
Humanoid Sliver - Monsters: Slivers.
Hunting Bat - Monsters: Bats.
Husk Spider - Lens/Monster: Husk Vermin/Husk Spider.
Hypnos - Monsters: Magens.

Ice Beast Gargoyle - Lens/Monster: Ice Beast.
Ice Demon - Monsters: Elemental Demons.
Ice Devil (Gelugon) - Monster: Ice Devil (Gelugon).
Ice Mephit - Monster: Ice Mephit.
Ice Paraelemental - Monster: Ice Paraelemental.
Icebreath Roamer - Monsters: Roamers.
Immoth - Monster: Immoth.
Imp - Monsters: Imps.
Imp (Classic Doom) - Monsters: Imps.
Imp (Modern Doom) - Monsters: Imps.
Incarnum Dragon - Monster: Incarnum Dragon.
Incarnum Golem - Monsters: Incarnum Monsters.
Incarnum Wraith - Monsters: Incarnum Monsters.
Incubus - Monster: Incubus.
Indricothere - Monsters: Random Animals.
Ineffable Horror - Monster: Ineffable Horror.
Infernal (Chaotic) - Monster: Infernal.
Infernal (Lawful) - Monster: Infernal.
Infernal Conflagration Ooze - Monster: Conflagration Ooze.
Inferno Bat - Monsters: Bats.
Inferno Wyrm - Monsters: Artilas.
Intellect Devourer - Monster: Intellect Devourer.
Invisible Stalker - Monster: Invisible Stalker.
Iridescent Serpent - Monsters: Astral Constructs.
Iron Golem - Monster: Iron Golem.
Iron Gorgon - Monsters: Gorgons.
Ivory Goat of Terror - Treasure: Figurines of Wondrous Power.
Ivory Goat of Travail - Treasure: Figurines of Wondrous Power.
Ivory Goat of Traveling - Treasure: Figurines of Wondrous Power.
Ixitxachitl, Average - Monsters: Ixitxachitl.

J'ez - Monsters: Tohr-Kreen.
Jarilith - Monsters: Demons II.
Jermlaine - Monsters: J-Monsters.
Juggernaut - Monsters: J-Monsters.
Julajimus - Monsters: J-Monsters.
Juvenile Nabassu - Monsters: Demons V.

Kakkuu - Monsters: Spyder-Fiends.
Kalabon - Monster: Kalabon.
Kalareem - Monsters: Nerra.
Kamaitachi - Monster: Kamaitachi
Kapoacinth - Monsters: Gargoyles.
Kelvezu - Monsters: Demons II.
Kezreth - Monster: Kezreth.
Kigrid - Monsters: Illithidae.
Klurichir - Monsters: Demons III.
Kobold Warrior - Monsters/NPCs: Goblinoids and Kobolds.
Kobold Zombie - Monsters: Zombies.
Kocrachon - Monsters: Vile Devils.
Kolyarut - Monster: Kolyarut.
Kopru - Monster: Kopru.
Kraken - Monster: Kraken.
Krenshar - Monster: Krenshar.
Kruel (Danartha) - Monster: Kruel (Danartha).
Kyshakk - Monsters: Kyshakks.
Kython, Adult - Monsters: Kythons.
Kython, Juvenile - Monsters: Kythons.
Kython Broodling - Monsters: Kythons.
Kython Impaler - Monsters: Kythons.
Kython Slaughterking - Monsters: Kythons.
Kython Slaymaster - Monsters: Kythons.

Lacedon - Monsters: Ghouls.
Laghathti - Monster: Obyriths.
Lamia - Monster: Lamia.
Lammasu - Monsters: Lammasus.
Lantern Archon - Monsters: Archons.
Least Spirit Centipede - Monster: Spirit Centipede.
Legendary Bear - Monsters: Legendary Animals.
Legendary Eagle - Monsters: Legendary Animals.
Legendary Horse - Monsters: Legendary Animals.
Legendary Shark - Monsters: Legendary Animals.
Legendary Snake - Monsters: Legendary Animals.
Legendary Tiger - Monsters: Legendary Animals.
Legendary Wolf - Monsters: Legendary Animals.
Legion Devil (Merregon) - Monsters: Devils II.
Lemure - Monster: Lemure.
Leonal - Mosnter: Leonal.
Leopard - Monsters: Felines.
Lesser Cyclops - Monsters: Cyclopes.
Lesser Nightmare - Monsters: Exotic Steeds.
Lesser Spirit Centipede - Monster: Spirit Centipede.
Leucrotta - Monsters: Leucrottas.
Lifeleech Otyugh - Monster: Lifeleech Otyugh.
Lightfoot Halfling Warrior - Monsters/NPCs: Halflings.
Lightning Quasi-Elemental - Monster: Lightning Quasi-Elemental.
Lightning Rat - Monsters: Rats II.
Lilitu - Monsters: Demons V.
Lillend - Monster: Lillend.
Living Zombie Moon Elf Warrior - Monsters: Ruinous Monsters/Races.
Lizard - Monsters: Elephants and Lizards.
Lizardfolk Warrior - Racial Templates: Lizardfolk.
Locathah - Monster: Locathah.
Logokron - Monsters: Devils V.
Lolth-Touched Bebilith - Lens/Monsters: Lolth-Touched Creatures.
Lolth-Touched Drow Ranger - Lens/Monsters: Lolth-Touched Creatures.
Lolth-Touched Monstrous Hunting Spider - Lens/Monsters: Lolth-Touched Creatures.
Lost Human Commoner - Monsters/Lenses: Incarnum Lenses.
Lung Wang (Sea Dragon) - Monster: Lung Wang (Sea Dragon).
Lupinal - Monsters: Guardinals.
Lurker Above - Monster: Lurker Above.
Lycosidilith - Monsters: Spyder-Fiends.
Lystrosaurus - Monster: Lystrosaurus.

Madcrafter of Thoon - Monster: Madcrafter of Thoon.
Maedar - Monsters: Medusas.
Magma Paraelemental - Monster: Magma Paraelemental.
Magmin - Monster: Magmin.
Malebranche - Monster: Malebranche.
Malenti - Monsters: Sahuagins.
Malwrath - Monsters: Cacodemons.
Man-Eater - Monsters: Manticores.
Marine Scrag - Monsters: Trolls.
Marraenoloth - Monsters: Yugoloths.
Marrash - Monsters: M-Monsters.
Marut - Monster: Marut.
Mature Nabassu - Monsters: Demons V.
Maur (Hunched Giant) - Monsters: Faerunian Giants.
Maurezhi - Monsters: Demons III.
Medusa Animus Shade - Lens/Monster: Animus Shade.
Meenlock - Monsters: M-Monsters.
Megalodon - Monsters: M-Monsters.
Menta Cyclopean - Monsters: Cyclopes.
Mercury Dragon - Monster: Mercury Dragon.
Merfolk Warrior - Racial Template: Merfolk.
Messenger Monodrone - Monsters: Modrons.
Metalmaster - Monster: Metalmaster.
Mezzikim - Monsters: Devils VII.
Midnight Construct - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells.
Mighty Gorgon - Monsters: Gorgons.
Milesian Spearman - Racial Templates/NPCs: Humans of Dominions.
Mimic - Monster: Mimic.
Mind Flayer (Illithid) - Monsters: Mind Flayers (Illithids).
Mind Flayer Sorcerer - Monsters: Mind Flayers (Illithids).
Mind Flayer Vampire - Monster: Mind Flayer Vampire.
Mind Worm - Monster: Mind Worm.
Mindwitness (Half-Illithid Beholder) - Monster: Mindwitness (Half-Illithid Beholder).
Mineral Quasi-Elemental - Monster: Mineral Quasi-Elemental.
Minicore - Monsters: Manticores.
Minotaur - Monster: Minotaur.
Minotaur of Legend - Monsters: M-Monsters.
Minotaur Zombie - Monsters: Zombies.
Mist Dragon - Monster: Mist Dragon.
Mnemonicus - Monsters: Illithid Symbionts.
Mnemor - Monster: Mnemor.
Mohrg - Monster: Mohrg
Molydeus - Monsters: Demons V.
Monodrone - Monsters: Modrons.
Monstrous Centipede - Monsters: Monstrous Centipedes.
Monstrous Crab - Monsters: Monstrous Crabs.
Monstrous Diving Spider - Monsters: Monstrous Diving Spiders.
Monstrous Hunter Spider - Monsters: Monstrous Spiders.
Monstrous Scorpion - Monsters: Monstrous Scorpions.
Monstrous Web-Spinner Spider - Monsters: Monstrous Spiders.
Moonbeast - Monsters: M-Monsters.
Moonrat - Monsters: Rats II.
Mosasaur - Monsters: Dire Aquatic Animals.
Mountain Dwarf Crossbowman - Monsters/NPCs: Dwarves.
Mountain Giant - Monsters: More Giants.
Mountain Wemic - Monsters: Assorted Faerun Monsters IX.
Mozgriken (Half-Illithid Svirfneblin) - Monster: Mozgriken (Half-Illithid Svirfneblin).
Muckdweller - Monster: Muckdweller.
Mudman - Monster: Mudman.
Mummified Ogre - Monsters: Libris Mortis Lenses I.
Mummy - Monsters: Mummies.
Mummy Lord - Monsters: Mummies.
Mur-Zhagul (Demon Troll) - Monsters: Unapproachable East Trolls.
Mustard Jelly - Monster: Mustard Jelly.
Muuch - Racial Templates/NPCs: Zotz and Muuch.
Myconid Average Worker - Monsters: Myconids.
Myconid Circle Leader - Monsters: Myconids.
Myconid Elder Worker - Monsters: Myconids.
Myconid Guard - Monsters: Myconids.
Myconid Junior Worker - Monsters: Myconids.
Myconid Sovereign - Monsters: Myconids.
Mystaran Ruby Dragon - Monster: Mystaran Ruby Dragon.

Nalfeshnee - Monster: Nalfeshnee.
Narzugon - Monsters: Devils IV.
Nasthrapur - Monsters: Demons VII.
Necromancer Knuckles - Monsters: Hands and Arms.
Necropolitan Human Cultist - Monsters: Libris Mortis Lenses II.
Needlefolk - Monster: Needlefolk.
Neh-Thalggu (Brain Collector) - Monster: Neh-Thalggu (Brain Collector).
Neogi - Monsters: Neogi.
Neogi Defiler - Monsters: Neogi.
Neogi Slavemaster - Monsters: Neogi.
Neogi Sorcerer - Monsters: Neogi.
Neogi Spawn - Monsters: Neogi.
Neothelid - Monster: Neothelid.
Neothelid Overlord - Monster: Neothelid Overlord.
Nereid - Monsters: Stormwrack Monsters III.
Nerve Swimmers - Monster: Nerve Swimmers.
Nessian Warhound - Monsters: Hell Hounds.
Night Dragon - Monster: Night Dragon.
Night Hag - Monster: Night Hag.
Night Hunter - Monsters: Deep Bats.
Nightcrawler - Monster: Nightcrawler.
Nightmare - Monsters: Nightmares.
Nightmare Beast - Monsters: Monster Manual II Leftovers I.
Nightmare Imp - Monsters: Imps.
Nightwalker - Monster: Nightwalker.
Nightwing - Monster: Nightwing.
Nilshai - Monster: Nilshai.
Nishruu - Monsters: Assorted Faerun Monsters VII.
Nixie - Monsters: Sprites.
Noble Djinni - Monsters: Djinn.
Noble Salamander - Monsters: Salamanders.
Nonaton - Monsters: Modrons.
Nupperibo - Monsters: Devils IV.
Nymph - Monster: Nymph.
Nyraala Golem - Monster: Nyraala Golem.
Obsidian Werejaguar - Lenses/Monsters: More Lycanthropes.
Ocean Giant - Monsters: More Giants.
Ocean Strider - Monsters: O-Monsters.
Ochre Jelly - Monsters: Ooze.
Octon - Monsters: Modrons.
Octopin - Monster: Octopin.
Odontogriphus - Monsters: Random Animals.
Ogre Acid Zombie - Monster/Lens: Acid Zombie.
Ogre Barbarian - Monsters/NPCs: Ogres.
Ogre Mage - Monster: Ogre Mage.
Ogre Tribesman - Monsters/NPCs: Ogres.
Ogre Zombie - Monsters: Zombies.
Olive Slime - Monster: Olive Slime.
Ooze Paraelemental - Monster: Ooze Paraelemental.
Otyugh - Monster: Otyugh.
Owl Archon - Monsters: Archons II.
Owlbear - Monster: Owlbear.
Owlbear Skeleton - Monsters: Skeletons.

Pack Lizard - Monsters: Lizards.
Paeliryon - Monsters: Devils III.
Pain Devil (Excruciarch) - Monsters: Devils II.
Painajai - Monster: Painajai.
Pale Flenser - Monster: Pale Flenser.
Palimpsest - Monster: Palimpsest.
Palrethee - Monsters: Demons.
Pan Lung (Coiled Dragon) - Monster: Pan Lung (Coiled Dragon).
Paragon Mind Flayer - Lens/Monster: Paragon Creature/Paragon Mind Flayer.
Pegasus - Monster: Pegasus.
Peltast - Monsters: Peltasts.
Pentadrone - Monsters: Modrons.
Pest Swarm - Monster: Pest Swarm.
Petrifying Head - Monster: Dullahan.
Phaerlin Giant - Monsters: Faerunian Giants.
Phantom Fungus - Monster: Phantom Fungus.
Phase Spider - Monster: Phase Spider.
Pit Fiend - Monster: Pit Fiend.
Plague Blight - Monsters: Libris Mortis Undead IV.
Planetar - Monsters: Angels.
Plated Artila - Monsters: Artilas.
Plated Clawbug - Monsters: Clawbugs.
Platinum Horror - Monsters: Clockwork Horrors.
Pleasure Devil (Brachina) - Monsters: Devils IV.
Polar Karkanak - Monsters: Crab People.
Polluted Water Elemental - Monster: Polluted Water Elemental.
Protectar - Monster: Protectar.
Pseudodragon - Monster: Pseudodragon.
Pseudonatural Hippogriff - Lens/Monster: Pseudonatural Creature/Pseudonatural Hippogriff.
Psicrystal - Powers: Psicrystals.
Psion-Killer - Monster: Psion-Killer.
Psionic Elemental - Monster: Psionic Elemental.
Psurlon, Average - Monsters: Psurlons.
Pulverizer - Monsters: Automatons.
Puppeteer - Monsters: Puppeteers.
Purple Worm - Monster: Purple Worm.
Pyroroamer - Monsters: Roamers.

Quadrone - Monsters: Modrons.
Quaggoth War Leader - Monsters: Underdark Monsters/Races.
Quarton - Monsters: Modrons.
Quasit - Monster: Quasit.
Quinton - Monsters: Modrons.

Radiance Quasi-Elemental - Monster: Radiance Quasi-Elemental.
Rainbow Dragon - Monster: Rainbow Dragon.
Raklupis - Monsters: Spyder-Fiends.
Rakshasa - Monster: Rakshasa.
Rat - Monsters: Rats.
Rat Swarm - Monsters: Swarms.
Rattelyr Dragon - Monster: Rattelyr Dragon.
Raven - Monsters: Dogs and Birds.
Ravid - Monster: Ravid.
Razor Boar - Monster: Razor Boar.
Reason Stealer - Monsters: R-Monsters.
Red Abishai - Monsters: Abishais.
Red Dragon - Monster: Red Dragon.
Red Ethergaunt - Monsters: Ethergaunts.
Red Neo-Orog - Monsters: Orcish Halfbreeds.
Red Slaad - Monster: Red Slaad.
Red Sundew - Monsters: R-Monsters.
Revived Fossil Megaraptor - Monsters: Libris Mortis Lenses II.
Rhinoceros - Monsters: Rhinoceroses.
Riding Dog - Monsters: Dogs and Birds.
Riding Lizard - Monsters: Lizards.
Ripper - Monster: Ripper.
Roamer - Monsters: Roamers.
Roc - Monster: Roc.
Rock Gnome Warrior - Monsters/NPCs: Gnomes.
Rock Reptile - Monster: Rock Reptile.
Rogue Eidolon - Monsters: R-Monsters.
Roper - Monster: Roper.
Rukarazyll - Monsters: R-Monsters.
Runic Guardian - Monsters: R-Monsters.
Rutterkin - Monsters: Vile Demons.

Sahuagin - Monsters: Sahuagins.
Sahuagin Mutant - Monsters: Sahuagins.
Salt Quasi-Elemental - Monster: Salt Quasi-Elemental.
Saltor - Monsters: Illithidae.
Sand Dragon - Monster: Sand Dragon.
Sand Giant - Monster: Sand Giant.
Sand Giant Champion - Monster: Sand Giant.
Sapphire Dragon - Monster: Sapphire Dragon.
Sartani - Monsters: Crab People.
Satyr - Monster: Satyr.
Savage Cryoa - Monsters: Fyoras and Cryoas.
Savage Yaggol - Monsters: Yaggol.
Scalos - Monsters: Magens.
Scorpicore - Monsters: Manticores.
Scorpionfolk - Monster: Scorpionfolk.
Scrag - Monsters: Trolls.
Scum Creeper - Monster: Scum Creeper.
Scyllan - Monsters: Stormwrack Monsters IV.
Scyther of Thoon - Monster: Scyther of Thoon.
Sea Cat - Monster: Sea Cat.
Sea Hag - Monster: Sea Hag.
Sea Snake - Monsters: Sea Snakes.
Sea-Dasher Octopus - Monster: Sea-Dasher Octopus.
Searing Artila - Monsters: Artilas.
Secundus - Monsters: Modrons.
Seismosaurus - Monsters: Dinosaurs.
Sepulchral Thief - Lens/Monster: Sepulchral Thief.
Serpentine Owl - Treasure: Figurines of Wondrous Power.
Seugathi - Monster: Seugathi.
Seugathi Savant - Monster: Seugathi Savant.
Serval (Savannah Wildcat) - Monsters: Felines.
Shadow - Monster: Shadow.
Shadow Demon - Monsters: Vile Demons.
Shadow Dragon - Monster: Shadow Dragon.
Shadow Drake - Monster: Shadow Drake.
Shadow Eft - Monster: Shadow Eft.
Shadow Elemental - Monster: Shadow Elemental.
Shadow Flayer - Monster: Shadow Flayer.
Shadow Giant - Monsters: Fiend Folio Giants.
Shadow Mastiff - Monster: Shadow Mastiff.
Shadow Spider - Monsters: S-Monsters.
Shadow-Walker Human Rogue - Monsters/Lenses: Unapproachable East Lenses I.
Shadurakul - Monsters: Canomorphs.
Shark-Kin - Monster: Shark-Kin.
Sheet Phantom - Monsters: Sheet Phantom and Sheet Ghoul.
Shen Lung (Spirit Dragon) - Monster: Shen Lung (Spirit Dragon).
Shield Guardian - Monster: Shield Guardian.
Shimmering Wrath - Monster: Shimmering Wrath.
Shrapnyl - Monsters: Raggamoffyns.
Shrieker - Monsters: Fungi.
Shrieking Hag - Monsters: Unapproachable East Hags.
Shock Trall - Monsters: War Tralls.
Shocker Lizard - Monster: Shocker Lizard.
Sibriex - Monster: Obyriths.
Sibyllic Guardian - Monster: Sibyllic Guardian.
Siege Golem - Monster: Siege Golem.
Silent Carapace - Monsters: Illithid Symbionts.
Sillit - Monsters: Nerra.
Silver Dragon - Monster: Silver Dragon.
Sinister - Monsters: Deep Bats.
Skeletal Mature Adult Black Dragon - Monsters/Lenses: Lesser Undead Dragons.
Slag Giant - Monster: Slag Giant.
Slaymate - Monsters: Libris Mortis Undead VI.
Slippery Carapace - Monsters: Illithid Symbionts.
Slithering Tracker - Monster: Slithering Tracker.
Sliver (MTG) - Monsters: Slivers.
Smilodon (Saber-Toothed Tiger) - Monsters: Felines.
Smoke Paraelemental - Monster: Smoke Paraelemental.
Snapping Turtle - Monsters: Aquatic Animals.
Solar - Monsters: Angels.
Song Dragon - Monster: Song Dragon.
Soulfused Flesh Golem - Monsters/Lenses: Incarnum Lenses.
Soulspark - Monster: Soulspark.
Spark Guardian - Monsters: Guardian Familiars.
Spawn of Kyuss - Monsters: More Undead.
Spectral Cacodemon - Monsters: Cacodemons.
Spectral Savant - Monster: Spectral Savant.
Spectral Vlish - Monsters: Vlish.
Spectre - Monster: Spectre.
Spell Weaver - Monsters: S-Monsters.
Sphere - Monsters: Aoa.
Spider Eater - Monster: Spider Eater.
Spiked Felldrake - Monsters: Felldrakes.
Spined Devil (Spinagon) - Monsters: Devils V.
Spinosaurus - Monsters: Dinosaurs.
Spirit of the Air - Monster: Spirit of the Air.
Spirit of the Land - Monsters: S-Monsters.
Spirit-Ghoul - Monsters: Demons VII.
Spitting Crawler - Monsters: Lizards.
Spitting Felldrake - Monsters: Felldrakes.
Spirit Naga - Monster: Spirit Naga.
Squid - Monsters: Cephalopods.
Stained Glass Golem - Monsters: Golems.
Steam Quasi-Elemental - Monster: Steam Quasi-Elemental.
Steel Devil (Bueroza) - Monsters: Devils V.
Steel Dragon - Monster: Steel Dragon.
Stingtail - Monsters: Asabis.
Stirge - Monster: Stirge.
Stitched Devil - Monsters: Monster Manual V Devils.
Stone Courser - Treasure: S-Items II.
Stone Destrier - Treasure: S-Items II.
Stone Drake - Monsters: Creatures of Stone.
Stone Giant - Monster: Stone Giant.
Stone Giant Elder - Monster: Stone Giant.
Stone Golem - Monsters: Stone Golems.
Stone Spike - Monsters: S-Monsters.
Stony Devil (Mineral Warrior Hamatula) - Monster: Stony Devil (Mineral Warrior Hamatula).
Storm Elemental - Monster: Storm Elemental.
Storm Giant - Monster: Storm Giant.
Stormcloud of Thoon - Monster: Stormcloud of Thoon.
Strongarm Carpace - Monsters: Illithid Symbionts.
Sun Giant - Monsters: More Giants.
Surface Rothe - Monsters: Faerun Monsters.
Svathurim - Monster: Svathurim.
Svirfneblin Warrior - Monsters/NPCs: Gnomes.
Swamp Artila - Monsters: Artilas.
Swamplight Lynx - Monsters: S-Monsters.
Sword Archon - Monsters: Archons II.
Synesis - Monster: Synesis.

Taint Elemental - Monster: Taint Elemental.
Tall Mouther - Monsters: Shining South Monsters.
Tallfellow Sneak - Monsters/NPCs: Halflings.
Tatterdemanimal - Monsters: Raggamoffyns.
Tauric Hobgoblin-Griffon - Monsters: T-Monsters.
Tempestan - Monsters: Elemental Stewards.
Temporal Filcher - Monster: Temporal Filcher.
Tendriculos - Monster: Tendriculos.
Tentamort - Monster: Tentamort.
Teratomorph - Monsters: T-Monsters.
Terror Vlish - Monsters: Vlish.
Tertian - Monsters: Modrons.
Thahd - Monsters: Thahds.
Thahd Shade - Monsters: Thahds.
The Thing from the Lake - Monster: The Thing from the Lake.
Thomil Earth Elemental - Monsters/Lenses: Unapproachable East Lenses II.
Thoon Disciple - Monster/NPC: Thoon Disciple.
Thoon Elder Brain - Monster: Thoon Elder Brain.
Thoon Hulk - Monster: Thoon Hulk.
Thoon Infiltrator - Monster: Thoon Infiltrator.
Thoon Soldier - Monster: Thoon Soldier.
Thoon Thrall - Lens/Monster: Thoon Thrall.
Thoqqua - Monster: Thoqqua.
Thought Eater - Monsters: Thought Eaters.
Thought Slayer - Monsters: Thought Eaters.
Thri-Kreen - Monster: Thri-Kreen.
Throne Archon - Monsters: Archons III.
Thunder Wolf - Monster: Thunder Wolf.
T'ien Lung (Celestial Dragon) - Monster: T'ien Lung (Celestial Dragon).
Titan - Monster: Titan.
Titanic Toad - Monsters: T-Monsters.
Toad - Monsters: Assorted Animals.
Tojanida - Monster: Tojanida.
Topaz Dragon - Monster: Topaz Dragon.
Tortle Warrior - Monsters: Turtlemen.
Totem Giant - Monsters: Incarnum Monsters.
Trapper - Monster: Trapper.
Treant - Monster: Treant.
Tribute Gatherer (Culota) - Monsters: Demons VII.
Tridrone - Monsters: Modrons.
Triton - Monster: Triton.
Triton (Dominions) - Racial Templates/NPCs: Aquatic Races of Dominions.
Troglodyte - Monster: Troglodyte.
Troglodyte Zombie - Monsters: Zombies.
Troll - Monsters: Trolls.
Troll Hunter - Monsters: Trolls.
Troll Necrocarnum Zombie - Lens/Monsters: Necrocarnum Zombies.
Troll Skeleton - Monsters: Skeletons.
Truly Horrid Umber Hulk - Monster: Umber Hulk.
Trumpet Archon - Monsters: Archons.
Tsochar - Monster: Tsochar.
Tsochar Strand - Monster: Tsochar.
Tun Mi Lung (Typhoon Dragon) - Monster: Tun Mi Lung (Typhoon Dragon).
Turtleman Warrior - Monsters: Turtlemen.
Twig Blight - Monster: Twig Blight.
Two-Headed Adder - Monsters: Faerun Monsters.
Tyrantfog Zombie - Monsters: Assorted Faerun Monsters IX.
Tzakandi (Half-Illithid Lizardfolk) - Monster: Tzakandi (Half-Illithid Lizardfolk).

Uchuulon (Slime Chuul) - Monster: Uchuulon (Slime Chuul).
Udoroot - Monster: Udoroot.
Uinuja - Monster: Uinuja.
Ulitharid - Monster: Ulitharid.
Umber Hulk - Monster: Umber Hulk.
Umber Hulk Zombie - Monsters: Zombies.
Umbral Displacer Beast - Monsters: Libris Mortis Lenses II.
Unbodied - Monster: Unbodied.
Unbound - Monsters: Drayks.
Unicorn - Monsters: Unicorns.
Unstable Firebolt - Monsters: Wingbolts.
Unstable Thahd - Monsters: Thahds.
Uobilyth (Aerial Aboleth) - Monsters: Aboleths.
Ur-Drakon - Monsters: Drayks.
Ur-Glaahk - Monsters: Glaahks.

Vaath - Monster: Vaath.
Vaati - Monster: Vaati.
Vacuum Quasi-Elemental - Monster: Vacuum Quasi-Elemental.
Vampire Bat - Monsters: Bats.
Vampire Spawn - Lens/Monsters: Vampires.
Vampire Squid - Monster: Vampire Squid.
Vampiric Ixitxachitl - Monsters: Ixitxachitl.
Varoot - Monsters: Nerra.
Vayuphak - Monster: Vayuphak.
Venomous Artila - Monsters: Artilas.
Vilewight - Monsters: Vile Undead.
Violet Fungus - Monsters: Fungi.
Vivacious Dire Tiger - Lens/Monster: Vivacious Creature.
Vultivor - Monsters: Canomorphs.

Walking Statue of Waterdeep - Monsters: Faerun Constructs.
Wall-Walker - Monster: Wall-Walker.
War Bat - Monsters: Bats.
War Pony - Monsters: Assorted Animals.
War Trall - Monsters: War Tralls.
Warden Archon - Monsters: Archons III.
Water Element Tiger - Monsters: Element Creatures.
Water Elemental - Monster: Water Elemental.
Water Elementite Swarm - Monsters: Elementite Swarms.
Water Gen - Sorcery: Sha'ir Spellcasting.
Water Mephit - Monster: Water Mephit.
Water Monolith - Monsters: Elemental Monoliths.
Water Naga - Monster: Water Naga.
Waterveiled Assassin (Water Avatar) - Monsters: Avatars of Elemental Evil.
Weasel - Monsters: Weasels.
Wheep - Monster: Wheep.
White Abishai - Monsters: Abishais.
White Dragon - Monster: White Dragon.
White Ethergaunt - Monsters: Ethergaunts.
White Pudding - Monsters: Ooze.
Wight - Monster: Wight.
Wild Elf Berserker - Monsters/NPCs: Elves II.
Will-o'-wisp - Monster: Will-o'-wisp.
Wingbolt - Monsters: Wingbolts.
Winged Quadrone - Monsters: Modrons.
Winged Viper - Monsters: Faerun Monsters.
Wood Element Leopard - Monsters: Element Creatures.
Wood Elf Archer - Monsters/NPCs: Elves II.
Wood Elf Lythari - Lenses/Monsters: Lycanthropes.
Wooly Karkanak - Monsters: Crab People.
Woolly Mammoth - Monsters: Elephants and Lizards.
Worg - Monster: Worg.
Worg Necrocarnum Zombie - Lens/Monsters: Necrocarnum Zombies.
Wortling - Monsters: O-Monsters.
Wrackspawn - Monsters: More Demonic Foes.
Wraith - Monsters: Wraiths.
Wraith Spider - Monsters: Wraith Spiders.
Xixecal - Monster: Xixecal.
Xorn - Monster: Xorn.
Xvart Warrior - Monster/Racial Template: Xvart.

Yagnoloth - Monsters: Yugoloths.
Yochlol - Monsters: Demons V.
Young Adult Red Dragon Skeleton - Monsters: Skeletons.
Yrthak - Monster: Yrthak.
Yu Lung (Carp Dragon) - Monster: Yu Lung (Carp Dragon).
Yuan-Ti Abomination - Monsters: Yuan-Ti.
Yuan-Ti Broodguard - Monsters/Lenses: Faerunian Lenses.
Yuan-Ti Halfblood - Monsters: Yuan-Ti.
Yuan-Ti Pureblood - Monsters: Yuan-Ti.
Yuan-Ti Tainted One - Monsters/Lenses: Faerunian Lenses.
Zaratanling - Monsters: Turtlemen.
Zeitgeist - Monster: Zeitgeist.
Zelekhut - Monster: Zelekhut.
Zombie Young Adult White Dragon - Monsters/Lenses: Lesser Undead Dragons.
Zovvut - Monsters: Demons.


Acid Zombie - Monster/Lens: Acid Zombie.
Aleax - Lens: Aleax.
Alter Ego - Lens/Monster: Alter Ego.
Anarchic Creature - Lens/Monsters: Anarchic Creature.
Axiomatic Creature - Lens/Monsters: Axiomatic Creatures.
Bleak One - Monster: Gray Jester.
Bloodthirsty Zombie - Lenses: Libris Mortis Lenses III.
Dread Echohusk - Monsters/Lenses: Echohusks.
Good Lich - Lenses: Lich Variants.
Half-Earth Elemental - Lenses/Monsters: Half-Elementals.
Half-Fire Elemental - Lenses/Monsters: Half-Elementals.
Half-Vampire - Monsters: Half-Undead.
Half-Water Elemental - Lenses/Monsters: Half-Elementals.
Lightning Skeleton - Lenses: Libris Mortis Lenses III.
Lolth-Touched Creature - Lens/Monsters: Lolth-Touched Creatures.
Mystaran Hollow World Jaguar - Lenses/Monsters: More Lycanthropes.
Necrocarnum Zombie - Lens/Monsters: Necrocarnum Zombies.
Sepulchral Thief - Lens/Monster: Sepulchral Thief.
Shadow Creature - Monsters/Lens: Shadow Creature.
Slime Creature - Monster: Olive Slime.
Swarmform Vampire - Lenses: Libris Mortis Lenses III.
Zombie Dragon - Monsters/Lenses: Lesser Undead Dragons.

Racial Templates

Aarakocra - Monster: Aarakocra.
Aleithian Dwarf - Racial Templates: Dwarves.
Aquatic Dwarf - Racial Templates: Dwarves.
Aquatic Gnome - Racial Templates: Gnomes.
Aquatic Goblin - Racial Templates: Goblinoids.
Aquatic Half-Elf - Racial Templates: Half-Elves.
Aquatic Half-Orc - Racial Templates: Half-Orcs.
Aquatic Halfling - Racial Templates: Halflings.
Aquatic Human - Racial Templates: Humans.
Aquatic Kobold - Racial Templates: Kobolds.
Aquatic Orc - Racial Templates: Orcs.
Avariel (Winged Elf) - Racial Templates: Elves.
Badger Hengeyokai - Racial Templates: Hengeyokai.
Badlands Dwarf - Racial Templates: Dwarves.
Black Neo-Orog - Monsters: Orcish Halfbreeds.
Blackscale Lizardfolk - Racial Templates: Lizardfolk.
Blackshell - Monsters: Turtlemen.
Bladeback - Monsters: Saurials.
Brute Crocodilian - Racial Templates: Lizardfolk.
Carp Hengeyokai - Racial Templates: Hengeyokai.
Cat Hengeyokai - Racial Templates: Hengeyokai.
Chameleon Man (Wallara) - Racial Templates: Lizardfolk.
Chaos Gnome - Racial Templates: Gnomes.
Crab Hengeyokai - Racial Templates: Hengeyokai.
Crane Hengeyokai - Racial Templates: Hengeyokai.
Crypt Kobold - Racial Templates: Kobolds.
Deep Halfling - Racial Templates: Halflings.
Deepwyrm Drow - Racial Templates: Elves.
Deepwyrm Half-Drow - Racial Templates: Half-Elves.
Desert Cyclops - Monsters: Cyclopes.
Desert Dwarf - Racial Templates: Dwarves.
Desert Gnome - Racial Templates: Gnomes.
Desert Half-Elf - Racial Templates: Half-Elves.
Desert Half-Orc - Racial Templates: Half-Orcs.
Desert Halfling - Racial Templates: Halflings.
Desert Kobold - Racial Templates: Kobolds.
Desert Orc - Racial Templates: Orcs.
Dog Hengeyokai - Racial Templates: Hengeyokai.
Dragonwrought Kobold - Racial Templates: Kobolds.
Drow (Dark Elf) - Racial Templates: Elves.
Duergar (Gray Dwarf) - Racial Templates: Dwarves.
Duskling - Monsters: Dusklings.
Dust Quasigenasi - Racial Templates: Planetouched.
Earth Kobold - Racial Templates: Kobolds.
Empty Vessel - Racial Templates: Humans.
Faun - Monster: Faun.
Feral-Kind Cyclopean - Monsters: Cyclopes.
Feytouched - Monster: Feytouched.
Finhead - Monsters: Saurials.
Fire Hobgoblin - Racial Templates: Goblinoids.
Fireblood Dwarf - Racial Templates: Dwarves.
Forest Gnome - Racial Templates: Gnomes.
Forestkith Goblin - Racial Templates: Goblinoids.
Forestlord Elf - Racial Templates: Elves.
Forestlord Half-Elf - Racial Templates: Half-Elves.
Forgeborn Dwarf - Racial Templates: Dwarves.
Fox Hengeyokai - Racial Templates: Hengeyokai.
Frostblood Half-Orc - Racial Templates: Half-Orcs.
Frostblood Orc - Racial Templates: Orcs.
Ghostwise Halfling - Racial Templates: Halflings.
Glacier Dwarf - Racial Templates: Dwarves.
Glimmerskin Halfling - Racial Templates: Halflings.
Hardshell - Monsters: Turtlemen.
Hare Hengeyokai - Racial Templates: Hengeyokai.
Hornhead - Monsters: Saurials.
Hueleneaer (Desert Centaur) - Racial Templates: Centaurs.
Illaeli Elf - Racial Templates: Elves.
Island Iguanid - Racial Templates: Lizardfolk.
Jungle Dwarf - Racial Templates: Dwarves.
Jungle Gnome - Racial Templates: Gnomes.
Jungle Half-Elf - Racial Templates: Half-Elves.
Jungle Half-Orc - Racial Templates: Half-Orcs.
Jungle Halfling - Racial Templates: Halflings.
Jungle Kobold - Racial Templates: Kobolds.
Jungle Orc - Racial Templates: Orcs.
Lesser Cyclops - Monsters: Cyclopes.
Lightfoot Halfling - Racial Templates: Halflings.
Lightning Quasigenasi - Racial Templates: Planetouched.
Magma Paragenasi - Racial Templates: Planetouched.
Master Crocodilian - Racial Templates: Lizardfolk.
Menta Cyclopean - Monsters: Cyclopes.
Midgard Dwarf - Racial Templates: Dwarves.
Mineral Quasigenasi - Racial Templates: Planetouched.
Monkey Hengeyokai - Racial Templates: Hengeyokai.
Mountain Dwarf - Racial Templates: Dwarves.
Mountain Orc - Racial Templates: Orcs.
Neanderthal - Racial Templates: Humans.
Nomadic Centaur - Racial Templates: Centaurs.
Ogre Umbramage - Racial Templates: Ogres.
Ooze Paragenasi - Racial Templates: Planetouched.
Orog (Deep Orc) - Racial Templates: Orcs.
Painted Elf - Racial Templates: Elves.
Poison Dusk Lizardfolk - Racial Templates: Lizardfolk.
Raccoon Dog Hengeyokai - Racial Templates: Hengeyokai.
Radiance Quasigenasi - Racial Templates: Planetouched.
Rat Hengeyokai - Racial Templates: Hengeyokai.
River Gnome - Racial Templates: Gnomes.
Rockseer Elf - Racial Templates: Elves.
Salt Quasigenasi - Racial Templates: Planetouched.
Saqualaminoi - Racial Templates: Ogres.
Scablands Half-Orc - Racial Templates: Half-Orcs.
Seacliff Dwarf - Racial Templates: Dwarves.
Shield Dwarf - Racial Templates: Dwarves.
Shoal Halfling - Racial Templates: Halflings.
Silverbrow Human - Racial Templates: Humans.
Skullcrusher Ogre - Racial Templates: Ogres.
Smoke Paragenasi - Racial Templates: Planetouched.
Sparrow Hengeyokai - Racial Templates: Hengeyokai.
Steam Quasigenasi - Racial Templates: Planetouched.
Stonefire Dwarf - Racial Templates: Dwarves.
Stonehunter Gnome - Racial Templates: Gnomes.
Strongheart Halfling - Racial Templates: Halflings.
Sunscorch Hobgoblin - Racial Templates: Goblinoids.
Svirfneblin (Deep Gnome) - Racial Templates: Gnomes.
Tinker Gnome - Racial Templates: Gnomes.
Tundra Halfling - Racial Templates: Halflings.
Turtleman - Monsters: Turtlemen.
Umbragen (Shadow Elf) - Racial Templates: Elves.
Vacuum Quasigenasi - Racial Templates: Planetouched.
Venusian Lizardfolk - Racial Templates: Lizardfolk.
Viletooth Lizardfolk - Racial Templates: Lizardfolk.
Water Half-Orc - Racial Templates: Half-Orcs.
Water Halfling - Racial Templates: Halflings.
Wavecrest Gnome - Racial Templates: Gnomes.
Weasel Hengeyokai - Racial Templates: Hengeyokai.
Whisper Gnome - Racial Templates: Gnomes.
Wild Halfling - Racial Templates: Halflings.
Zaratanling - Monsters: Turtlemen.


  1. I always look here on your site when looking for GUPRS stats for a DnD monster I need for my game. I was surprised recently when I could not find the one I was looking for. If you ever need a new monster to stat up, the good ole Thoul could use your GURPS-ified touch.

    1. Ah, but I do have a racial template lying about, just not as a proper statblock. There it is:

      THOUL [77] (Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia)
      Attributes: ST+2 [20]; IQ-1 [-20]; HT+2 [20].
      Advantages: DR 1 (Tough Skin, -40%) [3]; Discriminatory Smell [15]; Infravision [10]; Regeneration (Slow) [10]; Sharp Claws [5]; Silence 1 [5].
      Paralysis: Affliction 1 (Follow-Up, Sharp Claws, +0%; Paralysis, +150%; Reduced Duration, 1/60; -35%) [23].
      Disadvantages: Appearance (Unattractive) [-4]; Bad Temper (15) [-5]; Callous [-5].

  2. This is by far the best collection of GURPS monsters online.
    Did these ever get collected as a single PDF or whatever? Would be nice to have these available offline for random encounter purposes.

    Also suggestion: Giant Crayfish. I was running Village of Hommlet in GURPS and was surprised to not be able to find any stats for any sort of giant crustacean with big claws anywhere.

    1. Thank you! As of this moment, most of these entires require another revision. The "more-or-less final" revised versions are indeed compiled into PDFs. You can check out the first volume of my Monstrous Compendium by following a link at the top right part of the page.
