Monster: Pit Fiend

Pit Fiend [Monster Manual, page 57]
Attribute Modifiers: ST+22 (Size Modifier, -20%) [176]; DX+2 [40]; IQ+4 [80]; HT+5 [50].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM+2; Will+2 [10]; Basic Move +1 [5].
Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15]; DR 7 (Flexible, -20%) [28]; Dark Vision [25]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Flight (Cannot Hover, -15%; Winged, -25%) [24] Immunity to Poison [15]; Magic Resistance 4 (Improved, +150%) [20]; Regeneration (Fast; Bane, Holy Weapons, -10%) [45]; Sharp Claws [5]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Telesend (Magical, -10%; Universal, +50%) [42]; Unaging [15].
Fear Aura: Terror (Magical, -10%; Presence, +25%) [35].
Devil Chills: Toxic Attack 1d-1 (Cyclic, 1 day, 6 cycles, Resistible, +25%; Follow-Up, Bite, +0%; Onset, 4 days, -30%; Resistible, HT-3, -15%; Symptoms, 2/3 HP, -3 ST, +15%) [3].
Poison: Toxic Attack 1d-1 (Cyclic, 1 hour, 3 cycles, Resistible, +20%; Follow-Up, Bite, +0%; Resistible, HT-5, -5%; Symptoms, 1/3 HP, -3 HT, +45%; Symptoms, 2/3 HP, -4 HT, +20%) [6].
Fire Resistance [60]: DR 20 (Includes Eyes, +10%; Includes Internal, +20%; Limited, Fire, -40%; Tough Skin, -40%) [50] + Immunity to Noxious Fire Effects [10].
Spell-Like Abilities (Alternative Abilities) [130]:
Burning Hands 6 [48/5=10];
Complex Illusion 1 [42/5=9] – see GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery, page 18;
Dispel Magic 1 [60/5=12] - see GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery, p. 21;
Fireball 3 [12/5=3] – see Pyramid #3-63, page 8;
Mass Daze 1 [39/5=8];
Personal Invisibility [66];
Power Word: Stun [26/5=6];
Remove Curse [65/5=13] - see GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery, p. 21;
Zombie [15/5=3].
Disadvantages: Appearance (Monstrous) [-20]; Callous [-5]; Selfish (9) [-7]; Social Stigma (Monster) [-15]; Vulnerability (Holy Weapons, x2) [-10]; Vulnerability (Silver, x2) [-10].
Perks: Axiomatic Touch [1]; Scales [1]; Unholy Touch [1].
Creature Type: Outsider (Baatezu, Evil, Lawful).
Knowing Your Own Strength [730] |
Typical Stats
ST: |
32 (KYOS: 23) |
HP: |
32 (KYOS: 23) |
Speed: |
7 |
DX: |
13 |
Will: |
16 |
Move: |
8 ground, 14 air (cannot hover) |
IQ: |
14 |
Per: |
14 |
HT: |
15 |
FP: |
15 |
SM: |
+2 |
Dodge: |
11 |
Parry: |
12 (unarmed) |
DR: |
7*; 20 (vs. fire) |
Sharp Teeth (18): thrust 4d-1 cutting (KYOS: 4d+2 cutting) + follow-up 1d-1 toxic (onset 4 days, 6 1-day cycles; Resisted with HT-3; Symptoms – -3 to ST at 2/3 HP) + follow-up 1d-1 toxic (resisted by HT-5, 3 1-hour cycles, -3 HT after losing 1/3 HP, -4 HT after losing 2/3 HP), Reach C.
Fear Aura: The pit fiend can take a Ready maneuver to project an aura of fear. Everyone within 10 yards of the pit fiend must roll an immediate Fright Check (p. B360). If a victim succeeds at his Fright Check, he will be unaffected by this pit fiend’s Fear Aura for one hour.
Spell-Like Abilities (Alternative Abilities):
Burning Hands 6 (18);
Complex Illusion 1 – see GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery, page 18;
Dispel Magic 1 (16) - see GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery, p. 21;
Fireball 3 (18) – see Pyramid #3-63, page 8;
Mass Daze 1 (16);
Personal Invisibility;
Power Word: Stun (16);
Remove Curse (16) - see GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery, p. 21;
Traits: Appearance (Monstrous); Axiomatic Touch; Callous; Combat Reflexes; Dark Vision; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Extra Attack 2; Immunity to Noxious Fire Effects; Immunity to Poison; Magic Resistance 4 (Improved); Regeneration (Fast; Bane, Holy Weapons); Scales; Selfish (9); Social Stigma (Monster); Telesend (Magical; Universal); Unaging; Unholy Touch; Vulnerability (Holy Weapons, x2); Vulnerability (Silver, x2).
Skills: Brawling-18; Innate Attack (Beam)-18; Innate Attack (Gaze)-18; Innate Attack (Projectile)-18; Thaumatology-16; Wrestling-18.
Creature Type: Outsider (Baatezu, Evil, Lawful).
Pit Fiend Poison
This poison is extracted from a pit fiend. A
living victim must make an immediate
HT-5 roll or suffer 1d-1 toxic damage. Every hour for 3 more cycles he must
make another HT-5 roll to resist or take the same amount of damage. After
losing 1/3 HP to this poison, the victim gains a -3 penalty to HT until he
heals above this threshold. After losing 2/3 HP to this poison, the victim
gains a -4 penalty to HT until he heals above this threshold.
Form: Follow-Up Poison.
Cost: $150 (singular); $55 (5-batched).
Recipe: $15; 1 day; defaults to Poisons-1.
Statistics: Toxic Attack 1d-1 (Cyclic, 1 hour,
3 cycles, Resistible, +20%; Follow-Up Poison, -20%; Resistible, HT-5, -5%;
Symptoms, 1/3 HP, -3 HT, +45%; Symptoms, 2/3 HP, -4 HT, +20%) [5].
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