Monster: Shen Lung (Spirit Dragon)

Shen Lung (Spirit
Dragon) [Oriental Adventures, page
967 points
Attribute Modifiers: ST+25 (Size Modifier, -40%) [150]; IQ+4 [80]; HT+5 [50].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM+4; Will+1 [5]; Per+2 [10]; FP+5 [15]; Basic Move +1 [5].
Advantages: Amphibious [10]; Discriminatory Smell [15]; Discriminatory Taste [10]; Doesn’t Breathe (Gills, -50%) [10]; DR 6 [30]; Enhanced Move 0.5 (Air) [10]; Enhanced Move 1 (Ground) [20]; Extended Lifespan 5 [10]; Extra Attack 1 [25]; Extra Legs (Four Legs) [5]; Fangs [2]; Flexibility [5]; Flight (Magical, -10%) [36]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Immunity to Paralysis [10]; Immunity to Sleep [10]; Infravision [10]; Magic Resistance 1 (Improved, +150%) [5]; Nictitating Membrane 6 [6]; Night Vision 7 [7]; Parabolic Hearing 1 [4]; Peripheral Vision [15]; Pressure Support 1 [5]; Protected Vision [5]; Reduced Consumption 3 [6]; Speak Underwater [5]; Talons [8]; Temperature Tolerance 6 [6]; Unfazeable [15]; Universal Digestion (Matter Eater, +300%) [20]; Vibration Sense (Air) [10].
Alternate Form: Morph (Accessibility, Only humanoids and animals of SM+1 or smaller, -15%; Magical, -10%) [75].
Draconic Strikers [6]: Striker (Tail; Impaling; Cannot Parry, -40%; Clumsy 2, -40%; Long 1, +100%; Weak, -50%) [6].
Electricity Resistance [65]: DR 20 (Includes Eyes, +10%; Includes Internal, +20%; Limited, Electricity, -40%; Tough Skin, -40%) [50] + Immunity to Electrical Conduction [5] + Immunity to Noxious Electrical Effects [10].
Spirit Jaunt: Jumper (Planar; Accessibility, Only on the Spirit Plane and planes that border it, -5%; Limited Access, Spirit, -20%; Gyroscopic, +10%; Magical, -10%) [75].
Vermin Barrier: Affliction 1 (Will; Accessibility, Only on vermin, -50%; Always On, -10%; Area Effect, 32 yards, +250%; Aura, +80%; Based on Will, +20%; Disadvantage, Dread, +30%; Magical, -10%; Malediction 1, +100%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; Reduced Duration, 1/60, Only when the target leaves the area, -30%) [45].
Water Fire: Burning Attack 2d (Accessibility, Only creatures, -10%; Accessibility, Doesn’t affect other lung dragons, -5%; Aura, +80%; Environmental, Submerged in water or touching water, -20%; Magical, -10%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; No Incendiary Effect, -10%; Terminal Condition, Fire, -10%) [9].
Spell-Like Abilities (Alternative Abilities) [129]:
Bless: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Only nonvolitional or non-resisting subjects, -20%; Advantage, Bless, +80%; Extended Duration, 10x, +40%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Malediction 2, +150%; No Signature, +20%; Sorcery, -15%) [36/5=8]. Note: “Bless” is Luck (Active, -40%; Magical, -10%) [8].
Curse [55/5=11];
Ice Storm [77];
Mind-Reading [26/5=6];
Personal Invisibility [66/5=14];
Scaly Command 1 [63/5=13].
Disadvantages: Bad Grip 2 [-10]; Greed (12) [-15]; Ham-Fisted 1 [-5]; Horizontal [-10]; Loner (12) [-5]; Miserliness (12) [-10]; Selfish (12) [-5]; Vulnerability (Fire, x2) [-30].
Perks: Eye for Distance [1]; Penetrating Voice [1]; Scales [1].
Quirks: Dull Touch 8 [-8]; Methodical [-1]; Staid [-1].
Creature Type: Dragon (Spirit, Water).
Knowing Your Own Strength [971] |
Typical Stats - Small
ST: |
25 (KYOS: 18) |
HP: |
25 |
Speed: |
6.25 |
DX: |
10 |
Will: |
13 |
Move: |
7 ground, 7 water, 12 air |
IQ: |
12 |
Per: |
14 |
HT: |
15 |
FP: |
20 |
SM: |
+3 |
Dodge: |
9 |
Parry: |
10 (unarmed) |
DR: |
3, (20 vs. electricity) |
Front Claw (14): thrust 3d-1 cutting or impaling, Reach C-2.
Hind Claw (12): thrust 3d cutting or impaling, Reach C-2.
Tail (12): thrust 3d impaling, Reach C-3.
Alternate Form: By taking 10 consecutive Ready maneuvers, the dragon may shapeshift into any humanoid or animal with SM+1 or smaller as per the Morph advantage (p. B84).
Spirit Jaunt (12): The dragon can slip into the Spirit Plane from the Material Plane and the other way around as per Jumper (p. B64). After using this ability, the dragon does not have to make Body Sense rolls.
Vermin Barrier (13): Any vermin that within 32 yards of a shen lung must roll a Quick Contest of Will with the shen lung every second. If the vermin fails, it cannot do anything but move to leave the area effect for seconds equal to the shen lung’s margin of victory, and cannot reenter it while under this effect. This ability is always active.
Water Fire: Whenever it is touching or submerged in water, a shen lung can surround itself in an aura of ghostly, flickering, multi-colored flames that cause 1d non-incendiary burning damage per second to any creature touching it. Other lung dragons of any variety are immune to water fire. The shen lung can dispel the water fire at any time, but it is automatically dispelled by any contact with normal or magical fire. Once the shield is dispelled by fire, the shen lung cannot activate it again for 5 minutes.
Spell-Like Abilities (Alternative Abilities):
Bless (13): The dragon can bless a willing subject by taking a Concentrate maneuver and making a Will roll with normal range penalties. Within the next 30 minutes, the subject may reroll one of their undesirable rolls two more times and take the best of the three rolls. They must declare that they are using their Bless immediately before rolling the dice. Once the subject or anyone else has made another die roll, it is too late to use Bless. If the subject already has used Bless in the last hour of play (or day of game time, if the GM prefers that option) or other forms of the Luck (p. B66) advantage, they cannot use it again until enough time passes, even if they are affected by this spell.
Curse (13);
Ice Storm (12);
Mind-Reading (12);
Personal Invisibility;
Scaly Command 1 (12).
Traits: Amphibious; Bad Grip 2; Discriminatory Smell; Discriminatory Taste; Doesn’t Breathe (Gills); Dull Touch 6; Enhanced Move 0.5 (Air); Enhanced Move 1 (Ground); Extended Lifespan 5; Extra Attack 1; Extra Legs (Four Legs); Eye for Distance; Flexibility; Flight (Magical); Greed (12); Ham-Fisted 1; High Pain Threshold; Horizontal; Immunity to Electrical Conduction; Immunity to Noxious Electrical Effects; Immunity to Paralysis; Immunity to Sleep; Infravision; Loner (12); Magic Resistance 1 (Improved); Methodical; Miserliness (12); Nictitating Membrane 3; Night Vision 7; Parabolic Hearing 1; Penetrating Voice; Peripheral Vision; Pressure Support 1; Protected Vision; Reduced Consumption 3; Scales; Selfish (12); Speak Underwater; Staid; Temperature Tolerance 6; Unfazeable; Universal Digestion (Matter Eater); Vibration Sense (Air); Vulnerability (Fire, x2).
Skills: Brawling-14; Diplomacy-12; Fast-Talk-12; Innate Attack (Gaze)-12; Tactics-12.
Creature Type: Dragon (Spirit, Water).
Typical Stats - Medium
ST: |
35 (KYOS: 23) |
HP: |
35 |
Speed: |
6.25 |
DX: |
10 |
Will: |
15 |
Move: |
7 ground, 7 water, 12 air |
IQ: |
14 |
Per: |
16 |
HT: |
15 |
FP: |
20 |
SM: |
+4 |
Dodge: |
9 |
Parry: |
11 (unarmed) |
DR: |
6, (20 vs. electricity) |
Front Claw (16): thrust 4d+2 cutting or impaling, Reach C-3.
Hind Claw (14): thrust 5d-1 cutting or impaling, Reach C-3.
Tail (14): thrust 5d-1 impaling, Reach C-5.
Alternate Form: By taking 10 consecutive Ready maneuvers, the dragon may shapeshift into any humanoid or animal with SM+1 or smaller as per the Morph advantage (p. B84).
Spirit Jaunt (14): The dragon can slip into the Spirit Plane from the Material Plane and the other way around as per Jumper (p. B64). After using this ability, the dragon does not have to make Body Sense rolls.
Vermin Barrier (15): Any vermin that within 32 yards of a shen lung must roll a Quick Contest of Will with the shen lung every second. If the vermin fails, it cannot do anything but move to leave the area effect for seconds equal to the shen lung’s margin of victory, and cannot reenter it while under this effect. This ability is always active.
Water Fire: Whenever it is touching or submerged in water, a shen lung can surround itself in an aura of ghostly, flickering, multi-colored flames that cause 2d non-incendiary burning damage per second to any creature touching it. Other lung dragons of any variety are immune to water fire. The shen lung can dispel the water fire at any time, but it is automatically dispelled by any contact with normal or magical fire. Once the shield is dispelled by fire, the shen lung cannot activate it again for 5 minutes.
Spell-Like Abilities (Alternative Abilities):
Bless (15): The dragon can bless a willing subject by taking a Concentrate maneuver and making a Will roll with normal range penalties. Within the next 30 minutes, the subject may reroll one of their undesirable rolls two more times and take the best of the three rolls. They must declare that they are using their Bless immediately before rolling the dice. Once the subject or anyone else has made another die roll, it is too late to use Bless. If the subject already has used Bless in the last hour of play (or day of game time, if the GM prefers that option) or other forms of the Luck (p. B66) advantage, they cannot use it again until enough time passes, even if they are affected by this spell.
Curse (15);
Ice Storm (14);
Mind-Reading (14);
Personal Invisibility;
Scaly Command 1 (14).
Traits: Amphibious; Bad Grip 2; Discriminatory Smell; Discriminatory Taste; Doesn’t Breathe (Gills); Dull Touch 8; Enhanced Move 0.5 (Air); Enhanced Move 1 (Ground); Extended Lifespan 5; Extra Attack 1; Extra Legs (Four Legs); Eye for Distance; Flexibility; Flight (Magical); Greed (12); Ham-Fisted 1; High Pain Threshold; Horizontal; Immunity to Electrical Conduction; Immunity to Noxious Electrical Effects; Immunity to Paralysis; Immunity to Sleep; Infravision; Loner (12); Magic Resistance 1 (Improved); Methodical; Miserliness (12); Nictitating Membrane 6; Night Vision 7; Parabolic Hearing 1; Penetrating Voice; Peripheral Vision; Pressure Support 1; Protected Vision; Reduced Consumption 3; Scales; Selfish (12); Speak Underwater; Staid; Temperature Tolerance 6; Unfazeable; Universal Digestion (Matter Eater); Vibration Sense (Air); Vulnerability (Fire, x2).
Skills: Brawling-16; Diplomacy-14; Fast-Talk-14; Innate Attack (Gaze)-14; Tactics-14.
Creature Type: Dragon (Spirit, Water).
Typical Stats - Large
ST: |
50 (KYOS: 30) |
HP: |
50 |
Speed: |
6.25 |
DX: |
10 |
Will: |
16 |
Move: |
7 ground, 7 water, 12 air |
IQ: |
15 |
Per: |
18 |
HT: |
15 |
FP: |
20 |
SM: |
+5 |
Dodge: |
9 |
Parry: |
11 (unarmed) |
DR: |
9, (20 vs. electricity) |
Front Claw (16): thrust 7d-1 cutting or impaling, Reach C-5.
Hind Claw (14): thrust 7d cutting or impaling, Reach C-5.
Tail (14): thrust 7d impaling, Reach C-7.
Alternate Form: By taking 10 consecutive Ready maneuvers, the dragon may shapeshift into any humanoid or animal with SM+1 or smaller as per the Morph advantage (p. B84).
Spirit Jaunt (15): The dragon can slip into the Spirit Plane from the Material Plane and the other way around as per Jumper (p. B64). After using this ability, the dragon does not have to make Body Sense rolls.
Vermin Barrier (16): Any vermin that within 32 yards of a shen lung must roll a Quick Contest of Will with the shen lung every second. If the vermin fails, it cannot do anything but move to leave the area effect for seconds equal to the shen lung’s margin of victory, and cannot reenter it while under this effect. This ability is always active.
Water Fire: Whenever it is touching or submerged in water, a shen lung can surround itself in an aura of ghostly, flickering, multi-colored flames that cause 2d+2 non-incendiary burning damage per second to any creature touching it. Other lung dragons of any variety are immune to water fire. The shen lung can dispel the water fire at any time, but it is automatically dispelled by any contact with normal or magical fire. Once the shield is dispelled by fire, the shen lung cannot activate it again for 5 minutes.
Spell-Like Abilities (Alternative Abilities):
Bless (16): The dragon can bless a willing subject by taking a Concentrate maneuver and making a Will roll with normal range penalties. Within the next 30 minutes, the subject may reroll one of their undesirable rolls two more times and take the best of the three rolls. They must declare that they are using their Bless immediately before rolling the dice. Once the subject or anyone else has made another die roll, it is too late to use Bless. If the subject already has used Bless in the last hour of play (or day of game time, if the GM prefers that option) or other forms of the Luck (p. B66) advantage, they cannot use it again until enough time passes, even if they are affected by this spell.
Curse (16);
Ice Storm (15);
Mind-Reading (15);
Personal Invisibility;
Scaly Command 1 (15).
Traits: Amphibious; Bad Grip 2; Discriminatory Smell; Discriminatory Taste; Doesn’t Breathe (Gills); Dull Touch 10; Enhanced Move 0.5 (Air); Enhanced Move 1 (Ground); Extended Lifespan 5; Extra Attack 2; Extra Legs (Four Legs); Eye for Distance; Flexibility; Flight (Magical); Greed (12); Ham-Fisted 1; High Pain Threshold; Horizontal; Immunity to Electrical Conduction; Immunity to Noxious Electrical Effects; Immunity to Paralysis; Immunity to Sleep; Infravision; Loner (12); Magic Resistance 2 (Improved); Methodical; Miserliness (12); Nictitating Membrane 9; Night Vision 7; Parabolic Hearing 1; Penetrating Voice; Peripheral Vision; Pressure Support 1; Protected Vision; Reduced Consumption 3; Scales; Selfish (12); Speak Underwater; Staid; Temperature Tolerance 6; Unfazeable; Universal Digestion (Matter Eater); Vibration Sense (Air); Vulnerability (Fire, x2).
Skills: Brawling-16; Diplomacy-16; Fast-Talk-16; Innate Attack (Gaze)-16; Tactics-16.
Creature Type: Dragon (Spirit, Water).
Typical Stats -
ST: |
75 (KYOS: 42) |
HP: |
75 |
Speed: |
6.25 |
DX: |
10 |
Will: |
18 |
Move: |
7 ground, 7 water, 12 air |
IQ: |
17 |
Per: |
20 |
HT: |
15 |
FP: |
20 |
SM: |
+6 |
Dodge: |
9 |
Parry: |
11 (unarmed) |
DR: |
12, (20 vs. electricity) |
Front Claw (16): thrust 10d+2 cutting or impaling, Reach C-7.
Hind Claw (14): thrust 11d-1 cutting or impaling, Reach C-7.
Tail (14): thrust 11d-1 impaling, Reach C-10.
Alternate Form: By taking 10 consecutive Ready maneuvers, the dragon may shapeshift into any humanoid or animal with SM+1 or smaller as per the Morph advantage (p. B84).
Spirit Jaunt (17): The dragon can slip into the Spirit Plane from the Material Plane and the other way around as per Jumper (p. B64). After using this ability, the dragon does not have to make Body Sense rolls.
Vermin Barrier (18): Any vermin that within 32 yards of a shen lung must roll a Quick Contest of Will with the shen lung every second. If the vermin fails, it cannot do anything but move to leave the area effect for seconds equal to the shen lung’s margin of victory, and cannot reenter it while under this effect. This ability is always active.
Water Fire: Whenever it is touching or submerged in water, a shen lung can surround itself in an aura of ghostly, flickering, multi-colored flames that cause 3d non-incendiary burning damage per second to any creature touching it. Other lung dragons of any variety are immune to water fire. The shen lung can dispel the water fire at any time, but it is automatically dispelled by any contact with normal or magical fire. Once the shield is dispelled by fire, the shen lung cannot activate it again for 5 minutes.
Spell-Like Abilities (Alternative Abilities):
Bless (18): The dragon can bless a willing subject by taking a Concentrate maneuver and making a Will roll with normal range penalties. Within the next 30 minutes, the subject may reroll one of their undesirable rolls two more times and take the best of the three rolls. They must declare that they are using their Bless immediately before rolling the dice. Once the subject or anyone else has made another die roll, it is too late to use Bless. If the subject already has used Bless in the last hour of play (or day of game time, if the GM prefers that option) or other forms of the Luck (p. B66) advantage, they cannot use it again until enough time passes, even if they are affected by this spell.
Curse (18);
Ice Storm (16);
Mind-Reading (16);
Personal Invisibility;
Scaly Command 1 (16).
Traits: Amphibious; Bad Grip 2; Discriminatory Smell; Discriminatory Taste; Doesn’t Breathe (Gills); Dull Touch 12; Enhanced Move 0.5 (Air); Enhanced Move 1 (Ground); Extended Lifespan 5; Extra Attack 3; Extra Legs (Four Legs); Eye for Distance; Flexibility; Flight (Magical); Greed (12); Ham-Fisted 1; High Pain Threshold; Horizontal; Immunity to Electrical Conduction; Immunity to Noxious Electrical Effects; Immunity to Paralysis; Immunity to Sleep; Infravision; Loner (12); Magic Resistance 2 (Improved); Methodical; Miserliness (12); Nictitating Membrane 12; Night Vision 7; Parabolic Hearing 1; Penetrating Voice; Peripheral Vision; Pressure Support 1; Protected Vision; Reduced Consumption 3; Scales; Selfish (12); Speak Underwater; Staid; Temperature Tolerance 6; Unfazeable; Universal Digestion (Matter Eater); Vibration Sense (Air); Vulnerability (Fire, x2).
Skills: Brawling-16; Diplomacy-18; Fast-Talk-18; Innate Attack (Gaze)-16; Tactics-18.
Creature Type: Dragon (Spirit, Water).
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