Tuesday 31 March 2020

Monster: Thoon Elder Brain

Monster: Thoon Elder Brain

At last, we have the last illithid-related monster in all the D&D editions (unless I actually missed something) - the Thoon elder brain. It's actually quite different from its normal counterpart - it cannot extract brains, must subsist on quintessence, has some minor magical abilities, has fewer psionic powers, has eight tendrils instead of four. I need a break.

Monday 30 March 2020

Monster: Thoon Hulk

Monster: Thoon Hulk

The Thoon hulk is a large construct of mind flayer flesh and metal. Has defensive and offensive modes and can extract brains like a normal mind flayer. Has a short third arm on the chest and two normal arms that end in sharp hand-axes.

Sunday 29 March 2020

Monster: Madcrafter of Thoon

Monster: Madcrafter of Thoon

The madcrafter of Thoon is a very warped mind flayer that produces constructs within vats of caustic liquid attached to its body. One of the most disturbing images in all the Monster Manuals.

Saturday 28 March 2020

Monster: Stormcloud of Thoon

Monster: Stormcloud of Thoon

Stormcloud of Thoon is yet another construct, but this one is a flying octopoid (with six tentacles though), like those things from the Matrix.

Friday 27 March 2020

Monster: Scyther of Thoon

Monster: Scyther of Thoon

Scythers of Thoon are more advanced construct troops that wield dual-wield scythes, have headlights eyes, can shoot fire beams out of the eyes, and dispel magic with a touch. Cool.

Thursday 26 March 2020

Monster: Thoon Soldier

Monster: Thoon Soldier

This is the most common soldier employed by the mind flayers of Thoon. It's a construct that has five different combat modes, each announced loudly and clearly upon activation.

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Monster: Thoon Infiltrator

Monster: Thoon Infiltrator

The Thoon infiltrator is a human enhanced by a set of metallic, parasitic tentacles on the back of his neck. They keep him alive, let him fire poisonous darts, infect others, and cast spells.

Tuesday 24 March 2020

Lens/Monster: Thoon Thrall

Lens/Monster: Thoon Thrall

Thoon thralls are humanoids captured by the mind flayers of Thoon (usually via not-yet-statted Thoon infiltrators) and turned into sleeper agents. The sample statblock assumes a very normal human.

Monday 23 March 2020

Monster: Shadow Flayer

Monster: Shadow Flayer

The shadow flayer is a product (an imperfect one) of the Thoon-aligned mind flayers' breeding program. They are more agile, less psionically powerful, but can briefly turn invisible.

Sunday 22 March 2020

Monster/NPC: Thoon Disciple

Monster/NPC: Thoon Disciple

All right, let's forget about taking a break and just finish this. The first of the mind flayers of Thoon is a normal mind flayers with clerical powers granted by Thoon. Wears plate armor and flails his flail around. This is simple, I didn't even have to create a new racial template. The other ones will be more difficult.

Saturday 21 March 2020

Monster: Seugathi Savant

Monster: Seugathi Savant

And now the bigger variant of the seugathi that replaces its magical abilities with psychic powers. That's the last of the Pathfinder exclusive illithid-related monster. There's only 10 of them left (mind flayers of Thoon), but I probably will take a break from them.

Friday 20 March 2020

Monster: Seugathi

Monster: Seugathi

A tangentially related to the illithids monster. The seugathi are created when a neothelid performs a self-impregnation ritual. They are wormlike beings with magical powers and two prehensile tails that can be used as arms. Pathfinder exclusive.

Thursday 19 March 2020

Monsters: Illithid Symbionts

Monsters: Illithid Symbionts

Now let's convert a bunch of illithid symbionts from Dragon Magazine #308.

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Monster: Oblex

Monster: Oblex

Here we have the oblex, an illithid-bred ooze that can create simulacra of creatures whose memories it eats. It's a newcomer that was introduced in Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes for D&D 5e. The spawn in the book reuses an old art for a different creature (graveyard sludge or something).

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Monster: Octopin

Monster: Octopin

Another obscure illithid-related monster that is called octopin despite having only six tentacles. Honestly, I like this one a lot, it differs enough from "normal creature, but with several illithid abilities spliced onto it."

Monday 16 March 2020

Monster: Kezreth

Monster: Kezreth

The kezreth is a combat transport created from a decapitated illithid. Can transport 15 human-sized creatures with ease and blast things with a telekinetic beam.

Sunday 15 March 2020

Monster: Neothelid Overlord

Monster: Neothelid Overlord

The neothelid overlord is a Pathfinder-exclusive monster - a neothelid that splits its consciousness both mentally and physically and gains supreme psychic powers in addition to its psionic arsenal and an aura of madness. Pretty cool.

Saturday 14 March 2020

Pantheon: Extra Minor Deities

Pantheon: Extra Minor Deities

This post makes a small addition to my setting's pantheon. Kyuss is a well-known being in the D&D universe, but the other three deities are only mentioned once, barely have any description, and one of them doesn't even have his domains listed.

Monster: Vampire Squid

Monster: Vampire Squid

The vampire squid is an illithid-bred type of a sentient squid that actually has no vampiric abilities. Instead, it can turn itself inside out, becoming a ball of fangs.

Friday 13 March 2020

Monster: Nyraala Golem

Monster: Nyraala Golem

The nyraala golem is an amalgamation of psionically-bound flesh and fungus that can disassemble itself into a thin fungal film for camouflage. Employed by the illithids as an alternative to the brain golems.

Thursday 12 March 2020

Monster: Mozgriken (Half-Illithid Svirfneblin)

Monster: Mozgriken (Half-Illithid Svirfneblin)

The last of the ceremorphs. This one is using a svirfneblin as the host lifeform. Adept at stealth, but hated even by the illithids. Has three tentacles instead of four.

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Monster: Cessirid

Monster: Cessirid

Apparently, one of the illithidae did not make it to the third edition of D&D, so I missed it when I converted the other three. Here's the lost forth one - the cessirid, something like an illithid hound.

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Treasure: Artifacts

Treasure: Artifacts

Finally, we can take care of the artifacts from the Dungeon Master's Guide for D&D 3.5. Some of the items have such effects that either cannot be properly represented with advantages or can be represented, but cost so much that the price will break the bottom of the inherent value table and bankrupt a medieval multimillionaire. That is, those items should be used as major rewards, epic treasures, etc., but not as items to craft or sell. Statblocks for those are omitted (or maybe I'm just being lazy). That's another milestone reached - now all the treasure has been ported over to GURPS. I think I'm done with all the core books already: spells, spellcasting traditions/classes, monsters, treasure, special materials, crafting. Time to move on to something else. Maybe finish the mind flayer-related monsters.

Monday 9 March 2020

Treasure: Cursed Items

Treasure: Cursed Items

Now let's convert the specific cursed items from the Dungeon Master's Guide for D&D 3.5 using the method based on the one described by Pseudonym (I think he missed the Melee Attack, Reach C, -30% limitation).

Sunday 8 March 2020

Treasure: Magic Weapons II

Treasure: Magic Weapons II

And the second half of the magic weapons from the Dungeon Master's Guide for D&D 3.5. This one covers specific magic weapons and artifact weapons. Not much left in terms of magic items!

Saturday 7 March 2020

Treasure: Magic Weapons

Treasure: Magic Weapons

And now let's tackle the generic magic weapons from the Dungeon Master's Guide for D&D 3.5.

Friday 6 March 2020

Treasure: Magic Armor

Treasure: Magic Armor

In this post, I convert all the yet unconverted magical armor from the Dungeon Master's Guide for D&D 3.5. For plate armor I provide prices for both TL3 (for anachronistic fantasy) and for TL4 (for more realistic fantasy). Prices are provided for the enchantment, not including the actual armor costs that might be significant.

Thursday 5 March 2020

Treasure: Magic Shields

Treasure: Magic Shields

Now, let's convert all the yet unconverted magic shields from the Dungeon Master's Guide for D&D 3.5.

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Treasure: Rings

Treasure: Rings

And the other magic item category that for some reason was separated from the wondrous items - the rings. I tried to adapt all the rings from the Dungeon Master's Guide for D&D 3.5 for use with GURPS. I omitted the cursed ring - that's for another post.

Monday 2 March 2020

Treasure: Rods

Treasure: Rods

Now, let's convert the rods from the Dungeon Master's Guide for D&D 3.5. At least the ones that make sense in GURPS. Also, I decided to change the magic item format by culling the TL8 part and the metatronic generator part. I am not using those, and they take extra time. Sorcery is much more workable, it seems.