Monster: Cranium Rat Swarm

Cranium Rat Swarm [Fiend Folio, page 167]
361 points
Attribute Modifiers: ST-6 [-60]; DX+2 [40]; IQ-1 [-20];
HT+4 [40].
Characteristic Modifiers: HP+2 [4]; FP-2 [-6]; Will+2 [10]; Per+3 [15]; Basic Move -2 [-10]; Basic
Speed -0.5 [-10].
Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15]; Flexibility
[5]; Infravision [10]; Night Vision 4 [4]; Reduced Consumption 3 (Cast Iron
Stomach, -50%) [3]; Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+8) [15]; Silence 2 [10].
Injury Tolerance (Diffuse; Body of Swarm, Rat-Sized, +0%) [100].
Swarm Bite: Cutting Attack 1d (Area
Effect, 1 yard, +25%; Cosmic, No die roll required, No active defense allowed,
+400%; Melee Attack, C, No Parry, -35%) [35].
Pack Merging [224]: DR 20 (Granted by
Other, Three swarms, -25%; Includes Eyes, +10%; Includes Internal, +20%;
Limited, Cold, -40%; Tough Skin, -40%; Telepathy, -10%) [20] + Flash 1 (Granted
by Other, One swarm, -40%) [18] + Hologram 1 (Granted by Other, One swarm,
-40%) [5] + Immunity to Noxious Cold Effects (Granted by Other, Three swarms,
-25%; Telepathy, -10%) [7] + IQ+2 (Granted by Other, One swarm, -40%;
Telepathy, -10%) [20] + IQ+3 (Granted by Other, Three swarms, -25%; Telepathy,
-10%) [39] + Photorefraction 5 (Granted by Other, Three swarms, -25%) [23] + Resistant
to Psionics (+3) (Granted by Other, Three swarms, -25%; Telepathy, -10%) [7] + Suggestion
4 (Granted by Other, Three swarms, -25%) [23] + Telesend 4 (Granted by Other,
One swarm, -40%) [12] + TK Grab 10 (Granted by Other, One swarm, -40%) [50].
Disadvantages: Bestial [-10]; Cannot Speak [-15];
Semi-Upright [-5]; Short Lifespan 4 [-40].
Perk: Fur [1].
Racial Psionic Abilities: Mental Blow 4 [28].
Racial Psionic Skills: Flash (H) Will-2 [1]; Mental Blow
(H) Will-2 [1]; Photorefraction (H) IQ-2 [1]; Suggestion (H) IQ-2 [1]; Telesend
(H) IQ-2 [1]; TK Grab (H) IQ-2 [1].
Creature Type: Magical Beast.
Mental Blow 4 [28] -> Mental Blow 4 [27]
Typical Stats
11 (see Pack Merging)
9 (see Pack Merging)
12 (see Pack Merging)
0 (see Pack Merging)
Swarm Bite:
1d cutting, Reach C. The swarm must “step” into close combat
with the target and attack. The target can retreat or dodge and drop (p. B377)
to move at least one yard away; if not, it automatically takes 1d large area cutting
damage that is reduced by DR normally.
Swarm: A
cranium rat swarm consists of about a dozen of rats. This makes it immune to
crippling injuries and reduces the damage it suffers from most physical blows;
see Injury to Unliving, Homogenous, and
Diffuse Targets (p. B380). The swarm cannot be slammed or grappled. Diffuse
includes all the benefits of No Blood, No Brain, and No Vitals. The swarm is
dispersed by injury equal to its HP. A dispersed swarm is effectively
“unconscious” and unable to act in concert. A determined foe might contain and continue
to damage the dispersed bodies, though. Should the swarm reach -HP, enough of the
bodies have been killed to destroy the swarm.
Pack Merging:
Cranium rat swarms grow smarter and more powerful near other such swarms. When
there is another cranium rat swarm nearby (i.e. it can reach this swarm in a
minute), IQ of both swarms gains a +2 bonus (Will, Per, and skills that depend
on them are increased too), the swarms become able to use the following psionic
abilities: Flash 1, Hologram 1, Telesend 4, and TK Grab 10.
When there is at least three other
swarms nearby, the IQ bonus is increased to +5, and the swarms gain the
following psionic abilities: Photorefraction 5 and Suggestion 4. In addition,
the swarms gain DR 20 against cold attacks (including internal attacks and
attacks that target the eyes), become immune to noxious cold effects, and gain
a +3 bonus to resist psionic abilities.
Bestial; Cannot Speak; Combat Reflexes; Flexibility; Fur; Infravision; Night
Vision 4; Reduced Consumption 3 (Cast Iron Stomach); Resistant to Metabolic
Hazards (+8); Semi-Upright; Short Lifespan 4; Silence 2.
Climbing-14; Escape-14; Scrounging-13; Stealth-14.
Racial Psionic Abilities: Mental Blow 4, but see Pack
Merging above.
Racial Psionic Skills: Flash-11;
Mental Blow-11; Photorefraction-11; Suggestion-11; Telesend-11; TK Grab-11. See
Pack Merging above.
Creature Type: Magical
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