Monster: Bebilith

Bebilith [Monster Manual, page 42]
362 points
Attribute Modifiers: ST+12 (No Fine Manipulators, -40%; Size Modifier, -10%) [60]; DX+3 (No Fine Manipulators, -40%) [36]; HT+2 [20].
Characteristic Modifiers: SM+1; Per+2 [10]; Basic Move+2 [10].
Advantages: Clinging [20]; Combat Reflexes
[15]; DR 5 [25]; Discriminatory Smell [15]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Extra
Attack 1 [25]; Extra Legs (Six Legs; Long 1, +100%) [20]; Immunity to Poison
[15]; Infravision [10]; Injury Tolerance (No Head, No Neck) [12]; Night Vision
9 [9]; Peripheral Vision [15]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Super Jump 2 [20]; Telesend (Magical,
-10%; Universal, +50%) [42]; Unaging [15].
Web: Binding 16 (Biological, -10%; Reduced Range, 1/10, -30%) [20].
Poison: Toxic Attack 1d-1 (Cyclic, 1 hour, 5 cycles, Resistible, +50%; Follow-Up, Bite, +0%; Resistible, HT-2, -20%; Symptoms, 1/3 HP, -2 HT, +30%; Symptoms, 1/2 HP, Severe Pain, +80%) [8].
Talons: Natural Weapon (Impaling; Armor Divisor, (2), +50%) [12].
Disadvantages: Callous [-5]; Mute [-25]; No Fine Manipulators [-30]; Uncontrollable Appetite (12) (Demon Flesh) [-15]; Vulnerability (Holy Weapons, x2) [-10].
Perks: Anarchic Touch [1]; Unholy Touch [1].
Creature Type: Outsider (Chaotic, Evil).
Attribute Modifiers: ST+12 (No Fine Manipulators, -40%; Size Modifier, -10%) [60]; DX+3 (No Fine Manipulators, -40%) [36]; HT+2 [20].
Web: Binding 16 (Biological, -10%; Reduced Range, 1/10, -30%) [20].
Poison: Toxic Attack 1d-1 (Cyclic, 1 hour, 5 cycles, Resistible, +50%; Follow-Up, Bite, +0%; Resistible, HT-2, -20%; Symptoms, 1/3 HP, -2 HT, +30%; Symptoms, 1/2 HP, Severe Pain, +80%) [8].
Talons: Natural Weapon (Impaling; Armor Divisor, (2), +50%) [12].
Disadvantages: Callous [-5]; Mute [-25]; No Fine Manipulators [-30]; Uncontrollable Appetite (12) (Demon Flesh) [-15]; Vulnerability (Holy Weapons, x2) [-10].
Perks: Anarchic Touch [1]; Unholy Touch [1].
Creature Type: Outsider (Chaotic, Evil).
Knowing Your Own Strength [422] |
Typical Stats
ST: |
22 |
HP: |
22 |
Speed: |
6.25 |
DX: |
13 |
Will: |
10 |
Move: |
8 |
IQ: |
10 |
Per: |
12 |
HT: |
12 |
FP: |
12 |
SM: |
+1 |
Dodge: |
10 |
Parry: |
12 (unarmed) |
DR: |
5 |
Traits: Anarchic Touch; Callous; Clinging; Combat Reflexes; Discriminatory Smell; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Extra Attack 1; Extra Legs (Six Legs; Long 1); Immunity to Poison; Infravision; Injury Tolerance (No Head, No Neck); Mute; Night Vision 9; No Fine Manipulators; Peripheral Vision; Super Jump 2; Telesend (Magical; Universal); Unaging; Uncontrollable Appetite (12) (Demon Flesh); Unholy Touch; Vulnerability (Holy Weapons, x2).
Skills: Brawling-16; Innate Attack (Projectile)-16; Stealth-16; Tracking-16.
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