Monday 27 January 2020

Monster: Lugribossk (Ilsensine's Proxy)

Monster: Lugribossk (Ilsensine's Proxy)

At first I wanted to omit this creature, because this is not a separate illithid species, but an unique being. I am not very good at reading AD&D statblocks, so I was mostly guided by the description. In its normal form, Lugribossk is an ulitharid with an ability to exude corrosive slime. In combat, it turns into a 30-foot-tall glowing giant with sharp claws, able to tear apart enemies both physically and mentally. Maybe, if Lugribossk is slain, Ilsensine will create a replacement - hence the racial template provided here.


Lugribossk (Ilsensine’s Proxy) [The Illithiad]

988 points
Attribute Modifiers: ST+7 (Size Modifier, -10%) [63]; IQ+5 [100]; HT+2 [20].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM+1; Per-2 [-10]; Will+1 [5].
Advantages: DR 2 (Tough Skin, -40%) [6]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Infravision [10]; Nictitating Membrane 1 [1]; Resistant to Psionics (+8) [15]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Slippery 3 [6]; Unaging [15].
    Corrosive Slime: Corrosion Attack 2d (Aura, +80%; Melee Attack, -30%; Psychometabolism, -10%) [28].
    Mouth Tentacles [99]: Extra Arms 4 (Extra-Flexible, +50%; Short, -50%; Weak, 1/2 ST, -25%) [30] + Extra Arms 2 (Extra-Flexible, +50%; Long 2, +200%; Temporary Disadvantage, Ham-Fisted 1, -5%) [69].
    Growth [303]: Enhanced Move 1 (Ground; Size Modifier, -40%) [12] + Growth 3 (Cosmic, +50%; Maximum Size Only, -0%) [45] + Illumination (Accessibility, Only when Growth is active, -5%; Always On, -10%; Ergokinesis, -10%) [1] + Sharp Claws (Accessibility, Only when Growth is active, -5%) [5] + ST+40 (Size Modifier, -40%) [240].
Disadvantages: Bad Temper (9) [-15]; Callous [-5]; Hard of Hearing [-10]; Intolerance (Non-illithids) [-10]; Megalomania [-10]; No Sense of Smell/Taste (No Smell only, -50%) [-2]; Odious Racial Habit (Eats sapient beings) [-15]; Selfish (9) [-7]; Social Stigma (Monster) [-15].
Racial Psionic Abilities: Aspect 3 [12]; Autoteleport 4 [50]; Combat Sense 1 [24]; Levitation 1 [14]; Mental Blow 4 [28]; Mental Stab 3 [52]; Mental Surgery 1 [10]; Mind Shield 2 [8]; Psi Sense 2 [13]; Suggestion 3 [30]; Telereceive 3 [42]; Telespeak 3 [39]; TK Grab 10 [70].
Racial Psionic Skills: Aspect (H) Will-2 [1]; Autoteleport (H) IQ-2 [1]; Combat Sense (H) IQ-2 [1]; Levitation (H) IQ-2 [1]; Mental Blow (H) Will-2 [1]; Mental Stab (H) Will-2 [1]; Mental Surgery (H) IQ-2 [1]; Mind Shield (H) Will-2 [1]; Psi Sense (H) Per-2 [1]; Suggestion (H) IQ-2 [1]; Telereceive (H) IQ-2 [1]; Telesend (H) IQ-2 [1]; TK Grab (H) IQ-2 [1].
Creature Type: Aberration.

Knowing Your Own Strength [1,065]
Replace ST+7 (Size Modifier, -10%) [63] with ST+6 [60]
Replace ST+40 (Size Modifier, -40%) [240] with ST+32 [320]


Sapient-Only Telepathy [-20]
Mental Blow 4 [28] -> Mental Blow 4 [27]
Mental Stab 3 [52] -> Mental Stab 3 [49]
Suggestion 3 [30] -> Suggestion 3 [25]
Telereceive 3 [42] -> Telereceive 1 [37]
Telespeak 3 [39] -> Telespeak 3 [33]

Typical Stats



17 (KYOS: 16)

57 (KYOS: 48)



17 (KYOS: 16)

57 (KYOS: 48)




















+1 (+4 when enlarged)




12 (unarmed)


2* (tough skin)

    Punch (18): thrust 1d+2 crushing (KYOS: 2d+1 crushing), Reach C-1.
    Corrosive Slime: Lugribossk can exude a coating of corrosive slime that deals 2d corrosion damage to everything that touches it.
    Tentacles (18): Lugribossk has four short tentacles that encircle its mouth and additional two long tentacles. The short tentacles are treated as four short arms with Reach C and effective ST of 8. The mind flayer can use tentacles to attack for 1d-3 crushing damage (KYOS: 1d-4 crushing damage), but usually uses the tentacles for grappling and manipulating objects. The tentacles are considered to be “off-hands” for the purpose of penalties, but not for the purpose of determining the arc of attack.
    Each long tentacle have full ST. Add +2 per die to swinging damage dealt with weapons wielded by the long tentacles. Each long tentacle deals 1d+2 crushing (KYOS: 2d+1 crushing) damage, and has Reach C-2.
    Growth: When agitated or enraged, Lugribossk can grow in size, increasing its SM to +4 and gaining a +40 bonus to ST (KYOS: +32 bonus to ST). This changes takes 1 second. Nails on its four-fingered hands and two-toed feet grow to menacing black claws. In addition, its eyes glow like beacon-fires, and its mauve skin leaves a suggestive trail of purple radiance in the air to mark its passage. Its stride becomes long, and it gains Enhanced Move 1 (Ground). This changes its attacks as follows:
    - Punch becomes Sharp Claws, dealing 7d+1 cutting (KYOS: 12d+2 cutting), Reach C-3.
    - Short tentacles have ST 28 (KYOS: ST 24) dealing 3d+1 crushing (KYOS: 5d-1 crushing), Reach C.
    - Long tentacles deal 7d+1 crushing (KYOS: 12d+2 crushing), Reach C-7.

    Traits: Bad Temper (9); Callous; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Hard of Hearing; Infravision; Intolerance (Non-illithids); Megalomania; Nictitating Membrane 1; No Sense of Smell/Taste (No Smell only); Odious Racial Habit (Eats sapient beings); Resistant to Psionics (+8); Selfish (9); Slippery 3; Social Stigma (Monster); Unaging.
    Psionic Abilities: Aspect 3; Autoteleport 4; Combat Sense 1; Levitation 1; Mental Blow 4; Mental Stab 3; Mental Surgery 1; Mind Shield 2; Psi Sense 2; Suggestion 3; Telereceive 3; Telespeak 3; TK Grab 10.
    Skills: Brainwashing/TL3-22; Brawling-18; Expert Skill (Psionics)-22; Interrogation-22; Intimidation-22; Research/TL3-22; Thaumatology-22.
    Psionic Skills: Aspect-20; Autoteleport-20; Combat Sense-20; Levitation-20; Mental Blow-20; Mental Stab-20; Mental Surgery-20; Mind Shield-20; Psi Sense-20; Suggestion-20; Telereceive-20; Telesend-20; TK Grab-20.
    Creature Type: Aberration.

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