Sorcery: Spell Index
I already have converted quite many spells from GURPS Magic, and while I have them all in a single document, there must be a way to easily find them here, on the blog. So, I decided to make an index of all spells, their source, and links to the posts with their conversions. I'll try to keep it updated.
Vanilla Magic Spell Index is here.
Asterisk (*) marks spells that are changed in the Unofficial Sorcery Errata.
Vanilla Magic Spell Index is here.
Asterisk (*) marks spells that are changed in the Unofficial Sorcery Errata.
Abominable Alteration (MDS9) - Sorcery: Death Spells I.
Absorb Book (P48-20) - Sorcery: Book Spells.
Absorb Impact - Sorcery: Force Spells.
Absorb Book (P48-20) - Sorcery: Book Spells.
Absorb Impact - Sorcery: Force Spells.
Absorb Weapon - Sorcery: Adventurer Spells.
Abundant Step - Sorcery: Space Spells III.
Accelerate Metabolism - Sorcery: Time Spells II.
Accelerate Pregnancy (BT30) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells I.
Accelerate Time (M86) - Sorcery: Time Spells.
Abundant Step - Sorcery: Space Spells III.
Accelerate Metabolism - Sorcery: Time Spells II.
Accelerate Pregnancy (BT30) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells I.
Accelerate Time (M86) - Sorcery: Time Spells.
Accuracy (M65) - Sorcery: Weapon Enchantments.
Accursed Triangle (MDS11) - Sorcery: Death Spells III.
Ache (MTLS7) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Acid Arrow - Sorcery: Acid spells and more.
Accursed Triangle (MDS11) - Sorcery: Death Spells III.
Ache (MTLS7) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Acid Arrow - Sorcery: Acid spells and more.
Acid Jet (M192) - Sorcery: Even More Acid Spells.
Acid Sheath - Sorcery: Water Spells IV.
Acid Whip - Sorcery: Elemental Whips.
Acidic Tears - Sorcery: Noxious Acidic Effects.
Ack (MTLS7) - Sorcery: Least Spells II.
Acidic Tears - Sorcery: Noxious Acidic Effects.
Ack (MTLS7) - Sorcery: Least Spells II.
Activate Runes - Sorcery: Old Spells.
Adamant Hail (P25-16) - Sorcery: Essential Earth Spells.
Adamant Missile (P25-16) - Sorcery: Essential Earth Spells.
Adept Spirit - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells.
Adhesive Acid - Sorcery: Cyclic Elemental Spells.
Adjuration (MTLS13) - Sorcery: Least Spells VII.
Adamant Hail (P25-16) - Sorcery: Essential Earth Spells.
Adamant Missile (P25-16) - Sorcery: Essential Earth Spells.
Adept Spirit - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells.
Adhesive Acid - Sorcery: Cyclic Elemental Spells.
Adjuration (MTLS13) - Sorcery: Least Spells VII.
Adjustable Clothing (M58) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells.
Aerial Entombment - Sorcery: Air Spells VI.
Aerial Flight - Sorcery: Air Spells VI.
Aerial Entombment - Sorcery: Air Spells VI.
Aerial Flight - Sorcery: Air Spells VI.
Aerial Servant - Sorcery: Air Spells VIII.
Aeromancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Affect Spirits (M151) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells III.
Afflict Animal - Sorcery: Animal Spells VI.
Agonize (M40) - Sorcery: Body Control Status Effects.
Aid (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Aide (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Air Jet (M24) - Sorcery, page 12.
Aid (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Aide (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Air Jet (M24) - Sorcery, page 12.
Air Vision (M24) - Sorcery: Air Spells.
Air Vortex (M26) - Sorcery: Air Spells III.
Alertness (M133) - Sorcery: Perception Buffs.
Alkahest Jet (P25-19) - Sorcery: Alkahest Spells.
Alkahest Sphere (P25-19) - Sorcery: Alkahest Spells.
Alkahest Jet (P25-19) - Sorcery: Alkahest Spells.
Alkahest Sphere (P25-19) - Sorcery: Alkahest Spells.
Alter Behavior - Sorcery: Animal Spells VI.
Alter Body (M41) - Sorcery: Acid spells and more.
Alter Dreamscape - Sorcery: Dream Spells II.
Alter Gender (P28-14) - Sorcery: Yellow Spells.
Alter Nanovirus (BT30) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells I.
Alter Poison (P4-1-5) - Sorcery: Poison Spells.
Alter Self - Sorcery: Acid spells and more.
Alter Gender (P28-14) - Sorcery: Yellow Spells.
Alter Nanovirus (BT30) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells I.
Alter Poison (P4-1-5) - Sorcery: Poison Spells.
Alter Self - Sorcery: Acid spells and more.
Alter Terrain (M55) - Sorcery: Earth Spells III.
Alter Visage (M41) - Sorcery: Transformation Spells.
Alter Voice* (M41) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 4.
Ambidexterity (M39) - Sorcery: Body Control Buffs.
Amphibian Control - Sorcery: Even More Unmerged Animal Spells.
Amulet (M58) - Does not seem convertable.
Analgesic (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Analyze Heredity (BT30) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells I.
Analgesic (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Analyze Heredity (BT30) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells I.
Analyze Magic (M102) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells II.
Analyze Poison (P4-1-5) - Sorcery: Poison Spells.
Analyze Poison (P4-1-5) - Sorcery: Poison Spells.
Analyze Psi (DF14-29) - Sorcery: Psi Spells.
Analyze Raw Magic (T228) - Sorcery: Raw Magic Spells.
Anarchic Weapon - Imbuements and Sorcery: Align Weapon.
Analyze Raw Magic (T228) - Sorcery: Raw Magic Spells.
Anarchic Weapon - Imbuements and Sorcery: Align Weapon.
Animal Ageing - Sorcery: Animal Spells VI.
Animal Attraction - Sorcery: Animal Spells VI.
Animal Control (M30) - Sorcery, page 13.
Animal Emotion - Sorcery: Animal Spells VI.
Animal Empathy - Pantheon: Ehlonna.
Animal Growth - Sorcery: Animal Spells IV.
Animal Messenger - Sorcery: Animal Spells IV.
Animal Empathy - Pantheon: Ehlonna.
Animal Growth - Sorcery: Animal Spells IV.
Animal Messenger - Sorcery: Animal Spells IV.
Animal Sleep - Sorcery: Animal Spells VI.
Animal Spirit - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells.
Animate Fungus (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells I.
Animal Spirit - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells.
Animate Fungus (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells I.
Animate Machine (M177) - Sorcery: Machine Spells III.
Animate Object (M117) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells III.
Animate Plant (M164) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VI.
Animate Shadow (M154) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells V.
Animation (M150) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells II.
Annihilation (MDS16) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VIII.
Annihilation (MDS16) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VIII.
Ant Haul - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VII.
Anticipate (MTLS15) - Sorcery: Least Spells IX.
Anticipate Thoughts - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Antiemetic (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Antihistamine (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Antilife Shell - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VIII.
Antimagic Field - Sorcery: Antimagic Spells.
Antimagic Touch - Treasure: Magebane Shackles.
Antimatter Beam - Sorcery: Antimatter Spells.
Antimatter Blast - Sorcery: Antimatter Spells.
Anticipate (MTLS15) - Sorcery: Least Spells IX.
Anticipate Thoughts - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Antiemetic (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Antihistamine (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Antilife Shell - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VIII.
Antimagic Field - Sorcery: Antimagic Spells.
Antimagic Touch - Treasure: Magebane Shackles.
Antimatter Beam - Sorcery: Antimatter Spells.
Antimatter Blast - Sorcery: Antimatter Spells.
Antimetal Arm (T47) - Sorcery: Metal Variants.
Antiplant Shell - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Antipsi Weapon - Monsters/NPCs: Githyanki.
Antiplant Shell - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Antipsi Weapon - Monsters/NPCs: Githyanki.
Apportation (M142) - Sorcery: Movement Spells II.
Arachnid Control - Sorcery: Even More Unmerged Animal Spells.
Arboreal Immurement (M165) - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Arc - Sorcery: Lightning Spells IV.
Arcane Suppression - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XV.
Arching Weapon - Sorcery: Gunman Spells.
Archmagi's Recuperation (P76-13) - Sorcery: Secret Spells.
Arching Weapon - Sorcery: Gunman Spells.
Archmagi's Recuperation (P76-13) - Sorcery: Secret Spells.
Arctic Blast (MAS27) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells XI.
Armor (M167) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 4.
Arrow (P91-23) - Sorcery: Metal Spells.
Arrow (P91-23) - Sorcery: Metal Spells.
Ashen Path - Sorcery: Fire Spells III.
Assassin's Bane - Sorcery: Force Spells V.
Assassin's Weapon (MDS12) - Sorcery: Death Spells II.
Assay Spell Resistance - Pantheon: Orraya.
Assassin's Bane - Sorcery: Force Spells V.
Assassin's Weapon (MDS12) - Sorcery: Death Spells II.
Assay Spell Resistance - Pantheon: Orraya.
Astragyromancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Astral Block (M159) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VI.
Astral Projection - Sorcery: Assorted Spells II.
Astral Projection - Sorcery: Assorted Spells II.
Astral Vision (M105) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells II.
Astrology - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Atmosphere Dome (M169) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 4.
Attract Flames - Sorcery: Fire Spells III.
Attune (M69) - Sorcery: Limiting Enchantments.
Avatar - Sorcery: Perk-Based Spells.
Avoid (M140) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VII.
Awaken (M90) - Sorcery: Healing Spells II.
Awaken Animal - Sorcery: Animal Spells V.
Awaken Building (TUM33) - Sorcery: Technological Spells.
Awaken Animal - Sorcery: Animal Spells V.
Awaken Building (TUM33) - Sorcery: Technological Spells.
Awaken Computer (M178) - Sorcery, page 24.
Awaken Construct - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Awaken Construct - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Awaken Craft Spirit (M115) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells.
Awaken Plant - Sorcery: Plant Spells XX.
Awe - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells XI.
Axiomatic Weapon - Imbuements and Sorcery: Align Weapon.
Awaken Plant - Sorcery: Plant Spells XX.
Awe - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells XI.
Axiomatic Weapon - Imbuements and Sorcery: Align Weapon.
Babble - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Backtrack - Sorcery: Time Spells II.
Badger Paws (MTLS8) - Sorcery: Least Spells II.
Balance (M39) - Sorcery: Body Control Buffs.
Baleful Polymorph - Sorcery: Baleful Polymorph and Animal Spell Rework.
Ball Lightning - Sorcery: Forgotten Realms Spells I.
Ball of Annihilation (P115-20) - Sorcery: Energy Spells II.
Ball of Annihilation (P115-20) - Sorcery: Energy Spells II.
Ball of Lightning (M197) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells II.
Balor's Eye Fire (P76-13) - Sorcery: Secret Spells.
Bands of Steel - Wizardly Styles.
Balor's Eye Fire (P76-13) - Sorcery: Secret Spells.
Bands of Steel - Wizardly Styles.
Bane (M62) - Sorcery: Limiting Enchantments.
Banefire - Sorcery: Banefire Spells.
Banefire Dart - Sorcery: Banefire Spells.
Banefire Jet - Sorcery: Banefire Spells.
Banefire Shield - Sorcery: Banefire Spells.
Banefire Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs III.
Banefire - Sorcery: Banefire Spells.
Banefire Dart - Sorcery: Banefire Spells.
Banefire Jet - Sorcery: Banefire Spells.
Banefire Shield - Sorcery: Banefire Spells.
Banefire Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs III.
Battering Ram - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XI.
Beacon (M83) - Sorcery: Gate Spells II.
Bear Hug - Sorcery: Body Control Spells V.
Beast Link (M30) - Sorcery: Animal Spells II.
Beast Possession (M32) - Sorcery: Animal Spells III.
Beast Seeker (M32) - Sorcery: Animal Spells III.
Beast Shape - Sorcery: Animal Spells V.
Beast Speech (M31) - Sorcery: Animal Spells II.
Beast Summoning (M30) - Sorcery: Animal Spells.
Belch (MTLS7) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Beast-Rouser (M30) - Sorcery: Animal Spells.
Beast-Soother (M29) - Sorcery: Animal Spells.
Bedtime Reading (P48-20) - Sorcery: Book Spells.Belch (MTLS7) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Bend Light - Sorcery: Perk-Based Spells.
Bender Defender (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Benediction of the Forge - Pantheon: Dwarven Deities.
Bender Defender (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Benediction of the Forge - Pantheon: Dwarven Deities.
Berserker (M134) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells.
Bibliomancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Bilocation - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XV.
Bind Spirit (Type) (M158) - Sorcery: Spirit Spells.
Biting Shadow - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XII.
Black Sphere* (MDS20) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 4.
Black Tentacles - Sorcery: Assorted Spells III.
Black Torch - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Black Sphere* (MDS20) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 4.
Black Tentacles - Sorcery: Assorted Spells III.
Black Torch - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Blackbolt (P115-20) - Sorcery: Energy Spells II.
Blackout (M112) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells III.
Blacksphere - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XII.
Blade Wind - Sorcery: Dominions Spells.
Bladestorm - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs II.
Bladeturning (M168) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 5.
Blank Spell Arrow (M66) - Does not seem convertable.
Blast Ball (MSDM19) - Sorcery: Fire Spells II.
Bleed - Sorcery: Healing Spells VII.
Blend In (MTLS7) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Blast Ball (MSDM19) - Sorcery: Fire Spells II.
Bleed - Sorcery: Healing Spells VII.
Blend In (MTLS7) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Bless Plants (M161) - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Blessing of Ale/Wine - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Art/Music - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Battle/Wrath - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Beauty/Love/Lust - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Bravery/Valor - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Death - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Destruction - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Disease - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Duty - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Envy - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Farming - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Fate - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Freedom - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Freedom (2) (FDG7) - Sorcery: Dungeon Fantasy Spells.
Blessing of Hunting - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Justice/Law - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Knowledge - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Luck - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Mandess - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Magic - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Murder - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Nature - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Pain - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Poison - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Protection - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Revenge/Vengeance - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Rulership - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Self-Perfection - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Sexuality - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Slavery/Tyranny - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Strategy - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Strength - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Trickery - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Undeath - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Air/Sky/Wind - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Cities - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Contracts/Oaths - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Darkness - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Dreams - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Earth - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Fire - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Flying Creatures - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Forge - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Journeys - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Monsters - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Moonlight - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Monuments - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Nightmares - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Ocean/Sea/Water - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Secrets - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Sun - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Weapons - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Weather - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Ale/Wine - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Art/Music - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Battle/Wrath - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Beauty/Love/Lust - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Bravery/Valor - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Death - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Destruction - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Disease - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Duty - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Envy - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Farming - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Fate - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Freedom - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Freedom (2) (FDG7) - Sorcery: Dungeon Fantasy Spells.
Blessing of Hunting - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Justice/Law - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Knowledge - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Luck - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Mandess - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Magic - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Murder - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Nature - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Pain - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Poison - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Protection - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Revenge/Vengeance - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Rulership - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Self-Perfection - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Sexuality - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Slavery/Tyranny - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Strategy - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Strength - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Trickery - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of Undeath - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Air/Sky/Wind - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Cities - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Contracts/Oaths - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Darkness - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Dreams - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Earth - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Fire - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Flying Creatures - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Forge - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Journeys - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Monsters - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Moonlight - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Monuments - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Nightmares - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Ocean/Sea/Water - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Secrets - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Sun - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Weapons - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blessing of the Weather - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Blight (M162) - Sorcery, page 23.
Blinding Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs
Blinding Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs
Blindsight - Sorcery: Forgotten Realms Spells I.
Blink (M148) - Sorcery: Gate Spells.
Blink Other (M148) - Sorcery: Gate Spells.
Blistering Touch - Sorcery: Perk-Based Spells.
Block (M166) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Blood Lust - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XII.
Bloodfire - Sorcery: Fire Spells III.
Bloodlust - Pantheon: Erythnul.
Bloodsucking Branches (MPS11) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VII.
Bloody Iron (P91-23) - Sorcery: Metal Spells.
Bloodlust - Pantheon: Erythnul.
Bloodsucking Branches (MPS11) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VII.
Bloody Iron (P91-23) - Sorcery: Metal Spells.
Blossom (M162) - Sorcery: Plant Spells III.
Blunderbuss (P91-23) - Sorcery: Metal Spells II.
Blunt Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs VI.
Blunting Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs III.
Blunderbuss (P91-23) - Sorcery: Metal Spells II.
Blunt Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs VI.
Blunting Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs III.
Body of Aicd - Sorcery: Acid Spells.
Body of Air (M24) - Sorcery: Elemental Body Spells.
Body of Earth - Sorcery: Elemental Body Spells.
Body of Flames (M76) - Sorcery: Elemental Body Spells.
Body of Fluid (MSDM7) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells I.
Body of Fungus (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells I.
Body of Glass (P114-18) - Sorcery: Glass Spells II.
Body of Flames (M76) - Sorcery: Elemental Body Spells.
Body of Fluid (MSDM7) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells I.
Body of Fungus (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells I.
Body of Glass (P114-18) - Sorcery: Glass Spells II.
Body of Ice (M189) - Sorcery: More Body of (Element) Spells.
Body of Illusion (P115-21) - Sorcery: Energy Spells.
Body of Leaves (MPS11) - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Body of Light (P115-21) - Sorcery: Energy Spells.
Body of Illusion (P115-21) - Sorcery: Energy Spells.
Body of Leaves (MPS11) - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Body of Light (P115-21) - Sorcery: Energy Spells.
Body of Lightning (M198) - Sorcery: More Body of (Element) Spells.
Body of Metal (M183) - Sorcery: More Body of (Element) Spells.
Body of Plastic (M183) - Sorcery: More Body of (Element) Spells.
Body of Shadow (M114) - Sorcery: More Body of (Element) Spells.
Body of Slime (M165) - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Body of Stone (M54) - Sorcery: More Body of (Element) Spells.
Body of Water (M185) - Sorcery: Elemental Body Spells.
Body of Wind (M27) - Sorcery: More Body of (Element) Spells.
Body of Wood* (M165) - Sorcery, page 23.
Body-Reading (M88) - Sorcery: Healing Spells.
Boil Blood - Sorcery: Fire Spells III.
Boil Water (M189) - Sorcery: Steam Spells.
Bone Splinters - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VII.
Book Lock - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VIII.
Boost Dexterity (M37) - Sorcery: Boost Attribute Spells.
Boost Health (M37) - Sorcery: Boost Attribute Spells.
Boost Intelligence (M37) - Sorcery: Boost Attribute Spells.
Boost Strength (M37) - Sorcery: Boost Attribute Spells.
Borrow Language (M46) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells III.
Borrow Skill (M47) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells V.
Botanomancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Bottle - Sorcery: Food Spells VI.
Boulder Barrage (MAS12) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells III.
Branch Fingers (MPS18) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVII.
Boulder Barrage (MAS12) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells III.
Branch Fingers (MPS18) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVII.
Bravery (M134) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells.
Break Rock (UA23) - Sorcery: Earth Spells IV.
Breakfall Plants (MPS13) - Sorcery: Plant Spells IX.
Breath Adaptation (UA22) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells IV.
Breath of Life - Sorcery: Healing Spells VII.
Breath of M'shesh - Pantheon: M'shesh.
Break Rock (UA23) - Sorcery: Earth Spells IV.
Breakfall Plants (MPS13) - Sorcery: Plant Spells IX.
Breath Adaptation (UA22) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells IV.
Breath of Life - Sorcery: Healing Spells VII.
Breath of M'shesh - Pantheon: M'shesh.
Breathe Air (M26) - Sorcery: Air Spells.
Breathe Radiation (M182) - Sorcery: Radiation Spells.
Breathe Steam (M192) - Sorcery: Steam Spells.
Breathe Water (M189) - Sorcery: Water Spells II.
Bright Vision (M111) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells II.
Brittle Bones - Sorcery: Bone Spells.
Brittleness - Sorcery: Noxious Cold Effects.
Bullet Protection - Sorcery: Assorted Spells V.
Bullet Shield - Sorcery: Assorted Spells V.
Buoyant Plant Life (MPS11) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VII.
Burden of Time - Sorcery: Ageing Spells.
Brittleness - Sorcery: Noxious Cold Effects.
Bullet Protection - Sorcery: Assorted Spells V.
Bullet Shield - Sorcery: Assorted Spells V.
Buoyant Plant Life (MPS11) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VII.
Burden of Time - Sorcery: Ageing Spells.
Burning Touch (M79) - Sorcery: Fire Spells.
Burning Weapon - Sorcery: Elemental Weapon Transformation Spells.
Butcher (MDS12) - Sorcery: Death Spells II.
Burning Weapon - Sorcery: Elemental Weapon Transformation Spells.
Butcher (MDS12) - Sorcery: Death Spells II.
Cadence (M39) - Sorcery: Body Control Buffs.
Call (MTLS6) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Call Lightning - Sorcery: Blasting Spells.
Call Monster (P109-20) - Sorcery: Monster Spells.
Calm Emotions - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells XI.
Calm Spirit - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Cancel Pregnancy - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Cancel Spells - Sorcery, page 20.
Capturing Vines (MPS12) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VII.
Call (MTLS6) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Call Lightning - Sorcery: Blasting Spells.
Call Monster (P109-20) - Sorcery: Monster Spells.
Calm Emotions - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells XI.
Calm Spirit - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Cancel Pregnancy - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Cancel Spells - Sorcery, page 20.
Capturing Vines (MPS12) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VII.
Carnivory - Sorcery: Food Spells V.
Cartomancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Catch Missile (M168) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 5.
Catch Spell (M123) - Sorcery: Meta Spells III.
Catfall - Sorcery: Body Control Spells V.
Cause Pain - Sorcery: Extra Afflictions.
Celestial Aid - Sorcery: Angelic Spells.
Celestial Shotgun (P91-24) - Sorcery: Metal Spells II.
Cause Pain - Sorcery: Extra Afflictions.
Celestial Aid - Sorcery: Angelic Spells.
Celestial Shotgun (P91-24) - Sorcery: Metal Spells II.
Censure - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XII.
Chain Lightning (MAS29) - Sorcery: Blasting Spells.
Chains of Light (FDG6) - Sorcery: Dungeon Fantasy Spells.
Challenge - Pantheon: Pladiru.
Chameleon Skin - Sorcery: Stealth Spells.
Chain Lightning (MAS29) - Sorcery: Blasting Spells.
Chains of Light (FDG6) - Sorcery: Dungeon Fantasy Spells.
Challenge - Pantheon: Pladiru.
Chameleon Skin - Sorcery: Stealth Spells.
Change Air - Sorcery: Air Spells VIII.
Change Animal - Sorcery: Animal Spells VI.
Change Coloration - Sorcery: Animal Spells VI.
Change Species (MPS12) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VIII.
Changestaff - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIX.
Channel Negative Energy - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Channel Negative Energy (Affinity Variant) - How to: Negative Energy Affinity.
Channel Positive Energy - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Channel the Mishtai - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells.
Chaos Hammer - Sorcery: Blasting Spells II.
Change Species (MPS12) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VIII.
Changestaff - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIX.
Channel Negative Energy - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Channel Negative Energy (Affinity Variant) - How to: Negative Energy Affinity.
Channel Positive Energy - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Channel the Mishtai - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells.
Chaos Hammer - Sorcery: Blasting Spells II.
Charge Powerstone (M126) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Charm (M139) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells II.
Cheese - Sorcery: Food Spells VI.
Chill Metal - Sorcery: Metal Spells VII.
Chill Touch - Sorcery: Cyclic Elemental Spells.
Chill Metal - Sorcery: Metal Spells VII.
Chill Touch - Sorcery: Cyclic Elemental Spells.
Choke (M40) - Sorcery: Body Control Status Effects.
Circle of Death - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VIII.
Circle of Death - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VIII.
Claws - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XVI.
Cleansing (M94) - Sorcery: Healing Spells VI.
Cleansing Light (MDS16) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells V.
Clenched Fist - Sorcery: Force Spells II.
Cleansing Light (MDS16) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells V.
Clenched Fist - Sorcery: Force Spells II.
Climbing (M35) - Sorcery: Body Control Buffs.
Cloak Undead - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XI.
Clone - Sorcery: Healing Spells VII.
Cloud (MTLS17) - Sorcery: Least Spells X.
Cloud of Doom (MAS9) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells I.
Clone - Sorcery: Healing Spells VII.
Cloud (MTLS17) - Sorcery: Least Spells X.
Cloud of Doom (MAS9) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells I.
Cloud-Vaulting (M148) - Sorcery: Movement Spells.
Clouds (M194) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Clumsiness (M36) - Sorcery: Attribute Debuffs.
Cognitive Block - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Cognitive Block - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Cold* (M74) - Pyramid #3-63, page 7.
Cold Vulnerability - Sorcery: Energy Spells III.
Collision (MAS21) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VII.
Color Spray - Sorcery: Light Spells.
Collision (MAS21) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VII.
Color Spray - Sorcery: Light Spells.
Command (M136) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells II.
Command Spirit (Type) (M153) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells III.
Communication (M48) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells V.
Compel Lie (M137) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells IV.
Compel Truth (M47) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells IV.
Compel Written Truth (P48-21) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells IV.
Compel Written Truth (P48-21) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells IV.
Complex Illusion (M96) - Sorcery, page 18.
Compulsive Reader (P28-21) - Sorcery: Book Spells II.
Compulsive Reader (P28-21) - Sorcery: Book Spells II.
Conceal (M162) - Sorcery: Plant Spells III.
Concussion (M26) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 4.
Condense Steam (M189) - Sorcery: Steam Spells.
Conduct Power (M180) - Sorcery: Power Spells.
Conducting Non-Conductor - Sorcery: EM and Weather Spells.
Conduction - Sorcery: Fire Spells III.
Cone of Cold - Sorcery: Blasting Spells II.
Cone of Corrosion (MAS27) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells XI.
Confuse Memory (P48-14) - Sorcery: Book Spells.
Confusion - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells XI.
Conic Blast - Sorcery: Gunman Spells II.
Conjure Dart (DF9-12) - Sorcery: Metal Spells II.
Conjure Midnight Construct - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells.
Conjure Shield (P91-24) - Sorcery: Metal Spells II.
Contagious Creeping Moss (MPS18) - merged with Gather Moss.
Continual Flame - Sorcery: Angelic Spells.
Cone of Cold - Sorcery: Blasting Spells II.
Cone of Corrosion (MAS27) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells XI.
Confuse Memory (P48-14) - Sorcery: Book Spells.
Confusion - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells XI.
Conic Blast - Sorcery: Gunman Spells II.
Conjure Dart (DF9-12) - Sorcery: Metal Spells II.
Conjure Midnight Construct - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells.
Conjure Shield (P91-24) - Sorcery: Metal Spells II.
Contagious Creeping Moss (MPS18) - merged with Gather Moss.
Continual Flame - Sorcery: Angelic Spells.
Continual Light (M110) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells.
Continual Mage Light (M113) - Sorcery: Light & Darkness Spells IV.
Continual Sunlight (M114) - Sorcery: Light & Darkness Spells IV.
Contract Object (M120) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VII.
Contragrav Flight - Sorcery: Force and Gravity Spells.
Control Creation (M99) - Sorcery: Creation Spells.
Control Elemental (M28) - Sorcery: Revised Elemental Spells.
Control Gate (M85) - Sorcery: Gate Spells IV.
Control Illusion (M97) - Sorcery: Illusion Spells.
Control Lava Lizard (DFM3-12) - Sorcery: Lava Spells.
Control Lava Lizard (DFM3-12) - Sorcery: Lava Spells.
Control Limb (M40) - Sorcery: Limb Spells.
Control Person (M49) - Sorcery: Possession Spells.
Control Plants - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIX.
Control Weather - Monster: Kraken.
Control Plants - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIX.
Control Weather - Monster: Kraken.
Control Zombie (M152) - Sorcery: Zombie Spells.
Converse (M173) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 4.
Conversion - Sorcery: Antimatter Spells.
Cook (M78) - Sorcery: Food Spells.
Cool (M195) - Sorcery, page 26.
Converse (M173) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 4.
Conversion - Sorcery: Antimatter Spells.
Cook (M78) - Sorcery: Food Spells.
Cool (M195) - Sorcery, page 26.
Cool Water - Sorcery: Water Spells IV.
Coolness (M187) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 5.
Copy (M116) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells II.
Cornucopia (M64) - Sorcery: Weapon Enchantments II.
Coolness (M187) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 5.
Copy (M116) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells II.
Cornucopia (M64) - Sorcery: Weapon Enchantments II.
Corona of Cold - Sorcery: Water Spells IV.
Corona of Frost - Sorcery: Water Spells IV.
Corporeal Instability - Sorcery: Assorted Spells IV.
Corpulence (M43) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells III.
Corrode - Sorcery: Noxious Acidic Effects.
Corrosive Weapon - Sorcery: Elemental Weapon Transformation Spells.
Countersong - How to: Bard Abilities.
Counterspell (M43) - Sorcery: Meta Spells.
Corporeal Instability - Sorcery: Assorted Spells IV.
Corpulence (M43) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells III.
Corrode - Sorcery: Noxious Acidic Effects.
Corrosive Weapon - Sorcery: Elemental Weapon Transformation Spells.
Countersong - How to: Bard Abilities.
Counterspell (M43) - Sorcery: Meta Spells.
Crawling Darkness - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XII.
Create Acid (M190) - Sorcery: Even More Acid Spells.
Create Air (M23) - Sorcery: Air Spells.
Create Animal (M98) - Sorcery: Creation Spells.
Create Acid (M190) - Sorcery: Even More Acid Spells.
Create Air (M23) - Sorcery: Air Spells.
Create Animal (M98) - Sorcery: Creation Spells.
Create Animated Plant (GoE4) - Sorcery: New Spell Variants.
Create Aquatic Servant (P4-4-21) - Sorcery: New Spell Variants.
Create Aquatic Warrior (P4-4-21) - Sorcery: New Spell Variants.
Create Book (MPS18) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VIII.
Create Chimera (BT31) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells I.
Create Door (M84) - Sorcery: Gate Spells IV.
Create Earth (M51) - Sorcery: Earth Spells.
Create Elemental (M28) - Sorcery: Revised Elemental Spells.
Create Fire (M72) - Pyramid #3-63, page 7.
Create Fluid (MSDM7) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells I.
Create Food (M79) - Sorcery: Food Spells II.
Create Foreign Body (MDS14) - Sorcery: Illusion and Creation Spells.
Create Fuel (M179) - Sorcery: Fuel Spells.
Create Fungus (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells I.
Create Gate (M85) - Sorcery: Gate Spells IV.
Create Ice (M188) - Sorcery: Ice Spells.
Create Book (MPS18) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VIII.
Create Chimera (BT31) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells I.
Create Door (M84) - Sorcery: Gate Spells IV.
Create Earth (M51) - Sorcery: Earth Spells.
Create Elemental (M28) - Sorcery: Revised Elemental Spells.
Create Fire (M72) - Pyramid #3-63, page 7.
Create Fluid (MSDM7) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells I.
Create Food (M79) - Sorcery: Food Spells II.
Create Foreign Body (MDS14) - Sorcery: Illusion and Creation Spells.
Create Fuel (M179) - Sorcery: Fuel Spells.
Create Fungus (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells I.
Create Gate (M85) - Sorcery: Gate Spells IV.
Create Ice (M188) - Sorcery: Ice Spells.
Create Implausible Material - Sorcery: Create Implausible Material.
Create Life - Sorcery: Geneforge Shaping.
Create Metal (P91-24) - Sorcery: Metal Spells II.
Create Mindscape - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Create Mount (M99) - Sorcery: Movement and Communication Spells.
Create Object (M98) - Sorcery, page 18.
Create Paper (MPS12) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VIII.
Create Planar Gate (M85) - Sorcery: Gate Spells IV.
Create Plant (M163) - Sorcery: Plant Spells III.
Create Sand (P114-17) - Sorcery: Glass Spells.
Create Servant (M98) - Sorcery: Creation Spells.
Create Spellstitched Undead - Lens/Monster: Spellstitched Creature/Spellstitched Ghast.
Create Spring (M190) - Sorcery: Water Spells III.
Create Steam (M190) - Sorcery: Steam Spells.
Create Temporal Gate (M85) - Sorcery: Gate Spells IV.
Create Trap (MAS17) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells IV.
Create Warrior (M98) - Sorcery: Creation Spells.
Create Water (M184) - Sorcery: Water Spells.
Creation Summoning - Sorcery: Geneforge Shaping.
Creeping Plague (MAS10) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells I.
Cremate (MDS12) - Sorcery: Fire Spells II.
Crushing Despair - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells XI.
Crushing Fist (MAS21) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VII.
Crushing Hand - Sorcery: Force Spells II.
Create Life - Sorcery: Geneforge Shaping.
Create Metal (P91-24) - Sorcery: Metal Spells II.
Create Mindscape - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Create Mount (M99) - Sorcery: Movement and Communication Spells.
Create Object (M98) - Sorcery, page 18.
Create Paper (MPS12) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VIII.
Create Planar Gate (M85) - Sorcery: Gate Spells IV.
Create Plant (M163) - Sorcery: Plant Spells III.
Create Sand (P114-17) - Sorcery: Glass Spells.
Create Servant (M98) - Sorcery: Creation Spells.
Create Spellstitched Undead - Lens/Monster: Spellstitched Creature/Spellstitched Ghast.
Create Spring (M190) - Sorcery: Water Spells III.
Create Steam (M190) - Sorcery: Steam Spells.
Create Temporal Gate (M85) - Sorcery: Gate Spells IV.
Create Trap (MAS17) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells IV.
Create Warrior (M98) - Sorcery: Creation Spells.
Create Water (M184) - Sorcery: Water Spells.
Creation Summoning - Sorcery: Geneforge Shaping.
Creeping Plague (MAS10) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells I.
Cremate (MDS12) - Sorcery: Fire Spells II.
Crushing Despair - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells XI.
Crushing Fist (MAS21) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VII.
Crushing Hand - Sorcery: Force Spells II.
Crustacean Control - Sorcery: Even More Unmerged Animal Spells.
Crystal Ball (M71) - Does not seem convertable.
Crystal Ball (M71) - Does not seem convertable.
Crystal-Gazing - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Cure Dehydration - Sorcery: Old Spells.
Cure Disease (M91) - Sorcery: Angelic Spells.
Cure Fungal Disease (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells II.
Cure Radiation (M182) - Sorcery: Radiation Spells.
Cure Disease (M91) - Sorcery: Angelic Spells.
Cure Fungal Disease (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells II.
Cure Radiation (M182) - Sorcery: Radiation Spells.
Cure Starvation - Sorcery: Old Spells.
Cure Wounds - How to: Negative Energy Affinity.
Current (M194) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Curse (M129) - Sorcery: Blesses and Curses.
Cure Wounds - How to: Negative Energy Affinity.
Current (M194) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Curse (M129) - Sorcery: Blesses and Curses.
Curse Magic - Sorcery: Mana Spells.
Curse Mana - Sorcery: Mana Spells.
Curse of Ale/Wine - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Art/Music - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Battle/Wrath - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Beauty/Love/Lust - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Bravery/Valor - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Death - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Destruction - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Disease - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Disfigurement - Pantheon: Erythnul.
Curse of Duty - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Envy - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Farming - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Fate - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Freedom - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Hunting - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Justice/Law - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Knowledge - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Luck - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Madness - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Magic - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Murder - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Nature - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Nightmares - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Pain - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Poison - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Protection - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Revenge/Vengeance - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Rulership - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Self-Perfection - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Sexuality - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Slavery/Tyranny - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Strategy - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Strength - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Toil - Pantheon: Dwarven Deities.
Curse of Trickery - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Undeath - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Air/Sky/Wind - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Cities - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Contracts/Oaths - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Darkness - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Dreams - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Earth - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Fire - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Flying Creatures - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Forge - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Journeys - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Monsters - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Moonlight - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Monuments - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Ocean/Sea/Water - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Secrets - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Sun - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Weapons - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Weather - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Ale/Wine - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Art/Music - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Battle/Wrath - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Beauty/Love/Lust - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Bravery/Valor - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Death - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Destruction - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Disease - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Disfigurement - Pantheon: Erythnul.
Curse of Duty - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Envy - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Farming - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Fate - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Freedom - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Hunting - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Justice/Law - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Knowledge - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Luck - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Madness - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Magic - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Murder - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Nature - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Nightmares - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Pain - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Poison - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Protection - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Revenge/Vengeance - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Rulership - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Self-Perfection - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Sexuality - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Slavery/Tyranny - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Strategy - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Strength - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Toil - Pantheon: Dwarven Deities.
Curse of Trickery - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of Undeath - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Air/Sky/Wind - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Cities - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Contracts/Oaths - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Darkness - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Dreams - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Earth - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Fire - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Flying Creatures - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Forge - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Journeys - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Monsters - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Moonlight - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Monuments - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Ocean/Sea/Water - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Secrets - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Sun - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Weapons - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse of the Weather - How to: Cleric Abilities.
Curse-Missile: Clumsiness - Sorcery: Curse-Missiles.
Curse-Missile: Curse - Sorcery: Curse-Missiles.
Curse-Missile: Frailty - Sorcery: Curse-Missiles II.
Curse-Missile: Hunger - Sorcery: Curse-Missiles II.
Curse-Missile: Itch - Sorcery: Curse-Missiles.
Curse-Missile: Pain - Sorcery: Curse-Missiles.
Curse-Missile: Perfume - Sorcery: Curse-Missiles II.
Curse-Missile: Retch - Sorcery: Curse-Missiles II.
Curse-Missile: Spasm - Sorcery: Curse-Missiles.
Curse-Missile: Strike Anosmic - Sorcery: Curse-Missiles II.
Curse-Missile: Strike Barren - Sorcery: Curse-Missiles II.
Curse-Missile: Strike Blind - Sorcery: Curse-Missiles.
Curse-Missile: Strike Deaf - Sorcery: Curse-Missiles.
Curse-Missile: Strike Dumb - Sorcery: Curse-Missiles.
Curse-Missile: Strike Numb - Sorcery: Curse-Missiles II.
Cybermancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Dactylomancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Dancing Object (M144) - Sorcery: Movement Spells V.
Dancing Shield (M67) - Sorcery: Armor Enchantments.
Dancing Weapon (M63) - Sorcery: Weapon Enchantments II.
Dactylomancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Dancing Object (M144) - Sorcery: Movement Spells V.
Dancing Shield (M67) - Sorcery: Armor Enchantments.
Dancing Weapon (M63) - Sorcery: Weapon Enchantments II.
Dark Road - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XII.
Dark Vision (M111) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells II.
Daybook Reading - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Daze (M134) - Sorcery: Acid spells and more.
Dazzling Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs VII.
Deadly Performance - How to: Bard Abilities.
Deafening Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs VII.
Death (MDS10) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells IV.
Daze (M134) - Sorcery: Acid spells and more.
Dazzling Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs VII.
Deadly Performance - How to: Bard Abilities.
Deafening Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs VII.
Death (MDS10) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells IV.
Death Blossom - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VII.
Death Field (MAS11) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells II.
Death Knell - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VIII.
Death Field (MAS11) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells II.
Death Knell - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VIII.
Death Link - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XII.
Death Ray (MAS26) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells X.
Death Vision (M149) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells.
Death Ward - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VIII.
Death's Banquet (MDS13) - Sorcery: Death Spells II.
Deathtouch (M41) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells III.
Debility (M36) - Sorcery: Attribute Debuffs.
Decapitation (M42) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells II.
Decay (M77) - Sorcery: Food Spells.
Decrease Potency (P4-1-5) - Sorcery: Poison Spells II.
Decrepify - Sorcery: Ageing Spells.
Defending Shield (M67) - Sorcery: Armor Enchantments.
Defending Weapon (M64) - Sorcery: Weapon Enchantments.
Death Ray (MAS26) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells X.
Death Vision (M149) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells.
Death Ward - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VIII.
Death's Banquet (MDS13) - Sorcery: Death Spells II.
Deathtouch (M41) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells III.
Debility (M36) - Sorcery: Attribute Debuffs.
Decapitation (M42) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells II.
Decay (M77) - Sorcery: Food Spells.
Decrease Potency (P4-1-5) - Sorcery: Poison Spells II.
Decrepify - Sorcery: Ageing Spells.
Defending Shield (M67) - Sorcery: Armor Enchantments.
Defending Weapon (M64) - Sorcery: Weapon Enchantments.
Defenestrating Sphere - Sorcery: Assorted Spells IX.
Deflect (M67) - Sorcery: Armor Enchantments.
Deflect Energy* (M73) - Pyramid #3-63, page 7.
Deflect Missile (M143) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Dehydrate (M188) - Sorcery: Water Spells III.
Deja Vu - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Delay (M130) - Does not seem convertable.
Delay Damage - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs IV.
Delay Image - Sorcery: Time Spells II.
Delayed Blast Fireball - Sorcery: Blasting Spells II.
Delayed Damage - Sorcery: Time Spells II.
Delayed Message* (M173) - Sorcery, page 24.
Deflect (M67) - Sorcery: Armor Enchantments.
Deflect Energy* (M73) - Pyramid #3-63, page 7.
Deflect Missile (M143) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Dehydrate (M188) - Sorcery: Water Spells III.
Deja Vu - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Delay (M130) - Does not seem convertable.
Delay Damage - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs IV.
Delay Image - Sorcery: Time Spells II.
Delayed Blast Fireball - Sorcery: Blasting Spells II.
Delayed Damage - Sorcery: Time Spells II.
Delayed Message* (M173) - Sorcery, page 24.
Demagnetize - Sorcery: EM and Weather Spells.
Demand Offering - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Despoil Seed (AA17) - Sorcery: Forgotten Spells.
Destabilization (MDS16) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VIII.
Demand Offering - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Despoil Seed (AA17) - Sorcery: Forgotten Spells.
Destabilization (MDS16) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VIII.
Destabilize Magic - Sorcery: Mana Spells.
Destroy Earth - Sorcery: Earth Spells V.
Destroy Water (M185) - Sorcery: Water Spells.
Detect Banestorm (B25) - Sorcery: Banestorm Spells.
Detect Curse - Sorcery: Divination Spells II.
Detect Golems - Treasure: S-Items.
Detect Incarnum - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells II.
Detect Magic (M101) - Sorcery, page 19.
Detect Mindscape - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Detect Plant Sapience - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Detect Poison (M166) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 6.
Destroy Water (M185) - Sorcery: Water Spells.
Detect Banestorm (B25) - Sorcery: Banestorm Spells.
Detect Curse - Sorcery: Divination Spells II.
Detect Golems - Treasure: S-Items.
Detect Incarnum - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells II.
Detect Magic (M101) - Sorcery, page 19.
Detect Mindscape - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Detect Plant Sapience - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Detect Poison (M166) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 6.
Detect Psi (DF14-29) - Sorcery: Psi Spells.
Detect Psychic Significance - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Detect Raw Magic (T228) - Sorcery: Raw Magic Spells.
Detect Scrying - Sorcery: Divination Spells.
Detect Snares and Pits - Sorcery: Divination Spells.
Detect Temporal Anomaly - Sorcery: Time Spells III.
Detect Undead - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells IX.
Devil's Dust (MAS23) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VIII.
Devitalize Air (M25) - Sorcery: Air Spells III.
Detect Psychic Significance - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Detect Raw Magic (T228) - Sorcery: Raw Magic Spells.
Detect Scrying - Sorcery: Divination Spells.
Detect Snares and Pits - Sorcery: Divination Spells.
Detect Temporal Anomaly - Sorcery: Time Spells III.
Detect Undead - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells IX.
Devil's Dust (MAS23) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VIII.
Devitalize Air (M25) - Sorcery: Air Spells III.
Dexterous Arm - Sorcery: Body Control Spells V.
Digger - Sorcery: Earth Spells V.
Dimension Door - Monster: Avoral.
Dimensional Dissection (MDS13) - Sorcery: Death Spells II.
Dimension Door - Monster: Avoral.
Dimensional Dissection (MDS13) - Sorcery: Death Spells II.
Dimensional Lock - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XI.
Diminishing Dome (MAS24) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells IX.
Dirge of Doom - How to: Bard Abilities.
Diminishing Dome (MAS24) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells IX.
Dirge of Doom - How to: Bard Abilities.
Disguise Undead - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XI.
Disinfect (MAS17) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells III.
Disintegrate* (M120) - Sorcery, page 20.
Disjunction - Sorcery: Assorted Spells III.
Dismembering Weapon - Sorcery: Forgotten Weapon Enchantments.
Disorient (M135) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells IV.
Dispel Creation (M99) - Sorcery: Creation Spells.
Dispel (Ethical Category) - Sorcery: More ethical spells.
Dispel Gravity - Sorcery: Gravity Spells.
Dispel Illusion (M97) - Sorcery: Illusion Spells.
Dispel Magic (M126) - Sorcery, page 21.
Dispel Possession (M49) - Sorcery: Possession Spells.
Disinfect (MAS17) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells III.
Disintegrate* (M120) - Sorcery, page 20.
Disjunction - Sorcery: Assorted Spells III.
Dismembering Weapon - Sorcery: Forgotten Weapon Enchantments.
Disorient (M135) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells IV.
Dispel Creation (M99) - Sorcery: Creation Spells.
Dispel (Ethical Category) - Sorcery: More ethical spells.
Dispel Gravity - Sorcery: Gravity Spells.
Dispel Illusion (M97) - Sorcery: Illusion Spells.
Dispel Magic (M126) - Sorcery, page 21.
Dispel Possession (M49) - Sorcery: Possession Spells.
Dispel Psi (DF14-29) - Sorcery: Psi Spells.
Dispel Spark (MDS17) - Sorcery: Meta Spells II.
Dispelling Touch - Monster: Scyther of Thoon.
Dispelling Weapon - Sorcery: Antimagic Spells.
Displace Spell (M124) - Sorcery: Meta Spells III.
Disrupt (MSDM23) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 5.
Disrupt Undead - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells IX.
Disrupting Weapon - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells IX.
Disruption (MDS17) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VIII.
Dissipate (MDS21) - Sorcery: Death Spells I.
Distance Manipulation - Sorcery: Space Spells II.
Distant Blow (M144) - Sorcery: Movement Spells V.
Distill (M46) - Sorcery: Food Spells II.
Distraction Song - How to: Bard Abilities.
Diver's Blessing (MTLS6) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Divert Plane Shift (M84) - Sorcery: Gate Spells II.
Divert Teleport (M84) - Sorcery: Gate Spells II.
Divert Timeport (M84) - Sorcery: Gate Spells II.
Divest Essentia - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells II.
Divination (M108) - Sorcery, page 19.
Dispel Spark (MDS17) - Sorcery: Meta Spells II.
Dispelling Touch - Monster: Scyther of Thoon.
Dispelling Weapon - Sorcery: Antimagic Spells.
Displace Spell (M124) - Sorcery: Meta Spells III.
Disrupt (MSDM23) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 5.
Disrupt Undead - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells IX.
Disrupting Weapon - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells IX.
Disruption (MDS17) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VIII.
Dissipate (MDS21) - Sorcery: Death Spells I.
Distance Manipulation - Sorcery: Space Spells II.
Distant Blow (M144) - Sorcery: Movement Spells V.
Distill (M46) - Sorcery: Food Spells II.
Distraction Song - How to: Bard Abilities.
Diver's Blessing (MTLS6) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Divert Plane Shift (M84) - Sorcery: Gate Spells II.
Divert Teleport (M84) - Sorcery: Gate Spells II.
Divert Timeport (M84) - Sorcery: Gate Spells II.
Divest Essentia - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells II.
Divination (M108) - Sorcery, page 19.
Divine Purpose - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XII.
Dominate Animal - Sorcery: Animal Spells V.
Doom Wish (MAS13) - Does not seem convertable.
Doomtouch (MDS11) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells IV.
Doppelgänger (M62) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells III.
Dominate Animal - Sorcery: Animal Spells V.
Doom Wish (MAS13) - Does not seem convertable.
Doomtouch (MDS11) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells IV.
Doppelgänger (M62) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells III.
Dragon Breath - Sorcery: Fire Spells III.
Dragon Master - Treasure: Artifacts.
Drain Magery (M130) - Sorcery: Meta Spells V.
Drain Mana (M127) - Sorcery: Meta Spells V.
Dragon Master - Treasure: Artifacts.
Drain Magery (M130) - Sorcery: Meta Spells V.
Drain Mana (M127) - Sorcery: Meta Spells V.
Drain Psionics (DF14-29) - Sorcery: Psi Spells.
Drama (MTLS7) - Sorcery: Least Spells II.
Dramatic Departure (MTLS14) - Sorcery: Least Spells VIII.
Draw Power (M180) - Sorcery: Power Spells.
Draw Together Shards (AA9) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Dread Curse (MDS17) - Sorcery: Blesses and Curses.
Dream Projection (M46) - Sorcery: Dream Spells.
Drama (MTLS7) - Sorcery: Least Spells II.
Dramatic Departure (MTLS14) - Sorcery: Least Spells VIII.
Draw Power (M180) - Sorcery: Power Spells.
Draw Together Shards (AA9) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Dread Curse (MDS17) - Sorcery: Blesses and Curses.
Dream Projection (M46) - Sorcery: Dream Spells.
Dream Visit - Sorcery: Dream Spells II.
Drown (MDS21) - Sorcery: Death Spells I.
Druid's Panacea (MPS12) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VIII.
Drunkenness (M136) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells V.
Dry Spring (M188) - Sorcery: Water Spells III.
Dueling Shield - Pyramid #3-91, page 33.
Dull Hearing (M133) - Sorcery: Perception Debuffs.
Dull Taste and Smell (M133) - Sorcery: Perception Debuffs.
Dull Touch (M133) - Sorcery: Perception Debuffs.
Dull Vision (M133) - Sorcery: Perception Debuffs.
Dullness (M134) - Sorcery: Perception Debuffs.
Duodimensional Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs VI.
Duplicate (M98) - Sorcery: Creation Spells.
Dust to Dust (MDS11) - Sorcery: Earth Spells IV.
Dwarven Clanship - Pantheon: Dwarven Deities.
Dwarvish Reinforcement (P76-13) - Sorcery: Secret Spells.
Dye (M116) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells II.
Dye Yellow (P28-14) - Sorcery: Yellow Spells.
Earth to Air (M25) - Sorcery: Earth Transmutation.
Earth to Fluid (MSDM7) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells I.
Earth to Glass (P114-17) - Sorcery: Glass Spells.
Earth to Stone (M51) - Sorcery: Earth Transmutation.
Earth to Water (M52) - Sorcery: Earth Transmutation.
Earth Vision (M51) - Sorcery: Earth Spells.
Drown (MDS21) - Sorcery: Death Spells I.
Druid's Panacea (MPS12) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VIII.
Drunkenness (M136) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells V.
Dry Spring (M188) - Sorcery: Water Spells III.
Dueling Shield - Pyramid #3-91, page 33.
Dull Hearing (M133) - Sorcery: Perception Debuffs.
Dull Taste and Smell (M133) - Sorcery: Perception Debuffs.
Dull Touch (M133) - Sorcery: Perception Debuffs.
Dull Vision (M133) - Sorcery: Perception Debuffs.
Dullness (M134) - Sorcery: Perception Debuffs.
Duodimensional Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs VI.
Duplicate (M98) - Sorcery: Creation Spells.
Dust to Dust (MDS11) - Sorcery: Earth Spells IV.
Dwarven Clanship - Pantheon: Dwarven Deities.
Dwarvish Reinforcement (P76-13) - Sorcery: Secret Spells.
Dye (M116) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells II.
Dye Yellow (P28-14) - Sorcery: Yellow Spells.
Earth to Air (M25) - Sorcery: Earth Transmutation.
Earth to Fluid (MSDM7) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells I.
Earth to Glass (P114-17) - Sorcery: Glass Spells.
Earth to Stone (M51) - Sorcery: Earth Transmutation.
Earth to Water (M52) - Sorcery: Earth Transmutation.
Earth Vision (M51) - Sorcery: Earth Spells.
Earthbind (FF-WF16) - Sorcery: Winged Folk Spells.
Earthquake (M54) - Sorcery: Earth Spells III.
Ease Labor (BT31) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells II.
Easy Rider (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells IV.
Eat Crow (MTLS9) - Sorcery: Least Spells IV.
Echoes of the Past (M107) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 5.
Ecstasy (M139) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VI.
Effigy (M71) - Does not seem convertable.
Ease Labor (BT31) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells II.
Easy Rider (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells IV.
Eat Crow (MTLS9) - Sorcery: Least Spells IV.
Echoes of the Past (M107) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 5.
Ecstasy (M139) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VI.
Effigy (M71) - Does not seem convertable.
Effulgent Epuration - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XV.
Ego Whip - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Electric Burn - Sorcery: Cyclic Elemental Spells.
Electric Vision - Sorcery: Exotic Senses.
Ego Whip - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Electric Burn - Sorcery: Cyclic Elemental Spells.
Electric Vision - Sorcery: Exotic Senses.
Electricity Vulnerability - Sorcery: Energy Spells III.
Elemental Body - Sorcery: Assorted Spells II.
Elvish Grace (P76-15) - Merged with Grace.
Ember (MTLS9) - Sorcery: Least Spells III.
Embolism (MDS9) - Sorcery: Air Spells IV.
Emergency Flight - Sorcery: Flight Spells.
Emergency Staff (MTLS8) - Sorcery: Least Spells III.
Emotion Control (M137) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells III.
Emotive Block - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Emperor's New Clothes - Sorcery: Armor Buffs V.
Enchant (M56) - Sorcery, page 15.
Encrypt (M135) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells IV.
Endure Elements - Sorcery: Buff Spells.
Energizing Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs IV.
Elemental Body - Sorcery: Assorted Spells II.
Elvish Grace (P76-15) - Merged with Grace.
Ember (MTLS9) - Sorcery: Least Spells III.
Embolism (MDS9) - Sorcery: Air Spells IV.
Emergency Flight - Sorcery: Flight Spells.
Emergency Staff (MTLS8) - Sorcery: Least Spells III.
Emotion Control (M137) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells III.
Emotive Block - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Emperor's New Clothes - Sorcery: Armor Buffs V.
Enchant (M56) - Sorcery, page 15.
Encrypt (M135) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells IV.
Endure Elements - Sorcery: Buff Spells.
Energizing Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs IV.
Energy Transformation Field - Sorcery: Energy Spells III.
Energy Vulnerability - Sorcery: Energy Spells III.
Enervation - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells IX.
Enlarge (M42) - Sorcery: Body Size Changes.
Enlarge Object (M120) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VII.
Enlarge Other (M43) - Sorcery: Body Size Changes.
Enslave (M141) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells II.
Ensorcel (M60) - Does not seem convertable.
Enervation - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells IX.
Enlarge (M42) - Sorcery: Body Size Changes.
Enlarge Object (M120) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VII.
Enlarge Other (M43) - Sorcery: Body Size Changes.
Enslave (M141) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells II.
Ensorcel (M60) - Does not seem convertable.
Entangling Staff - Sorcery: Adventurer Spells.
Enthrall (M139) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VI.
(Entity) Summoning - Pyramid #3-105, page 8.
Entombment (M53) - Sorcery: Earth Spells II.
Entrap Spirit (M157) - Sorcery: Spirit Spells.
Enthrall (M139) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VI.
(Entity) Summoning - Pyramid #3-105, page 8.
Entombment (M53) - Sorcery: Earth Spells II.
Entrap Spirit (M157) - Sorcery: Spirit Spells.
Enveloping Winds - Monster: Vayuphak.
Environmental Adaptation - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Essentia Lock - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells II.
Essential Acid (M192) - Sorcery: Even More Acid Spells.
Essential Air (M26) - Sorcery: Air Spells.
Essential Earth (M53) - Sorcery: Earth Spells.
Essential Flame (M75) - Sorcery: Fire Spells.
Essential Food (M79) - Sorcery: Food Spells II.
Essential Fuel (M179) - Sorcery: Fuel Spells.
Essential Glass (P114-17) - Sorcery: Glass Spells.
Essential Gunpowder (P111-9) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells III.
Essential Metal (P91-24) - Sorcery: Metal Spells III.
Essential Paper (P48-21) - Sorcery: Book Spells II.
Essential Water (M189) - Sorcery: Water Spells.
Essential Wood (M164) - Sorcery: Plant Spells V.
Ethereal Body (M146) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VIII.
Euphoria - Sorcery: Extra Afflictions.
Euthanize (MDS14) - Sorcery: Healing Spells II.
Environmental Adaptation - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Essentia Lock - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells II.
Essential Acid (M192) - Sorcery: Even More Acid Spells.
Essential Air (M26) - Sorcery: Air Spells.
Essential Earth (M53) - Sorcery: Earth Spells.
Essential Flame (M75) - Sorcery: Fire Spells.
Essential Food (M79) - Sorcery: Food Spells II.
Essential Fuel (M179) - Sorcery: Fuel Spells.
Essential Glass (P114-17) - Sorcery: Glass Spells.
Essential Gunpowder (P111-9) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells III.
Essential Metal (P91-24) - Sorcery: Metal Spells III.
Essential Paper (P48-21) - Sorcery: Book Spells II.
Essential Water (M189) - Sorcery: Water Spells.
Essential Wood (M164) - Sorcery: Plant Spells V.
Ethereal Body (M146) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VIII.
Euphoria - Sorcery: Extra Afflictions.
Euthanize (MDS14) - Sorcery: Healing Spells II.
Everchanging Self - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XII.
Evisceration (M154) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells V.
Evisceration (M154) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells V.
Exacting Shot - Sorcery: Adventurer Spells.
Exchange Bodies (M49) - Sorcery: Possession Spells.
Exclude (Ethical Category) (T50) - Sorcery: Ethical Spells.
Explode (M118) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells IV.
Explode Head - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Exploding Vegetable (MPS13) - Sorcery: Plant Spells IX.
Explosive Hellfire Orb (P25-17) - Sorcery: Hellfire Spells.
Explosive Fireball (M75) - Pyramid #3-63, page 7.
Explosive Lightning (M196) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells.
Explosive Mine (MAS19) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VI.
Explosive Runes - Sorcery: Blasting Spells II.
Explosive Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs III.
Extend Object (M120) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VII.
Exchange Bodies (M49) - Sorcery: Possession Spells.
Exclude (Ethical Category) (T50) - Sorcery: Ethical Spells.
Explode (M118) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells IV.
Explode Head - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Exploding Vegetable (MPS13) - Sorcery: Plant Spells IX.
Explosive Hellfire Orb (P25-17) - Sorcery: Hellfire Spells.
Explosive Fireball (M75) - Pyramid #3-63, page 7.
Explosive Lightning (M196) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells.
Explosive Mine (MAS19) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VI.
Explosive Runes - Sorcery: Blasting Spells II.
Explosive Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs III.
Extend Object (M120) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VII.
Extended Hearing - Sorcery: Perk-Based Spells.
Extinguish Fire (M72) - Pyramid #3-63, page 7.
Extinguish Radiation (M181) - Sorcery: Radiation Spells.
Extinguish Fire (M72) - Pyramid #3-63, page 7.
Extinguish Radiation (M181) - Sorcery: Radiation Spells.
Extispicy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Extract Poison (P4-1-5) - Sorcery: Poison Spells II.
Extradimensional Shift - Sorcery: Space Spells III.
Extract Poison (P4-1-5) - Sorcery: Poison Spells II.
Extradimensional Shift - Sorcery: Space Spells III.
Eye Ray: Animate Dead - Monsters/Lenses: Faerunian Lenses.
Eye Ray: Boneshatter - Monsters/Lenses: Faerunian Lenses.
Eye Ray: Charm - Monster: Beholder.
Eye Ray: Death - Monster: Beholder.
Eye Ray: Disintegrate - Monster: Beholder.
Eye Ray: Dispel - Monster: Gauth.
Eye Ray: Charm - Monster: Beholder.
Eye Ray: Death - Monster: Beholder.
Eye Ray: Disintegrate - Monster: Beholder.
Eye Ray: Dispel - Monster: Gauth.
Eye Ray: Enervation - Monsters/Lenses: Faerunian Lenses.
Eye Ray: Exhaustion - Monster: Gauth.
Eye Ray: Fear - Monster: Beholder.
Eye Ray: Exhaustion - Monster: Gauth.
Eye Ray: Fear - Monster: Beholder.
Eye Ray: Flesh Sear - Monsters/Lenses: Faerunian Lenses.
Eye Ray: Flesh to Stone - Monster: Beholder.
Eye Ray: Inflict Wounds - Monster: Gauth.
Eye Ray: Flesh to Stone - Monster: Beholder.
Eye Ray: Inflict Wounds - Monster: Gauth.
Eye Ray: Insanity - Monsters: Might and Magic Beholders.
Eye Ray: Paralysis - Monster: Gauth.
Eye Ray: Scorch - Monster: Gauth.
Eye Ray: Sleep - Monster: Gauth.
Eye Ray: Slow - Monster: Beholder.
Eye Ray: Stun - Monster: Gauth.
Eye Ray: Telekinesis - Monster: Beholder.
Eye Ray: Paralysis - Monster: Gauth.
Eye Ray: Scorch - Monster: Gauth.
Eye Ray: Sleep - Monster: Gauth.
Eye Ray: Slow - Monster: Beholder.
Eye Ray: Stun - Monster: Gauth.
Eye Ray: Telekinesis - Monster: Beholder.
Eye Ray: Unholy Blight - Monsters/Lenses: Faerunian Lenses.
Faerie Fire - Sorcery: Light Spells.
Fair Play - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Fair Witness - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Faerie Fire - Sorcery: Light Spells.
Fair Play - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Fair Witness - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Faith Magic Zone - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XII.
Falling Sky (MAS9) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells I.
False Aura (M122) - Sorcery: Meta Spells II.
False Life - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells IX.
False Memory (M139) - Sorcery: Memory Spells.
False Resurrection (BAb27) - Sorcery: Forgotten Spells II.
False Tracks (M163) - Sorcery: Plant Spells IV.
Far Shot - Sorcery: Gunman Spells II.
Far-Feeling (M100) - Sorcery: Sensory Displacement.
Far-Hearing (M173) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 6.
Far-Tasting (M77) - Sorcery: Sensory Displacement.
Fascinate (M135) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells III.
Fascinating Song - How to: Bard Abilities.
Fast Fire* (M73) - Pyramid #3-63, page 8.
Fast Plant Growth (MPS12) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VIII.
Fasten (M118) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells V.
Fatal Frequency (MDS20) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 6.
Fate of Oedipus - Sorcery: Noxious Fire Effects.
Fateful Weapon - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Falling Sky (MAS9) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells I.
False Aura (M122) - Sorcery: Meta Spells II.
False Life - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells IX.
False Memory (M139) - Sorcery: Memory Spells.
False Resurrection (BAb27) - Sorcery: Forgotten Spells II.
False Tracks (M163) - Sorcery: Plant Spells IV.
Far Shot - Sorcery: Gunman Spells II.
Far-Feeling (M100) - Sorcery: Sensory Displacement.
Far-Hearing (M173) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 6.
Far-Tasting (M77) - Sorcery: Sensory Displacement.
Fascinate (M135) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells III.
Fascinating Song - How to: Bard Abilities.
Fast Fire* (M73) - Pyramid #3-63, page 8.
Fast Plant Growth (MPS12) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VIII.
Fasten (M118) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells V.
Fatal Frequency (MDS20) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 6.
Fate of Oedipus - Sorcery: Noxious Fire Effects.
Fateful Weapon - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Fatigue - Sorcery: Old Spells.
Fatiguing Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs.
Fear (M139) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells IV.
Feather Fall - Sorcery: Buff Spells.
Fatiguing Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs.
Fear (M139) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells IV.
Feather Fall - Sorcery: Buff Spells.
Feathers - Sorcery: Feathers, Fur, and Scales.
Feed - Sorcery: Food Spells VI.
Fertilize Egg - Sorcery: Animal Spells VI.
Fetch - Sorcery: Assorted Spells X.
Feverish Visions - Sorcery: Noxious Fire Effects.
Fiery Stare - Monster: Retriever.
File Transfer - Sorcery: Technological Cantrips.
Final Rest (M89) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells.
Find Direction (M101) - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Find Ingredient (MTLS9) - Sorcery: Least Spells IV.
Find Weakness (M116) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells.
Feverish Visions - Sorcery: Noxious Fire Effects.
Fiery Stare - Monster: Retriever.
File Transfer - Sorcery: Technological Cantrips.
Final Rest (M89) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells.
Find Direction (M101) - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Find Ingredient (MTLS9) - Sorcery: Least Spells IV.
Find Weakness (M116) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells.
Fire Fist - Sorcery: Fire Spells III.
Fire Flies - Sorcery: Dominions Spells.
Fire Gem - Sorcery: Fire Spells III.
Fire Swarm (MAS14) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells IV.
Fire Trap - Sorcery: Blasting Spells II.
Fire Swarm (MAS14) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells IV.
Fire Trap - Sorcery: Blasting Spells II.
Fire Vulnerability - Sorcery: Energy Spells III.
Fire Whip - Sorcery: Elemental Whips.
Firearm Hex - Pyramid #3-111, page 10.
Fireball (M74) - Pyramid #3-63, page 8.
Fireproof (M73) - Pyramid #3-63, page 8.
Fireproof Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs II.
Fish Control - Treasure: Magic Weapons II.
Fist of Lightning - Monster: Marut.
Fist of Thunder - Monster: Marut.
Flame Jet* (M73) - Pyramid #3-63, page 8.
Flame Strike - Sorcery: Blasting Spells III.
Firearm Hex - Pyramid #3-111, page 10.
Fireball (M74) - Pyramid #3-63, page 8.
Fireproof (M73) - Pyramid #3-63, page 8.
Fireproof Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs II.
Fish Control - Treasure: Magic Weapons II.
Fist of Lightning - Monster: Marut.
Fist of Thunder - Monster: Marut.
Flame Jet* (M73) - Pyramid #3-63, page 8.
Flame Strike - Sorcery: Blasting Spells III.
Flameturning - Sorcery: Old Spells II.
Flaming Armor (M75) - Sorcery: Fire Spells.
Flaming Missiles (M75) - Sorcery: Unmerged Spells.
Flaming Sphere - Sorcery: Blasting Spells III.
Flaming Weapon (M75) - Sorcery: Elemental Weapon Buffs.
Flammability (MAS26) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells X.
Flash (M112) - Sorcery: Light & Darkness Spells IV.
Flash Forward - Sorcery: Time Spells III.
Flee (MTLS14) - Sorcery: Least Spells VIII.
Flesh to Adamant (P25-16) - Sorcery: Essential Earth Spells.
Flesh to Ice (M190) - Sorcery: Cryomancy Expanded.
Flesh to Glass (P114-18) - Sorcery: Glass Spells III.
Flesh to Metal (P91-25) - Sorcery: Metal Spells III.
Flesh to Stone (M31) - Sorcery, page 15.
Flexibility (MTLS7) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Flight (M145) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VI.
Fling Fruit (MPS13) - Sorcery: Plant Spells IX.
Floating Disk - Sorcery: Force Spells.
Flaming Armor (M75) - Sorcery: Fire Spells.
Flaming Missiles (M75) - Sorcery: Unmerged Spells.
Flaming Sphere - Sorcery: Blasting Spells III.
Flaming Weapon (M75) - Sorcery: Elemental Weapon Buffs.
Flammability (MAS26) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells X.
Flash (M112) - Sorcery: Light & Darkness Spells IV.
Flash Forward - Sorcery: Time Spells III.
Flee (MTLS14) - Sorcery: Least Spells VIII.
Flesh to Adamant (P25-16) - Sorcery: Essential Earth Spells.
Flesh to Ice (M190) - Sorcery: Cryomancy Expanded.
Flesh to Glass (P114-18) - Sorcery: Glass Spells III.
Flesh to Metal (P91-25) - Sorcery: Metal Spells III.
Flesh to Stone (M31) - Sorcery, page 15.
Flexibility (MTLS7) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Flight (M145) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VI.
Fling Fruit (MPS13) - Sorcery: Plant Spells IX.
Floating Disk - Sorcery: Force Spells.
Flock of Ravens (FF-WF16) - Sorcery: Winged Folk Spells.
Flow (MSDM9) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells III.
Fluid Jet (MSDM7) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells I.
Fluid Vision (MSDM7) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells II.
Flying Carpet (M146) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VII.
Flow (MSDM9) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells III.
Fluid Jet (MSDM7) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells I.
Fluid Vision (MSDM7) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells II.
Flying Carpet (M146) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VII.
Flying Shards - Sorcery: Dominions Spells.
Fog (M193) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Fog Cloud - Sorcery: Cloud Spells.
Fool's Banquet (M79) - Sorcery: Food Spells IV.
Foolishness (M134) - Sorcery: Attribute Debuffs.
Forbidden Wisdom (MDS15) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells V.
Force Ball (MAS24) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells IX.
Force Bolt - Sorcery: Force Spells III.
Force Dome (M170) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 6.
Force Guillotine (MDS20) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 6.
Force Harpoon - Sorcery: Force Spells III.
Force Spear - Sorcery: Force Spells III.
Force Wall (M170) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 7.
Forceful Hand - Sorcery: Force Spells II.
Forceful Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs II.
Forest Defense (MPS13) - Sorcery: Plant Spells X.
Forest Warning (M162) - Sorcery: Plant Spells III.
Fog (M193) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Fog Cloud - Sorcery: Cloud Spells.
Fool's Banquet (M79) - Sorcery: Food Spells IV.
Foolishness (M134) - Sorcery: Attribute Debuffs.
Forbidden Wisdom (MDS15) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells V.
Force Ball (MAS24) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells IX.
Force Bolt - Sorcery: Force Spells III.
Force Dome (M170) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 6.
Force Guillotine (MDS20) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 6.
Force Harpoon - Sorcery: Force Spells III.
Force Spear - Sorcery: Force Spells III.
Force Wall (M170) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 7.
Forceful Hand - Sorcery: Force Spells II.
Forceful Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs II.
Forest Defense (MPS13) - Sorcery: Plant Spells X.
Forest Warning (M162) - Sorcery: Plant Spells III.
Forked Lightning - Sorcery: Lightning Spells IV.
Form of the Dragon - Sorcery: Assorted Spells III.
Fortify (M66) - Sorcery: Armor Enchantments.
Fortune Favors the Bold - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Foster Hatred - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Foul Water (M185) - Sorcery: Water Spells II.
Fount of Wine (P43-8) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells.
Frailty (M37) - Sorcery: Attribute Debuffs.
Freedom (M148) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 7.
Freeze (M185) - Sorcery: Ice Spells.
Freezing Fog - Sorcery: Cryomancy Expanded.
Freezing Sphere - Sorcery: Blasting Spells III.
Frightening Tune - How to: Bard Abilities.
Frost (M193) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Form of the Dragon - Sorcery: Assorted Spells III.
Fortify (M66) - Sorcery: Armor Enchantments.
Fortune Favors the Bold - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Foster Hatred - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Foul Water (M185) - Sorcery: Water Spells II.
Fount of Wine (P43-8) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells.
Frailty (M37) - Sorcery: Attribute Debuffs.
Freedom (M148) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 7.
Freeze (M185) - Sorcery: Ice Spells.
Freezing Fog - Sorcery: Cryomancy Expanded.
Freezing Sphere - Sorcery: Blasting Spells III.
Frightening Tune - How to: Bard Abilities.
Frost (M193) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Frost Nova - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XVI.
Frost Weapon - Sorcery: Elemental Weapon Transformation Spells.
Frostbite (M189) - Sorcery: Water Spells III.
Frostburn - Sorcery: Cyclic Elemental Spells.
Frozen Heart - Sorcery: Noxious Cold Effects.
Fulminating Weapon - Sorcery: Elemental Weapon Transformation Spells.
Fumble (M38) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells II.
Fungal Pestilence (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells IV.
Fungal Ruin (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells IV.
Fungus Control (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells II.
Fungus Form (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells II.
Fungus Form Other (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells II.
Fungus Growth (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells III.
Fungus Speech (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells III.
Frost Weapon - Sorcery: Elemental Weapon Transformation Spells.
Frostbite (M189) - Sorcery: Water Spells III.
Frostburn - Sorcery: Cyclic Elemental Spells.
Frozen Heart - Sorcery: Noxious Cold Effects.
Fulminating Weapon - Sorcery: Elemental Weapon Transformation Spells.
Fumble (M38) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells II.
Fungal Pestilence (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells IV.
Fungal Ruin (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells IV.
Fungus Control (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells II.
Fungus Form (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells II.
Fungus Form Other (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells II.
Fungus Growth (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells III.
Fungus Speech (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells III.
Fur - Sorcery: Feathers, Fur, and Scales.
Galactomancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Garble (M172) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 6.
Gargoyle Skin (MTLS8) - Sorcery: Least Spells II.
Galactomancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Garble (M172) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 6.
Gargoyle Skin (MTLS8) - Sorcery: Least Spells II.
Gastromancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Gate Seal - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XI.
Gateway of Worlds - Pyramid #3-105, page 8.
Gather Moss (MPS13) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XI.
Gauntness (M43) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells III.
Gateway of Worlds - Pyramid #3-105, page 8.
Gather Moss (MPS13) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XI.
Gauntness (M43) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells III.
Gemjump - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XI.
Geomancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Geyser (M190) - Sorcery: Water Spells III.
Ghaele's Gaze - Monster: Ghaele.
Ghost Touch Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs.
Ghost Weapon (M65) - Sorcery: Weapon Enchantments II.
Ghost Whip - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Ghost Wind (BAb27) - Sorcery: Forgotten Spells II.
Ghoul Touch - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells X.
Giant Form - Sorcery: Assorted Spells II.
Geyser (M190) - Sorcery: Water Spells III.
Ghaele's Gaze - Monster: Ghaele.
Ghost Touch Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs.
Ghost Weapon (M65) - Sorcery: Weapon Enchantments II.
Ghost Whip - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Ghost Wind (BAb27) - Sorcery: Forgotten Spells II.
Ghoul Touch - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells X.
Giant Form - Sorcery: Assorted Spells II.
Giant Spider - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XII.
Gift of Letters (M46) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells III.
Gift of Tongues (M46) - Sorcery, page 14.
Gift of Letters (M46) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells III.
Gift of Tongues (M46) - Sorcery, page 14.
Gifts from Heavens - Sorcery: Dominions Spells.
Glandular Rupture (P4-1-6) - Sorcery: Poison Spells V.
Glass Missile (P114-18) - Sorcery: Glass Spells III.
Glass to Air (P114-17) - Sorcery: Glass Spells.
Glass Transparency (P114-17) - Sorcery: Glass Spells II.
Glass Vision (P114-19) - Sorcery: Glass Spells III.
Glass Wall (M103) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells III.
Glasswraith (P114-19) - Sorcery: Glass Spells IV.
Glib Tongue (M141) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VII.
Glimpse of Hell (TMS36) - Sorcery: Hellish Spells.
Glitch (M176) - Sorcery: Machine Spells.
Glitterdust - Sorcery: Light Spells.
Globe of Invulnerability - Sorcery: Assorted Spells III.
Gloom (M112) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells III.
Glow (M112) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells III.
Glue (M142) - Sorcery: Movement Spells II.
Glutton's Cheat (MTLS9) - Sorcery: Least Spells IV.
Glass Missile (P114-18) - Sorcery: Glass Spells III.
Glass to Air (P114-17) - Sorcery: Glass Spells.
Glass Transparency (P114-17) - Sorcery: Glass Spells II.
Glass Vision (P114-19) - Sorcery: Glass Spells III.
Glass Wall (M103) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells III.
Glasswraith (P114-19) - Sorcery: Glass Spells IV.
Glib Tongue (M141) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VII.
Glimpse of Hell (TMS36) - Sorcery: Hellish Spells.
Glitch (M176) - Sorcery: Machine Spells.
Glitterdust - Sorcery: Light Spells.
Globe of Invulnerability - Sorcery: Assorted Spells III.
Gloom (M112) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells III.
Glow (M112) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells III.
Glue (M142) - Sorcery: Movement Spells II.
Glutton's Cheat (MTLS9) - Sorcery: Least Spells IV.
Gluttony - Sorcery: Food Spells V.
Goggles (MTLS12) - Sorcery: Least Spells VI.
Golem (M59) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells III.
Golembane Weapon - Treasure: S-Items.
Grabbing Hand - Sorcery: Force Spells II.
Grace (M37) - Sorcery: Attribute Buffs.
Graceful Weapon (M63) - Sorcery: Weapon Enchantments.
Grafting Weapon - Treasure: Grafter's Axe.
Grant Plant Intelligence (MPS13) - Sorcery: Plant Spells IX.
Goggles (MTLS12) - Sorcery: Least Spells VI.
Golem (M59) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells III.
Golembane Weapon - Treasure: S-Items.
Grabbing Hand - Sorcery: Force Spells II.
Grace (M37) - Sorcery: Attribute Buffs.
Graceful Weapon (M63) - Sorcery: Weapon Enchantments.
Grafting Weapon - Treasure: Grafter's Axe.
Grant Plant Intelligence (MPS13) - Sorcery: Plant Spells IX.
Graphology - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Grasping Branch (MPS14) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XI.
Grasping Doom (MSDM15) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells.
Grasping Hand (FDG6) - Sorcery: Dungeon Fantasy Spells.
Grave Grounding (MDS22) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells III.
Grasping Branch (MPS14) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XI.
Grasping Doom (MSDM15) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells.
Grasping Hand (FDG6) - Sorcery: Dungeon Fantasy Spells.
Grave Grounding (MDS22) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells III.
Graveweed Smoking - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Gravity Crush - Sorcery: Gravity Spells.
Gravity Push - Sorcery: Gravity Spells.
Gravity Tolerance - Sorcery: Gravity Spells.
Grease (M142) - Sorcery, page 22.
Great Deflect Energy (P4-9) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells I.
Great Deflect Missile (MSDM13) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells I.
Great Geas (M141) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VIII.
Great Hallucination (M141) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VIII.
Great Haste (M146) - Sorcery: Movement and Communication Spells.
Great Healing (M91) - Sorcery: Healing Spells IV.
Great Shapeshift (M34) - Sorcery: Shapeshifting Spells.
Great Voice (M173) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 6.
Great Ward (M122) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Great Wish (M62) - Does not seem convertable.
Gravity Crush - Sorcery: Gravity Spells.
Gravity Push - Sorcery: Gravity Spells.
Gravity Tolerance - Sorcery: Gravity Spells.
Grease (M142) - Sorcery, page 22.
Great Deflect Energy (P4-9) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells I.
Great Deflect Missile (MSDM13) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells I.
Great Geas (M141) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VIII.
Great Hallucination (M141) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VIII.
Great Haste (M146) - Sorcery: Movement and Communication Spells.
Great Healing (M91) - Sorcery: Healing Spells IV.
Great Shapeshift (M34) - Sorcery: Shapeshifting Spells.
Great Voice (M173) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 6.
Great Ward (M122) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Great Wish (M62) - Does not seem convertable.
Greater Summons (MSHM7) - Does not seem convertable.
Green Death (MPS14) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XI.
Green Telurgy (MPS14) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XII.
Grind Meat - Sorcery: Utility Cantrips II.
Groom (MTLS6) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Guardian Spirit - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells II.
Guided Weapon - Sorcery: Gunman Spells III.
Hail (M195) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Hair Growth (M39) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells II.
Haircut (M39) - Sorcery, page 14.
Hallucination (M140) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VIII.
Hallucinogenic Cloud - Sorcery: Cloud Spells.
Halt Ageing (M94) - Sorcery: Healing Spells VI.
Halt Undead - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells X.
Hammerhands - Sorcery: Utility Cantrips.
Hang Spell (M128) - Does not seem convertable.
Harden Air - Sorcery: Air Spells V.
Hardiness (M167) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Harvest (MPS14) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XII.
Haste (M142) - Sorcery: Movement and Communication Spells.
Hawk Flight (M146) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VII.
Hawk Vision (M111) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells II.
Green Death (MPS14) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XI.
Green Telurgy (MPS14) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XII.
Grind Meat - Sorcery: Utility Cantrips II.
Groom (MTLS6) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Guardian Spirit - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells II.
Guided Weapon - Sorcery: Gunman Spells III.
Hail (M195) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Hair Growth (M39) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells II.
Haircut (M39) - Sorcery, page 14.
Hallucination (M140) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VIII.
Hallucinogenic Cloud - Sorcery: Cloud Spells.
Halt Ageing (M94) - Sorcery: Healing Spells VI.
Halt Undead - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells X.
Hammerhands - Sorcery: Utility Cantrips.
Hang Spell (M128) - Does not seem convertable.
Harden Air - Sorcery: Air Spells V.
Hardiness (M167) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Harvest (MPS14) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XII.
Haste (M142) - Sorcery: Movement and Communication Spells.
Hawk Flight (M146) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VII.
Hawk Vision (M111) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells II.
Haze - Sorcery: Air Spells VIII.
Heal Fungus (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells III.
Heal Plant (M161) - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Healing Slumber (M94) - Sorcery: Healing Spells VI.
Healthful Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs II.
Heal Fungus (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells III.
Heal Plant (M161) - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Healing Slumber (M94) - Sorcery: Healing Spells VI.
Healthful Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs II.
Healthful Rest - Sorcery: Adventurer Spells.
Hearing Protection - Sorcery: Sound Spells V.
Heart of Stone (MDS11) - Sorcery: Earth Spells IV.
Heartburn - Sorcery: Noxious Acidic Effects.
Heat* (M74) - Pyramid #3-63, page 8.
Hearing Protection - Sorcery: Sound Spells V.
Heart of Stone (MDS11) - Sorcery: Earth Spells IV.
Heartburn - Sorcery: Noxious Acidic Effects.
Heat* (M74) - Pyramid #3-63, page 8.
Heat Water - Sorcery: Water Spells IV.
Hell Zone (MAS16) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells V.
Hellfire Breath (P25-18) - Sorcery: Hellfire Spells.
Hellfire Jet (P25-18) - Sorcery: Hellfire Spells.
Hellfire Pillar - Monster: Arch-Vile.
Hellfire Orb (P25-17) - Sorcery: Hellfire Spells.
Hellfire Rain (P25-18) - Sorcery: Hellfire Spells.
Hellspawn (BT32) - Sorcery: Hellish Spells.
Hell Zone (MAS16) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells V.
Hellfire Breath (P25-18) - Sorcery: Hellfire Spells.
Hellfire Jet (P25-18) - Sorcery: Hellfire Spells.
Hellfire Pillar - Monster: Arch-Vile.
Hellfire Orb (P25-17) - Sorcery: Hellfire Spells.
Hellfire Rain (P25-18) - Sorcery: Hellfire Spells.
Hellspawn (BT32) - Sorcery: Hellish Spells.
Helping Hands - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VIII.
Herbivory - Sorcery: Food Spells V.
Hex (M57) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells.
Hide (M113) - Sorcery: Light & Darkness Spells IV.
Hide Emotion (M45) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells II.
Hide from Animals - Sorcery: Animal Spells V.
Hide from Undead - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells X.
Hide Object (M86) - Sorcery: Gate Spells III.
Hide Path (M162) - Sorcery: Plant Spells II.
Hide Thoughts (M46) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells III.
Hideaway (M61) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells IV.
Hideous Laughter - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells XII.
Hinder (M36) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells.
History (M106) - Sorcery: Spells of the Past.
Hex (M57) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells.
Hide (M113) - Sorcery: Light & Darkness Spells IV.
Hide Emotion (M45) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells II.
Hide from Animals - Sorcery: Animal Spells V.
Hide from Undead - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells X.
Hide Object (M86) - Sorcery: Gate Spells III.
Hide Path (M162) - Sorcery: Plant Spells II.
Hide Thoughts (M46) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells III.
Hideaway (M61) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells IV.
Hideous Laughter - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells XII.
Hinder (M36) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells.
History (M106) - Sorcery: Spells of the Past.
Hoard-Reading - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Hold Breath (M39) - Sorcery: Body Control Buffs.
Hold Fast (M143) - Sorcery: Movement Spells II.
Hold Breath (M39) - Sorcery: Body Control Buffs.
Hold Fast (M143) - Sorcery: Movement Spells II.
Hold Metal - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XII.
Holy Smite - Sorcery: More ethical spells.
Holy Weapon - Imbuements and Sorcery: Align Weapon.
Homing Weapon - Sorcery: Gunman Spells III.
Homunculus (M70) - Does not seem convertable.
Holy Smite - Sorcery: More ethical spells.
Holy Weapon - Imbuements and Sorcery: Align Weapon.
Homing Weapon - Sorcery: Gunman Spells III.
Homunculus (M70) - Does not seem convertable.
Hot Smoke - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XIV.
Hunger (M38) - Sorcery: Food Spells IV.
Hush (M172) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 6.
Hybrid Control (M30) - Sorcery: Animal Spells.
Hunger (M38) - Sorcery: Food Spells IV.
Hush (M172) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 6.
Hybrid Control (M30) - Sorcery: Animal Spells.
Hydration - Sorcery: Food Spells V.
Hydromancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Hyperjump - Sorcery: Space Spells.
Hypervision - Sorcery: Space Spells.
Hypnotic Leaves (MPS15) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XII.
Hypnotize (MTLS13) - Sorcery: Least Spells VII.
Ice Armor - Sorcery: Ice Spells II.
Ice Dagger (M188) - Sorcery: Cryomancy Expanded.
Ice Movement - Sorcery: Ice Spells II.
Hyperjump - Sorcery: Space Spells.
Hypervision - Sorcery: Space Spells.
Hypnotic Leaves (MPS15) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XII.
Hypnotize (MTLS13) - Sorcery: Least Spells VII.
Ice Armor - Sorcery: Ice Spells II.
Ice Dagger (M188) - Sorcery: Cryomancy Expanded.
Ice Movement - Sorcery: Ice Spells II.
Ice Shield - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XIV.
Ice Slick (M186) - Sorcery: Ice Spells.
Ice Sphere (M186) - Sorcery: Ice Spells.
Ice Storm (MAS29) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells X.
Icy Breath (M192) - Sorcery: Cryomancy Expanded.
Icy Missiles (M186) - Sorcery: Unmerged Spells.
Icy Touch (M188) - Sorcery: Cryomancy Expanded.
Icy Weapon (M185) - Sorcery, page 25.
Icewalking - Sorcery: Ice Spells.
Identify Loot (P64-14) - Sorcery: Pirate Spells.
Identify Fungus (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells III.
Identify Metal (M182) - Sorcery: Metal and Plastic Spells.
Identify Newcomer (B25) - Sorcery: Banestorm Spells.
Identify Plant (M161) - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Identify Plastic (M182) - Sorcery: Metal and Plastic Spells.
Ice Slick (M186) - Sorcery: Ice Spells.
Ice Sphere (M186) - Sorcery: Ice Spells.
Ice Storm (MAS29) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells X.
Icy Breath (M192) - Sorcery: Cryomancy Expanded.
Icy Missiles (M186) - Sorcery: Unmerged Spells.
Icy Touch (M188) - Sorcery: Cryomancy Expanded.
Icy Weapon (M185) - Sorcery, page 25.
Icewalking - Sorcery: Ice Spells.
Identify Loot (P64-14) - Sorcery: Pirate Spells.
Identify Fungus (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells III.
Identify Metal (M182) - Sorcery: Metal and Plastic Spells.
Identify Newcomer (B25) - Sorcery: Banestorm Spells.
Identify Plant (M161) - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Identify Plastic (M182) - Sorcery: Metal and Plastic Spells.
Identify Psi (DF14-29) - Sorcery: Psi Spells.
Identify Spell (M102) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells II.
Identify True Name (P114-14) - Sorcery: Divination Spells II.
Ignite Fire (M72) - Sorcery, page 16.
Ignite Poison (P4-1-6) - Sorcery: Poison Spells II.
Illuminated Writing (P48-21) - Sorcery: Book Spells II.
Illusion Disguise (M96) - Sorcery: Illusion Spells.
Illusion Shell (M96) - Sorcery: Illusion Spells.
Illusory Wall - Sorcery: Illusion and Creation Spells II.
Image (MTLS11) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Images of the Past (M107) - Sorcery: Spells of the Past.
Imitate Voice (M172) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 7.
Imp Face (AA17) - Sorcery: Forgotten Spells.
Impart Skill (P76-15) - Sorcery: Secret Spells.
Impenetrable Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs III.
Impression Blocker (M60) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells IV.
Imprint Monster (P109-20) - Sorcery: Monster Spells.
Improved Concussion (MAS25) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 7.
Improved Explosive Fireball (MAS15) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells IV.
Improved Explosive Lightning (MAS29) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells X.
Improved Firewood (MPS15) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XII.
Incarnum Arc - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells III.
Incarnum Bladestorm - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells III.
Incorporeal Chains - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Increase Burden (M143) - Sorcery: Movement Spells II.
Increase Gravity - Sorcery: Gravity Spells II.
Increase Potency (P4-1-7) - Sorcery: Poison Spells III.
Independence (M96) - included in other illusion spells.
Infiltrate (MSDM9) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells III.
Inflict Pain - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Inflict Wounds - How to: Negative Energy Affinity.
Inflict Wounds (Affinity Variant) - How to: Negative Energy Affinity.
Infravision (M111) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells II.
Initiative (M97) - included in other illusion spells.
Inscribe (M97) - Sorcery: Movement and Communication Spells.
Insect Control - Treasure: Staffs.
Insect Repellent (MTLS15) - Sorcery: Least Spells IX.
Insignificance (M48) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells IV.
Inspire Competence - How to: Bard Abilities.
Inspire Courage - How to: Bard Abilities.
Inspire Greatness - How to: Bard Abilities.
Inspire Heroics - How to: Bard Abilities.
Inspired Creation* (M115) - Sorcery, page 20.
Instant Neutralize Fungal Poison (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells IV.
Instant Neutralize Poison (M92) - Sorcery: Healing Spells III.
Instant Regeneration (M93) - Sorcery: Restorative Spells.
Instant Restoration (M93) - Sorcery: Restorative Spells.
Instant Summons - Sorcery: Illusion and Creation Spells II.
Insulated Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs II.
Identify Spell (M102) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells II.
Identify True Name (P114-14) - Sorcery: Divination Spells II.
Ignite Fire (M72) - Sorcery, page 16.
Ignite Poison (P4-1-6) - Sorcery: Poison Spells II.
Illuminated Writing (P48-21) - Sorcery: Book Spells II.
Illusion Disguise (M96) - Sorcery: Illusion Spells.
Illusion Shell (M96) - Sorcery: Illusion Spells.
Illusory Wall - Sorcery: Illusion and Creation Spells II.
Image (MTLS11) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Images of the Past (M107) - Sorcery: Spells of the Past.
Imitate Voice (M172) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 7.
Imp Face (AA17) - Sorcery: Forgotten Spells.
Impart Skill (P76-15) - Sorcery: Secret Spells.
Impenetrable Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs III.
Impression Blocker (M60) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells IV.
Imprint Monster (P109-20) - Sorcery: Monster Spells.
Improved Concussion (MAS25) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 7.
Improved Explosive Fireball (MAS15) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells IV.
Improved Explosive Lightning (MAS29) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells X.
Improved Firewood (MPS15) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XII.
Incarnum Arc - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells III.
Incarnum Bladestorm - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells III.
Incorporeal Chains - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Increase Burden (M143) - Sorcery: Movement Spells II.
Increase Gravity - Sorcery: Gravity Spells II.
Increase Potency (P4-1-7) - Sorcery: Poison Spells III.
Independence (M96) - included in other illusion spells.
Infiltrate (MSDM9) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells III.
Inflict Pain - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Inflict Wounds - How to: Negative Energy Affinity.
Inflict Wounds (Affinity Variant) - How to: Negative Energy Affinity.
Infravision (M111) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells II.
Initiative (M97) - included in other illusion spells.
Inscribe (M97) - Sorcery: Movement and Communication Spells.
Insect Control - Treasure: Staffs.
Insect Repellent (MTLS15) - Sorcery: Least Spells IX.
Insignificance (M48) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells IV.
Inspire Competence - How to: Bard Abilities.
Inspire Courage - How to: Bard Abilities.
Inspire Greatness - How to: Bard Abilities.
Inspire Heroics - How to: Bard Abilities.
Inspired Creation* (M115) - Sorcery, page 20.
Instant Neutralize Fungal Poison (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells IV.
Instant Neutralize Poison (M92) - Sorcery: Healing Spells III.
Instant Regeneration (M93) - Sorcery: Restorative Spells.
Instant Restoration (M93) - Sorcery: Restorative Spells.
Instant Summons - Sorcery: Illusion and Creation Spells II.
Insulated Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs II.
Insulation - Sorcery: Fire Spells III.
Intellect Fortress - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Interference (P115-14) - Sorcery: Technological Spells II.
Internalize Elixir (P28-10) - Does not seem convertable.
Interposing Hand - Sorcery: Force Spells II.
Intoxicating Rush - Pantheon: Dwarven Deities.
Intellect Fortress - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Interference (P115-14) - Sorcery: Technological Spells II.
Internalize Elixir (P28-10) - Does not seem convertable.
Interposing Hand - Sorcery: Force Spells II.
Intoxicating Rush - Pantheon: Dwarven Deities.
Invest (MSHM9) - Does not seem convertable.
Invoke (MTLS14) - Sorcery: Least Spells VIII.
Invisibility (M114) - Sorcery: Acid spells and more.
Invisibility Purge - Sorcery: Illusion and Creation Spells II.
Invisible Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs.
Invisible Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs IV.
Invisible Wizard Ear (M174) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 7.
Invisible Wizard Eye (M104) - Sorcery: Sensory Displacement.
Invoke Fence (MPS15) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIII.
Iron Arm (M169) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 7.
Invoke (MTLS14) - Sorcery: Least Spells VIII.
Invisibility (M114) - Sorcery: Acid spells and more.
Invisibility Purge - Sorcery: Illusion and Creation Spells II.
Invisible Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs.
Invisible Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs IV.
Invisible Wizard Ear (M174) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 7.
Invisible Wizard Eye (M104) - Sorcery: Sensory Displacement.
Invoke Fence (MPS15) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIII.
Iron Arm (M169) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 7.
Iron Silence - Sorcery: Adventurer Spells.
Ironweed (MAS23) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VIII.
Irradiate (M181) - Sorcery: Radiation Spells.
Irresistible Dance - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells XII.
Itch (M35) - Sorcery: Body Control Status Effects.
Jam Radio (P115-14) - Sorcery: Technological Spells II.
Join Plants (MPS15) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIII.
Jolt (MTLS17) - Sorcery: Least Spells X.
Ironweed (MAS23) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VIII.
Irradiate (M181) - Sorcery: Radiation Spells.
Irresistible Dance - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells XII.
Itch (M35) - Sorcery: Body Control Status Effects.
Jam Radio (P115-14) - Sorcery: Technological Spells II.
Join Plants (MPS15) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIII.
Jolt (MTLS17) - Sorcery: Least Spells X.
Jonbar Ritual (IW-CJ8) - Does not seem convertable.
Juggernaut Armor - Sorcery: Force Spells V.
Jump (M143) - Sorcery: Movement Spells III.
Keen Hearing* (M133) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 7.
Keen Taste and Smell (M133) - Sorcery: Perception Buffs.
Keen Touch (M133) - Sorcery: Perception Buffs.
Keen Vision (M133) - Sorcery: Perception Buffs.
Keyfinder (MTLS11) - Sorcery: Least Spells VI.
Knifehand - Sorcery: Utility Cantrips.
Knockback Suppression - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs V.
Knockout - Sorcery: Extra Afflictions.
Knot (M117) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells III.
Know Illusion (M97) - Sorcery: Illusion Spells.
Know Location (M103) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells III.
Know Recipe (M78) - Sorcery: Food Spells III.
Know Thyself (MTLS11) - Sorcery: Least Spells VI.
Know True Shape (M106) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells IV.
Laminate Force Field - Sorcery: Force and Gravity Spells.
Laser Eyes (P115-21) - Sorcery: Technological Spells II.
Lava Bolt - Sorcery: Lava Spells.
Leak (M61) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells IV.
Juggernaut Armor - Sorcery: Force Spells V.
Jump (M143) - Sorcery: Movement Spells III.
Keen Hearing* (M133) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 7.
Keen Taste and Smell (M133) - Sorcery: Perception Buffs.
Keen Touch (M133) - Sorcery: Perception Buffs.
Keen Vision (M133) - Sorcery: Perception Buffs.
Keyfinder (MTLS11) - Sorcery: Least Spells VI.
Knifehand - Sorcery: Utility Cantrips.
Knockback Suppression - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs V.
Knockout - Sorcery: Extra Afflictions.
Knot (M117) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells III.
Know Illusion (M97) - Sorcery: Illusion Spells.
Know Location (M103) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells III.
Know Recipe (M78) - Sorcery: Food Spells III.
Know Thyself (MTLS11) - Sorcery: Least Spells VI.
Know True Shape (M106) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells IV.
Laminate Force Field - Sorcery: Force and Gravity Spells.
Laser Eyes (P115-21) - Sorcery: Technological Spells II.
Lava Bolt - Sorcery: Lava Spells.
Leak (M61) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells IV.
Lecanomancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Lend Energy (M89) - Sorcery: Healing Spells.
Lend Language (M46) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells III.
Lend Power (M180) - Sorcery: Power Spells.
Lend Skill (M47) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells V.
Lend Spell (M126) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Lend Vitality (M89) - Sorcery: Healing Spells.
Lengthen Limb (M41) - Sorcery: Limb Spells.
Lesser Flight - Sorcery: Flight Spells.
Lesser Geas* (M140) - Sorcery, page 21.
Lesser Polymorph - Sorcery: Polymorph Spells.
Lesser Restoration - Sorcery: Angelic Spells.
Lesser Wish (M58) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells II.
Lesser Zombie (BAb27) - Sorcery: Forgotten Spells II.
Lethal Lightning (MDS22) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells III.
Levitation (M143) - Sorcery: Movement Spells III.
Ley Buffer (TUM20) - Sorcery: Ley Line Spells.
Ley Float (TUM20) - Sorcery: Ley Line Spells.
Ley Line Creation (TUM21) - Sorcery: Ley Line Spells.
Ley Running (TUM19) - Sorcery: Ley Line Spells.
Ley Speech (TUM19) - Sorcery: Ley Line Spells.
Ley Supply (TUM20) - Sorcery: Ley Line Spells.
Ley Tap (TUM20) - Sorcery: Ley Line Spells.
Ley Vehicle (TUM20) - Sorcery: Ley Line Spells.
Lend Energy (M89) - Sorcery: Healing Spells.
Lend Language (M46) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells III.
Lend Power (M180) - Sorcery: Power Spells.
Lend Skill (M47) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells V.
Lend Spell (M126) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Lend Vitality (M89) - Sorcery: Healing Spells.
Lengthen Limb (M41) - Sorcery: Limb Spells.
Lesser Flight - Sorcery: Flight Spells.
Lesser Geas* (M140) - Sorcery, page 21.
Lesser Polymorph - Sorcery: Polymorph Spells.
Lesser Restoration - Sorcery: Angelic Spells.
Lesser Wish (M58) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells II.
Lesser Zombie (BAb27) - Sorcery: Forgotten Spells II.
Lethal Lightning (MDS22) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells III.
Levitation (M143) - Sorcery: Movement Spells III.
Ley Buffer (TUM20) - Sorcery: Ley Line Spells.
Ley Float (TUM20) - Sorcery: Ley Line Spells.
Ley Line Creation (TUM21) - Sorcery: Ley Line Spells.
Ley Running (TUM19) - Sorcery: Ley Line Spells.
Ley Speech (TUM19) - Sorcery: Ley Line Spells.
Ley Supply (TUM20) - Sorcery: Ley Line Spells.
Ley Tap (TUM20) - Sorcery: Ley Line Spells.
Ley Vehicle (TUM20) - Sorcery: Ley Line Spells.
Libranomancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Lich (M159) - Sorcery: Eternal Undeath.
Light (M110) - Sorcery, page 19.
Light Jet (M112) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells III.
Light Speech (P115-21) - Sorcery: Energy Spells.
Lich (M159) - Sorcery: Eternal Undeath.
Light (M110) - Sorcery, page 19.
Light Jet (M112) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells III.
Light Speech (P115-21) - Sorcery: Energy Spells.
Light Step - Sorcery: Assorted Spells X.
Light Tread (M145) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VII.
Lighten (M67) - Sorcery: Armor Enchantments.
Lighten Burden (M143) - Sorcery: Movement Spells III.
Lightning (M196) - Pyramid #3-82, page 13.
Lightning Armor (M198) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells II.
Lightning Missiles (M198) - Sorcery: Unmerged Spells.
Lightning Stare (M198) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells II.
Lightning Weapon (M198) - Sorcery: Elemental Weapon Buffs.
Lightning Whip (M196) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells.
Limit (M68) - Sorcery: Limiting Enchantments.
Link (M131) - Sorcery: Limiting Enchantments.
Literary Hunger (P48-21) - Sorcery: Book Spells II.
Light Tread (M145) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VII.
Lighten (M67) - Sorcery: Armor Enchantments.
Lighten Burden (M143) - Sorcery: Movement Spells III.
Lightning (M196) - Pyramid #3-82, page 13.
Lightning Armor (M198) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells II.
Lightning Missiles (M198) - Sorcery: Unmerged Spells.
Lightning Stare (M198) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells II.
Lightning Weapon (M198) - Sorcery: Elemental Weapon Buffs.
Lightning Whip (M196) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells.
Limit (M68) - Sorcery: Limiting Enchantments.
Link (M131) - Sorcery: Limiting Enchantments.
Literary Hunger (P48-21) - Sorcery: Book Spells II.
Lithomancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Live Libram (P48-22) - Sorcery: Book Spells III.
Lloyd's Beacon - Sorcery: Assorted Spells IV.
Local in a Strange Land - Pantheon: Fharlanghn.
Lockmaster (M144) - Sorcery: Movement Spells V.
Locksmith (M143) - Sorcery, page 22.
Long March (M143) - Sorcery: Movement Spells IV.
Live Libram (P48-22) - Sorcery: Book Spells III.
Lloyd's Beacon - Sorcery: Assorted Spells IV.
Local in a Strange Land - Pantheon: Fharlanghn.
Lockmaster (M144) - Sorcery: Movement Spells V.
Locksmith (M143) - Sorcery, page 22.
Long March (M143) - Sorcery: Movement Spells IV.
Loud Voice - Sorcery: Perk-Based Spells.
Loyal Sword (M63) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells.
Loyalty (M136) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells II.
Loyalty of (Ethical Category) (T50) - Sorcery: Ethical Spells.
Luminous Body - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Loyal Sword (M63) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells.
Loyalty (M136) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells II.
Loyalty of (Ethical Category) (T50) - Sorcery: Ethical Spells.
Luminous Body - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Lunomancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Lure (M137) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VII.
Machine Control (M176) - Sorcery: Machine Spells II.
Machine Possession (M178) - Sorcery: Machine Spells.
Machine Speech (M176) - Sorcery: Machine Spells II.
Machine Summoning (M176) - Sorcery: Machine Spells II.
Madness (M136) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells V.
Mage Light (M113) - Sorcery: Light & Darkness Spells IV.
Mage Sense (M102) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells II.
Mage Sight (M102) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells II.
Mage-Stealth (M172) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 8.
Magelock (M166) - Sorcery, page 23; Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 7.
Magic Call - Sorcery: Technological Cantrips.
Lure (M137) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VII.
Machine Control (M176) - Sorcery: Machine Spells II.
Machine Possession (M178) - Sorcery: Machine Spells.
Machine Speech (M176) - Sorcery: Machine Spells II.
Machine Summoning (M176) - Sorcery: Machine Spells II.
Madness (M136) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells V.
Mage Light (M113) - Sorcery: Light & Darkness Spells IV.
Mage Sense (M102) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells II.
Mage Sight (M102) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells II.
Mage-Stealth (M172) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 8.
Magelock (M166) - Sorcery, page 23; Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 7.
Magic Call - Sorcery: Technological Cantrips.
Magic Fang - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XIII.
Magic Manager - Sorcery: Time Spells III.
Magic Missile - Sorcery: Acid spells and more.
Magic Resistance (M123) - Sorcery: Meta Spells II.
Magic Manager - Sorcery: Time Spells III.
Magic Missile - Sorcery: Acid spells and more.
Magic Resistance (M123) - Sorcery: Meta Spells II.
Magic Weapon - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XIII.
Magician's Minion (MTLS8) - Sorcery: Least Spells III.
Magnetic Finger (MTLS16) - Sorcery: Least Spells X.
Magnetic Vision (M181) - Sorcery: Exotic Senses.
Magician's Minion (MTLS8) - Sorcery: Least Spells III.
Magnetic Finger (MTLS16) - Sorcery: Least Spells X.
Magnetic Vision (M181) - Sorcery: Exotic Senses.
Magnetize - Sorcery: EM and Weather Spells.
Magnificent Mansion - Sorcery: Assorted Spells II.
Maintain Spell (M128) - Does not seem convertable.
Major Healing (M91) - Sorcery: Healing Spells IV.
Maker's Call - How to: Summoner Abilities.
Malefice (M60) - Sorcery: Malefice.
Malfunction (M177) - Sorcery: Machine Spells.
Magnificent Mansion - Sorcery: Assorted Spells II.
Maintain Spell (M128) - Does not seem convertable.
Major Healing (M91) - Sorcery: Healing Spells IV.
Maker's Call - How to: Summoner Abilities.
Malefice (M60) - Sorcery: Malefice.
Malfunction (M177) - Sorcery: Machine Spells.
Mammal Control - Sorcery: Unmerged Spells.
Mana Leech - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs III.
Mana Storm (MAS19) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VI.
Mana Vortex (MSDM27) - Sorcery: Meta Spells VI.
Manastone (M70) - Does not seem convertable.
Manipulate (M145) - Sorcery: Movement Spells V.
Manipulate DNA (BT32) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells II.
Mana Leech - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs III.
Mana Storm (MAS19) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VI.
Mana Vortex (MSDM27) - Sorcery: Meta Spells VI.
Manastone (M70) - Does not seem convertable.
Manipulate (M145) - Sorcery: Movement Spells V.
Manipulate DNA (BT32) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells II.
Mantle of the Icy Soul - Sorcery: Water Spells IV.
Mapmaker (M118) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells V.
Mark of Thieves (AA17) - Sorcery: Forgotten Spells.
Mapmaker (M118) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells V.
Mark of Thieves (AA17) - Sorcery: Forgotten Spells.
Mask Heat - Sorcery: Infravision Spells.
Mass Adept Spirit - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells III.
Mass Animal Spirit - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells III.
Mass Adept Spirit - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells III.
Mass Animal Spirit - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells III.
Mass Ant Haul - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VII.
Mass Badger Paws - Sorcery: Forgotten Realms Spells I.
Mass Bullet Protection - Sorcery: Assorted Spells V.
Mass Bullet Shield - Sorcery: Assorted Spells V.
Mass Charm (MSDM31) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells X.
Mass Coolness (P76-15) - Sorcery: Secret Spells II.
Mass Daze (M137) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells.
Mass Distortion - Sorcery: Gravity Spells II.
Mass Guardian Spirit - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells IV.
Mass Hallucination (MSDM31) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells X.
Mass Inflict Pain - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Mass Invisibility (MSDM31) - Sorcery: Illusion and Creation Spells.
Mass Mutilation (MAS20) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VII.
Mass Resist Acid (MSDM13) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells I.
Mass Resist Cold (MSDM13) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells I.
Mass Resist Disease (P4-9) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells II.
Mass Bullet Protection - Sorcery: Assorted Spells V.
Mass Bullet Shield - Sorcery: Assorted Spells V.
Mass Charm (MSDM31) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells X.
Mass Coolness (P76-15) - Sorcery: Secret Spells II.
Mass Daze (M137) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells.
Mass Distortion - Sorcery: Gravity Spells II.
Mass Guardian Spirit - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells IV.
Mass Hallucination (MSDM31) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells X.
Mass Inflict Pain - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Mass Invisibility (MSDM31) - Sorcery: Illusion and Creation Spells.
Mass Mutilation (MAS20) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VII.
Mass Resist Acid (MSDM13) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells I.
Mass Resist Cold (MSDM13) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells I.
Mass Resist Disease (P4-9) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells II.
Mass Resist Earth - Sorcery: Earth Spells V.
Mass Resist Fire (MSDM13) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells I.
Mass Resist Lightning (MSDM13) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells I.
Mass Resist Poison (P4-9) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells II.
Mass Resist Pressure (MSDM13) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells II.
Mass Resist Sound (MSDM13) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 8.
Mass Resist Water (MSDM13) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells II.
Mass Resist Fire (MSDM13) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells I.
Mass Resist Lightning (MSDM13) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells I.
Mass Resist Poison (P4-9) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells II.
Mass Resist Pressure (MSDM13) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells II.
Mass Resist Sound (MSDM13) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 8.
Mass Resist Water (MSDM13) - Sorcery: Mass Protection Spells II.
Mass Sense - Sorcery: Force and Gravity Spells.
Mass Shade (P76-15) - Sorcery: Secret Spells II.
Mass Sleep (M137) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells.
Mass Suggestion (M141) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells III.
Mass Valiant Spirit - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells IV.
Mass Zombie (M153) - Sorcery: Zombie Spells.
Master (M30) - Sorcery: Animal Spells II.
Materialize (M150) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells III.
Mature (M78) - Sorcery: Food Spells III.
Mass Shade (P76-15) - Sorcery: Secret Spells II.
Mass Sleep (M137) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells.
Mass Suggestion (M141) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells III.
Mass Valiant Spirit - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells IV.
Mass Zombie (M153) - Sorcery: Zombie Spells.
Master (M30) - Sorcery: Animal Spells II.
Materialize (M150) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells III.
Mature (M78) - Sorcery: Food Spells III.
Maw of the Earth - Sorcery: Earth Spells V.
Measure Gravity - Sorcery: Technological Cantrips.
Measurement (M100) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells.
Meld into Stone - Sorcery: Stone Spells.
Meld with Nature - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Melee Manager - Sorcery: Time Spells III.
Melt Ice (M186) - Sorcery: Ice Spells.
Memorize (M105) - Sorcery: Memory Spells.
Measure Gravity - Sorcery: Technological Cantrips.
Measurement (M100) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells.
Meld into Stone - Sorcery: Stone Spells.
Meld with Nature - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Melee Manager - Sorcery: Time Spells III.
Melt Ice (M186) - Sorcery: Ice Spells.
Memorize (M105) - Sorcery: Memory Spells.
Mend Bone - Sorcery: Bone Spells.
Mend Undead - Pantheon: M'shesh.
Mental Barrier - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Mental Stun* (M135) - Pyramid #3-82, page 13.
Mer-Speech (MTLS17) - Sorcery: Least Spells X.
Merciful Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs V.
Mend Undead - Pantheon: M'shesh.
Mental Barrier - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Mental Stun* (M135) - Pyramid #3-82, page 13.
Mer-Speech (MTLS17) - Sorcery: Least Spells X.
Merciful Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs V.
Merging Shapeshifting - Sorcery: Old Spells II.
Message (M174) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 8.
Message (M174) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 8.
Metal Bladeturning (T47) - Sorcery: Metal Variants.
Metal to Flesh (P91-25) - Sorcery: Metal Spells III.
Metal to Stone (P91-25) - Sorcery: Metal Spells IV.
Metal Vision (M183) - Sorcery: Metal and Plastic Spells.
Microwave Jet (P115-22) - Sorcery: Energy Spells II.
Might (M37) - Sorcery: Attribute Buffs.
Mighty Breath (MTLS6) - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Mind Fog - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells XII.
Mind over Matter (MSDM27) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells.
Mind-Killer (MDS17) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells IX.
Mind-Reading (M46) - Sorcery: Communication & Empathy Spells.
Mind-Search (M46) - Sorcery: Communication & Empathy Spells.
Mind-Sending (M47) - Sorcery: Communication & Empathy Spells.
Mind-Whip (MSDM24) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells IX.
Mindlessness (M137) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells V.
Mindlink - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Mindscape Door - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Minefield (MAS19) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VI.
Miner's Vision - Pantheon: Dwarven Deities.
Miniaturize Plant (MPS16) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIII.
Minor Conduct Power (TUM26) - merged with Conduct Power.
Minor Draw Power (TUM26) - merged with Draw Power.
Minor Healing (M91) - Sorcery, page 17.
Minor Paradox - Sorcery: Time Spells IV.
Mirror (M112) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells III.
Mirror, Mirror (MAS17) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells IV.
Mirror Duplicate (P114-21) - Sorcery: Glass Spells IV.
Mirror Image - Sorcery: Illusion and Creation Spells II.
Mirror Trap (P114-21) - Sorcery: Glass Spells IV.
Metal to Flesh (P91-25) - Sorcery: Metal Spells III.
Metal to Stone (P91-25) - Sorcery: Metal Spells IV.
Metal Vision (M183) - Sorcery: Metal and Plastic Spells.
Microwave Jet (P115-22) - Sorcery: Energy Spells II.
Might (M37) - Sorcery: Attribute Buffs.
Mighty Breath (MTLS6) - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Mind Fog - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells XII.
Mind over Matter (MSDM27) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells.
Mind-Killer (MDS17) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells IX.
Mind-Reading (M46) - Sorcery: Communication & Empathy Spells.
Mind-Search (M46) - Sorcery: Communication & Empathy Spells.
Mind-Sending (M47) - Sorcery: Communication & Empathy Spells.
Mind-Whip (MSDM24) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells IX.
Mindlessness (M137) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells V.
Mindlink - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Mindscape Door - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Minefield (MAS19) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VI.
Miner's Vision - Pantheon: Dwarven Deities.
Miniaturize Plant (MPS16) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIII.
Minor Conduct Power (TUM26) - merged with Conduct Power.
Minor Draw Power (TUM26) - merged with Draw Power.
Minor Healing (M91) - Sorcery, page 17.
Minor Paradox - Sorcery: Time Spells IV.
Mirror (M112) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells III.
Mirror, Mirror (MAS17) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells IV.
Mirror Duplicate (P114-21) - Sorcery: Glass Spells IV.
Mirror Image - Sorcery: Illusion and Creation Spells II.
Mirror Trap (P114-21) - Sorcery: Glass Spells IV.
Mirrored Skin - Sorcery: Assorted Spells IX.
Missile Shield (M168) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 8.
Missile Shield (M168) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 8.
Mollusk Control - Sorcery: Unmerged Spells.
Molten Missile - Pantheon: Dwarven Deities.
Monitor Air (UA22) - Sorcery: Air Spells IV.
Monk's Banquet (M79) - Sorcery: Food Spells IV.
Monodimensional Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs VI.
Monster Within (P109-20) - Sorcery: Monster Spells.
Molten Missile - Pantheon: Dwarven Deities.
Monitor Air (UA22) - Sorcery: Air Spells IV.
Monk's Banquet (M79) - Sorcery: Food Spells IV.
Monodimensional Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs VI.
Monster Within (P109-20) - Sorcery: Monster Spells.
Moon Blade - Sorcery: Moon Spells.
Moon Path - Sorcery: Moon Spells.
Moonbeam - Sorcery: Moon Spells.
Morphean Extraction - Sorcery: Dream Spells II.
Mortal Malefice (MDS12) - Does not seem convertable.
Mouth-Goes-Away (AA17) - Sorcery: Forgotten Spells.
Move Metal (P91-25) - Sorcery: Metal Spells IV.
Move Terrain (M55) - Sorcery: Earth Spells III.
Mud Jet (M52) - Sorcery: Earth Spells II.
Mortal Malefice (MDS12) - Does not seem convertable.
Mouth-Goes-Away (AA17) - Sorcery: Forgotten Spells.
Move Metal (P91-25) - Sorcery: Metal Spells IV.
Move Terrain (M55) - Sorcery: Earth Spells III.
Mud Jet (M52) - Sorcery: Earth Spells II.
Mudwalker - Sorcery: Earth Spells V.
Muffle - Sorcery: Sound Spells V.
Multi-Shot - Sorcery: Gunman Spells II.
Murder Blossom (MDS19) - Sorcery: Death Spells III.
Musical Scribe (M174) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 8.
Mystic Buckler - Pyramid #3-105, page 10.
Mystic Mark (M119) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VI.
Mystic Mist (M168) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 8.
Mystical Runes (P113-32) - Does not seem convertable.
Name (M68) - Sorcery: Limiting Enchantments.
Narrative Conveyance (P48-22) - Sorcery: Book Spells III.
Muffle - Sorcery: Sound Spells V.
Multi-Shot - Sorcery: Gunman Spells II.
Murder Blossom (MDS19) - Sorcery: Death Spells III.
Musical Scribe (M174) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 8.
Mystic Buckler - Pyramid #3-105, page 10.
Mystic Mark (M119) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VI.
Mystic Mist (M168) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 8.
Mystical Runes (P113-32) - Does not seem convertable.
Name (M68) - Sorcery: Limiting Enchantments.
Narrative Conveyance (P48-22) - Sorcery: Book Spells III.
Nervous Stomach - Sorcery: Food Spells V.
Net - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XII.
Neutralize Fungal Poison (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells IV.
Neutralize Poison (M92) - Sorcery: Healing Spells III.
Neutralize Fungal Poison (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells IV.
Neutralize Poison (M92) - Sorcery: Healing Spells III.
Night Terror - Sorcery: Dream Spells II.
Night Vision (M111) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells II.
Nightingale (M137) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 8.
Nightmare (M140) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VI.
No-Smell* (M24) - Sorcery, page 13.
No-Taste - Sorcery: Stealth Spells.
Node of Blasting - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Noise (M173) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 9.
Noise Amplification - Sorcery: Sound Spells V.
Nuclear Damper - Sorcery: Nuclear Spells.
Nuclear Fireball - Sorcery: Nuclear Spells.
Null Sphere (DAS16) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells V.
Nullifying Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs V.
Numbness - Sorcery: Noxious Cold Effects.
Night Vision (M111) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells II.
Nightingale (M137) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 8.
Nightmare (M140) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VI.
No-Smell* (M24) - Sorcery, page 13.
No-Taste - Sorcery: Stealth Spells.
Node of Blasting - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Noise (M173) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 9.
Noise Amplification - Sorcery: Sound Spells V.
Nuclear Damper - Sorcery: Nuclear Spells.
Nuclear Fireball - Sorcery: Nuclear Spells.
Null Sphere (DAS16) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells V.
Nullifying Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs V.
Numbness - Sorcery: Noxious Cold Effects.
Numerology/Arithmancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Oath (M138) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VIII.
Object Reading - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Obscure Poison (P4-1-7) - Sorcery: Poison Spells III.
Odor (M24) - Sorcery: Air Spells II.
Oath (M138) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VIII.
Object Reading - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Obscure Poison (P4-1-7) - Sorcery: Poison Spells III.
Odor (M24) - Sorcery: Air Spells II.
Omnivory - Sorcery: Food Spells V.
Oneiromancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
One-College Powerstone (M70) - Does not seem convertable.
One-College Powerstone (M70) - Does not seem convertable.
Open Door (MTLS14) - Sorcery: Least Spells VIII.
Orb of Fire - Sorcery: Fire Spells III.
Order From Chaos (MSHM10) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells IX.
Orichalcum Edge (P25-17) - Sorcery: Essential Earth Spells.
Orichalcum Missiles (P25-17) - Merged with Orichalcum Edge.
Orraya's Blessing - Pantheon: Orraya.
Orraya's Revelation - Pantheon: Orraya.
Oven Mitts (MTLS9) - Sorcery: Least Spells III.
Overwhelming Strength - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Pacifism - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Pacify (MSDM24) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells IX.
Padded Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs III.
Pain (M36) - Sorcery: Body Control Status Effects.
Panic (M134) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells.
Paradox - Sorcery: Time Spells IV.
Paralyze Limb (M40) - Sorcery: Body Control Status Effects.
Paranoia - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Parthenogenesis - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Partial Petrifaction (M52) - Sorcery: Earth Spells II.
Partial Resurrection (PY92-6) - Sorcery: Healing Spells VII.
Partial Shapeshifting (Chameleon Eyes) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting I.
Partial Shapeshifting (Crocodile Jaws) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting I.
Partial Shapeshifting (Elephant Trunk) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting I.
Partial Shapeshifting (Feathered Arms) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting I.
Partial Shapeshifting (Fish Tail) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting II.
Partial Shapeshifting (Mountain Goat Hooves) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting II.
Partial Shapeshifting (Saber Teeth) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting II.
Partial Shapeshifting (Scorpion Tail) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting II.
Partial Shapeshifting (Serpent's Fangs) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting III.
Partial Shapeshifting (Skunk Tail) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting III.
Partial Shapeshifting (Spider Arms) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting III.
Partial Shapeshifting (Tiger Paws) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting IV.
Partial Shapeshifting (Toad Tongue) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting IV.
Partial Shapeshifting (Turtle Shell) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting IV.
Partial Vitrification (P114-17) - Sorcery: Glass Spells.
Password (M68) - Sorcery: Limiting Enchantments.
Pathfinder (M105) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells III.
Patience (MTLS13) - Sorcery: Least Spells VII.
Orichalcum Edge (P25-17) - Sorcery: Essential Earth Spells.
Orichalcum Missiles (P25-17) - Merged with Orichalcum Edge.
Orraya's Blessing - Pantheon: Orraya.
Orraya's Revelation - Pantheon: Orraya.
Oven Mitts (MTLS9) - Sorcery: Least Spells III.
Overwhelming Strength - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Pacifism - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Pacify (MSDM24) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells IX.
Padded Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs III.
Pain (M36) - Sorcery: Body Control Status Effects.
Panic (M134) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells.
Paradox - Sorcery: Time Spells IV.
Paralyze Limb (M40) - Sorcery: Body Control Status Effects.
Paranoia - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Parthenogenesis - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Partial Petrifaction (M52) - Sorcery: Earth Spells II.
Partial Resurrection (PY92-6) - Sorcery: Healing Spells VII.
Partial Shapeshifting (Chameleon Eyes) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting I.
Partial Shapeshifting (Crocodile Jaws) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting I.
Partial Shapeshifting (Elephant Trunk) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting I.
Partial Shapeshifting (Feathered Arms) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting I.
Partial Shapeshifting (Fish Tail) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting II.
Partial Shapeshifting (Mountain Goat Hooves) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting II.
Partial Shapeshifting (Saber Teeth) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting II.
Partial Shapeshifting (Scorpion Tail) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting II.
Partial Shapeshifting (Serpent's Fangs) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting III.
Partial Shapeshifting (Skunk Tail) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting III.
Partial Shapeshifting (Spider Arms) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting III.
Partial Shapeshifting (Tiger Paws) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting IV.
Partial Shapeshifting (Toad Tongue) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting IV.
Partial Shapeshifting (Turtle Shell) (M34) - Sorcery: Partial Shapeshifting IV.
Partial Vitrification (P114-17) - Sorcery: Glass Spells.
Password (M68) - Sorcery: Limiting Enchantments.
Pathfinder (M105) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells III.
Patience (MTLS13) - Sorcery: Least Spells VII.
Peacebond - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VIII.
Peaceful Sleep (M138) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VI.
Pebble (MTLS8) - Sorcery: Least Spells II.
Peaceful Sleep (M138) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VI.
Pebble (MTLS8) - Sorcery: Least Spells II.
Pedomancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Penetrating Spell (M123) - Does not seem convertable.
Penetrating Weapon (M63) - Sorcery, page 16.
Pentagram (M124) - Sorcery: Meta Spells IV.
Perfect Illusion (M96) - Sorcery: Illusion Spells.
Perfume (M35) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells.
Perilous Pulsations (MAS25) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 9.
Permanent Beast Possession (M32) - Sorcery: Animal Spells III.
Permanent Forgetfulness (M138) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells IV.
Permanent Machine Possession (M178) - Sorcery: Machine Spells.
Permanent Madness (M139) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells V.
Permanent Possession (M49) - Sorcery: Possession Spells.
Permanent Shapeshifting (M33) - Sorcery: Shapeshifting Spells.
Penetrating Spell (M123) - Does not seem convertable.
Penetrating Weapon (M63) - Sorcery, page 16.
Pentagram (M124) - Sorcery: Meta Spells IV.
Perfect Illusion (M96) - Sorcery: Illusion Spells.
Perfume (M35) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells.
Perilous Pulsations (MAS25) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 9.
Permanent Beast Possession (M32) - Sorcery: Animal Spells III.
Permanent Forgetfulness (M138) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells IV.
Permanent Machine Possession (M178) - Sorcery: Machine Spells.
Permanent Madness (M139) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells V.
Permanent Possession (M49) - Sorcery: Possession Spells.
Permanent Shapeshifting (M33) - Sorcery: Shapeshifting Spells.
Personal Ablative Barrier - Sorcery: Personal Food, Force, Fungus Spells.
Personal Absorb Impact - Sorcery: Personal Food, Force, Fungus Spells.
Personal Accelerate Pregnancy - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Acid Sheath - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Aerial Flight - Sorcery: Air Spells VI.
Personal Aerial Flight - Sorcery: Air Spells VI.
Personal Affect Spirits - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Air Vision - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Alcohol Tolerance - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Alertness - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal All-Eater - Sorcery: Personal Food, Force, Fungus Spells.
Personal Alter Gender - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Alter Visage - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Ambidexterity - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Analgesic - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Androgyny - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Ant Haul - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Antiemetic - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Antihistamine - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Antistatic - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Armor - Sorcery: Personal Food, Force, Fungus Spells.
Personal Assassin's Bane - Sorcery: Personal Food, Force, Fungus Spells.
Personal Astral Vision - Sorcery: Personal Gate and Gravity Spells.
Personal Balance - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Banefire Shield - Sorcery: Personal Fire Spells.
Personal Bear Hug - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Bender Defender - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Blade Barrier - Sorcery: Personal Food, Force, Fungus Spells.
Personal Blend In - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Blindsight - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Blood Lust - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Blur - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Body Blades - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Body of Acid - Sorcery: Acid Spells.
Personal Body of Air - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Body of Earth - Sorcery: Personal Earth Spells.
Personal Body of Flames - Sorcery: Personal Fire Spells.
Personal Body of Fluid - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Body of Fungus - Sorcery: Personal Food, Force, Fungus Spells.
Personal Body of Glass - Sorcery: Personal Earth Spells.
Personal Body of Ice - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Body of Leaves - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Body of Light - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Body of Lightning - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Body of Metal - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Body of Plastic - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Body of Slime - Sorcery: Personal Food, Force, Fungus Spells.
Personal Body of Stone - Sorcery: Personal Earth Spells.
Personal Body of Water - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Body of Wind - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Body of Wood - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Bone Stakes - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Boost Dexterity - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Boost Health - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Boost Intelligence - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Boost Strength - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Branch Fingers - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Bravery - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Breakfall Plants - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Breath Adaptation - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Breathe Air - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Breathe Water - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Bright Vision - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Bullet Protection - Sorcery: Personal Food, Force, Fungus Spells.
Personal Bullet Shield - Sorcery: Personal Food, Force, Fungus Spells.
Personal Cadence - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Catfall - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Chameleon Skin - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Clean Breath - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Climbing - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Cloud-Walking - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Conceal Magic - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Contragrav Flight - Sorcery: Force and Gravity Spells.
Personal Corona of Cold - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Corona of Frost - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Dark Vision - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Death Ward - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Decapitation - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Deflect Energy - Sorcery: Personal Fire Spells.
Personal Dexterous Arm - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Digger - Sorcery: Personal Earth Spells.
Personal Earth Vision - Sorcery: Personal Earth Spells.
Personal Ease Labor - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Easy Rider - Sorcery: Personal Gate and Gravity Spells.
Personal Eat Crow - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Emotive Block - Sorcery: Personal Communication & Empathy Spells.
Personal Endure Elements - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Ethereal Body - Sorcery: Personal Gate and Gravity Spells.
Personal False Tracks - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Feather Fall - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Feathers - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Flaming Armor - Sorcery: Personal Fire Spells.
Personal Flee - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Flexibility - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Flight - Sorcery: Movement Spells VI.
Personal Fluid Vision - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Forest Defense - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Fur - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Gift of Letters - Sorcery: Personal Communication & Empathy Spells.
Personal Gift of Tongues - Sorcery: Personal Communication & Empathy Spells.
Personal Glass Vision - Sorcery: Personal Earth Spells.
Personal Glass Wall - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Glasswraith - Sorcery: Personal Earth Spells.
Personal Grace - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Gravity Tolerance - Sorcery: Personal Gate and Gravity Spells.
Personal Great Haste - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Halt Ageing - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Haste - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Hawk Flight - Sorcery: Flight Spells.
Personal Hawk Vision - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Hearing Protection - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Hide - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Hide Emotion - Sorcery: Personal Communication & Empathy Spells.
Personal Hide from Animals - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Hide from Undead - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Hide Path - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Hide Thoughts - Sorcery: Personal Communication & Empathy Spells.
Personal Hold Breath - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Hush - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Hypervision - Sorcery: Personal Gate and Gravity Spells.
Personal Ice Armor - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Ice Movement - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Ice Shield - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Icewalking - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Infravision - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Insignificance - Sorcery: Personal Communication & Empathy Spells.
Personal Instant Regeneration - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Invisibility - Sorcery: Angelic Spells.
Personal Invisibility - Sorcery: Angelic Spells.
Personal Juggernaut Armor - Sorcery: Personal Food, Force, Fungus Spells.
Personal Jump - Sorcery: Personal Gate and Gravity Spells.
Personal Keen Hearing - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Keen Taste and Smell - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Keen Touch - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Keen Vision - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Lesser Flight - Sorcery: Flight Spells.
Personal Lesser Flight - Sorcery: Flight Spells.
Personal Light Step - Sorcery: Assorted Spells X.
Personal Light Tread - Sorcery: Personal Gate and Gravity Spells.
Personal Lightning Armor - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Mage-Stealth - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Magic Resistance - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Mantle of the Icy Soul - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Mask Heat - Sorcery: Personal Fire Spells.
Personal Mass Sense - Sorcery: Personal Gate and Gravity Spells.
Personal Melee Manager - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Metal Vision - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Might - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Mirrored Skin - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Monitor Air - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Monk's Banquet - Sorcery: Personal Food, Force, Fungus Spells.
Personal Mudwalker - Sorcery: Personal Earth Spells.
Personal Muffle - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Night Vision - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal No-Smell - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal No-Taste - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Partial Shapeshifting (Chameleon Eyes) - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Partial Shapeshifting (Crocodile Jaws) - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Partial Shapeshifting (Elephant Trunk) - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Partial Shapeshifting (Feathered Arms) - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Partial Shapeshifting (Fish Tail) - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Partial Shapeshifting (Mountain Goat Hooves) - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Partial Shapeshifting (Saber Teeth) - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Partial Shapeshifting (Scorpion Tail) - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Partial Shapeshifting (Serpent's Fangs) - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Partial Shapeshifting (Skunk Tail) - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Partial Shapeshifting (Spider Arms) - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Partial Shapeshifting (Tiger Paws) - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Partial Shapeshifting (Toad Tongue) - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Partial Shapeshifting (Turtle Shell) - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Plant Sense - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Plant Vision - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Plasma Armor - Sorcery: Personal Fire Spells.
Personal Plastic Vision - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Presence - Sorcery: Personal Communication & Empathy Spells.
Personal Preservation - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Protection from Force - Sorcery: Personal Food, Force, Fungus Spells.
Personal Protection from Incarnum - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Protection from Magic - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Reaper's Embrace - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Reflect Lightning - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Reflexes - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Regeneration - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Resist Acid - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Resist Air - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Resist Cold - Sorcery: Personal Fire Spells.
Personal Resist Corrosion - Sorcery: Acid Spells.
Personal Resist Disease - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Resist Earth - Sorcery: Personal Earth Spells.
Personal Resist Energy - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Resist Fire - Sorcery: Personal Fire Spells.
Personal Resist Gravity - Sorcery: Personal Gate and Gravity Spells.
Personal Resist Lightning - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Resist Pain - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Resist Plasma - Sorcery: Personal Fire Spells.
Personal Resist Poison - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Resist Pressure - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Resist Radiation - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Resist Sound - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Resist Water - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Rockwalking - Sorcery: Personal Earth Spells.
Personal Sandstrider - Sorcery: Personal Earth Spells.
Personal Scales - Sorcery: Personal Animal Spells.
Personal Scryguard - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal See Invisible - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Selective Gravity - Sorcery: Personal Gate and Gravity Spells.
Personal Slimy Skin - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Slow Fall - Sorcery: Personal Gate and Gravity Spells.
Personal Small Vision - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Snow Shoes - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Sonar Invisibility - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Sound Vision - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Space Adaptation - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Spatial Stability - Sorcery: Personal Gate and Gravity Spells.
Personal Steelwraith - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Stinkguard - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Stoneskin - Sorcery: Personal Earth Spells.
Personal Strengthen Will - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Strong Arm - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Tongues - Sorcery: Personal Communication & Empathy Spells.
Personal Transmogrification - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Tremorsense - Sorcery: Personal Earth Spells.
Personal Tremorsense Invisibility - Sorcery: Personal Earth Spells.
Personal True Seeing - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Ultravision - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Unbreakable Bones - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Vigor - Sorcery: Personal Body Control Spells.
Personal Walk on Air - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Walk on Dust - Sorcery: Personal Earth Spells.
Personal Walk on Fluid - Sorcery: Personal Air Spells.
Personal Walk Through Earth - Sorcery: Personal Earth Spells.
Personal Walk Through Metal - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Walk Through Plants - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Walk Through Water - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Walk Through Wood - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Wallwalker - Sorcery: Personal Gate and Gravity Spells.
Personal Warmth - Sorcery: Personal Fire Spells.
Personal Water Vision - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Personal Wooden Arm - Sorcery: The rest of the personal spells.
Persuasion (M45) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells II.
Pestilence (M154) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells V.
Persuasion (M45) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells II.
Pestilence (M154) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells V.
Phantasmal Poison (P4-1-7) - Sorcery: Poison Spells II.
Phantom (M97) - Sorcery: Illusion Spells.
Phantom Flame (M73) - Pyramid #3-63, page 9.
Phantom Killer (MDS14) - Sorcery: Illusion and Creation Spells.
Phase (M83) - Sorcery: Gate Spells III.
Phase Other (M83) - Sorcery: Gate Spells III.
Phantom (M97) - Sorcery: Illusion Spells.
Phantom Flame (M73) - Pyramid #3-63, page 9.
Phantom Killer (MDS14) - Sorcery: Illusion and Creation Spells.
Phase (M83) - Sorcery: Gate Spells III.
Phase Other (M83) - Sorcery: Gate Spells III.
Phase Trap - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XI.
Phlogiston Arc (P25-15) - Sorcery: Phlogiston Spells.
Phlogiston Detonation (P25-15) - Sorcery: Phlogiston Spells.
Phlogiston Discharge (P25-15) - Sorcery: Phlogiston Spells.
Phlogiston Sphere (P25-16) - Sorcery: Phlogiston Spells.
Phlogiston Stare (P25-16) - Sorcery: Phlogiston Spells.
Phlogiston Touch (P25-16) - Sorcery: Phlogiston Spells.
Phosphorescence (MTLS12) - Sorcery: Least Spells VI.
Phlogiston Arc (P25-15) - Sorcery: Phlogiston Spells.
Phlogiston Detonation (P25-15) - Sorcery: Phlogiston Spells.
Phlogiston Discharge (P25-15) - Sorcery: Phlogiston Spells.
Phlogiston Sphere (P25-16) - Sorcery: Phlogiston Spells.
Phlogiston Stare (P25-16) - Sorcery: Phlogiston Spells.
Phlogiston Touch (P25-16) - Sorcery: Phlogiston Spells.
Phosphorescence (MTLS12) - Sorcery: Least Spells VI.
Physiognomy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Piercing Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs VI.
Plague Touch (MAS11) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells II.
Piercing Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs VI.
Plague Touch (MAS11) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells II.
Planar Portal - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VII.
Planar Summons (M82) - Sorcery: Gate Spells.
Planar Visit (M82) - Sorcery, page 16.
Plane Shift (M83) - Sorcery: Angelic Spells.
Plane Shift Other (M83) - Sorcery: Movement Spells.
Plant Control (M164) - Sorcery: Plant Spells V.
Plant Empathy - Pantheon: Ehlonna.
Plant Form (M164) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VI.
Plant Form Other (M165) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VI.
Plant Growth (M162) - Sorcery: Plant Spells II.
Plant Sense (M163) - Sorcery: Plant Spells IV.
Plant Shape - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIX.
Plant Speech (M164) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VI.
Plant to Object (MPS16) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIII.
Plant Vision (M162) - Sorcery: Plant Spells II.
Plant Zombie (P68-10) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVIII.
Plasma Armor - Sorcery: Plasma Spells.
Plasma Ball - Sorcery: Plasma Spells.
Plasma Jet - Sorcery: Plasma Spells.
Plastic Vision (M183) - Sorcery: Metal and Plastic Spells.
Planar Summons (M82) - Sorcery: Gate Spells.
Planar Visit (M82) - Sorcery, page 16.
Plane Shift (M83) - Sorcery: Angelic Spells.
Plane Shift Other (M83) - Sorcery: Movement Spells.
Plant Control (M164) - Sorcery: Plant Spells V.
Plant Empathy - Pantheon: Ehlonna.
Plant Form (M164) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VI.
Plant Form Other (M165) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VI.
Plant Growth (M162) - Sorcery: Plant Spells II.
Plant Sense (M163) - Sorcery: Plant Spells IV.
Plant Shape - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIX.
Plant Speech (M164) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VI.
Plant to Object (MPS16) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIII.
Plant Vision (M162) - Sorcery: Plant Spells II.
Plant Zombie (P68-10) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVIII.
Plasma Armor - Sorcery: Plasma Spells.
Plasma Ball - Sorcery: Plasma Spells.
Plasma Jet - Sorcery: Plasma Spells.
Plastic Vision (M183) - Sorcery: Metal and Plastic Spells.
Poison Jet (P4-1-8) - Sorcery: New Poison Spells.
Poison Thorns (P68-10) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVIII.
Poison Thorns (P68-10) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVIII.
Poison Touch (P4-1-8) - Sorcery: New Poison Spells.
Polar Ray - Sorcery: Blasting Spells III.
Pollen Cloud (M162) - Sorcery: Plant Spells II.
Poltergeist (M144) - Sorcery: Movement Spells IV.
Polymorph - Sorcery: Polymorph Spells.
Polar Ray - Sorcery: Blasting Spells III.
Pollen Cloud (M162) - Sorcery: Plant Spells II.
Poltergeist (M144) - Sorcery: Movement Spells IV.
Polymorph - Sorcery: Polymorph Spells.
Portrait - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XI.
Possession (M49) - Sorcery: Possession Spells.
Power (M57) - Does not seem convertable.
Power Word: Blind - Sorcery: Power Word Spells.
Power Word: Deafen - Sorcery: Power Word Spells.
Power Word: Disable - Sorcery: Power Word Spells.
Power Word: Distract - Sorcery: Power Word Spells II.
Power Word: Fatigue - Sorcery: Power Word Spells II.
Power Word: Maladroit - Sorcery: Power Word Spells II.
Power Word: Nauseate - Sorcery: Power Word Spells.
Power Word: Kill - Sorcery: Power Word Spells.
Power Word: Pain - Sorcery: Power Word Spells II.
Power Word: Petrify - Sorcery: Power Word Spells II.
Power Word: Sicken - Sorcery: Power Word Spells.
Power Word: Stun - Sorcery: Angelic Spells.
Power Word: Weaken - Sorcery: Power Word Spells II.
Powerstone (M69) - Does not seem convertable.
Predict Earth Movement (M51) - Sorcery: Earth Spells.
Possession (M49) - Sorcery: Possession Spells.
Power (M57) - Does not seem convertable.
Power Word: Blind - Sorcery: Power Word Spells.
Power Word: Deafen - Sorcery: Power Word Spells.
Power Word: Disable - Sorcery: Power Word Spells.
Power Word: Distract - Sorcery: Power Word Spells II.
Power Word: Fatigue - Sorcery: Power Word Spells II.
Power Word: Maladroit - Sorcery: Power Word Spells II.
Power Word: Nauseate - Sorcery: Power Word Spells.
Power Word: Kill - Sorcery: Power Word Spells.
Power Word: Pain - Sorcery: Power Word Spells II.
Power Word: Petrify - Sorcery: Power Word Spells II.
Power Word: Sicken - Sorcery: Power Word Spells.
Power Word: Stun - Sorcery: Angelic Spells.
Power Word: Weaken - Sorcery: Power Word Spells II.
Powerstone (M69) - Does not seem convertable.
Predict Earth Movement (M51) - Sorcery: Earth Spells.
Predict Eclipse - Sorcery: EM and Weather Spells.
Predict Weather (M193) - Sorcery, page 26.
Prehistory (M106) - Sorcery: Spells of the Past.
Prepare Game (M78) - Sorcery: Food Spells III.
Presence (M48) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells IV.
Predict Weather (M193) - Sorcery, page 26.
Prehistory (M106) - Sorcery: Spells of the Past.
Prepare Game (M78) - Sorcery: Food Spells III.
Presence (M48) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells IV.
Preservation - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VII.
Preserve Food (M79) - Sorcery: Food Spells II.
Preserve Fuel (M179) - Sorcery, page 25.
Primal Regression - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Primordial Dissolution (P109-21) - Sorcery: Monster Spells.
Preserve Food (M79) - Sorcery: Food Spells II.
Preserve Fuel (M179) - Sorcery, page 25.
Primal Regression - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Primordial Dissolution (P109-21) - Sorcery: Monster Spells.
Prismatic Ball - Sorcery: New Prismatic Spells.
Prismatic Blast - Sorcery: New Prismatic Spells.
Prismatic Jet - Sorcery: New Prismatic Spells.
Prismatic Spray - Sorcery: Prismatic Spells.
Prismatic Wall - Sorcery: Prismatic Spells.
Process Plant (MPS16) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIV.
Process Raw Magic (T229) - Sorcery: Raw Magic Spells.
Progeria - Sorcery: Ageing Spells.
Project Limb - Sorcery: Space Spells III.
Projection (M105) - Sorcery: Sensory Displacement.
Propel (M180) - Sorcery: Power Spells.
Protect Animals* (M32) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 9.
Protection from Ageing - Sorcery: Ageing Spells.
Protection from (Ethical Category) - Sorcery: More ethical spells.
Prismatic Spray - Sorcery: Prismatic Spells.
Prismatic Wall - Sorcery: Prismatic Spells.
Process Plant (MPS16) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIV.
Process Raw Magic (T229) - Sorcery: Raw Magic Spells.
Progeria - Sorcery: Ageing Spells.
Project Limb - Sorcery: Space Spells III.
Projection (M105) - Sorcery: Sensory Displacement.
Propel (M180) - Sorcery: Power Spells.
Protect Animals* (M32) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 9.
Protection from Ageing - Sorcery: Ageing Spells.
Protection from (Ethical Category) - Sorcery: More ethical spells.
Protection from Force - Sorcery: Force and Gravity Spells.
Protection from Incarnum - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells IV.
Protection from Magic - Sorcery: Antimagic Spells.
Protection from Nuclear Explosions - Sorcery: Nuclear Spells.
Protection from Incarnum - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells IV.
Protection from Magic - Sorcery: Antimagic Spells.
Protection from Nuclear Explosions - Sorcery: Nuclear Spells.
Protozoan Control - Sorcery: Even More Unmerged Animal Spells.
Psi Resistance (DF14-29) - Sorcery: Psi Spells.
Psi Shield (DF14-29) - Sorcery: Psi Spells.
Psifool (DF14-29) - Sorcery: Psi Spells.
Psiguard (DF14-29) - Sorcery: Psi Spells.
Psiwall (DF14-29) - Sorcery: Psi Spells.
Psychic Scream (MAS12) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells II.
Psychic Surgery - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Puff (MTLS9) - Sorcery: Least Spells III.
Puissance (M65) - Sorcery: Weapon Enchantments.
Pull (M146) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VIII.
Punishment Circle (MAS19) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VI.
Purge Spirit - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Purify Air (M23) - Sorcery: Air Spells.
Purify Earth (M54) - Sorcery: Earth Spells III.
Purify Fluid (MSDM8) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells II.
Purify Food (M78) - Sorcery: Food Spells.
Purify Fuel (M179) - Sorcery: Fuel Spells.
Purify Metal (P91-26) - Sorcery: Metal Spells IV.
Purify Water (M184) - Sorcery: Water Spells.
Psychic Scream (MAS12) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells II.
Psychic Surgery - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Puff (MTLS9) - Sorcery: Least Spells III.
Puissance (M65) - Sorcery: Weapon Enchantments.
Pull (M146) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VIII.
Punishment Circle (MAS19) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VI.
Purge Spirit - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Purify Air (M23) - Sorcery: Air Spells.
Purify Earth (M54) - Sorcery: Earth Spells III.
Purify Fluid (MSDM8) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells II.
Purify Food (M78) - Sorcery: Food Spells.
Purify Fuel (M179) - Sorcery: Fuel Spells.
Purify Metal (P91-26) - Sorcery: Metal Spells IV.
Purify Water (M184) - Sorcery: Water Spells.
Pyromancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Quantumancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Quarter (MDS18) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VIII.
Quick-Aim (M65) - Sorcery: Weapon Enchantments.
Quick-Draw (M63) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells.
Quick March (M144) - Sorcery: Movement Spells III.
Q-Mirror - Sorcery: Antimatter Spells.
Radiation Jet (M182) - Sorcery: Radiation Spells.
Radio Hearing (M181) - Sorcery: Exotic Senses.
Quantumancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Quarter (MDS18) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VIII.
Quick-Aim (M65) - Sorcery: Weapon Enchantments.
Quick-Draw (M63) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells.
Quick March (M144) - Sorcery: Movement Spells III.
Q-Mirror - Sorcery: Antimatter Spells.
Radiation Jet (M182) - Sorcery: Radiation Spells.
Radio Hearing (M181) - Sorcery: Exotic Senses.
Rail Communication (LocMoM25) - Sorcery: Forgotten Spells III.
Rail Teleport (LocMoM25) - Sorcery: Forgotten Spells III.
Rail Teleport Other (LocMoM25) - Sorcery: Forgotten Spells III.
Rain (M195) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Rain of Acid (M191) - Sorcery: Even More Acid Spells.
Rain of Alkahest (P25-20) - Sorcery: Alkahest Spells.
Rain of Banefire - Sorcery: Banefire Spells.
Rain of Fire* (M74) - Pyramid #3-63, page 9.
Rain of Glass (P114-19) - Sorcery: Glass Spells III.
Rain of Ice Daggers (M192) - Sorcery: Cryomancy Expanded.
Rain of Nuts (M165) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VI.
Rain of Plasma - Sorcery: Plasma Spells.
Rain of Shards (P91-26) - Sorcery: Metal Spells IV.
Rain of Stones (M53) - Sorcery: Earth Spells II.
Rain of Thorns (P68-10) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVIII.
Rain (M195) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Rain of Acid (M191) - Sorcery: Even More Acid Spells.
Rain of Alkahest (P25-20) - Sorcery: Alkahest Spells.
Rain of Banefire - Sorcery: Banefire Spells.
Rain of Fire* (M74) - Pyramid #3-63, page 9.
Rain of Glass (P114-19) - Sorcery: Glass Spells III.
Rain of Ice Daggers (M192) - Sorcery: Cryomancy Expanded.
Rain of Nuts (M165) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VI.
Rain of Plasma - Sorcery: Plasma Spells.
Rain of Shards (P91-26) - Sorcery: Metal Spells IV.
Rain of Stones (M53) - Sorcery: Earth Spells II.
Rain of Thorns (P68-10) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVIII.
Rainbow - Sorcery: EM and Weather Spells.
Raise Cone of Power (T52) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Raise Demon - Monster: Arch-Vile.
Raise Cone of Power (T52) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Raise Demon - Monster: Arch-Vile.
Rapid Journey (M82) - Sorcery: Gate Spells.
Rapid Time Journey - Sorcery: Gate Spells.
Ray of Enfeeblement - Sorcery: Debuff Spells.
Ray of Exhaustion - Sorcery: Debuff Spells.
Ray of Frost - Sorcery: Blasting Spells IV.
Razor Grass (MPS16) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIV.
Razor Leaves - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Reaper's Embrace - Sorcery: Ageing Spells.
Rear Vision (M134) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells.
Rebuild (M177) - Sorcery: Machine Spells III.
Rebuke (Ethical Category) (KS) - Sorcery: Dungeon Fantasy Spells.
Recall (M106) - Sorcery: Memory Spells.
Reckless Reconstitution (MDS21) - Sorcery: Technological Spells.
Recoil Compensation - Sorcery: Gunman Spells II.
Reconstruct Spell (M106) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells IV.
Recover Energy (M89) - Sorcery: Healing Spells II.
Redirect Gravity - Sorcery: Gravity Spells II.
Redline (P115-14) - Sorcery: Technological Spells II.
Reduce Animal - Sorcery: Animal Spells IV.
Reduce Gravity - Sorcery: Gravity Spells II.
Reflect (M122) - Sorcery: Meta Spells.
Reflect Gaze (M168) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 9.
Rapid Time Journey - Sorcery: Gate Spells.
Ray of Enfeeblement - Sorcery: Debuff Spells.
Ray of Exhaustion - Sorcery: Debuff Spells.
Ray of Frost - Sorcery: Blasting Spells IV.
Razor Grass (MPS16) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIV.
Razor Leaves - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Reaper's Embrace - Sorcery: Ageing Spells.
Rear Vision (M134) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells.
Rebuild (M177) - Sorcery: Machine Spells III.
Rebuke (Ethical Category) (KS) - Sorcery: Dungeon Fantasy Spells.
Recall (M106) - Sorcery: Memory Spells.
Reckless Reconstitution (MDS21) - Sorcery: Technological Spells.
Recoil Compensation - Sorcery: Gunman Spells II.
Reconstruct Spell (M106) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells IV.
Recover Energy (M89) - Sorcery: Healing Spells II.
Redirect Gravity - Sorcery: Gravity Spells II.
Redline (P115-14) - Sorcery: Technological Spells II.
Reduce Animal - Sorcery: Animal Spells IV.
Reduce Gravity - Sorcery: Gravity Spells II.
Reflect (M122) - Sorcery: Meta Spells.
Reflect Gaze (M168) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 9.
Reflect Lightning - Sorcery: Air Spells VII.
Reflex (M132) - Does not seem convertable.
Reflexes (M39) - Sorcery: Body Control Buffs.
Regeneration (M93) - Sorcery: Restorative Spells.
Reincarnate - Sorcery: Healing Spells VII.
Reflex (M132) - Does not seem convertable.
Reflexes (M39) - Sorcery: Body Control Buffs.
Regeneration (M93) - Sorcery: Restorative Spells.
Reincarnate - Sorcery: Healing Spells VII.
Reinforce - Sorcery: Perk-Based Spells.
Reinforced Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs V.
Reinforced Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs V.
Rejoin (M116) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells II.
Rejuvenate Plant (M163) - Sorcery: Plant Spells IV.
Relieve Addiction (M92) - Sorcery: Healing Spells V.
Relieve Madness* (M92) - Sorcery, page 17.
Relieve Paralysis (M93) - Sorcery: Healing Spells V.
Relieve Sickness (M90) - Sorcery: Healing Spells III.
Remember Path (M107) - Sorcery: Memory Spells.
Remote Start (MTLS16) - Sorcery: Least Spells X.
Remove Aura (M127) - Sorcery: Meta Spells IV.
Remove Contagion (M90) - Sorcery: Healing Spells III.
Remove Curse (M126) - Sorcery, page 21.
Remove Enchantment (M58) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells II.
Remove Fetus (BT32) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells II.
Remove Hangover (P4-1-8) - Sorcery: Poison Spells III.
Remove Reflection (M113) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells.
Remove Shadow (M110) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells.
Reorient (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells IV.
Repair (M118) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells V.
Reinforced Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs V.
Reinforced Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs V.
Rejoin (M116) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells II.
Rejuvenate Plant (M163) - Sorcery: Plant Spells IV.
Relieve Addiction (M92) - Sorcery: Healing Spells V.
Relieve Madness* (M92) - Sorcery, page 17.
Relieve Paralysis (M93) - Sorcery: Healing Spells V.
Relieve Sickness (M90) - Sorcery: Healing Spells III.
Remember Path (M107) - Sorcery: Memory Spells.
Remote Start (MTLS16) - Sorcery: Least Spells X.
Remove Aura (M127) - Sorcery: Meta Spells IV.
Remove Contagion (M90) - Sorcery: Healing Spells III.
Remove Curse (M126) - Sorcery, page 21.
Remove Enchantment (M58) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells II.
Remove Fetus (BT32) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells II.
Remove Hangover (P4-1-8) - Sorcery: Poison Spells III.
Remove Reflection (M113) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells.
Remove Shadow (M110) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells.
Reorient (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells IV.
Repair (M118) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells V.
Repel Amphibians - Sorcery: Even More Unmerged Animal Spells.
Repel Animals (M31) - Sorcery, page 14.
Repel Animals (M31) - Sorcery, page 14.
Repel Arachnids - Sorcery: Even More Unmerged Animal Spells.
Repel Birds - Sorcery: Unmerged Spells.
Repel Crustaceans - Sorcery: Even More Unmerged Animal Spells.
Repel (Ethical Category) (T49) - Sorcery: Ethical Spells.
Repel (Ethical Category) (T49) - Sorcery: Ethical Spells.
Repel Mollusks - Sorcery: Unmerged Spells.
Repel Protozoa - Sorcery: Even More Unmerged Animal Spells.
Repel Reptiles - Sorcery: Unmerged Spells.
Repel Undead - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XI.
Repel Worms - Sorcery: Even More Unmerged Animal Spells.
Repress Memory - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Repress Memory - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Reptile Control - Sorcery: Unmerged Spells.
Reshape (M117) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells IV.
Resilient Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs V.
Resilient Sphere - Sorcery: Force Spells IV.
Resilient Vegetation (MPS17) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIV.
Resist Acid (M190) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 9.
Resist Air - Sorcery: Air Spells VI.
Resist Cold* (M74) - Pyramid #3-63, page 9.
Reshape (M117) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells IV.
Resilient Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs V.
Resilient Sphere - Sorcery: Force Spells IV.
Resilient Vegetation (MPS17) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIV.
Resist Acid (M190) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 9.
Resist Air - Sorcery: Air Spells VI.
Resist Cold* (M74) - Pyramid #3-63, page 9.
Resist Corrosion - Sorcery: Acid Spells.
Resist Disease (M90) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 10.
Resist Disease (M90) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 10.
Resist Earth - Sorcery: Earth Spells V.
Resist Enchantment (M58) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells II.
Resist Energy - Sorcery: Buff Spells.
Resist Fire* (M74) - Pyramid #3-63, page 9.
Resist Gravity - Sorcery: Gravity Spells III.
Resist Lightning (M196) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 10.
Resist Pain (M38) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells II.
Resist Plasma - Sorcery: Plasma Spells.
Resist Poison (M91) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 10.
Resist Pressure (M169) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 10.
Resist Radiation (M182) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 10.
Resist Sound (M173) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 11.
Resist Water (M186) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 11.
Resolve - Pantheon: Pladiru.
Restoration (M93) - Sorcery: Restorative Spells.
Restorative Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs V.
Restore (M116) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells II.
Restore Hearing (M92) - Sorcery: Healing Spells.
Restore Mana (M127) - Sorcery: Meta Spells V.
Restore Memory (M92) - Sorcery: Healing Spells V.
Restore Metal (P91-26) - Sorcery: Metal Spells V.
Restore Sight (M92) - Sorcery: Healing Spells.
Restore Speech (M93) - Sorcery: Healing Spells.
Resurrection (M94) - Sorcery: Restorative Spells.
Resuscitation (MDS14) - Sorcery: Healing Spells IV.
Retch (M38) - Sorcery: Body Control Status Effects.
Retribution (KS) - Sorcery: Dungeon Fantasy Spells.
Retro-Reading (P48-22) - Sorcery: Book Spells III.
Retrogression (M47) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells V.
Return Missile (M168) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Returning Weapon - Sorcery: Gunman Spells.
Reveal Function (M176) - Sorcery: Machine Spells II.
Resist Enchantment (M58) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells II.
Resist Energy - Sorcery: Buff Spells.
Resist Fire* (M74) - Pyramid #3-63, page 9.
Resist Gravity - Sorcery: Gravity Spells III.
Resist Lightning (M196) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 10.
Resist Pain (M38) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells II.
Resist Plasma - Sorcery: Plasma Spells.
Resist Poison (M91) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 10.
Resist Pressure (M169) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 10.
Resist Radiation (M182) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 10.
Resist Sound (M173) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 11.
Resist Water (M186) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 11.
Resolve - Pantheon: Pladiru.
Restoration (M93) - Sorcery: Restorative Spells.
Restorative Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs V.
Restore (M116) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells II.
Restore Hearing (M92) - Sorcery: Healing Spells.
Restore Mana (M127) - Sorcery: Meta Spells V.
Restore Memory (M92) - Sorcery: Healing Spells V.
Restore Metal (P91-26) - Sorcery: Metal Spells V.
Restore Sight (M92) - Sorcery: Healing Spells.
Restore Speech (M93) - Sorcery: Healing Spells.
Resurrection (M94) - Sorcery: Restorative Spells.
Resuscitation (MDS14) - Sorcery: Healing Spells IV.
Retch (M38) - Sorcery: Body Control Status Effects.
Retribution (KS) - Sorcery: Dungeon Fantasy Spells.
Retro-Reading (P48-22) - Sorcery: Book Spells III.
Retrogression (M47) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells V.
Return Missile (M168) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Returning Weapon - Sorcery: Gunman Spells.
Reveal Function (M176) - Sorcery: Machine Spells II.
Reveal Magic - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XI.
Reverie of Ruin (MTLS15) - Sorcery: Least Spells VIII.
Reverse Gravity - Sorcery: Gravity Spells III.
Reverse Missiles (M168) - Sorcery, page 24; Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 11.
Reverse Plant Growth (MPS17) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIV.
Reverie of Ruin (MTLS15) - Sorcery: Least Spells VIII.
Reverse Gravity - Sorcery: Gravity Spells III.
Reverse Missiles (M168) - Sorcery, page 24; Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 11.
Reverse Plant Growth (MPS17) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XIV.
Ride the Lightning - Sorcery: Air Spells VII.
Rider (M31) - Sorcery: Animal Spells II.
Rider Within (M31) - Sorcery: Animal Spells III.
Rift to Hell (TMS36) - Sorcery: Hellish Spells.
Rigid Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs III.
Rider (M31) - Sorcery: Animal Spells II.
Rider Within (M31) - Sorcery: Animal Spells III.
Rift to Hell (TMS36) - Sorcery: Hellish Spells.
Rigid Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs III.
Ripple Message - Sorcery: Force and Gravity Spells.
Ripple Sense - Sorcery: Force and Gravity Spells.
Ritual of Reaping (MTLS15) - Sorcery: Least Spells IX.
Rive (M117) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells IV.
Ritual of Reaping (MTLS15) - Sorcery: Least Spells IX.
Rive (M117) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells IV.
Rock Drop - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XIV.
Rockwalking - Sorcery: Earth Spells V.
Roknar's Temptation - Pantheon: Dwarven Deities.
Rooted Feet (M36) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells.
Rotting Death (M154) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VI.
Roundabout (M36) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells.
Ruin (M118) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells IV.
Run Across Treetops (MPS17) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XV.
Rust (P91-27) - Sorcery: Metal Spells V.
Rusting Grasp - Treasure: Gauntlets and Gloves.
Sacrifice (MSHM7) - Does not seem convertable.
Safe Boarding (P48-14) - Sorcery: Pirate Spells.
Sanctuary (M86) - Sorcery: Gate Spells III.
Sand Blast (MAS12) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells III.
Sand Jet (M52) - Sorcery: Earth Spells II.
Sandstorm (M27) - Sorcery: Earth Spells III.
Roknar's Temptation - Pantheon: Dwarven Deities.
Rooted Feet (M36) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells.
Rotting Death (M154) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VI.
Roundabout (M36) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells.
Ruin (M118) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells IV.
Run Across Treetops (MPS17) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XV.
Rust (P91-27) - Sorcery: Metal Spells V.
Rusting Grasp - Treasure: Gauntlets and Gloves.
Sacrifice (MSHM7) - Does not seem convertable.
Safe Boarding (P48-14) - Sorcery: Pirate Spells.
Sanctuary (M86) - Sorcery: Gate Spells III.
Sand Blast (MAS12) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells III.
Sand Jet (M52) - Sorcery: Earth Spells II.
Sandstorm (M27) - Sorcery: Earth Spells III.
Sandstrider - Sorcery: Earth Spells V.
Satiation - Sorcery: Food Spells V.
Sawhand - Sorcery: Utility Cantrips II.
Scald (MAS27) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells XI.
Sawhand - Sorcery: Utility Cantrips II.
Scald (MAS27) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells XI.
Scales - Sorcery: Feathers, Fur, and Scales.
Scaly Command - Monster: Shen Lung (Spirit Dragon).
Scents of the Past (M107) - Sorcery: Spells of the Past.
Scissorhand - Sorcery: Utility Cantrips.
Schematic (M177) - Sorcery: Machine Spells III.
Scoop - Sorcery: Force Spells IV.
Scribe (M174) -Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 9.
Scroll (M57) - Does not seem convertable.
Scry Gate (M85) - Sorcery: Gate Spells IV.
Scryfool (M123) - Sorcery: Meta Spells III.
Scryguard* (M121) - Sorcery, page 21.
Scrying - Sorcery: Divination Spells II.
Scrywall (M122) - Sorcery: Meta Spells II.
Sea Legs (MTLS17) - Sorcery: Least Spells X.
Searching Roots (MPS18) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XV.
Season (M77) - Sorcery: Food Spells III.
Seaweed Clutch (MPS18) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VII.
See Gravity - Sorcery: Gravity Spells III.
See Invisible (M113) - Sorcery: Angelic Spells.
See Plant Health (MPS19) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XV.
See Radiation (M181) - Sorcery: Radiation Spells.
See Secrets (M107) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells V.
Scaly Command - Monster: Shen Lung (Spirit Dragon).
Scents of the Past (M107) - Sorcery: Spells of the Past.
Scissorhand - Sorcery: Utility Cantrips.
Schematic (M177) - Sorcery: Machine Spells III.
Scoop - Sorcery: Force Spells IV.
Scribe (M174) -Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 9.
Scroll (M57) - Does not seem convertable.
Scry Gate (M85) - Sorcery: Gate Spells IV.
Scryfool (M123) - Sorcery: Meta Spells III.
Scryguard* (M121) - Sorcery, page 21.
Scrying - Sorcery: Divination Spells II.
Scrywall (M122) - Sorcery: Meta Spells II.
Sea Legs (MTLS17) - Sorcery: Least Spells X.
Searching Roots (MPS18) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XV.
Season (M77) - Sorcery: Food Spells III.
Seaweed Clutch (MPS18) - Sorcery: Plant Spells VII.
See Gravity - Sorcery: Gravity Spells III.
See Invisible (M113) - Sorcery: Angelic Spells.
See Plant Health (MPS19) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XV.
See Radiation (M181) - Sorcery: Radiation Spells.
See Secrets (M107) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells V.
Seek Acid - Sorcery: Acid Spells.
Seek Air (M23) - Sorcery: Air Spells.
Seek Banestorm (B25) - Sorcery: Banestorm Spells.
Seek Coastline (M184) - Sorcery: Water Spells.
Seek Earth (M50) - Sorcery: Earth Spells.
Seek (Ethical Category) (T49) - Sorcery: Ethical Spells.
Seek Fire (M72) - Pyramid #3-63, page 9.
Seek Fluid (MSDM8) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells II.
Seek Food (M77) - Sorcery: Food Spells.
Seek Fuel (M179) - Sorcery: Fuel Spells.
Seek Fungus (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells V.
Seek Gate (M85) - Sorcery: Gate Spells.
Seek Gems - Monster: Gold Dragon.
Seek Gravity - Sorcery: Gravity Spells III.
Seek Incarnum - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells IV.
Seek Landform (UA22) - Sorcery: Earth Spells IV.
Seek Ley Line (TUM19) - Sorcery: Ley Line Spells.
Seek Machine (M175) - Sorcery: Machine Spells.
Seek Magic (M102) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells.
Seek Metal - Sorcery: Metal and Plastic Spells.
Seek Navy (P64-14) - Sorcery: Pirate Spells.
Seek Pass (M51) - Sorcery: Earth Spells.
Seek Plasma - Sorcery: Plasma Spells.
Seek Plant (M161) - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Seek Plastic (M182) - Sorcery: Metal and Plastic Spells.
Seek Air (M23) - Sorcery: Air Spells.
Seek Banestorm (B25) - Sorcery: Banestorm Spells.
Seek Coastline (M184) - Sorcery: Water Spells.
Seek Earth (M50) - Sorcery: Earth Spells.
Seek (Ethical Category) (T49) - Sorcery: Ethical Spells.
Seek Fire (M72) - Pyramid #3-63, page 9.
Seek Fluid (MSDM8) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells II.
Seek Food (M77) - Sorcery: Food Spells.
Seek Fuel (M179) - Sorcery: Fuel Spells.
Seek Fungus (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells V.
Seek Gate (M85) - Sorcery: Gate Spells.
Seek Gems - Monster: Gold Dragon.
Seek Gravity - Sorcery: Gravity Spells III.
Seek Incarnum - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells IV.
Seek Landform (UA22) - Sorcery: Earth Spells IV.
Seek Ley Line (TUM19) - Sorcery: Ley Line Spells.
Seek Machine (M175) - Sorcery: Machine Spells.
Seek Magic (M102) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells.
Seek Metal - Sorcery: Metal and Plastic Spells.
Seek Navy (P64-14) - Sorcery: Pirate Spells.
Seek Pass (M51) - Sorcery: Earth Spells.
Seek Plasma - Sorcery: Plasma Spells.
Seek Plant (M161) - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Seek Plastic (M182) - Sorcery: Metal and Plastic Spells.
Seek Sleepers - Sorcery: Dream Spells II.
Seek Water (M184) - Sorcery: Water Spells.
Seeker (M105) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells IV.
Seek Water (M184) - Sorcery: Water Spells.
Seeker (M105) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells IV.
Seeker Snake (SoL54) - Sorcery: Serpentine Spells.
Seismic Shock (MAS13) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells III.
Selective Gravity - Sorcery: Gravity Spells III.
Selective Hearing (MTLS15) - Sorcery: Least Spells IX.
Self-Destruct (MAS23) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VIII.
Self-Repairing (P76-16) - Sorcery: Secret Spells II.
Sense Corruption - D&D Taint in GURPS.
Sense Danger (M166) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 12.
Sense Disease (BT32) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells III.
Sense Emotion (M45) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells II.
Sense (Ethical Category) (T49) - Sorcery: More ethical spells.
Sense Foes (M44) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells II.
Sense Goblin (P28-15) - Sorcery: Yellow Spells.
Sense Life (M45) - Sorcery, page 15.
Sense Light (P115-22) - Sorcery: Energy Spells.
Sense Man (P28-15) - Sorcery: Yellow Spells.
Sense Mana (M101) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells.
Sense Nano (BT32) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells III.
Sense Observation (M167) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 12.
Sense Quintessence - Monster: Thoon Infiltrator.
Sense Spirit (M149) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells.
Sensitize (M39) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells II.
Sequence DNA (BT32) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells III.
Sequester - Treasure: Epic Rings.
Sever Fate Line - Sorcery: Fate Spells.
Shade (M169) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 12.
Shadow Bolt - Treasure: Staffs.
Seismic Shock (MAS13) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells III.
Selective Gravity - Sorcery: Gravity Spells III.
Selective Hearing (MTLS15) - Sorcery: Least Spells IX.
Self-Destruct (MAS23) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VIII.
Self-Repairing (P76-16) - Sorcery: Secret Spells II.
Sense Corruption - D&D Taint in GURPS.
Sense Danger (M166) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 12.
Sense Disease (BT32) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells III.
Sense Emotion (M45) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells II.
Sense (Ethical Category) (T49) - Sorcery: More ethical spells.
Sense Foes (M44) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells II.
Sense Goblin (P28-15) - Sorcery: Yellow Spells.
Sense Life (M45) - Sorcery, page 15.
Sense Light (P115-22) - Sorcery: Energy Spells.
Sense Man (P28-15) - Sorcery: Yellow Spells.
Sense Mana (M101) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells.
Sense Nano (BT32) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells III.
Sense Observation (M167) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 12.
Sense Quintessence - Monster: Thoon Infiltrator.
Sense Spirit (M149) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells.
Sensitize (M39) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells II.
Sequence DNA (BT32) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells III.
Sequester - Treasure: Epic Rings.
Sever Fate Line - Sorcery: Fate Spells.
Shade (M169) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 12.
Shadow Bolt - Treasure: Staffs.
Shadow Double - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XII.
Shadow Form - Treasure: Staffs.
Shadow Jump - Sorcery: Stealth Spells II.
Shadow Form - Treasure: Staffs.
Shadow Jump - Sorcery: Stealth Spells II.
Shadow Magic (Spell) - Sorcery: Shadow Conjuration/Shadow Evocation.
Shadow Walk - Sorcery: Assorted Spells X.
Shadow-Slay (MDS16) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells V.
Shadowplay (MTLS11) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Shadow-Slay (MDS16) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells V.
Shadowplay (MTLS11) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Shape Bone - Sorcery: Bone Spells.
Shape Clouds - Sorcery: EM and Weather Spells.
Shape Darkness (M113) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells.
Shape Earth (M50) - Sorcery: Earth Spells.
Shape Fire (M72) - Sorcery, page 16.
Shape Fluid (MSDM8) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells II.
Shape Fungus (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells V.
Shape Glass (P114-17) - Sorcery: Glass Spells II.
Shape Light (M111) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells.
Shape Metal (M182) - Sorcery: Metal and Plastic Spells.
Shape Plant (M161) - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Shape Plastic (M183) - Sorcery: Metal and Plastic Spells.
Shape Darkness (M113) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells.
Shape Earth (M50) - Sorcery: Earth Spells.
Shape Fire (M72) - Sorcery, page 16.
Shape Fluid (MSDM8) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells II.
Shape Fungus (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells V.
Shape Glass (P114-17) - Sorcery: Glass Spells II.
Shape Light (M111) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells.
Shape Metal (M182) - Sorcery: Metal and Plastic Spells.
Shape Plant (M161) - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Shape Plastic (M183) - Sorcery: Metal and Plastic Spells.
Shape Smoke - Sorcery: Fire Spells III.
Shape Water (M185) - Sorcery: Water Spells.
Shapeshift Others (M33) - Sorcery: Shapeshifting Spells.
Shapeshifting (M32) - Sorcery: Shapeshifting Spells.
Share Energy (M89) - Does not seem convertable.
Share Vitality (M90) - Sorcery: Healing Spells II.
Shared Doom - Sorcery: Fate Spells.
Sharpen (M118) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VI.
Sharpen Blade (P91-27) - Sorcery: Metal Spells V.
Sharpen Glass (P114-17) - Sorcery: Glass Spells II.
Shape Water (M185) - Sorcery: Water Spells.
Shapeshift Others (M33) - Sorcery: Shapeshifting Spells.
Shapeshifting (M32) - Sorcery: Shapeshifting Spells.
Share Energy (M89) - Does not seem convertable.
Share Vitality (M90) - Sorcery: Healing Spells II.
Shared Doom - Sorcery: Fate Spells.
Sharpen (M118) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VI.
Sharpen Blade (P91-27) - Sorcery: Metal Spells V.
Sharpen Glass (P114-17) - Sorcery: Glass Spells II.
Sharpen Metal (T47) - Sorcery: Metal Variants.
Shatter (M116) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells III.
Shatter Ice - Sorcery: Ice Spells II.
Shatterproof (M118) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells V.
Shattershot - Sorcery: Gunman Spells III.
Shield (M167) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 13.
Shimmering Fields - Sorcery: Air Spells VI.
Shining One's Protection - Pantheon: The Shining One.
Shatter (M116) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells III.
Shatter Ice - Sorcery: Ice Spells II.
Shatterproof (M118) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells V.
Shattershot - Sorcery: Gunman Spells III.
Shield (M167) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 13.
Shimmering Fields - Sorcery: Air Spells VI.
Shining One's Protection - Pantheon: The Shining One.
Shock Vulnerability - Sorcery: Energy Spells III.
Shocking Touch (M196) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells.
Shocking Touch (M196) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells.
Shrapmetal - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VII.
Shrink (M42) - Sorcery: Body Size Changes.
Shrink Object (M120) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VII.
Shrink Other (M42) - Sorcery: Body Size Changes.
Shuriken Leaf (MPS19) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XV.
Sickness (M138) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells III.
Silence (M171) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 9.
Silk String - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Silver Tongue (M174) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 10.
Simple Illusion (M95) - Sorcery: Illusion Spells.
Simulacrum (M61) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells III.
Shrink (M42) - Sorcery: Body Size Changes.
Shrink Object (M120) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VII.
Shrink Other (M42) - Sorcery: Body Size Changes.
Shuriken Leaf (MPS19) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XV.
Sickness (M138) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells III.
Silence (M171) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 9.
Silk String - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Silver Tongue (M174) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 10.
Simple Illusion (M95) - Sorcery: Illusion Spells.
Simulacrum (M61) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells III.
Singing Trees (FF:E20) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XIV.
Sink (MTLS14) - Sorcery: Least Spells VIII.
Skull-Spirit (M151) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells II.
Sink (MTLS14) - Sorcery: Least Spells VIII.
Skull-Spirit (M151) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells II.
Skyhook - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XII.
Slasher (MAS22) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VII.
Sleep (M135) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells.
Sleep Cloud - Sorcery: Cloud Spells.
Slice Egg - Sorcery: Utility Cantrips II.
Slasher (MAS22) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VII.
Sleep (M135) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells.
Sleep Cloud - Sorcery: Cloud Spells.
Slice Egg - Sorcery: Utility Cantrips II.
Slicing Shadow - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XII.
Slide (M145) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VII.
Slimy Skin (MPS19) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVI.
Slow (M145) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VI.
Slow Fall (M144) - Sorcery: Movement Spells IV.
Slow Fire* (M73) - Pyramid #3-63, page 10.
Slow Healing (M153) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells IV.
Slow Metabolism - Sorcery: Time Spells IV.
Slow Movement - Sorcery: Extra Afflictions.
Slow Poison (P4-1-9) - Sorcery: Poison Spells IV.
Slow Time (M86) - Sorcery: Time Spells.
Small Vision (M111) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells II.
Smelt Ore (P91-27) - Sorcery: Metal Spells VI.
Smite Evil - Pantheon: The Shining One.
Smoke (M73) - Pyramid #3-63, page 10.
Smoke Teleport - Treasure: Cape of the Mountebank.
Slide (M145) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VII.
Slimy Skin (MPS19) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVI.
Slow (M145) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VI.
Slow Fall (M144) - Sorcery: Movement Spells IV.
Slow Fire* (M73) - Pyramid #3-63, page 10.
Slow Healing (M153) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells IV.
Slow Metabolism - Sorcery: Time Spells IV.
Slow Movement - Sorcery: Extra Afflictions.
Slow Poison (P4-1-9) - Sorcery: Poison Spells IV.
Slow Time (M86) - Sorcery: Time Spells.
Small Vision (M111) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells II.
Smelt Ore (P91-27) - Sorcery: Metal Spells VI.
Smite Evil - Pantheon: The Shining One.
Smoke (M73) - Pyramid #3-63, page 10.
Smoke Teleport - Treasure: Cape of the Mountebank.
Snekrobolt (SoL42) - Sorcery: Serpentine Spells.
Snow (M195) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Snow Jet (M189) - Sorcery: Water Spells III.
Snow Shoes (M186) - Sorcery: Water Spells II.
Snuff Life's Flame (MDS12) - Sorcery: Fire Spells II.
Sobriety (P4-1-9) - Sorcery: Poison Spells IV.
Soft Step - Sorcery: Stealth Spells II.
Soft Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs V.
Soilproof (M116) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells.
Solar Smite - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Solid Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs IV.
Solidify (M151) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells III.
Sonar Invisibility - Sorcery: Stealth Spells.
Sonic Scream - Sorcery: Sound Spells V.
Snow (M195) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Snow Jet (M189) - Sorcery: Water Spells III.
Snow Shoes (M186) - Sorcery: Water Spells II.
Snuff Life's Flame (MDS12) - Sorcery: Fire Spells II.
Sobriety (P4-1-9) - Sorcery: Poison Spells IV.
Soft Step - Sorcery: Stealth Spells II.
Soft Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs V.
Soilproof (M116) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells.
Solar Smite - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Solid Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs IV.
Solidify (M151) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells III.
Sonar Invisibility - Sorcery: Stealth Spells.
Sonic Scream - Sorcery: Sound Spells V.
Sonic Whip - Sorcery: Elemental Whips.
Soothing Performance - How to: Bard Abilities.
Sorcerer's Stand-In (MTLS9) - Sorcery: Least Spells III.
Sorcerous Input - Sorcery: Technological Cantrips.
Sorcerous Screwdriver - Sorcery: Utility Cantrips.
Sorcerous Signal (MTLS8) - Sorcery: Least Spells II.
Sorcerous Silencer - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs IV.
Soothing Performance - How to: Bard Abilities.
Sorcerer's Stand-In (MTLS9) - Sorcery: Least Spells III.
Sorcerous Input - Sorcery: Technological Cantrips.
Sorcerous Screwdriver - Sorcery: Utility Cantrips.
Sorcerous Signal (MTLS8) - Sorcery: Least Spells II.
Sorcerous Silencer - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs IV.
Soul Golem - Sorcery: Old Spells II.
Soul Jar (M154) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VI.
Soul Prison (MDS18) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VII.
Soul Rider (M49) - Sorcery: Possession Spells.
Soul Stone (M71) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells IV.
Soulbanned Zone - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells V.
Souldrinker - Sorcery: Assorted Spells IV.
Soulmeld Disjunction - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells V.
Soulsight - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Soulspace (P115-22) - Does not seem convertable.
Sound (M171) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 10.
Sound Burst - Sorcery: Blasting Spells IV.
Sound Jet (M173) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 10.
Sound Vision (M171) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 10.
Sovereign Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs II.
Sovereign Countermagic (MSDM28) - Sorcery: Meta Spells VI.
Sovereign Ward (MSDM28) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Space Adaptation - Sorcery: Force Spells V.
Space Disruption - Sorcery: Space Spells II.
Spark Cloud (M196) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells.
Soul Jar (M154) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VI.
Soul Prison (MDS18) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VII.
Soul Rider (M49) - Sorcery: Possession Spells.
Soul Stone (M71) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells IV.
Soulbanned Zone - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells V.
Souldrinker - Sorcery: Assorted Spells IV.
Soulmeld Disjunction - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells V.
Soulsight - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Soulspace (P115-22) - Does not seem convertable.
Sound (M171) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 10.
Sound Burst - Sorcery: Blasting Spells IV.
Sound Jet (M173) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 10.
Sound Vision (M171) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 10.
Sovereign Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs II.
Sovereign Countermagic (MSDM28) - Sorcery: Meta Spells VI.
Sovereign Ward (MSDM28) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Space Adaptation - Sorcery: Force Spells V.
Space Disruption - Sorcery: Space Spells II.
Spark Cloud (M196) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells.
Spark Erosion - Sorcery: Assorted Spells IX.
Spark of Eros (P28-15) - Sorcery: Yellow Spells II.
Spark Storm (M197) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells II.
Sparks - Sorcery: Air Spells VI.
Spasm (M35) - Sorcery: Body Control Status Effects.
Spatial Awareness - Sorcery: Space Spells.
Spatial Instability - Sorcery: Space Spells II.
Spatial Stability - Sorcery: Space Spells II.
Speak with Dead - Sorcery: Angelic Spells.
Spectrum Vision (M181) - Sorcery: Exotic Senses.
Speed (M57) - Does not seem convertable.
Speed Reading (P48-22) - Sorcery: Book Spells III.
Speed Spell Arrow (M66) - Does not seem convertable.
Spell of Sowing (MTLS15) - Sorcery: Least Spells IX.
Spell Arrow (M65) - Does not seem convertable.
Spark of Eros (P28-15) - Sorcery: Yellow Spells II.
Spark Storm (M197) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells II.
Sparks - Sorcery: Air Spells VI.
Spasm (M35) - Sorcery: Body Control Status Effects.
Spatial Awareness - Sorcery: Space Spells.
Spatial Instability - Sorcery: Space Spells II.
Spatial Stability - Sorcery: Space Spells II.
Speak with Dead - Sorcery: Angelic Spells.
Spectrum Vision (M181) - Sorcery: Exotic Senses.
Speed (M57) - Does not seem convertable.
Speed Reading (P48-22) - Sorcery: Book Spells III.
Speed Spell Arrow (M66) - Does not seem convertable.
Spell of Sowing (MTLS15) - Sorcery: Least Spells IX.
Spell Arrow (M65) - Does not seem convertable.
Spell Phylactery - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XIII.
Spell Shield (M124) - Sorcery: Meta Spells III.
Spell Stone (M60) - Does not seem convertable.
Spell Wall (M124) - Sorcery: Meta Spells IV.
Spell-Archery (DF3-41) - Does not seem convertable.
Spellgraft (BT32) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells IV.
Spellguard (M127) - Sorcery: Meta Spells IV.
Spell Shield (M124) - Sorcery: Meta Spells III.
Spell Stone (M60) - Does not seem convertable.
Spell Wall (M124) - Sorcery: Meta Spells IV.
Spell-Archery (DF3-41) - Does not seem convertable.
Spellgraft (BT32) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells IV.
Spellguard (M127) - Sorcery: Meta Spells IV.
Spidereyes - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XII.
Spiderform - Sorcery: Forgotten Realms Spells I.
Spirit Incursion (MAS22) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VIII.
Spit Acid (M192) - Sorcery: Even More Acid Spells.
Spit Alkahest (P25-20) - Sorcery: Alkahest Spells.
Spit Venom (P4-1-9) - Sorcery: Poison Spells IV.
Splat (DAS16) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells V.
Sponge (MTLS17) - Sorcery: Least Spells X.
Spore Cloud (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells V.
Spotless Hands (MTLS8) - Sorcery: Least Spells II.
Spying Blossom (MPS19) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVI.
Squeak (MTLS15) - Sorcery: Least Spells IX.
Squirt (MTLS17) - Sorcery: Least Spells X.
Stabbing Party (MAS20) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VII.
Staff (M70) - Sorcery: Least Spells III.
Stand Out (MTLS7) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Starbolt (P115-23) - Sorcery: Energy Spells II.
Startle (MTLS13) - Sorcery: Least Spells VII.
Spirit Incursion (MAS22) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VIII.
Spit Acid (M192) - Sorcery: Even More Acid Spells.
Spit Alkahest (P25-20) - Sorcery: Alkahest Spells.
Spit Venom (P4-1-9) - Sorcery: Poison Spells IV.
Splat (DAS16) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells V.
Sponge (MTLS17) - Sorcery: Least Spells X.
Spore Cloud (MPS17) - Sorcery: Fungus Spells V.
Spotless Hands (MTLS8) - Sorcery: Least Spells II.
Spying Blossom (MPS19) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVI.
Squeak (MTLS15) - Sorcery: Least Spells IX.
Squirt (MTLS17) - Sorcery: Least Spells X.
Stabbing Party (MAS20) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells VII.
Staff (M70) - Sorcery: Least Spells III.
Stand Out (MTLS7) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Starbolt (P115-23) - Sorcery: Energy Spells II.
Startle (MTLS13) - Sorcery: Least Spells VII.
Static Charge - Sorcery: Air Spells VII.
Steal Beauty (M159) - Sorcery: Other Stealing Spells.
Steal Breath (MDS9) - Sorcery: Air Spells IV.
Steal Energy (M150) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells II.
Steal Essentia - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells V.
Steal Grace (M158) - Sorcery: Steal Attributes.
Steal Might (M158) - Sorcery: Steal Attributes.
Steal Power (M180) - Sorcery: Power Spells.
Steal Skill (M158) - Sorcery: Other Stealing Spells.
Steal Spell (M127) - Sorcery: Meta Spells V.
Steal Vigor (M158) - Sorcery: Steal Attributes.
Steal Vitality (M150) - Sorcery, page 22.
Steal Wisdom (M158) - Sorcery: Steal Attributes.
Steal Youth (M158) - Sorcery: Other Stealing Spells.
Steam Jet (M191) - Sorcery: Steam Spells.
Steelwraith (M54) - Sorcery: Earth Spells II.
Stench (M24) - Sorcery: Air Spells II.
Sticky Flame - Sorcery: Cyclic Elemental Spells.
Stiffen (M117) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells III.
Stifle (MTLS7) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Stimulant (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Sting (P4-1-9) - Sorcery: Poison Spells V.
Stinkguard (MTLS6) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Stinking Cloud - Sorcery: Cloud Spells.
Steal Beauty (M159) - Sorcery: Other Stealing Spells.
Steal Breath (MDS9) - Sorcery: Air Spells IV.
Steal Energy (M150) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells II.
Steal Essentia - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells V.
Steal Grace (M158) - Sorcery: Steal Attributes.
Steal Might (M158) - Sorcery: Steal Attributes.
Steal Power (M180) - Sorcery: Power Spells.
Steal Skill (M158) - Sorcery: Other Stealing Spells.
Steal Spell (M127) - Sorcery: Meta Spells V.
Steal Vigor (M158) - Sorcery: Steal Attributes.
Steal Vitality (M150) - Sorcery, page 22.
Steal Wisdom (M158) - Sorcery: Steal Attributes.
Steal Youth (M158) - Sorcery: Other Stealing Spells.
Steam Jet (M191) - Sorcery: Steam Spells.
Steelwraith (M54) - Sorcery: Earth Spells II.
Stench (M24) - Sorcery: Air Spells II.
Sticky Flame - Sorcery: Cyclic Elemental Spells.
Stiffen (M117) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells III.
Stifle (MTLS7) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Stimulant (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Sting (P4-1-9) - Sorcery: Poison Spells V.
Stinkguard (MTLS6) - Sorcery: Least Spells I.
Stinking Cloud - Sorcery: Cloud Spells.
Stone Knuckles - Sorcery: Perk-Based Spells.
Stone Missile (M52) - Sorcery: Earth Spells.
Stone Spikes - Sorcery: Stone Spells.
Stone Tell - Sorcery: Divination Spells.
Stone to Earth (M51) - Sorcery: Earth Transmutation.
Stone to Flesh (M53) - Sorcery: Earth Spells.
Stone to Metal (P91-27) - Sorcery: Metal Spells VI.
Stoneskin - Sorcery: Stone Spells.
Stop Annihilation - Sorcery: Antimatter Spells.
Stop Bleeding (M91) - Sorcery: Healing Spells IV.
Stop Healing (M153) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells IV.
Stop Impulse (MDS21) - Sorcery: Technological Spells.
Stop Paralysis (M93) - Sorcery: Healing Spells V.
Stop Power (M179) - Sorcery: Power Spells.
Stop Spasm (M35) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells.
Storm (M195) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Storm Shelter (MTLS17) - Sorcery: Least Spells X.
Strengthen Will (M136) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells.
Stone Missile (M52) - Sorcery: Earth Spells.
Stone Spikes - Sorcery: Stone Spells.
Stone Tell - Sorcery: Divination Spells.
Stone to Earth (M51) - Sorcery: Earth Transmutation.
Stone to Flesh (M53) - Sorcery: Earth Spells.
Stone to Metal (P91-27) - Sorcery: Metal Spells VI.
Stoneskin - Sorcery: Stone Spells.
Stop Annihilation - Sorcery: Antimatter Spells.
Stop Bleeding (M91) - Sorcery: Healing Spells IV.
Stop Healing (M153) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells IV.
Stop Impulse (MDS21) - Sorcery: Technological Spells.
Stop Paralysis (M93) - Sorcery: Healing Spells V.
Stop Power (M179) - Sorcery: Power Spells.
Stop Spasm (M35) - Sorcery: Body Control Spells.
Storm (M195) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Storm Shelter (MTLS17) - Sorcery: Least Spells X.
Strengthen Will (M136) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells.
Strike Anosmic - Sorcery: Old Spells II.
Strike Barren (M41) - Sorcery: Strike Spells.
Strike Blind (M38) - Sorcery: Strike Spells.
Strike Deaf (M38) - Sorcery: Strike Spells.
Strike Dumb (M38) - Sorcery: Strike Spells.
Strike Numb (M40) - Sorcery: Strike Spells.
Stroke of Lightning (MSDM19) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells III.
Strike Barren (M41) - Sorcery: Strike Spells.
Strike Blind (M38) - Sorcery: Strike Spells.
Strike Deaf (M38) - Sorcery: Strike Spells.
Strike Dumb (M38) - Sorcery: Strike Spells.
Strike Numb (M40) - Sorcery: Strike Spells.
Stroke of Lightning (MSDM19) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells III.
Strong Arm - Sorcery: Body Control Spells V.
Stun (M37) - Sorcery: Body Control Status Effects.
Stygian Cold (P25-19) - Sorcery: Stygian Spells.
Stygian Ice Dagger (P25-19) - Sorcery: Stygian Spells.
Stygian Ice Sphere (P25-18) - Sorcery: Stygian Spells.
Stygian Touch (P25-18) - Sorcery: Stygian Spells.
Suggestion (M140) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells III.
Suggestion Song - How to: Bard Abilities.
Suicide (MDS19) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VII.
Summon Demon (M155) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells IV.
Summon Divine Ghost (P105-24) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells.
Summon Dryad (MPS13) - Sorcery: Plant Spells X.
Summon Elemental (M27) - Sorcery: Revised Elemental Spells.
Summon Lava Lizard (DFM3-12) - Sorcery: Lava Spells.
Stun (M37) - Sorcery: Body Control Status Effects.
Stygian Cold (P25-19) - Sorcery: Stygian Spells.
Stygian Ice Dagger (P25-19) - Sorcery: Stygian Spells.
Stygian Ice Sphere (P25-18) - Sorcery: Stygian Spells.
Stygian Touch (P25-18) - Sorcery: Stygian Spells.
Suggestion (M140) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells III.
Suggestion Song - How to: Bard Abilities.
Suicide (MDS19) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VII.
Summon Demon (M155) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells IV.
Summon Divine Ghost (P105-24) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells.
Summon Dryad (MPS13) - Sorcery: Plant Spells X.
Summon Elemental (M27) - Sorcery: Revised Elemental Spells.
Summon Lava Lizard (DFM3-12) - Sorcery: Lava Spells.
Summon Minor Demons - Sorcery: Old Spells II.
Summon Monster - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XI.
Summon Shade (M102) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells III.
Summon Spirit (M150) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells II.
Summon Swarm - Treasure: Staffs.
Summon Shade (M102) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells III.
Summon Spirit (M150) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells II.
Summon Swarm - Treasure: Staffs.
Summon Undead - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XI.
Summoner's Merging - How to: Summoner Abilities.
Summoner's Transposition - How to: Summoner Abilities.
Sunbolt (M114) - Sorcery, page 19.
Sunburn - Sorcery: Noxious Fire Effects.
Sunburst (P28-15) - Sorcery: Yellow Spells II.
Sunburst (2) (MAS18) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells V.
Sundering Weapon - Treasure: Sundering Sword.
Sunlight (M114) - Sorcery: Light & Darkness Spells IV.
Sun's Arc (MAS18) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells V.
Suspend Curse (M125) - Sorcery: Suspension Spells.
Suspend Enchantment (M58) - Sorcery: Suspension Spells.
Suspend Item - Sorcery: Force Spells IV.
Suspend Magery (M130) - Sorcery: Suspension Spells.
Suspend Magic (M123) - Sorcery: Suspension Spells.
Suspend Mana (M125) - Sorcery: Suspension Spells.
Summoner's Merging - How to: Summoner Abilities.
Summoner's Transposition - How to: Summoner Abilities.
Sunbolt (M114) - Sorcery, page 19.
Sunburn - Sorcery: Noxious Fire Effects.
Sunburst (P28-15) - Sorcery: Yellow Spells II.
Sunburst (2) (MAS18) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells V.
Sundering Weapon - Treasure: Sundering Sword.
Sunlight (M114) - Sorcery: Light & Darkness Spells IV.
Sun's Arc (MAS18) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells V.
Suspend Curse (M125) - Sorcery: Suspension Spells.
Suspend Enchantment (M58) - Sorcery: Suspension Spells.
Suspend Item - Sorcery: Force Spells IV.
Suspend Magery (M130) - Sorcery: Suspension Spells.
Suspend Magic (M123) - Sorcery: Suspension Spells.
Suspend Mana (M125) - Sorcery: Suspension Spells.
Suspend Psi (DF14-29) - Sorcery: Psi Spells.
Suspend Psionics (DF14-29) - Sorcery: Psi Spells.
Suspend Spell (M121) - Sorcery: Suspension Spells.
Suspend Time (M86) - Sorcery, page 17.
Suspended Animation (M94) - Sorcery: Suspension Spells.
Suppress Soulmeld - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells VI.
Swamp Rot (MDS19) - Sorcery: Death Spells III.
Sweat (MTLS17) - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Sweet Oblivion (MTLS11) - Sorcery: Least Spells VI.
Swim (M147) - Sorcery: Movement Spells.
Switch Allegiance - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Suspend Spell (M121) - Sorcery: Suspension Spells.
Suspend Time (M86) - Sorcery, page 17.
Suspended Animation (M94) - Sorcery: Suspension Spells.
Suppress Soulmeld - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells VI.
Swamp Rot (MDS19) - Sorcery: Death Spells III.
Sweat (MTLS17) - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Sweet Oblivion (MTLS11) - Sorcery: Least Spells VI.
Swim (M147) - Sorcery: Movement Spells.
Switch Allegiance - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Symbol-Casting - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Sympathetic Tidings - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Synapse Overload - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Synaptic Pulse - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Synapse Overload - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Synaptic Pulse - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
System Switch (LocMoM26) - Sorcery: Forgotten Spells III.
Tack (MTLS12) - Sorcery: Least Spells VI.
Talisman (M58) - Does not seem convertable.
Tack (MTLS12) - Sorcery: Least Spells VI.
Talisman (M58) - Does not seem convertable.
Talons - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XVI.
Tangle Growth (M162) - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Tanglefoot (M36) - Sorcery, page 14.
Targeted Creeping Moss (MPS18) - merged with Gather Moss.
Telecast (M128) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Telekinetic Sphere - Sorcery: Force Spells IV.
Telepathic Overload (MDS11) - Sorcery: Death Spells III.
Telepathy (M47) - Sorcery: Communication & Empathy Spells.
Teleport (M147) - Sorcery: Movement and Communication Spells.
Tangle Growth (M162) - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Tanglefoot (M36) - Sorcery, page 14.
Targeted Creeping Moss (MPS18) - merged with Gather Moss.
Telecast (M128) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Telekinetic Sphere - Sorcery: Force Spells IV.
Telepathic Overload (MDS11) - Sorcery: Death Spells III.
Telepathy (M47) - Sorcery: Communication & Empathy Spells.
Teleport (M147) - Sorcery: Movement and Communication Spells.
Teleport Cage - Sorcery: Assorted Spells X.
Teleport Other (M147) - Sorcery: Movement Spells.
Teleport Shield (M170) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 13.
Telescoping Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs IV.
Teleport Other (M147) - Sorcery: Movement Spells.
Teleport Shield (M170) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 13.
Telescoping Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs IV.
Televisiomancy - Sorcery: Divination Variants.
Tell Age - Sorcery: Time Spells IV.
Tell Position (M101) - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Tell Time (M100) - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Tell Weight - Sorcery: Utility Cantrips II.
Temporal Disjunction - Sorcery: Time Spells V.
Temporal Stasis - Sorcery: Time Spells V.
Temporal Wall - Sorcery: Time Spells V.
Temporary Ageing - Sorcery: Ageing Spells.
Temporary Enchantment (M56) - Does not seem convertable.
Teragenesis (P109-21) - Does not seem convertable.
Terror* (M134) - Sorcery, page 22.
Test (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Test Air (UA22) - Sorcery: Air Spells IV.
Test Food (M77) - Sorcery: Food Spells.
Test Fuel (M179) - Sorcery: Fuel Spells.
Test Load (M101) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells.
Thaumatomancy (MTLS12) - Sorcery: Least Spells VII.
Thirst (M38) - Sorcery: Food Spells IV.
Thoughtsense - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Thousand-Legged Demise (MDS10) - Sorcery: Death Spells I.
Throw Spell (M128) - Does not seem convertable.
Throw Voice (MTLS16) - Sorcery: Least Spells IX.
Thunderclap (M171) - Sorcery, page 24.
Thunderous Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs.
Tickle (M36) - Sorcery: Body Control Status Effects.
Tide (M194) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Time Out (M87) - Sorcery: Time Spells.
Time Snare - Sorcery: Time Spells VI.
Tell Age - Sorcery: Time Spells IV.
Tell Position (M101) - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Tell Time (M100) - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Tell Weight - Sorcery: Utility Cantrips II.
Temporal Disjunction - Sorcery: Time Spells V.
Temporal Stasis - Sorcery: Time Spells V.
Temporal Wall - Sorcery: Time Spells V.
Temporary Ageing - Sorcery: Ageing Spells.
Temporary Enchantment (M56) - Does not seem convertable.
Teragenesis (P109-21) - Does not seem convertable.
Terror* (M134) - Sorcery, page 22.
Test (MTLS10) - Sorcery: Least Spells V.
Test Air (UA22) - Sorcery: Air Spells IV.
Test Food (M77) - Sorcery: Food Spells.
Test Fuel (M179) - Sorcery: Fuel Spells.
Test Load (M101) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells.
Thaumatomancy (MTLS12) - Sorcery: Least Spells VII.
Thirst (M38) - Sorcery: Food Spells IV.
Thoughtsense - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Thousand-Legged Demise (MDS10) - Sorcery: Death Spells I.
Throw Spell (M128) - Does not seem convertable.
Throw Voice (MTLS16) - Sorcery: Least Spells IX.
Thunderclap (M171) - Sorcery, page 24.
Thunderous Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs.
Tickle (M36) - Sorcery: Body Control Status Effects.
Tide (M194) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Time Out (M87) - Sorcery: Time Spells.
Time Snare - Sorcery: Time Spells VI.
Time Stop - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XV.
Time Walk - Sorcery: Time Spells VI.
Timeheal - Sorcery: Time Spells VI.
Timeport (M81) - Sorcery: Time Travel Spells.
Timeport Other (M81) - Sorcery: Time Travel Spells.
Timeslip (M81) - Sorcery: Time Travel Spells.
Timeslip Other (M81) - Sorcery: Time Travel Spells.
Tongues - Sorcery: Buff Spells.
Total Paralysis (M40) - Sorcery: Body Control Status Effects.
Touch (M35) - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Touch of Bad Luck - Sorcery: Fate Spells.
Touch of Fatigue - Sorcery: Debuff Spells.
Touch of Idiocy - Sorcery: Debuff Spells.
Touch of Weakness - Monster: Green Hag.
Toughen (M119) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VI.
Tower of Iron Will - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Towering Inferno (MAS15) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells IV.
Town Portal - Sorcery: Assorted Spells IV.
Time Walk - Sorcery: Time Spells VI.
Timeheal - Sorcery: Time Spells VI.
Timeport (M81) - Sorcery: Time Travel Spells.
Timeport Other (M81) - Sorcery: Time Travel Spells.
Timeslip (M81) - Sorcery: Time Travel Spells.
Timeslip Other (M81) - Sorcery: Time Travel Spells.
Tongues - Sorcery: Buff Spells.
Total Paralysis (M40) - Sorcery: Body Control Status Effects.
Touch (M35) - Sorcery: Cantrips.
Touch of Bad Luck - Sorcery: Fate Spells.
Touch of Fatigue - Sorcery: Debuff Spells.
Touch of Idiocy - Sorcery: Debuff Spells.
Touch of Weakness - Monster: Green Hag.
Toughen (M119) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VI.
Tower of Iron Will - Sorcery: Psychic Spells as Normal Spells.
Towering Inferno (MAS15) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells IV.
Town Portal - Sorcery: Assorted Spells IV.
Toxic Ball (P4-1-9) - Sorcery: New Poison Spells.
Toxic Plant (MPS19) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVI.
Toxic Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs
Trace (M106) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells IV.
Trace Labyrinth (UA22) - Sorcery: Earth Spells IV.
Trace Teleport (M84) - Sorcery: Gate Spells II.
Toxic Plant (MPS19) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVI.
Toxic Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs
Trace (M106) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells IV.
Trace Labyrinth (UA22) - Sorcery: Earth Spells IV.
Trace Teleport (M84) - Sorcery: Gate Spells II.
Train Animal - Sorcery: Adventurer Spells.
Train Teleport (LocMoM26) - Sorcery: Forgotten Spells III.
Transfer Pregnancy (BT32) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells IV.
Transfer Water (TUM34) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells III.
Transference Bolt (MSDM19) - Sorcery: Meta Spells VI.
Transfigure Object (P76-16) - Sorcery: Secret Spells II.
Transform Body (M43) - Sorcery: Transformation Spells.
Transform Object (M120) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VIII.
Transform Other (M43) - Sorcery: Transformation Spells.
Transmogrification (M43) - Sorcery: Transformation Spells.
Transmute Metal (P91-28) - Sorcery: Metal Spells VI.
Transmute Metal to Wood - Sorcery: Plant Spells XX.
Transmute Rock to Lava - Sorcery: Lava Spells.
Transparency (M119) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VI.
Trap Magical Essence (DFC2-37) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Transport via Plants - Sorcery: Plant Spells XX.
Trapped Light (MPS20) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells V.
Traumatic Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs II.
Tree Bark Armor (MPS20) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVI.
Tree Stride - Sorcery: Plant Spells XX.
Treetop Blink (MPS20) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVII.
Transfer Pregnancy (BT32) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells IV.
Transfer Water (TUM34) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells III.
Transference Bolt (MSDM19) - Sorcery: Meta Spells VI.
Transfigure Object (P76-16) - Sorcery: Secret Spells II.
Transform Body (M43) - Sorcery: Transformation Spells.
Transform Object (M120) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VIII.
Transform Other (M43) - Sorcery: Transformation Spells.
Transmogrification (M43) - Sorcery: Transformation Spells.
Transmute Metal (P91-28) - Sorcery: Metal Spells VI.
Transmute Metal to Wood - Sorcery: Plant Spells XX.
Transmute Rock to Lava - Sorcery: Lava Spells.
Transparency (M119) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VI.
Trap Magical Essence (DFC2-37) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Transport via Plants - Sorcery: Plant Spells XX.
Trapped Light (MPS20) - Sorcery: Light and Darkness Spells V.
Traumatic Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs II.
Tree Bark Armor (MPS20) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVI.
Tree Stride - Sorcery: Plant Spells XX.
Treetop Blink (MPS20) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVII.
Tremorsense - Sorcery: Forgotten Realms Spells I.
Tremorsense Invisibility - Sorcery: Stealth Spells.
True King (P28-16) - Sorcery: Yellow Spells II.
True Seeing - Monster: Avoral.
Trusted Fellow (P28-16) - Sorcery: Yellow Spells II.
Truthfulness - Pantheon: Dwarven Deities.
Truthsayer (M45) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells III.
Turn Blade (M167) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Tremorsense Invisibility - Sorcery: Stealth Spells.
True King (P28-16) - Sorcery: Yellow Spells II.
True Seeing - Monster: Avoral.
Trusted Fellow (P28-16) - Sorcery: Yellow Spells II.
Truthfulness - Pantheon: Dwarven Deities.
Truthsayer (M45) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells III.
Turn Blade (M167) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells VI.
Turn Metal Blade (T47) - Sorcery: Metal Variants.
Turn Spirit (M151) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells III.
Turn Zombie (M152) - Sorcery, page 22.
Twinkle (MTLS12) - Sorcery: Least Spells VI.
Twister - Sorcery: Air Spells V.
Twisting Terror (MAS10) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells I.
Ubiquitous Touchscreen - Sorcery: Technological Cantrips.
Ultravision - Sorcery: Exotic Senses.
Umbrella (M185) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 13.
Turn Spirit (M151) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells III.
Turn Zombie (M152) - Sorcery, page 22.
Twinkle (MTLS12) - Sorcery: Least Spells VI.
Twister - Sorcery: Air Spells V.
Twisting Terror (MAS10) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells I.
Ubiquitous Touchscreen - Sorcery: Technological Cantrips.
Ultravision - Sorcery: Exotic Senses.
Umbrella (M185) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 13.
Unbreakable Bones - Sorcery: Bone Spells.
Unbreakable Heart - Pantheon: Pladiru.
Uncork - Sorcery: Utility Cantrips.
Unbreakable Heart - Pantheon: Pladiru.
Uncork - Sorcery: Utility Cantrips.
Undeath after Death - Monster/Sorcery: Crypt Spawn.
Undergrowth Ambush (MPS21) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVII.
Underwater Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs VII.
Underworld Imprisonment (MDS13) - Sorcery: Hellish Spells.
Undo (M145) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VI.
Unending Journey - Pantheon: Fharlanghn.
Unholy Weapon - Imbuements and Sorcery: Align Weapon.
Unshape Soulmeld - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells VI.
Unsummon - Sorcery: Assorted Spells V.
Use Item (MTLS12) - Sorcery: Least Spells VII.
Utter Dome (M170) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 13.
Utter Wall (M170) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 14.
Utterdark - Sorcery: Stealth Spells II.
Vacuum - Sorcery: Air Spells V.
Valiant Spirit - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells IV.
Vampiric Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs III.
Vanish - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Vengeful Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs IV.
Vengeful Staff (MAS14) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells II.
Venom Missile (P4-1-9) - Sorcery: Poison Spells V.
Venomous Intoxication (P4-1-9) - Sorcery: Poison Spells V.
Undergrowth Ambush (MPS21) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVII.
Underwater Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs VII.
Underworld Imprisonment (MDS13) - Sorcery: Hellish Spells.
Undo (M145) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VI.
Unending Journey - Pantheon: Fharlanghn.
Unholy Weapon - Imbuements and Sorcery: Align Weapon.
Unshape Soulmeld - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells VI.
Unsummon - Sorcery: Assorted Spells V.
Use Item (MTLS12) - Sorcery: Least Spells VII.
Utter Dome (M170) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 13.
Utter Wall (M170) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 14.
Utterdark - Sorcery: Stealth Spells II.
Vacuum - Sorcery: Air Spells V.
Valiant Spirit - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells IV.
Vampiric Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs III.
Vanish - Pantheon: Core Deities.
Vengeful Armor - Sorcery: Armor Buffs IV.
Vengeful Staff (MAS14) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells II.
Venom Missile (P4-1-9) - Sorcery: Poison Spells V.
Venomous Intoxication (P4-1-9) - Sorcery: Poison Spells V.
Vermin Control - Sorcery: Unmerged Spells.
Vexation (M45) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells II.
Vigil (M138) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells V.
Vigor (M37) - Sorcery: Attribute Buffs.
Vine Arrow - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs VII.
Vine to Snake (MPS13) - Sorcery: Plant Spells X.
Vexation (M45) - Sorcery: Communication and Empathy Spells II.
Vigil (M138) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells V.
Vigor (M37) - Sorcery: Attribute Buffs.
Vine Arrow - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs VII.
Vine to Snake (MPS13) - Sorcery: Plant Spells X.
Viper Arrow (SoL55) - Sorcery: Serpentine Spells.
Vision of Doom (MDS15) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells V.
Vital Seeker - Sorcery: Forgotten Weapon Enchantments.
Voices (M172) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 11.
Void Bolt (P25-20) - Sorcery: Meta Spells VI.
Volatility (MTLS14) - Sorcery: Least Spells VII.
Volcanic Rain - Sorcery: Lava Spells.
Volcano (M54) - Sorcery: Earth Spells III.
Vorpal Weapon - Treasure: Vorpal Sword.
Vortex Ring - Sorcery: Air Spells V.
Wail of the Banshee (MDS20) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 11.
Walk on Air (M25) - Sorcery: Movement and Communication Spells.
Vision of Doom (MDS15) - Sorcery: Knowledge Spells V.
Vital Seeker - Sorcery: Forgotten Weapon Enchantments.
Voices (M172) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 11.
Void Bolt (P25-20) - Sorcery: Meta Spells VI.
Volatility (MTLS14) - Sorcery: Least Spells VII.
Volcanic Rain - Sorcery: Lava Spells.
Volcano (M54) - Sorcery: Earth Spells III.
Vorpal Weapon - Treasure: Vorpal Sword.
Vortex Ring - Sorcery: Air Spells V.
Wail of the Banshee (MDS20) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 11.
Walk on Air (M25) - Sorcery: Movement and Communication Spells.
Walk on Dust - Sorcery: Earth Spells V.
Walk on Fluid (MSDM8) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells III.
Walk on Water (M186) - Sorcery: Water Spells II.
Walk Through Earth* (M52) - Sorcery, page 15.
Walk Through Metal (P91-28) - Sorcery: Metal Spells VI.
Walk Through Plants (M163) - Sorcery: Plant Spells V.
Walk Through Water (M188) - Sorcery: Water Spells III.
Walk Through Wood (M164) - Sorcery: Plant Spells V.
Wall of Fire - Sorcery: Blasting Spells IV.
Wall of Ice - Sorcery: Cryomancy Expanded.
Wall of Incarnum - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells VI.
Wall of Iron - Sorcery: Metal Spells VII.
Wall of Light (M113) - Sorcery: Light & Darkness Spells IV.
Wall of Lightning (M197) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells II.
Wall of Silence (M172) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 12.
Walk on Fluid (MSDM8) - Sorcery: Fluid Spells III.
Walk on Water (M186) - Sorcery: Water Spells II.
Walk Through Earth* (M52) - Sorcery, page 15.
Walk Through Metal (P91-28) - Sorcery: Metal Spells VI.
Walk Through Plants (M163) - Sorcery: Plant Spells V.
Walk Through Water (M188) - Sorcery: Water Spells III.
Walk Through Wood (M164) - Sorcery: Plant Spells V.
Wall of Fire - Sorcery: Blasting Spells IV.
Wall of Ice - Sorcery: Cryomancy Expanded.
Wall of Incarnum - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells VI.
Wall of Iron - Sorcery: Metal Spells VII.
Wall of Light (M113) - Sorcery: Light & Darkness Spells IV.
Wall of Lightning (M197) - Sorcery: Lightning Spells II.
Wall of Silence (M172) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 12.
Wall of Smoke - Sorcery: Fire Spells III.
Wall of Stone - Sorcery: Stone Spells.
Wall of Thorns - Sorcery: Plant Spells XX.
Wall of Wind (M25) - Sorcery: Air Spells III.
Wallwalker (M144) - Sorcery: Movement Spells IV.
Ward (M122) - Sorcery: Meta Spells.
Warm (M195) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Warmth (M74) - Pyramid #3-63, page 10; Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 14.
Warp Fetus (BT33) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells IV.
Watchdog (M167) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 14.
Water Jet (M187) - Sorcery: Water Spells II.
Wall of Stone - Sorcery: Stone Spells.
Wall of Thorns - Sorcery: Plant Spells XX.
Wall of Wind (M25) - Sorcery: Air Spells III.
Wallwalker (M144) - Sorcery: Movement Spells IV.
Ward (M122) - Sorcery: Meta Spells.
Warm (M195) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Warmth (M74) - Pyramid #3-63, page 10; Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 14.
Warp Fetus (BT33) - Sorcery: Bio-Tech Spells IV.
Watchdog (M167) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 14.
Water Jet (M187) - Sorcery: Water Spells II.
Water to Fuel - Sorcery: Old Spells.
Water to Wine (M79) - Sorcery: Food Spells II.
Water Vision (M187) - Sorcery: Water Spells.
Water to Wine (M79) - Sorcery: Food Spells II.
Water Vision (M187) - Sorcery: Water Spells.
Waterproof (FF:E20) - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XIV.
Waves (M194) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Waves of Exhaustion - Sorcery: Blasting Spells IV.
Weaken (M116) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells.
Weaken Blood (M40) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells V.
Weaken Will (M136) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells.
Weapon of Puissance - Treasure: Sword of Puissance.
Weapon Self (M119) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VIII.
Weapon Spirit (M64) - Sorcery: Weapon Enchantments II.
Weather Dome (M169) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 14.
Waves (M194) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Waves of Exhaustion - Sorcery: Blasting Spells IV.
Weaken (M116) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells.
Weaken Blood (M40) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells V.
Weaken Will (M136) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells.
Weapon of Puissance - Treasure: Sword of Puissance.
Weapon Self (M119) - Sorcery: Making & Breaking Spells VIII.
Weapon Spirit (M64) - Sorcery: Weapon Enchantments II.
Weather Dome (M169) - Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells, page 14.
Web - Sorcery: Assorted Spells XV.
Whirlpool (M187) - Sorcery, page 25.
Widen Shield - Sorcery: Armor Buffs IV.
Will Lock (M138) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VII.
Wilting (MAS28) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells XI.
Wind (M195) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Wind Walk - Sorcery: Stealth Spells II.
Windstorm (M25) - Sorcery: Air Spells.
Winged Knife (M145) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VI.
Wisdom (M135) - Sorcery: Attribute Buffs.
Wish (M61) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells II.
Wither Limb (M40) - Sorcery: Limb Spells.
Wither Plant (M163) - Sorcery: Plant Spells IV.
Withering Wail (MAS25) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 12.
Withering Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs
Wizard Ear (M174) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 12.
Wizard Eye (M104) - Sorcery: Sensory Displacement.
Wizard Hand (M104) - Sorcery: Sensory Displacement.
Wizard Mouth (M104) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 12.
Wizard Nose (M104) - Sorcery: Sensory Displacement.
Wizard's Bind (FDG6) - Sorcery: Dungeon Fantasy Spells.
Wizard's Escape (FDG7) - Sorcery: Dungeon Fantasy Spells.
Wizardly Workshop (MTLS12) - Sorcery: Least Spells VI.
Wood Golem (MPS13) - Sorcery: Plant Spells X.
Wooden Arm (MPS21) - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Woodfall (MPS21) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVII.
Word of Chaos - Treasure: Gems and Stones.
Whirlpool (M187) - Sorcery, page 25.
Widen Shield - Sorcery: Armor Buffs IV.
Will Lock (M138) - Sorcery: Mind Control Spells VII.
Wilting (MAS28) - Sorcery: Artillery Spells XI.
Wind (M195) - Sorcery: Weather Spells.
Wind Walk - Sorcery: Stealth Spells II.
Windstorm (M25) - Sorcery: Air Spells.
Winged Knife (M145) - Sorcery: Movement Spells VI.
Wisdom (M135) - Sorcery: Attribute Buffs.
Wish (M61) - Sorcery: Enchantment Spells II.
Wither Limb (M40) - Sorcery: Limb Spells.
Wither Plant (M163) - Sorcery: Plant Spells IV.
Withering Wail (MAS25) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 12.
Withering Weapon - Sorcery: Weapon Buffs
Wizard Ear (M174) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 12.
Wizard Eye (M104) - Sorcery: Sensory Displacement.
Wizard Hand (M104) - Sorcery: Sensory Displacement.
Wizard Mouth (M104) - Sorcery - Sound Spells, page 12.
Wizard Nose (M104) - Sorcery: Sensory Displacement.
Wizard's Bind (FDG6) - Sorcery: Dungeon Fantasy Spells.
Wizard's Escape (FDG7) - Sorcery: Dungeon Fantasy Spells.
Wizardly Workshop (MTLS12) - Sorcery: Least Spells VI.
Wood Golem (MPS13) - Sorcery: Plant Spells X.
Wooden Arm (MPS21) - Sorcery: Plant Spells.
Woodfall (MPS21) - Sorcery: Plant Spells XVII.
Word of Chaos - Treasure: Gems and Stones.
Wrath of the Gods (FF-WF17) - Same as Lethal Lightning.
Wrathful Doom - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells VI.
Writer's Block (P48-22) - Sorcery: Book Spells III.
Youth (M94) - Sorcery: Healing Spells VI.
Zeno's First Paradox - Sorcery: Zeno's Paradoxes.
Zeno's Second Paradox - Sorcery: Zeno's Paradoxes.
Zeno's Third Paradox - Sorcery: Zeno's Paradoxes.
Zombie (M151) - Sorcery: Zombie Spells.
Zombie Summoning (M153) - Sorcery: Zombie Spells.
Zombie Vehicle (SS7-25) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VII.
Zombify (MDS18) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VII.
Wrathful Doom - Sorcery: Incarnum Spells VI.
Writer's Block (P48-22) - Sorcery: Book Spells III.
Youth (M94) - Sorcery: Healing Spells VI.
Zeno's First Paradox - Sorcery: Zeno's Paradoxes.
Zeno's Second Paradox - Sorcery: Zeno's Paradoxes.
Zeno's Third Paradox - Sorcery: Zeno's Paradoxes.
Zombie (M151) - Sorcery: Zombie Spells.
Zombie Summoning (M153) - Sorcery: Zombie Spells.
Zombie Vehicle (SS7-25) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VII.
Zombify (MDS18) - Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VII.
This is awesome man, thanks.
ReplyDeleteDo you have a word or pdf with all the spells?
ReplyDeleteI do, but it's not for sharing, as it contains officially published materials as well.
DeleteGuess I have to copy paste this page by page then :)
DeleteWould love to put this into a data file for GCA.
Aside from an index of sorcery spells, could you make an index of posts about them? Like a place where one could find each Fire Spells post, Air Spells post, and so on
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the spells. I have PayPaled you $20 because you saved me a whole heap of work.
ReplyDeleteMuch appreciated!
DeleteYour work has finally gotten my players on board with sorcery, no one was looking forward to building all the spells.
ReplyDeleteOMG, this is a master class in GURPS, thanks so much.