Wednesday 8 May 2024

Druidic Spells: Weather Spells III

Druidic Spells: Weather Spells III

I looked through Priest's Spell Compendium I-III, and haven't really found any other interesting weather spells. It seems that the Weather spehere in D&D is even smaller than in GURPS. So, let's adapt my previous sorcery conversions of GURPS Weather spells to this framework.
Cloud Follower is based on the Cloud spell from GURPS Magic: The Least of Spells. I decided to shorten the range to make it cheaper. Still, at 15 points this is a rip-off, so better save it for improvisation.
Clouds is based on the eponymous GURPS Magic spell. With increased casting time and the new requirements, it became much more affordable. And it's actually useful at night!
Cloud-Vaulting is a weather-themed teleportation spell. While powerful, it is still quite affordable.
Cloud-Walking was reworked into a proper Malediction buff. I like this spell.
Control Currents changes the current's speed or direction. For such minor bonuses, it costs a lot, but that's the suffering you have to endure if you're using Control with Natural Phenomena.
Endure Elements is a spell that I simply forgot to turn into a druidic spell.
Environmental Adaptation is based on a relatively obscure Injury Tolerance variant.
Frost is a more-or-less cosmetic spell that also acts as a weak area attaack against fire beings. Also, very cheap!
Hail is yet another weather phenomenon that actually can deal damage. I found the exact numbers in GURPS Psionic Powers.
Predict Eclipse is a very situationally useful spell that one really shouldn't take as a learned spell.
Predict Weather, however, is a much more useful spell that definitely should be taken as a learned spell.
Rain probably is one of the most useful weather spells.
Rainbow, however, is one of the most useless weather spells.
Shape Clouds could be a fun way of sending messages or write slurs in the sky.
Snow is another weather spell that may be useful to adventurers.
Storm Shelter is a decent buff that may be helpful.
Tides is another spell that may be situationally useful if you need to inspect the shores.
Waves is probably very useful onboard of a seafaring vessel.
Weather Dome is a reworked Sorcery spell that now is affordable.

Monday 6 May 2024

Druidic Spells: Weather Spells II

Druidic Spells: Weather Spells II

The College of Weather magic in GURPS is special, in my opinion. Without a doubt, these spells would be incredibly useful from the in-unverse point of view, but for a typical player character, they rarely do much, unless the player is creative and has time to prepare. For example, one could significantly alter the battlefield by causing rain, creating muddy difficult terrain and hampering vision. But creating rain to water the crops sure is nice, but it doesn't provide any mechanical benefits. Plus, if you are using magic-as-powers, these spells cost a lot! Still, I have to say that I love the Weather spells, as they make magic more believable - I think these spells would be ones of the first to be invented in the game world.

If you look at the D&D weather spells, you get... Control Weather, a generic spell that can do everything. Sure, you could add such spells that create fog (which do have mechanical benefits for adventuring combat-focused characters), but you'd still have a very small college. This is one of my gripes with the "modern" D&D (3.X is still modern in my mind) - everything revolves around combat, and it creates a feeling that the highly magical world is only magical when combat occurs. This is why I like GURPS Magic so much - it has spells for everything, including both combat and your normal day-to-day life.

While the older editions of D&D also devoted a lot of attention to dungeon crawling, I believe that they did a much better job at creating a lived-in, believable world. In AD&D 2e, priestly spells (including druidic ones) are divided into spheres. A character may have major or minor access to a sphere. In later editions, this became known as the "domain", and the minor/major thing was dropped (which, in my opinion, was a bad thing - I should think about how to introduce the minor/major domain/sphere division into my divine magic; I think that would make differences between the deities more pronounced and varied). One of the spheres is Weather, so let's take a look at some of the weather spells and see what we can import.

Faerie Fire actually is a spell that I already converted as an arcane spell, but it is listed as a Weather spell in the AD&D 2e Player's Handbook too. I assume that it's based on St. Elmo's fire, so it makes sense there.

Call Lightning and Call Lightning Storm were classified by me as Lightning spells and decoupled from the Weather college. However, I think that these two specific spells still should be in the Weather college, as they call in a lightning from an existing storm cloud, and do not create lightning out of thin air.

Control Temperature, 10' Radius is a combination of the two existing GURPS weather spells - Cool and Warm - both limited to a 10' radius. I prefer to GURPS way - do not limit it to an area, and split into two different spells. Basically, I just adapted the sorcery versions of Cool and Warm to this framework.

Cloudburst could be built with Control, but would be ridiculously expensive. Instead, I went with the  build-from-effect approach and made it via three linked Obscure advantages. Still expensive, but within the limits of affordability.

Cloudscape is an interesting spell. How do you solidify a cloud in GURPS? You could try Control, or maybe Create with Transformation, but I decided to go with an area Affliction that imparts "reversed" Walk on Air with Specific, Cloud. That works well enough.

Continual Faerie Fire is a permanent area version of Faerie Fire that I deicded to build as a reversed Obscure. Should be fine, I think.

That's it for now, but there are other books to look through, including plugging the holes with GURPS spells that do not have a D&D equivalent.

Sunday 5 May 2024

Wizardry: Adventurer Spells IV

Wizardry: Adventurer Spells IV

Let's have some more spells from Complete Adventurer. I'm trying to focus on spells that would make sense for wizards, skipping all the bard-exlusive ones that are abundant in that book.
Master's Touch lets you use a weapon or shield at DX+0 for a limited time.
Shadow Form makes you harder to see and grapple, and also lets you slip through a solid barrier once.
Sniper's Eye gives you a magical "scope."
Sonic Weapon is a simple weapon buff spell that makes it deal additional sonic damage.
Spectral Weapon lets you conjure a quasi-real melee weapon of any kind.
Wracking Touch causes pain or agony.

Saturday 4 May 2024

Wizardry: Adventurer Spells III

Wizardry: Adventurer Spells III

Let's take a short break from the Monstrous Compendium project and make some more wizardry spells based on those from Complete Adventurer.
The first one is Guided Shot that I decided to base on the Guided Weapon wildcard imbuement skill.
Swift Haste (what a dumb name) is an indefinite self-only version of Haste that will quickly deplete your FP reserves.
Hindsight is a spell that lets the caster look into the past with various degrees of clarity that depend on the desired timespan. While it is relatively cheap point-wise, it certainly is not cheap financially!
Insightful Feint is another very short spell that temporarily boosts your combat skills for the purpose of making Feints.
Instant Locksmith is a spell that lets you pick a lock in one second (based on the Masterful Locksmith power-up from GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: Thieves).
Swift Invisibility is another "swift" spell that will drain your FP in no time. You might've noticed that by RAW, 1 FP/second is merely a -10% limitation. I believe that this is waaaaay to low and inconsistent with the usage rules from GURPS Powers, and thus I built this spell differently.
Listening Lorecall is a two-in-one deal that improves your hearing.

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Review: GURPS Underground Adventures

Review: GURPS Underground Adventures

In the previous review, I mentioned that GURPS Low-Tech Companion 3 has two pages on excavation and mining, but it was pointed out to me that I forgot about GURPS Underground Adventures. And that’s right, I did forget about that book. I often do, despite using certain rules from it relatively often. Still, this book often just escapes my mind, just like such books as GURPS Future Histories. So, let’s have a short review of GURPS Underground Adventures to give it some spotlight!

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Karilan: New Aventus

Karilan: New Aventus

Several months ago, I contemplated developing my setting not in breadth, but in depth, i.e. focus on one nation and try describing it in more detail. The main goal was more of a challenge to myself - can I do this? Do I have it in me? After all, to write good, you have to learn how to write bad first, there's no way to do it without practice. So, I decide to focus on the nation of New Aventus - one of the major human nations of Karilan. What's difficult about it is that it's purposefully generic - this is just your good old mostly benevolent human kingdom with nobles, peasants, knights, and all your traditional faux-medieval stuff. And it's big, which means that there are many provinces, cities, etc. that require at least brief descriptions. If I chose something more interesting and small, I'd probably achieve better results, because writing lots of generic stuff is pretty difficult. However, as I was in the process of writing it, I sprinkled in some fun stuff here and there, and the final result is much less generic than it initially was. Also, Aventians ended up being jerks to many other human nations, but I don't mind that. Of course, as always, this is not the final version, and it will be updated. You can always find the most recent publically available setting material in the Karilan Setting Documents post.

Saturday 20 April 2024

Review: The Quintessential Dwarf

Review: The Quintessential Dwarf

Many times before, I said that I love GURPS because any RPG book is a GURPS book. Back in the D&D 3.0 days, when the OGL was reigning supreme, and many third-party publishers were churning out tons of books of dubious quality, I haven’t really found any use for these books in my D&D games. Sure, some of the stuff there looked nice, but it was awful from the game balance perspective. Today, I’d like to talk about The Quintessential Dwarf, part of the Quintessential series by Mongoose Publishing. Mongoose Publishing is no small player in the RPG scene, and they produced tons of D&D content. The Quintessential series is quite large, with each book detailing a particular class or race, with some classes or races even getting two books.

Thursday 18 April 2024

GURPS Monstrous Compendium

GURPS Monstrous Compendium

I rarely do that, because I feel very dirty after I shill my own stuff. On my Boosty, I decided to make some exlusive stuff for my supporters - a GURPS Monstrous Compendium based on the format you can see in the post below this one. The idea is to rework the standard GURPS statblock to make it more useful for the GM. With this format, the GM will have to flip through the books much less, and even when he has to do it, he will have page references to know exactly where to look. For now, the monsters are D&D conversions, but as always, they are not 100% identical to their original versions, as I always rework certain abilities and remove others. Systems are different, game assumptions are different, and some abilities make no sense in GURPS. However, we have to keep in mind that monster lore between different books and editions is different, and sometimes significantly so. Very often, you may encounter contraditions or retcons. For these monsters, I'm trying to do due diligence and combine all lore into a single monster entry. Of course, since contradictions are impossible to avoid, I have to choose what version I like more and sometimes even expand the information with stuff of my own making. So, don't use this manual as "100% D&D canon material," this is just my version.
At this point, there are only 5 monsters in this document:
- Ankheg
- Beholder
- Bralani
- Ghaele
- Stone Drake
Of course, this is a work-in-progress! You will notice some placeholder information that is subject to change in the future, and I definitely will expand it with new monsters in the future. I'm also contemplating creating a Discord server for discussion, suggestions, and perhaps even contributions to this effort. Thank you all for your support, and I hope you like this stuff!

Tuesday 2 April 2024

New Monster Statblock - First Attempt (Ankheg)

New Monster Statblock - First Attempt (Ankheg)

Not that long ago, I posted a rant about monster statblocks, and how much I find the GURPS statblock underwhelming. In short, I found it lacking information that would be useful for me as a GM both in combat and out of combat. It made me realize that I want something closer to a proper Monster Manual entry that a "bare" statblock with all the information that the GM can use to incorporate the monster into the world and quickly use it in the game. I decided to try it on the good ol' ankheg. I can say that I'm satisfied with the result, but I may be missing something. I would love to receive some feedback on this to help me refine it.

Here's the result in a PDF format - link.

EDIT: Added a section with useful rules and the trample attack.
EDIT #2: Added information about the activity cycle, organization, and edibility.
EDIT #3: Added numbers to the hex layout and tied Reach to them.

Sunday 31 March 2024

Life's Price Tag in GURPS

Life's Price Tag in GURPS

In my pursuit of a perfect monster statblock, I found something that isn’t covered that much detail in GURPS – the price of a creature. The animal section of GURPS Basic Set has prices for some of the more common domestic animals and guidelines for adjusting them for training and exceptional stats. The same book later has rough guidelines for pricing slaves. However, this is not enough for me, as I’d like to delve into the minute details. I just want to find a way to calculate a price for a captured monster.

Sunday 24 March 2024

Wizardry: Adventurer Spells II

Wizardry: Adventurer Spells II

More spells from Complete Adventurer. Cacophonic Shield creates a sound barrier that prevents hearing and damages those who cross it. Cloak of the Sea lets the subject traverse underwater environments with more ease. Distort Speech makes the victim's speech incomprehensible. Swift Expeditious Retreat and Swift Fly are variants of existing spells. Unlike the proper buffs, these spells can be cast as a free action on your turn and have an indefinite duration that quickly drains your FP.

Saturday 23 March 2024

Index: Video Content

Index: Video Content

You may or may not know that I have a Youtube channel called Dungeons and GURPS (I tried to sync it on Rumble, but Youtube disabled the sync feature a few days ago) where I talk about GURPS and other tabletop RPGs. My video editing skills are rudimentary, so they are basically narrated slide shows. And the narration itself could've been clearer, but I'm doing my best. Youtube isn't the easiest platform to navigate even with the playlists, so I will also post a categorized list of videos here for ease of access. Some of these videos (those I deemed good) have transcripts on this blog for convenience - you can find them by the "script" tag. I planned to post all the transcripts, but I accidentally deleted the files from my PC like a complete dumbass.

I'll mark the videos that I liked the most with an asterisk (*)

Tuesday 19 March 2024

What would a perfect monster statblock look like?

What would a perfect monster statblock look like?

I’ve done a lot of work writing up monsters for GURPS, be they D&D conversions or something else. Because of that, I got to see many types of monster descriptions and statblocks from different systems and editions. Many times, I could not find some piece of information either on the statblock or in the description, and I had to consult other sources. This made me think – “What would be the perfect monster statblock?”

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Wizardry: Adventurer Spells I

Wizardry: Adventurer Spells I

I didn't forget about wizardry. Let's convert some spells from Complete Adventurer. Absorb Weapon lets you absorb a weapon into your body. Balancing Lorecall is a dual spell that enhances your sense of balance. Bladeweave is a peculiar illusion spell that lets you entrance an enemy with the movement of your weapon. Branch to Branch is a brachiator self-buff. Exacting Shot makes a ranged weapon more accurate.

Tuesday 5 March 2024

Monster: Dullahan

Monster: Dullahan

This conversion is something one of the readers requested. I was surprised that the dullahan appeared in D&D only in the 5th edition (if you do not count the headless horseman from Imagine Magazine #23). The dullahan also appears in Bestiary 2 for Pathfinder 1e. Both of the monsters are similar, so I decided to combine them into a single entry. Since there are some summoning abilities in play, I also had to convert some "support" monsters.
I vaguely remember that some media treat dullahans as fey, not as undead. In that case, you can remove the undead traits, such as Injury Tolerance (Unliving) and add Vulnerability (Cold Iron, x2) [-10] or something like that.

Sunday 3 March 2024

Monsters: Aquatic Ooze

Monsters: Aquatic Ooze

Fiend Folio introduced aquatic ooze (even though many, if not all oozes before that could live in aquatic environments). I have nothing against the concept, but the monsters themselves seem a bit boring. Perhaps, that is the reason why they've gotten an off-hand mention in one of the Forgotten Realms books and then never brought up again in more modern editions. Despite this, this monster entry is solidified in my mind. I remember opening up Fiend Folio for the first time and seeing this bloodbloater illustration, thinking "Man, this actually looks horrifying!"

Friday 1 March 2024

Monsters: Aoa

Monsters: Aoa

The aoa are weird. Unless I am missing something, they were introduced in the 3e Fiend Folio and haven't appeared anywhere else, and I can see why. Even though the concept is pretty cool - reflective mercurial orbs that reflect all magic and dispel magic with a touch, there's not much you can do with it. They can just annoy spellcasters and bump into those who have lots of spells or magic items. You cannot communicate or otherwise interact with them.

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Monsters: Fiend Folio Monsters I

Monsters: Fiend Folio Monsters I

I guess I should start another big undertaking and chip away at another D&D monster book. Fiend Folio for D&D 3.5 is one of my favorites, so let's do this one. Abrians are Abyss-dwelling ostrich people. Abyssal ghouls are fiendish undead servants of Kiaransalee or the Ghoul King. I decided to remove most of their resistances. Ahuizotl is an aquatic beast that drowns prey with its tail-hand.

Saturday 3 February 2024

Review: SpaceMaster Armored Assault

Review: SpaceMaster Armored Assault

This is something of a digression from my usual topics, where I talk about GURPS or D&D. I want to talk about a book that fascinates me but the one that I haven’t even tried in a game yet. Aside from tabletop RPGs, I’ve always been interested in tabletop wargaming. Of course, the most popular thing is Warhammer 40k, but I’m not a big fan of it. I played it with friends through VASSAL and Tabletop Simulator, and it just… doesn’t play that well; it feels that the game is decided not on the table, but on army roster creation. I do find the concept of collecting, building, and painting miniatures, but without this aspect, the game feels absolutely hollow to me. A few years ago, I decided to search for a generic and reasonably crunchy sci-fi wargame. I scoured an incredibly long list of games on BoardGamesGeek, but most of the games were either too specialized or too light on the rules. There was a couple of exceptions, however, and one of them was Spacemaster Armored Assault.

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Wizardry: Binding

Wizardry: Binding

Finally, there's the Binding spell that is actually a group of similar spells. For the purpose of converting to GURPS, I will makes them separate spells. And now I'm done with Player's Handbook for real.

Tuesday 23 January 2024

Wizardry: Power Words

Wizardry: Power Words

Apparently, I missed some spells for the normal wizards. First up, let's convert all the "power word" spells, not only from the Player's Handbook, but also from other sources.

Monday 22 January 2024

Clerical Spells: Alignment Spells III

Clerical Spells: Alignment Spells III

Consecrate was adapted from GURPS Powers: Divine Favor. Holy Smite/Order's Wrath/Unholy Blight deal irresistible damage in an area around the caster. There's no chaotic version of this spell; I guess the niche is taken by Chaos Hammer. Entropic Shield is a chaotic spell that deflects ranged attacks. Guidance only shares its name with the D&D spell; this version is an adaptation of the Divine Guidance ability from GURPS Powers: Divine Favor. I think it makes perfect sense as a generic divine spell. Undetectable Alignment hides the subject's alignment aura. And I think this is it for the generic divine spells.

Sunday 21 January 2024

Clerical Spells: Alignment Spells II

Clerical Spells: Alignment Spells II

More generic clerical spells. Blasphemy/Dictum/Holy Word/Word of Chaos cause Fright Checks. Dispel (Alignment) banishes outsiders. Magic Circle against (Alignment) creates a mobile barrier. Protection from (Alignment) gives a resistance bonus against moral spells.

Saturday 20 January 2024

Clerical Spells: Alignment Spells I

Clerical Spells: Alignment Spells I

Divine spellcasters in D&D have access to some generic divine spells that do not really belong to any magic school when converted to GURPS. This is why I separate them into an "Alignment College".

Friday 19 January 2024

Clerical Spells: Healing Spells II

Clerical Spells: Healing Spells II

And here we have the final healing spells. Now, onto the alignment/moral spells!

Thursday 18 January 2024

Clerical Spells: Healing Spells I

Clerical Spells: Healing Spells I

Phew, now that druids are done, let's think about the clerics. While gods have diverse portfolios, for now I'm only going to convert the cleric-exlusive spells, i.e. healing and generic alignment/moral spells. For the purpose of all these builds, I will assume that the Pact component of the Divine power modifier is worth -10%. All these spells will have the divine focus component - the need for a holy symbol, and they will haave power skills, just like wizardry spells.

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Druidic Spells: Weather Spells

Druidic Spells: Weather Spells

The college of Weather has significant overlaps with the colleges of Air and Water. D&D's Player's Handbook doesn't really have that many weather spells in it, so eventually I will have to take a look at other books (D&D or GURPS) to expand the list. So, here we have the two final druidic spells. Control Weather is an expensive generic weather control spell. I decided to skip Storm of Vengeance, as it would be way too expensive and I just find it to be a strange spell, so let's have a normal Storm spell from GURPS Magic.

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Differences Between DFRPG and GURPS

Differences Between DFRPG and GURPS

            In this post, I will go over Dungeon Fantasy RPG: Adventurers and Dungeon Fantasy RPG: Exploits and compare them with GURPS Basic Set. I will ignore DF-specific new rules and focus on differences between the books. I will also ignore templates and focus on the rules only. Some of these changes can be easily backported to GURPS and used as errata.

Druidic Spells: Plant Spells IV

Druidic Spells: Plant Spells IV

The final four plant spells! Tree Shape lets you assume the form of a normal tree. I had to create a new "tree" template by combining the Body of Wood meta-trait, tree stats from GURPS Magic: Plant Spells, and awakened tree statblock from Garden of Evil. Tree Stride is the first time I've used Meld 2, +200% on Permeation. Wall of Thorns creates a spiked barrier. Wood Shape lets you shape wood in whatever shape you want (technically speaking, it includes the effects of Warp Wood, so I didn't convert the latter).

Monday 15 January 2024

Druidic Spells: Plant Spells III

Druidic Spells: Plant Spells III

Snare creates a binding trap from a vine. Speak with Plants allows verbal communication with flora. Spike Growth makes surface-covering vegetation spiky. Transmute Metal to Wood is self-explanatory. Transport via Plants allows you to teleport between plants of the same species.

Sunday 14 January 2024

Druidic Spells: Plant Spells II

Druidic Spells: Plant Spells II

Diminish Plants reduces the level of vegetation density. Entangle creates an area where vegetation tries to grapple everyone. Both of these spells interact with the vegetation density rules from GURPS Tactical Shooting: Extreme Conditions. Ironwood makes wood as hard as metal. Liveoak animates an oak tree into a treant. I decided to split Plant Growth into two spells. Overgrowth increases the level of vegetation density, while Enrichment makes plants more healthy and productive. Repel Wood repels wooden objects and creatures.

Saturday 13 January 2024

Druidic Spells: Plant Spells I

Druidic Spells: Plant Spells I

Let's do the plant spells now. Animate Plants and Changestaff are "summoning" spells. Antiplant Shell is a plant-only Antilife Shell. Barkskin is quite similar to Stoneskin. Blight weakens inanimate plants. Command Plants charms a plant creature, and Control Plants controls it directly.

Friday 12 January 2024

Druidic Spells: Animal Spells III

Druidic Spells: Animal Spells III

Let's finish the Animal college. Hide from Animals makes the subject invisible to animals. Hold Animal temporarily paralyzes an animal. Reduce Animal shrinks an animal. Repel Vermin scares away all the creepy crawlies.

Thursday 11 January 2024

Druidic Spells: Animal Spells II

Druidic Spells: Animal Spells II

Many of these spells are limited variants of other spells. Calm Animal is an area spell that calms down multiple animals. Charm Animal is an animal-specific variant of Charm. Detect Animals lets you detect and analyze animals. Dominate Animal is an animal-specific variant of Dominate. Giant Vermin is a vermin-specific variant of Animal Growth.

Wednesday 10 January 2024

Druidic Spells: Animal Spells I

Druidic Spells: Animal Spells I

Animal spells are not available to wizards (aside from a couple exceptions that also belong to other colleges), so let's convert them with the Nature, -20% power modifier and without the power skills. Animal Growth is an animal-specific variant of Enlarge. Animal Messenger compels an animal to deliver an item. Animal Shapes is an animal-specific Polymorph. Animal Trance is an animal-specific variant of Enthrall with some minor other changes. Awaken is a spell that imbues an animal with sapience. Baleful Polymorph is one of the aforementioned exceptions that appeared in the Body Control college.

Tuesday 9 January 2024

Druidic Spells: Elemental Spells

Druidic Spells: Elemental Spells

Arcane magic is different from divine and nature magic. To make it easier to make druid characters, I decided to compile the elemental (for now, only Air, Earth, and Water spells, even though some Fire spells are appropriate for druids) spells that I converted before into a single post. All costs and mechanics were adjusted - replacing the Magical, -10% power modifier with Nature, -20%, and removing power skills. There are no new spells here, but the follow-up posts will tackle the Animal, Plant, and Weather colleges.

Monday 8 January 2024

Wizardry: Mind Control Spells VIII

Wizardry: Mind Control Spells VIII

Mind Fog creates a cloud of will-sapping gas. Modify Memory removes memories or adds new ones. Nightmare sends a nightmare to the subject over a long distance. The final arcane spells from Player's Handbook! This does not mark the end of Wizardry, but it is a great milestone, as I've done the bulk of the work. After this, I'll take on the divine and druidic spells from the same book, but those should not take too long.

Sunday 7 January 2024

Wizardry: Illusion and Creation Spells I

Wizardry: Illusion and Creation Spells I

Now, let's do the leftovers of the Illusion and Creation college. Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound was a difficult spell to build. It conjures a phantom hound that guards that area. Both barks and bites. Phantasmal Killer is an illusory version of Cause Fear that is resisted with IQ instead of Will. Shadow Magic (Spell) is not a single spell, but a category of spells that create quasi-real effects.

Saturday 6 January 2024

Wizardry: Communication and Empathy Spells III

Wizardry: Communication and Empathy Spells III

Here we have the last few Communication and Empathy spells. Rary's Telepathic Bond is a quite powerful spell that establishes a telepathic network. Sending simply sends a message across a long distance. I decided to remove the ability to reply to make it more different from Message. Status lets you track the position and condition of your comrade. Tongues is a spell that destroys language barriers. Zone of Truth prevents lying in an area around the caster.

Friday 5 January 2024

Wizardry: Mind Control Spells VII

Wizardry: Mind Control Spells VII

Rage in D&D is a buff, but here it is a Resisted spell that you really shouldn't cast on your allies. Scare is an area version of Cause Fear. The former is cheaper than the latter, but the latter is a Resisted spell, while Scare simply forces a Fright Check. Sympathy creates a zone that attracts specific creatures. Touch of Idiocy is an IQ debuff.

Thursday 4 January 2024

Wizardry: Creation Spells I

Wizardry: Creation Spells I

Evard's Black Tentacles is an expensive area grapple spell. Leomund's Secure Shelter required me to use Jumper (Pocket Dimension) without an actual pocket dimension. Minor Creation creates objects of nonliving plant matter, while Major Creation expands the repertoire with mineral objects. Summon Instrument doesn't actually summon an instrument, but creates one.

Wednesday 3 January 2024

Wizardry: Gate Spells V

Wizardry: Gate Spells V

Let's finish the Gate college. Gate creates an interplanar portal with an option to make it permanent by spending character points. Leomund's Secret Chest hides a chest on the Ethereal Plane. Maze looks like a difficult spell to build on paper, but in practice, I just decided to simply come up with a new modifier for Affliction. Sometimes, this is the best option. Phase Door was a difficult spell, but I think I got it sort of right.

Tuesday 2 January 2024

Wizardry: Communication and Empathy Spells II

Wizardry: Communication and Empathy Spells II

Let's have some C&E spells. Dream sends a message to a sleeping person. Glibness makes you much more persuasive. Magic Mouth leaves a delayed message with a triggering condition. Message establishes a two-way communication with another creature. Mind Blank protects against mind-affecting effects.

Monday 1 January 2024

Wizardry: Mind Control Spells VI

Wizardry: Mind Control Spells VI

Mind Control is another huge college with many unconverted spells. Fear is a cone attack that causes Fright Checks. The underlying mechanics are a total mess, but I think I got the statline right. Lesser Gear implants an obsession, and Geas/Quest expands the obsession repertoire with tasks that the subject cannot feasibly accomplish. Heroism is a small buff with a drawback. Insanity turns the subject permanently insane.