Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Treasure: Gems and Stones

Treasure: Gems and Stones

Here we have six more magic items from Dungeon Master's Guide for D&D 3.5. And a new sorcery spell.
Gem (x0.4)
DR 2 (-20%); SM-6 (-10%); can be stolen with a Quick Contest of DX (-30%).
Gem, Carried (x0.5)
DR 2 (-20%); SM-6 (-10%); can be taken by stealth or trickery (-20%).


Word of Chaos
Keywords: Area (Fixed), Obvious, Resisted (Will).
Full Cost: 59 points.
Casting Roll: Will.
Range: Self.
Duration: Instantaneous and 1 minute, see description.

The caster pronounces a word of chaos, and victims within 4 yards that can hear it must resist or begin to hallucinate (p. B429) for 1 minute. After that each subject is stunned (p. B420) and may roll vs. Will once per second to recover. The caster can exclude any beings from this effect.
In addition, when this spell is cast, every lawful being within four yards immediately takes 1d crushing damage, regardless of DR, insubstantiality, etc. They will see this attack clearly (as an explosion of chaotic energy coming from within you), but non-lawful people will see nothing. This damage does not cause knockback. Note that this secondary effect works even if the word of chaos was not heard.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (Will; Area Effect, 4 yards, +100%; Based on Will, +20%; Emanation, -20%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Hallucinating, +50%; Hearing-Based, -20%; Link, +10%; Malediction 1, +100%; No Signature, +20%; Reduced Duration, 1/3, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Selective Area, +20%; Sorcery, -15%) [35] + Crushing Attack 1d (Accessibility, Lawful Creatures Only, -40%; Affects Insubstantial, +20%; Area Effect, 4 yards, +100%; Cosmic, Irresistible Attack, +300%; Emanation, -20%; Link, +10%; Low Signature, +10%; Magical, -10%; No Knockback, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [24].


Chaos Diamond

Chaos Diamond – as an enchanted item (using Sorcery)
This lustrous gemstone is uncut and about the size of a human fist. The gem grants its possessor the following powers: Confusion 1; Protection from Law 1; Word of Chaos. Each power is usable 1d/2 times per day. This is rolled for each power individually and the character does not know the result. Each use costs 1 FP.
            Statistics: Confusion 1 (Limited Use, 2/day, Random, -30%) [30] + Protection from Law 1 (Limited Use, 2/day, Random, -30%) [20] + Word of Chaos (Limited Use, 2/day, Random, -30%) [57]. Gem, x0.4; 43 EP.
            TL3 Price: 2 x ($700 + 43 x $320) = $28,920.
TL8 Price: 2 x ($14,000 + 43 x $1,180) = $129,480.

Chaos Diamond – as a metatronic generator (using Pyramid 3-46)
This lustrous gemstone is uncut and about the size of a human fist. The gem grants its possessor the following powers: Confusion 1; Protection from Law 1; Word of Chaos. Each power is usable 1d/2 times per day. This is rolled for each power individually and the character does not know the result. Each use costs 1 FP.
            Statistics: Confusion 1 (Limited Use, 2/day, Random, -30%) [30] + Protection from Law 1 (Limited Use, 2/day, Random, -30%) [20] + Word of Chaos (Limited Use, 2/day, Random, -30%) [57].
TL3 Cost: 2 x 107 x $150 = $32,100.

TL8 Cost: 2 x 107 x $3,000 = $642,000.

Elemental Gem

Elemental Gem – as an enchanted item (using Sorcery)
This gem contains a conjuration spell attuned to a specific Elemental Plane (Air, Earth, Fire, or Water). When you pay 1 FP and crush the gem with a Ready maneuver, an elemental (worth 75% or less of your point value) appears. The elemental is dismissed automatically after 10 minutes.
            Statistics: Ally (Elemental; Built on 75%; Constantly; Conjured, +100%; Costs 1 FP, -5%; Magical, -10%; Maximum Duration, 10 minutes, -40%; Special Abilities, +50%) [24]. Gem, One Use, x0.2; 5 EP.
            TL3 Price: 2 x ($30 + 5 x $320) = $3,260.
TL8 Price: 2 x ($600 + 5 x $1,180) = $13,000.

Elemental Gem – as a metatronic generator (using Pyramid 3-46)
This gem contains a conjuration spell attuned to a specific Elemental Plane (Air, Earth, Fire, or Water). When you pay 1 FP and crush the gem with a Ready maneuver, an elemental (worth 75% or less of your point value) appears. The elemental is dismissed automatically after 10 minutes.
            Statistics: Ally (Elemental; Built on 75%; Constantly; Apparatus, +0%; Conjured, +100%; Costs 1 FP, -5%; Magical, -10%; Maximum Duration, 10 minutes, -40%; Special Abilities, +50%) [24].
            TL3 Cost: 2 x 24 x $150 / 5= $1,440.
TL8 Cost: 2 x 24 x $3,000 / 5 = $28,800.

Gem of Brightness

Gem of Brightness – as an enchanted item (using Sorcery)
This crystal appears to be a long, rough prism. Upon utterance of a command word, the crystal emits bright light of one of three sorts. Each use costs 1 FP.
-          One command word causes the gem to shed light usually equivalent to a flashlight (a narrow 10-yard beam). This use of the gem does not expend any charges.
-          Another command word causes the gem of brightness to send out a bright ray equivalent to the Light Ray spell. This use of the gem expends 1 charge.
-          The third command word causes the gem to flare in a blinding flash of light equivalent to the Color Spray spell. This use expends 5 charges.
A newly created gem of brightness has 50 charges. When all its charges are expended, the gem becomes nonmagical.
            Statistics: Color Spray (Limited Use, 10 uses total, -20%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [28] + Illumination (Magical, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [1] + Light Jet (Requires Magic Words, -10%) [22]. Gem, x0.4; 9 EP.
            TL3 Price: 2 x ($50 + 9 x $320) = $5,860.
TL8 Price: 2 x ($1,000 + 9 x $1,180) = $23,240.

Gem of Brightness – as a metatronic generator (using Pyramid 3-46)
This crystal appears to be a long, rough prism. Upon utterance of a command word, the crystal emits bright light of one of three sorts. Each use costs 1 FP.
-          One command word causes the gem to shed light usually equivalent to a flashlight (a narrow 10-yard beam). This use of the gem does not expend any charges.
-          Another command word causes the gem of brightness to send out a bright ray equivalent to the Light Ray spell. This use of the gem expends 1 charge.
-          The third command word causes the gem to flare in a blinding flash of light equivalent to the Color Spray spell. This use expends 5 charges.
A newly created gem of brightness has 50 charges. When all its charges are expended, the gem becomes nonmagical.
            Statistics: Color Spray (Limited Use, 10 uses total, -20%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [28] + Illumination (Magical, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [1] + Light Jet (Requires Magic Words, -10%) [22].
TL3 Cost: 2 x 41 x $150 = $12,300.
TL8 Cost: 2 x 41 x $3,000 = $246,000.

Gem of Seeing

Gem of Seeing – as an enchanted item (using Sorcery)
This finely cut and polished stone is indistinguishable from an ordinary jewel in appearance. When it is gazed through, a gem of seeing enables the user to see through illusions of any kind. However, the wearer suffers from Tunnel Vision (p. B151) while using this effect. Using this effect costs 1 FP per minute.
            Statistics: See Invisible (Illusion; Costs 1 FP, -5%; Magical, -10%; Temporary Disadvantage, Tunnel Vision, -30%) [9]. Gem, x0.4; 4 EP.
            TL3 Price: 2 x ($150 + 4 x $320) = $2,620.
TL8 Price: 2 x ($600 + 4 x $1,180) = $10,640.

Gem of Seeing – as a metatronic generator (using Pyramid 3-46)
This finely cut and polished stone is indistinguishable from an ordinary jewel in appearance. When it is gazed through, a gem of seeing enables the user to see through illusions of any kind. However, the wearer suffers from Tunnel Vision (p. B151) while using this effect. Using this effect costs 1 FP per minute.
            Statistics: See Invisible (Illusion; Apparatus, +0%; Costs 1 FP, -5%; Magical, -10%; Temporary Disadvantage, Tunnel Vision, -30%) [9].
            TL3 Cost: 2 x 9 x $175 = $3,150.
TL8 Cost: 2 x 9 x $3,500 = $63,000.

Stone of Alarm

Stone of Alarm – as an enchanted item (using Sorcery)
This stone cube, when given the command word, affixes itself to any object. This affixation costs 1 FP. If that object is touched thereafter by anyone who does not first speak that same command word, the stone emits a piercing screech for 1 hour that can be heard up to a quarter-mile away (assuming no intervening barriers). Being within that range imposes a -5 penalty on Hearing rolls.
            Statistics: Can affix itself [1] + Obscure 5 (Hearing; Area Effect, 256 yards, +350%; Costs 1 FP, -5%; Delay, Triggered, +50%; Extended Duration, 3,000x, +100%; Magical, -10%) [60]. Gem, x0.4; 24 EP.
            TL3 Price: 2 x ($30 + 24 x $320) = $15,660.
TL8 Price: 2 x ($3,000 + 24 x $1,180) = $62,640.

Stone of Alarm – as a metatronic generator (using Pyramid 3-46)
This stone cube, when given the command word, affixes itself to any object. This affixation costs 1 FP. If that object is touched thereafter by anyone who does not first speak that same command word, the stone emits a piercing screech for 1 hour that can be heard up to a quarter-mile away (assuming no intervening barriers). Being within that range imposes a -5 penalty on Hearing rolls.
            Statistics: Can affix itself [1] + Obscure 5 (Hearing; Apparatus, +0%; Area Effect, 256 yards, +350%; Costs 1 FP, -5%; Delay, Triggered, +50%; Extended Duration, 3,000x, +100%; Magical, -10%) [60].
            TL3 Cost: 2 x 60 x $150 = $18,000.
TL8 Cost: 2 x 60 x $3,000 = $360,000.

Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone)

Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone) – as an enchanted item (using Sorcery)
This stone is typically a bit of rough polished agate or some similar mineral. Its possessor has the benefits of Luck (p. B66).
            Statistics: Luck (Magical, -10%) [14]. Usually On. Gem, x0.5; 7 EP.
            TL3 Price: 2 x ($50 + 7 x $320) = $4,580.
TL8 Price: 2 x ($1,000 + 7 x $1,180) = $18,520.

Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone) – as a metatronic generator (using Pyramid 3-46)
This stone is typically a bit of rough polished agate or some similar mineral. Its possessor has the benefits of Luck (p. B66). Costs 1 FP/hour.
            Statistics: Luck (Apparatus, +0%; Magical, -10%) [14].
            TL3 Cost: 2 x 14 x $150 = $4,200.
TL8 Cost: 2 x 14 x $3,000 = $84,000.

1 comment:

  1. O you are amazing!!!
    Instantly added to my campaign!!!
