Wizardry: Binding
Finally, there's the Binding spell that is actually a group of similar spells. For the purpose of converting to GURPS, I will makes them separate spells. And now I'm done with Player's Handbook for real.
Sometimes I get an urge to make some GURPS content, be it something original, or something converted from another system/media. Maybe if I post it here, it will be useful not only to me. Keep in mind that I'm not a native English speaker and please forgive any mistakes.
In this post, I will go over Dungeon Fantasy RPG: Adventurers and Dungeon Fantasy RPG: Exploits and compare them with GURPS Basic Set. I will ignore DF-specific new rules and focus on differences between the books. I will also ignore templates and focus on the rules only. Some of these changes can be easily backported to GURPS and used as errata.