Saturday 20 May 2017

Sorcery: Gate Spells IV

Sorcery: Gate Spells IV

Last gate spells! Control Gate closes, opens, or moves the subject gate. Create Door lets the caster and his friends/foes phase through a wall or another obstacle. Create Gate, Create Planar Gate, and Create Temporal Gate create portals to other places, planes, and times, respectively. Scry Gate lets the caster see through and opaque gate.

Control Gate
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 12.5 points for level 1 + 7.5 points/additional level*.
Casting Roll: IQ.
Range: 100 yards.
Duration: Indefinite.

You can force an open gate to close, a closed gate to open, or tilt and move the subject, with a Move equal to your spell level. Closing a permanent gate does not destroy it; closing a temporary one does (to destroy a permanent gate, use Remove Enchantment). Control Gate can also be used to “choose” a particular destination of a multiple-destination gate. Once control is relinquished, the Gate reverts to its “programmed” state, moving back to its original place at top speed and by the shortest path.
The subject gate must have an initial radius (in yards) no greater than your level of this spell. You must actively concentrate while shaping or moving the gate, but may otherwise maintain this spell normally (no concentration required).
Statistics: Control Gate 1 (Ranged, +40%; Sorcery, -15%) [12.5]. Additional levels add Control Gate +1 (Only to increase area, -50%; Ranged, +40%; Sorcery, -15%) [7.5/level*].
* Calculate the total cost and round up.

Create Door
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 130 points.
Casting Roll: IQ.
Range: Touch.
Duration: 3d seconds.

When cast at the near side of a solid obstruction (wall, hedge, cliff, etc.), this spell creates a short-term, short-range gate leading to the other side. The intervening distance is not actually traversed by the door’s users – they are simultaneously teleported from the near side to the far one. The travelers can carry up to Extra-Heavy Encumbrance when they traverse the door. The obstacle must not be thicker than 10 yards.
As a Concentrate maneuver make an IQ + Talent roll to cast this spell, modified as follows:
On a success, you appear at your target destination. On a failure, you go nowhere and strain your teleporting ability: you are at -5 to cast this spell again in the next 10 minutes. On a critical failure, you arrive at the wrong destination. This can be anywhere the GM wishes! It need not be dangerous, but it should seriously inconvenience you. In addition, your spell temporarily “burns out” and will not function again for 1d hours.
Statistics: Warp (Accessibility, Only to create a door through an obstacle, -20%; Blind Only, -50%; Cannot Spend Extra FP, -10%; Extra Carrying Capacity, Extra-Heavy, +50%; No Preparation, -10%; Range Limit, 10 yards, -50%; Reliable 10, +50%; Requires Concentrate, -15%; Sorcery, -15%; Tunnel, Before, +100%) [130].
Create Gate
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 220 points.
Casting Roll: IQ; Special casting time and FP cost.
Range: Touch.
Duration: 3d seconds.

This spell creates a magical portal leading to another place you are able to see with your own eyes, or view remotely, or visualize clearly (which is only possible if you have visited it previously in person). Creatures that traverse the gate can carry up to Extra-Heavy Encumbrance when they travel.
As a Concentrate maneuver make an IQ + Talent roll to cast this spell, modified as follows:
Distance: Distance penalties appear on the table below. If actual distance falls between two values, use the higher.
10 yards
20 yards
100 yards
500 yards
2 miles
10 miles
100 miles
1000 miles
Add an additional -1 for each 10x increase in distance.
Preparation Time: The amount of time taken to prepare for the teleport affects the IQ roll, as follows:
Preparation Time
IQ Modifier
1 second
2 seconds
4 seconds
8 seconds
15 seconds
30 seconds
1 minute
2 minutes
4 minutes
8 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
1 hour
2 hours
4 hours
8 hours
This table is not open-ended; +10 is the maximum possible bonus.
Removal: If you have a “second-hand” view of the destination, you are at -2 per level of removal. For instance, seeing it on TV or through someone else’s eyes would give -2, while seeing it on a television set that you are viewing through someone else’s eyes would give -4. There is an additional -2 to teleport to a place you have visited but cannot see.
Fatigue Points: Apply a bonus of +1 per additional FP spent. You must declare this before you roll, and you lose the FP whether you succeed or fail. You never have to spend FP, but it is usually a good idea if you must travel far or without much preparation.
On a success, the gate appears leading to your target destination. On a failure, the gate does not appear and you strain your teleporting ability: you are at -5 to cast this spell again in the next 10 minutes. On a critical failure, the gate appears, but it leads to the wrong destination. This can be anywhere the GM wishes! It need not be dangerous, but it should seriously inconvenience you. In addition, your spell temporarily “burns out” and will not function again for 1d hours.
Statistics: Warp (Extra Carrying Capacity, Extra-Heavy, +50%; Requires Concentrate, -15%; Sorcery, -15%; Tunnel, Before, +100%) [220].
Create Planar Gate
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 230 points or 250 points.
Casting Roll: IQ. Special casting time (see below).
Range: Touch.
Duration: 3d seconds.

This spell creates a magical portal leading to another plane of existence that you are able visualize clearly (which is only possible if you have visited it previously in person). Creatures that traverse the gate can carry up to Extra-Heavy Encumbrance when they travel.
To create a gate, you must visualize your destination, concentrate for 10 seconds, and make a IQ roll. You may hurry the creation, but your roll will be at -1 per second of concentration omitted (-10 to jump with no preparation at all). On a success, the gate appears leading to your target destination. On a failure, the gate does not appear. On a critical failure, the gate opens, but leads to the wrong destination, which can be any plane the GM wishes!
The creatures using the gate appear at the target destination at exactly the same place they left their previous plane – or as close as possible. This means the same place, but on a parallel world. If there is no corresponding “safe” location within 100 yards of their destination – for instance, if they use the gate while on an airplane to a destination with no plane at their location, or from a half-mile deep mine to a destination with no corresponding mine – the plane shift will fail and they will know why it failed. This does not prevent them from jumping into other types of danger, such as radiation, gunfire, or wild animals. If they have Danger Sense, the GM should roll before they make a hazardous jump; on a success, they get a warning.
The basic (230-point) version of this spell allows you create gates to one other plane, chosen when you learn the spell. The improved (250-point) version opens this up to any dimension you are familiar with. You can become familiar with new planes by hitching a ride there – with another sorcerer using this spell, a magician using an equivalent spell, a creature with an innate ability, etc. – or via tomes of knowledge which contain detailed instructions on where and how to travel.
Statistics: Jumper (Interplanar; Extra Carrying Capacity, Extra-Heavy, +50%; Improved, +10%; Limited Access, 20%; Magical, 10%; Tunnel, Before, +100%) [230]. The improved version removes Limited Access [+20]. Note: The Improved enhancement removes the auto-fail on 14+.

Create Temporal Gate
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 250 points.
Casting Roll: IQ. Special casting time (see below).
Range: Touch.
Duration: 3d seconds.

This spell creates a magical portal leading to another time that you are able visualize clearly (which is only possible if you have visited it previously in person). Creatures that traverse the gate can carry up to Extra-Heavy Encumbrance when they travel.
To create a gate, you must visualize your destination, concentrate for 10 seconds, and make a IQ roll. You may hurry the creation, but your roll will be at -1 per second of concentration omitted (-10 to jump with no preparation at all). On a success, the gate appears leading to your target destination. On a failure, the gate does not appear. On a critical failure, the gate opens, but leads to the wrong destination, which can be any time the GM wishes!
The creatures that move through the gate appear at the destination at exactly the same place they left their previous time – or as close as possible. This means the same place, but in a different time. If there is no corresponding “safe” location within 100 yards of their destination – the timeport will fail and they will know why it failed.
The creator must specify if the gate merely displaces its users in time by a fixed amount (1 year into the past, for example) or if it sends its users to a specific, unchanging point in time (December 25, 1066, say). In the latter case, since subjects that step into the gate at various departure times can’t all arrive at the same time, the gate either “drifts” slowly in time so as to space the arrivals at least a second apart, or the various subjects arrive in different “pasts” (GM’s decision).
Statistics: Jumper (Time; Extra Carrying Capacity, Extra-Heavy, +50%; Improved, +10%; Magical, 10%; Tunnel, Before, +100%) [250]. Note: The Improved enhancement removes the auto-fail on 14+.

Scry Gate
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 50 points.
Casting Roll: IQ.
Range: 10 yards.
Duration: Indefinite.

When cast on an open gate, this spell allows images, sounds and smells to come through it from the other side to you, just as if you were peering through an open window. Your ability is reflexive. You can initiate it as a free action and change viewpoints as quickly as you can shift your gaze.
To cast this spell, pick the gate, and then make an IQ roll. You need to concentrate for a minute and make a IQ-5 roll if the gate is out of sight.
On a success, you can use your sight, hearing, and smell as if you were physically peering through the gate. You can sense the environment around your body while using your ability. You can still only pay attention to one set of senses. At the start of each turn in combat, state whether you’re giving priority to your natural senses or your remote ones. All tasks that depend on the senses you aren’t prioritizing – including Sense rolls – are at -4.
If you are using or subjected to range-dependent abilities (e.g., spells), calculate all ranges from your body, not your viewpoint. You can maintain Scry Gate for as long as you like.
On failure by 1, your senses goes to some other gate in range of the GM’s choosing. On any greater failure, nothing happens at all. Critical failure cripples your ability for 1d hours.
You can return your displaced senses, move it to another gate, or change its facing as a free action. A viewpoint inside a moving gate will move with that object with no special concentration on your part.
Statistics: Clairsentience (Accessibility, Only to scry gates, -80%; Aware, +50%; Fixed Range, -5%; Normal Sight, -20%; Second Nature, +70%; Sorcery, -15%) [50].

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