Monday, 31 October 2022

Monsters: Libris Mortis Undead I

Monsters: Libris Mortis Undead I

Well, since I started doing some Libris Mortis monsters, let's have some more.

Sunday, 30 October 2022

Monsters: Elemental Undead

Monsters: Elemental Undead

It's still October, right? So, I have some time to convert at least some monsters from Libris Mortis. I'll be frank with you here - most of them are lame and uninspired, but some of them are pretty interesting. The most fascinating of them to be are the elemental undead, so this post will cover them.

Saturday, 29 October 2022

Powers: Cryokinesis

Powers: Cryokinesis

As promised, here's cryokinesis as a separate psionic power. 

Thursday, 27 October 2022

Powers: Pyrokinesis

Powers: Pyrokinesis

Psychokinesis is one of the broadest psionic powers in GURPS Psionic Powers. While such abilities as Pyrokinesis and Cryokinesis are appropriate in a realistic or pseudo-realistic campaign, even GURPS Powers mentions that Pyrokinesis often is a separate power! So, let's excise this ability from Phychokinesis and create an entire new power. I might do the same with Cryokinesis in the future.

Tuesday, 18 October 2022

Monsters: Unapproachable East Trolls

Monsters: Unapproachable East Trolls

Unapproachable East introduces three new troll varieties - and they are the only three unconverted monsters from that book that I have left, so let's finish it.

Monday, 17 October 2022

Monster: Nilshai

Monster: Nilshai

The nilshai is yet another aberration from the Ethereal Plane. Pretty cool.

Saturday, 15 October 2022

Monsters/Racial Templates: Unapproachable East Races

Monsters/Racial Templates: Unapproachable East Races

And here's the races from Unapproachable East, plus some extra ones from Oriental Adventures to finish the spirit folk cycle. Neat.

Friday, 14 October 2022

Monsters/Lenses: Unapproachable East Lenses II

Monsters/Lenses: Unapproachable East Lenses II

These lenses from Unapproachable East I actually like. In D&D, they provide a nice way to make spirits of places and similar creatures. In GURPS, you can do anything you want, so you shouldn't feel limited to these options.

Thursday, 13 October 2022

Monsters/Lenses: Unapproachable East Lenses I

Monsters/Lenses: Unapproachable East Lenses I

Unapproachable East has a monster section that is mostly comprised of templates (lenses in GURPS terms). Some of them are interesting, some are not. Here's the first batch.

Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Monsters: Unapproachable East Hags

Monsters: Unapproachable East Hags

I've never been a fan of hags in D&D, they just didn't feel that interesting to me. But nevertheless, let's convert some Faerunian hags from Unapproachable East. The hagspawn also works well as a racial template for the PCs.

Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Skills for D&D-style games

Skills for D&D-style games

Many new players are intimidated by GURPS’s huge skill list. For me it did the opposite – I was attracted and fascinated by it. Not every game should use all the skills though, and I’ve seen many times people asking for skill lists for certain genres. In my opinion, this is a bit silly. Do you really need to be told not to take Computer Operation in a medieval historical game or Farming in a game about special ops in the jungle? Nevertheless, genre books provide curated skill lists – GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 1: Adventurers, GURPS Monster Hunters 1: Champions, and so on. Most of the time, I play fantasy games in D&D-style settings, but that does not mean that I am using the Dungeon Fantasy skill list. Depending on the game itself, almost any skill can be taken. Also, I have adjusted some of the skills, added new specialties where I felt that they were necessary, and even introduced some new skills. Let’s take a look at GURPS skills and see which ones are useful for D&D-style games, and which ones either aren’t useful at all, or are extremely situational.

Monday, 10 October 2022

Review: Shields Up!

Review: Shields Up!

A new GURPS book just dropped out of nowhere – Shields Up! from Gaming Ballistic. While it is written with DFRPG in mind, it has many options that work in normal GURPS games. Not long ago, I recorded a comprehensive video guide on shields in GURPS, and this book made it less comprehensive. So, let’s take a look at this book and see what’s in there. I’ll say in advance, that this is an excellent book that is very much worth its price, and I do not say that very often.

Sunday, 9 October 2022

Monsters/Lenses: Faerunian Lenses

Monsters/Lenses: Faerunian Lenses

The only thing that is left unconverted in Monsters of Faerun are some of the templates (lenses in GURPS terms). I will treat the yuan-ti tainted one and broodguard as creatures, not lenses. By the way, these two templates are probably the most reprinted templates/monsters in D&D 3.0/3.5, they are like in 3-4 different books.

Saturday, 8 October 2022

Monsters: Assorted Faerun Monsters IX

Monsters: Assorted Faerun Monsters IX

The last monsters from Monsters of Faerun. After this, only the D&D templates/GURPS lenses are left,
and I will be done with this book.

Friday, 7 October 2022

Monsters: Assorted Faerun Monsters VIII

Monsters: Assorted Faerun Monsters VIII

Three more monsters from Monsters of Faerun (the sharn got an update in Anauroch). Sharns, in my opinion, should be on par with beholders, aboleths, and mind flayers in terms of being iconic aberrations, they have very cool and distinct abilities and lore.

Thursday, 6 October 2022

Monsters: Assorted Faerun Monsters VII

Monsters: Assorted Faerun Monsters VII

Even more monsters from Monsters of Faerun. The nishruu was updated in the Lost Empires of Faerun.

Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Occupational Template: Artificer

Occupational Template: Artificer

D&D artifiers are very different from the artificer found in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 4: Sages. In D&D, they are spellcasters that are adept at crafting and using magic items. Here's how I adapted artificer spellcasting for my games. In addition, I wrote up a 150-point occupation template.

Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Monsters: Assorted Faerun Monsters VI

Monsters: Assorted Faerun Monsters VI

More D&D monsters from Monsters of Faerun. There's not that many left, actually.