Friday 14 April 2017

Sorcery: Limiting Enchantments

Sorcery: Limiting Enchantments

Looking at the Enchantment College I see that some of the spells seem to be unconvertable. For example, limiting enchantments apply some limitations to make enchanting cheaper, or make the use of the enchanted item limited. I cannot think of a way to represent these spells as Sorcery spells, but they sound exactly like something the Extra Option perk could be used for! Each of the following perks adds a new modifier for the form multiplier (GURPS Thaumatology - Sorcery, pg. 29).

       This limiting enchantment, a derivative of Bane, makes a magic item work better against a specific target. It works on any Resisted spell, providing a penalty to the target’s resistance roll.
       The enchanter must possess something connected to the target. The accuracy of the symbolic representation determines the penalty to the resistance roll.
Symbolic Representation
Minimal (drawing)
Small belonging/piece of clothing
Hair or fingernail clippings
Photographs or blood samples
DNA sample or video
Target is present during enchantment
      In every case but the last, the representation must be incorporated into the magic item, though it need not remain intact (e.g., a videotape may be crushed to powder). If the target is present, presumably he has either been misled as to the purpose of the enchantment, or has agreed to it for more complex reasons (for instance, he’s worried he might run amok in the future).
      The downside of this enchantment is that, when the item is used against other targets, they get a +5 to their resistance roll. -0.1 to the multiplier.

     This enchantment is used to make a magical weapon with powers that work only against one type of foe. For instance, a sword could be made that did additional 1d burning damage, but only against orcs – and this would be easier to enchant than a weapon that did 1d burning damage against everything. The more specific the bane (GM’s decision) the greater the reduction in the other spells’ cost(s). Banes like “All my foes” are not allowed!
     -0.05 to the multiplier for an extremely broad category (living creatures, humanoids, spellcasters, etc.).
     -0.10 to the multiplier for a broad category (humans, elves, undead, etc.).
     -0.15 to the multiplier for a fairly specific category (wood elves, humans of a specific nationality, practitioners of a specific magical style, etc.).
     -0.20 to the multiplier for a very narrow category (male humans of 20-25 years old, female dark elves with dragon tattoos, etc.).
     You have to specialize each time you take this perk. Each category is considered to be a specialization. Thus, a character can have Bane (Humans), Bane (Draconians), etc.

     The enchanted item works only for the user, or class of users, specified by the caster when the item is being enchanted. This class of users may be as simple or complex as the caster wishes. This may affect all the spells on the item, or just some of them.
     -0.05 to the multiplier for an extremely broad category (living creatures, humanoids, spellcasters, etc.). Note that the Requires Sorcery modifier is a specific form of Limit that is available to all sorcerers.
     -0.10 to the multiplier for a broad category (humans, elves, undead, etc.).
     -0.15 to the multiplier for a fairly specific category (wood elves, humans of a specific nationality, practitioners of a specific magical style, etc.).
     -0.20 to the multiplier for a very narrow category (male humans of 20-25 years old, female dark elves with dragon tattoos, etc.).
     You have to specialize each time you take this perk. Each category is considered to be a specialization. Thus, a character can have Limit (Humans), Limit (Draconians), etc.

     This perk may be used when enchanting an item, to determine the circumstances under which it works. The Limit perk would be used to determine the class of users that could use the item, but Link might be used, for instance, to make it work only at night.
     Any Information spells required to tell it when to trigger (e.g., Detect Magic) must be cast as separate enchantments on the item. For instance, a sword might be Linked with a Light spell and a Sense Life spell, so that it would glow in the presence of orcs.
     A reversed Link may be cast permanently on any enchanted item, to deactivate it under set circumstances. This is often used to keep magic items from falling into the wrong hands.
    The GM must estimate the multiplier modifier for each specialization of this perk.

     The enchanter gives a magical name to an enchanted object. The magic of the object functions only for someone who knows its name. The user must speak the item’s name the first time he tries to use it, to show he knows the name. -0.1 to the multiplier.

     The reverse of the Name perk. A magical item with a Password functions unless the Password is spoken. If the Password is spoken, the item will be inert until the next time its powers would normally be invoked – or for one minute (choice of person making the item). An item may have some spells that are passworded and others that are not. The details, of course, depend on the spell. -0.1 to the multiplier.

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