Low posting activity, or not?
Recently, I haven't been posting much here, but that doesn't mean that I'm not working. While there are no new posts, I'm currently busy with a massive project - I am revising/reworking all monsters that I've posted here. It's been several years, and I have accumulated more than 1,700 of them, it's time to give them another look with fresh eyes. During all these years, I've learned a lot, got rid of some bad conversion habits, so now I'm fixing mistakes and reworking monsters that I do not like to make them more interesting and/or easy to use. So far, I'm about 7% done, but the progress is going faster than I expected. After that (or during, as a change of pace), I also want to rework my old adaptation of the D&D incarnum system. So, I'm still here, but most of the work is behind the scenes!