Monday 27 November 2017

Sorcery: Space Spells III

Sorcery: Space Spells III

More space-related spells. Abundant Step lets the caster step through the fourth dimension to another place. Extradimensional Shift and Project Limb are two other 4D spells, based on abilities from GURPS Powers - The Weird.
Abundant Step
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 50 points.
Casting Roll: IQ; Special casting time and FP cost.
Range: Self.
Duration: Instantaneous.

You can step through the fourth dimension, effectively teleporting to another place within 10 yards that you able to see with your own eyes. You can carry up to Medium Encumbrance when you travel.
Take a step (you cannot cast this spell if you are immobilized) and make an IQ + Talent roll to cast this spell, modified as follows:
Preparation Time: The amount of time taken to prepare for the teleport affects the IQ roll, as follows:
Preparation Time
IQ Modifier
1 second
2 seconds
4 seconds
8 seconds
15 seconds
30 seconds
1 minute
2 minutes
4 minutes
8 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
1 hour
2 hours
4 hours
8 hours
This table is not open-ended; +10 is the maximum possible bonus. Note that the caster must take a Step every second, if he is preparing!
Fatigue Points: Apply a bonus of +1 per additional FP spent. You must declare this before you roll, and you lose the FP whether you succeed or fail. You never have to spend FP, but it is usually a good idea if you must travel far or without much preparation.
On a success, you appear at your target destination. On a failure, you go nowhere. On a critical failure, you arrive at the wrong destination. This can be anywhere the GM wishes! It need not be dangerous, but it should seriously inconvenience you.
You can cast this spell to evade attacks in combat. Once per turn, you may teleport to any space you can see within 10 yards, instantly. This is considered a dodge. Of course, the IQ + Talent roll will be at -10 for instant use, so you might want to spend FP to improve your odds!
Statistics: Warp (Accessibility, Step, -10%; Extra Carrying Capacity, Medium, +20%; No Strain, +25%; Range Limit, 10 yards, -50%; Sorcery, -15%; Vision-Based, Reversed, -20%) [50].

Extradimensional Shift
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 282 points.
Casting Roll: None.
Range: Self.
Duration: Indefinite.

The caster shifts his body – or part of it – into four-dimensional space, along with objects weighing up to 2xBL. He can always breathe while in four-dimensional space.
He can bypass three-dimensional obstacles. He can attempt a Power Dodge against any three-dimensional attack, sidestepping in the fourth dimension.
He can become invisible by moving into the fourth dimension – but because electromagnetic radiation, including light, is three-dimensional, he loses the ability to see unless he can also cast Hypervision. Finding his way through hyperspace blind requires a roll against Body Sense (GURPS Powers – The Weird, p. 5). If the caster is adjacent to three-dimensional space, he can reach into it and manipulate objects (at -5 to skill for working by touch; see p. B233) or even strike or grapple foes (at -6 to the attack roll if he is used to hyperspace, -10 otherwise; see p. B547). He can’t speak or make sounds while hyperspatial.
He has the option of skimming along three-dimensional space, catching glimpses of his position and tactical situation. This gives your invisibility the equivalent of a fringe effect: others can spot you at -6 to Vision and attack you at -6 to hit. However, it opens up a variety of combat options (Four-Dimensional Combat, GURPS Powers – The Weird, p. 26). He gets +4 to Shadowing attempts if he can make a Body Sense roll for each Shadowing roll.
Statistics: Insubstantiality (Hyperspatial; Can Carry Objects, Light Encumbrance, +20%; Ghost Air, +10%; Partial Change, Can turn carried objects substantial, +100%; Sorcery, -15%) [172] + Invisibility (Hyperspatial; Accessibility, Only to three-dimensional beings, -10%; Accessibility, Only while insubstantial, -10%; Affects Machines, +50%; Can Carry Objects, Light Encumbrance, +20%; Extended, All senses, +100%; Fringe, -10%; Switchable, +10%; Magical, -10%) [96] + Invisibility (Hyperspatial; Accessibility, Only to three-dimensional beings, -10%; Accessibility, Only while insubstantial, -10%; Affects Machines, +50%; Can Carry Objects, Light Encumbrance, +20%; Extended, All senses, +100%; Switchable, +10%; Temporary Disadvantage, Blindness (Only to three-dimensional space, -10%), -45%; Temporary Disadvantage, Mute, -25%; Magical, -10%) [15]. The second instance of Invisibility is an alternative ability (x1/5 cost) to the first.
Project Limb
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 83 points.
Casting Roll: None.
Range: Self.
Duration: Indefinite.

While this spell is active, the caster can project a limb (arm or leg) or an extremity (hand or foot) to a distant location. It isn’t truly severed from his body and needn’t be cut off – he is reaching through the fourth dimension. His body part can be used to grapple, strike, lift and throw objects, and wield tools and weapons, provided the weight of anything picked up doesn’t exceed 2xBL. He can even pull objects back through the fourth dimension! In combat, this lets him attack a foe from behind.
If working at a distance, apply the appropriate range modifier. The caster can place his limbs in locations he can’t see, but at -5 to skill rolls for working by touch or -6 to attack rolls.
Statistics: Injury Tolerance (Independent Body Parts; Cosmic, Four-dimensional, +50%; Cosmic, Voluntary, +50%; Instant Reattachment, +50%; Sorcery, -15%) [83].

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