Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Powers/Sorcery: Divine Empowerment

Powers/Sorcery: Divine Empowerment

When preparing for a new game, I was pointed out that many of my Sorcery-based magic subsystems are not very well balanced against each other. During the revision it also became apparent that divine magic does not feel divine enough, so here is my revision.

GURPS Powers has guidelines for creating new Modular Abilities on pages 62-64. I've decided to create a different "base" advantage for divine spellcasters to replace Sorcerous Empowerment. For the base slot cost I've decided to use 6, as a hypothetical deity with a broad portfolio can grant almost anything. The "per point" cost will be 4, because the point rearrangement will be slow (one second per character point, as is used in Divine Inspiration - one of the worked examples of Modular Abilities).

Next, we apply Physical, +100% and Divine, -10% modifiers that represent the deity's ability to grant physical advantages and the requirement for a code of conduct. This will leave us with a fractional point cost that I'd like to avoid, so let's add -40% worth of limitations.

Deities have lots of followers and sometimes are unable to give the petitioner enough attention. They also get irritated by repeated requests for aid. This is represented by the Unreliable, 11, -20% limitation. The repeated attempts rules from GURPS Powers, p. 159 are redundant, even though they seem appropriate for the situation. In addition, powers granted by the divine beings are temporary. This is represented by the Maximum Duration, 1 hour, -10% limitation. Finally, the petitioner must have a focus to channel divine energies - a holy symbol. This is represented by the Requires Holy Symbol, -10% limitation.

In the end we have the following new trait that should be treated as its own advantage - apply modifiers to the entire construction.

Divine Empowerment - 15 points for level 1 + 6 points/additional level
This is the base ability for divine spellcasters. Divine Empowerment is used to request abilities or miracles that are not covered by learned prayers. Learned prayers are taken as Alternative Abilities to Divine Empowerment.
By default, this advantage represents having a connection with a patron deity with a very broad portfolio. In settings with multiple deities with various portfolios a scope limitation must be applied, using the guidelines from Limited Scope (GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery, p. 5).
A character with Divine Empowerment can request any ability (be it a divine spell, a passive ability, or a skill) covered by the patron deity's portfolio at any time. This ability's cost must be equal or lower than Divine Empowerment's level.
The request requires the character to hold the deity's holy symbol in his hand and pray for a second per character point, taking consecutive Concentrate maneuvers. After the prayer, make a roll against the activation number of 11, modified as per Petition Roll Modifiers (GURPS Powers: Divine Favor, p. 5), but with no -2 for one second prayers and -1 for successful general prayers. Failure means that the character gets no response, but can try again. Each successive attempt costs one FP. If the repeated attempt succeeds, later attempts at requesting that ability no longer cost FP. If the character is reduced to three or fewer FP, he must rest until all FP are regained before he can attempt to use Divine Empowerment and all learned prayers again. Success means that the deity answers the call for help and grants the ability in question. This ability lasts for one hour, or until the character decides to request a new one or switch to a learned prayer. In any case, five minutes must pass between the deactivation of the granted ability and the next request.
For hardcore improvisation, clerical spellcasters use Religious Ritual instead of Thaumatology and modify their roll as per Petition Roll Modifiers (GURPS Powers: Divine Favor, p. 5), but with no -2 for one second prayers and -1 for successful general prayers.

How divine spells are built depends on how magic works in your world. If you're aiming to imitate Divine Favor, then remove casting rolls and FP costs. If you want something more like Sorcery, then create Sorcery spells, but replace Magical, -10% with Divine, -10%.


Now, let's also include a variant for the clerical spellcasting for my setting, because they work slightly differently. The modular ability construct described above must be split into two slots - one for advantages and one for skills. The second slot should be static - it should only contain 4 points at all levels. Both slots must be rearranged at the same time. Thus, the trait detailed above gets the Limited, Advantages Only, -10% and Link, +10% modifiers that leave the final cost unchanged. Then, we create another custom Modular Ability with the same base cost of 6 points and per point cost of 4 points. We apply Divine, -10%, Unreliable, 11, -10%, Maximum Duration, 1 hour, -10%, Requires Holy Symbol, -10% (just like above) and Limited, Skills Only, -10% and Link, +10%. Note that we do not need Physical, +100% here. This gives us the total limitation value of -50%. As a result, this 4-point skill slot will cost (6+4*4)*0.5 = 11 points. We will add it to the level 1 cost of the advantage slot, getting the following ability.

Clerical Empowerment - 26 points for level 1 + 6 points/additional level
This is the base ability for clerical spellcasters. Clerical Empowerment is used to request abilities or miracles that are not covered by learned prayers. Learned prayers are taken as Alternative Abilities to Clerical Empowerment.
By default, this advantage represents having a connection with a patron deity with a very broad portfolio. In settings with multiple deities with various portfolios a scope limitation must be applied, using the guidelines from Limited Scope (GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery, p. 5).
A character with Clerical Empowerment can request any advantage-based ability (be it a divine spell, or a passive ability) covered by the patron deity's portfolio at any time. This ability's cost must be equal or lower than Clerical Empowerment's level. In addition to that ability, the character may request a skill that is covered by the deity's portfolio (including skills required to activate known or improvised abilities) that costs no more than 4 points.
The request requires the character to hold the deity's holy symbol in his hand and pray for a second per character point, taking consecutive Concentrate maneuvers. After the prayer, make a roll against the activation number of 11, modified as per Petition Roll Modifiers (GURPS Powers: Divine Favor, p. 5), but with no -2 for one second prayers and -1 for successful general prayers. Failure means that the character gets no response, but can try again. Each successive attempt costs one FP. If the repeated attempt succeeds, later attempts at requesting that ability no longer cost FP. If the character is reduced to three or fewer FP, he must rest until all FP are regained before he can attempt to use Clerical Empowerment and all learned prayers again. Success means that the deity answers the call for help and grants the ability in question. This ability lasts for one hour, or until the character decides to request a new one or switch to a learned prayer. In any case, five minutes must pass between the deactivation of the granted ability and the next request.
For hardcore improvisation, clerical spellcasters use Religious Ritual instead of Thaumatology and modify their roll as per Petition Roll Modifiers (GURPS Powers: Divine Favor, p. 5), but with no -2 for one second prayers and -1 for successful general prayers.


  1. Heya, Just found this blog. As a long time 3.5 user who is moving into GURPS, this stuff is really great! I certainly will be following this blog with great interest. Thank you for taking the time to make this stuff!

  2. And added to my Fantasy setting! Thank you.
