Sometimes I get an urge to make some GURPS content, be it something original, or something converted from another system/media. Maybe if I post it here, it will be useful not only to me. Keep in mind that I'm not a native English speaker and please forgive any mistakes.
Thursday, 31 December 2020
Wednesday, 30 December 2020
Monday, 28 December 2020
Alchemy: Dungeonscape Elixirs
Alchemy: Dungeonscape Elixirs
Let's convert alchemical items from Dungeonscape for D&D 3.5.
Sunday, 27 December 2020
Alchemy: Elixir Recycling
Alchemy: Elixir Recycling
Have you ever played Might and Magic VI, VII, or VIII? In those three games, alchemical potions are split into five tiers, and each non-basic potion is created by combining two potions of the previous tier. A couple of days ago, this mechanic has inspired me to create an elixir recycling system from my Metatronic Alchemy system. It would allow an alchemist to use existing potions to save some money and time. I'm pretty sure that the first draft of this will be revised multiple times in the future, because it'll probably break something.
Saturday, 26 December 2020
Alchemy: Drow Poisons
Alchemy: Drow Poisons
Let's convert the normal, not magic-infused poisons from Drow of the Underdark.
Friday, 25 December 2020
Alchemy: Drow, Last Gasp, and Abortion
Alchemy: Drow, Last Gasp, and Abortion
I've been asked to create an alchemical pregnancy cancellation elixir. Let's also add a forgotten elixir from Complete Adventurer and alchemical items from Drow of the Underdark.
Thursday, 24 December 2020
Martial Arts: Complete Warrior Styles
Martial Arts: Complete Warrior Styles
While we're on the topic of martial arts, let's convert the combat styles from Complete Warrior. The Net and Trident style basically is the Retiarius style from GURPS Martial Arts: Gladiators with a generic name, so it does not require a conversion.
Wednesday, 23 December 2020
Martial Art: Way of the Ascendant Dragon
Martial Art: Way of the Ascendant Dragon
A martial style based on a monk archetype for D&D 5E that I found by accident.
Tuesday, 22 December 2020
Monsters: Legendary Animals
Monsters: Legendary Animals
Sunday, 20 December 2020
Pantheon: Fey Deities
Pantheon: Fey Deities
D&D fey have a quite extensive pantheon of deities that weren't really described in much detail. AuldDragon has done a great job creating very detailed entries for most of them. I'll just take a paragraph for each one, link to the original post, and provide all the mechanical information relevant to my GURPS games. I like how the pantheon has intersections with the elven, gnomish, centaur, and even draconic pantheons.
Saturday, 19 December 2020
Monster: Shark-Kin
Monster: Shark-Kin
The shark-kin are something like an ancestor species of the sahuagins. I remember finding them in ENWorld's Creature Catalog and using them in my underwater D&D game. Now it's time to convert them to GURPS. Seems like a decent racial template for an aquatic game.
Friday, 18 December 2020
Pantheon: Heliophagi
Pantheon: Heliophagi
Heliophagi are demon lords from the Dominions video game series. They hold power over darkness and some other aspects, depending on the heliophagus in question. After I converted the shadow demon from D&D, I realized that there is nothing stopping me from introducing the heliophagi in my D&D-like setting. Shadow demons appear when essence of a demon slain outside of the Abyss fails to reform properly. Thus, the shadow demons fall outside of the tanar'ri/obyrith/loumara/spider-demon classification. What happens if a demon lord is slain outside of the Abyss and fails to reform properly? A shadow demon lord, or heliophagus, happens. Makes sense to me.
Thursday, 17 December 2020
Wednesday, 16 December 2020
Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Solo GURPS: Alas Mirayra, Session #2
Solo GURPS: Alas Mirayra, Session #2
Let's continue the journey of Alas Miraya, the almost-dead fire elf bloodrager. A short session.
Session #1 - link.
Session #3 - link.
Sunday, 13 December 2020
Alchemy: Adventurer Elixirs
Alchemy: Adventurer Elixirs
Now, let's create elixirs based on the spells from the previous post and convert two alchemical items from Complete Arcane that I have missed. Now we caught up properly.
Saturday, 12 December 2020
Sorcery: Adventurer Spells
Sorcery: Adventurer Spells
Some spells from Complete Adventurer for D&D 3.5 ported over to sorcery.
Friday, 11 December 2020
Alchemy: Some Elixirs I Missed
Alchemy: Some Elixirs I Missed
Apparently I declared some of the D&D books "converted alchemy-wise" too early, because some alchemical items for some reason were moved to the magic items sections. So, let's catch up. This post will cover elixirs from the Arms and Equipment Guide, Book of Vile Darkness, and Complete Scoundrel.
Thursday, 10 December 2020
Monster: Derro Magister
Monster: Derro Magister
Pathfinder RPG's Occult Bestiary features several monsters that are just "normal monster, but psychic". The derro magister is one of them. I decided to omit his cytillesh stare ability, because he can accomplish everything that ability does with his psychic powers. Keeping them both would be redundant.
Friday, 4 December 2020
Thursday, 3 December 2020
Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Alchemy: Undead, Kings, and Birth Control
Alchemy: Undead, Kings, and Birth Control
I've gotten a request to write up a birth control elixir. That's not enough for a single post, so let's also convert an oil from GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 7: Clerics and alchemical items from Libris Mortis for D&D 3.5. The holy water sprinkler from Libris Mortis is identical to the aspergillum of high power from the aforementioned Dungeon Fantasy book. I'll assign the Libris Mortis elixirs to the dark alchemy specialty.
Monday, 30 November 2020
Thursday, 26 November 2020
Solo GURPS: Alas Mirayra, Session #1
Solo GURPS: Alas Mirayra, Session #1
The previous solo game didn't go far, so let's try another one. This time, I might create some more setting-specific and system-specific tables to roll on. Let's see how it goes this time.
Session #2 - link.
Session #3 - link.
Friday, 20 November 2020
Sorcery: Assorted Spells VII
Sorcery: Assorted Spells VII
Just several new sorcery spell with no common theme. Some are based on spells from the Might and Magic video game series.
Thursday, 19 November 2020
Sorcery: Elemental Whips
Sorcery: Elemental Whips
GURPS Magic has the Lightning Whip spell. Let's make other elemental-flavoured whip spells.
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Tuesday, 17 November 2020
Alchemy: Scoundrel Elixirs
Alchemy: Scoundrel Elixirs
Finally, let's convert alchemical items from Complete Scoundrel.
Monday, 16 November 2020
Alchemy: Mage Elixirs
Alchemy: Mage Elixirs
Complete Mage also had several alchemical items that need conversion.
Sunday, 15 November 2020
Alchemy: Adventurer Elixirs
Alchemy: Adventurer Elixirs
Now, let's convert alchemical items from Complete Adventurer for D&D 3.5.
Saturday, 14 November 2020
Alchemy: Some New Alchemical Items
Alchemy: Some New Alchemical Items
Let's convert alchemical items from the Arms and Equipment Guide for D&D 3.0. Some of them later were reprinted in Drow of the Underdark. It's been a long while since I posted any new alchemical items, so I'll probably make multiple posts on this topic. Luckily, there's more than enough material to convert.
Friday, 13 November 2020
Multi-Hex Figures and Bombardment
Multi-Hex Figures and Bombardment
One of my players asked me an interesting question - what happens to a multi-hex figure (p. B392) in an Area Effect attack with Bombardment (p. B111)? Can it really be hit only once? Should it be attacked once per hex it takes up? I have found nothing official on this matter, and apparently nobody has asked this question on the forums as well.
My suggested ruling:
1) Count the number of hexes the figure takes up in the affected area.
2) Look up this number in the Linear Measurement column of the Size and Speed/Range Table (p. B550).
3) The number in the Size column will be the effective Rate of Fire of the attack. Do not add a to-hit bonus for this effective Rate of Fire, just use it as a cap of how many hits are possible. I suggest assigning "virtual" Recoil 2 to Bombardment attacks, but maybe it could differ from attack to attack.
Thursday, 12 November 2020
Alchemy: Some New Poisons
Alchemy: Some New Poisons
This post describes the conversions of poisons from Arms and Equipment Guide for D&D 3.0.
Wednesday, 11 November 2020
Monsters: Chitine and Choldrith
Monsters: Chitine and Choldrith
This post will convert two related creatures from the Forgotten Realms setting - the chitine and the choldrith. Both are spider-people, but different.
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
Monday, 9 November 2020
Sunday, 8 November 2020
Saturday, 7 November 2020
Alchemy: Scoundrel Poisons
Alchemy: Scoundrel Poisons
This post will describe the conversion of various poisons from Complete Scoundrel for D&D 3.5. Some of them are pretty exotic.
Grafting: Vile Deformity
Grafting: Vile Deformity
I converted quite a lot of content from the Book of Vile Darkness, but I forgot something - vile deformity. In my games, this self-mutilation uses the same rules as grafting, so let us stat up some vile deformities as grafts.
Friday, 6 November 2020
Treasure: Special Materials IX
Treasure: Special Materials IX
A long time ago, I converted all the special materials from Pathfinder. Let's convert some special materials from D&D 3.5 too.
Thursday, 5 November 2020
Wednesday, 4 November 2020
Monsters: Kythons
Monsters: Kythons
As described in the Book of Vile Darkness, the kythons (not to be confused with the kytons) were created by a group of powerful fiends trapped on the Material Plane. The exact type of the fiends is not mentioned, but the fact that the kythons speak Infernal suggests that those fiends were devils. The kythons are basically zergs/xenomorphs/tyranids (much closer to the latter - they even grow organic weaponry). Just look at the illustrations! Mechanically, I decided to cut down on the energy immunities and resistances, because being immune to two types of energy and almost immune to the rest isn't very fun.
Monday, 2 November 2020
Sunday, 1 November 2020
Saturday, 31 October 2020
Monsters: Sentient Undead and Corrupted Creatures
Monsters: Sentient Undead and Corrupted Creatures
Book of Vile Darkness has three new templates. The first two (bone creature and corpse creature) are just skeletons and zombies, but sentient. In GURPS, just take the normal skeleton or zombie lens and remove the mental disadvantages that are not appropriate. The third template is the corrupted creature.
Friday, 30 October 2020
Thursday, 29 October 2020
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Solo GURPS: Agor Widepalm, Session #2
Solo GURPS: Agor Widepalm, Session #2
Let's continue to story of Agor Widepalm.
Previous sessions:
Session #1 - link.
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Monsters: Creatures of Stone
Monsters: Creatures of Stone
Let's finish converting the creatures from Races of Stone to be done with the entire Races of X series. At least with races and monsters from it. The earth whisper is a very interesting monster, in my opinion. I've used it both in D&D and GURPS games.
Monday, 26 October 2020
Monster: Sibyllic Guardian
Monster: Sibyllic Guardian
Sunday, 25 October 2020
Monster: Spectral Savant
Monster: Spectral Savant
Spectral savants are psionic ghosts, usually telepaths. They were introduced in Complete Psionic. I decided against turning them into a lens. Just use this template and slap on whatever psionic abilities you want.
Saturday, 24 October 2020
Powers/Hazard: Faerzress
Powers/Hazards: Faerzress
Faerzress is a type of magical radiation that suffuses many parts of the Underdark in the Forgotten Realms setting. It serves both as a source of mutations and as an environmental effect that interferes with teleportation and divination. Cool! Let's convert it to GURPS.
Friday, 23 October 2020
Powers: Theurgy
Powers: Theurgy
In D&D slang, a theurg is a class that combines the powers of two different spellcasting classes, such as the mystic theurg (arcane/divine), psychic theurg (divine/psionic), soulcaster (arcane/incarnum), etc. In my setting, there are many different power sources, but taking two separate Sorcerous Empowerment advantages, for example, to make an arcane/divine theurg is a very suboptimal thing to do. However, I like the concept of such supernatural power blending, so let's try to come up with some rules for that to make such concept more attractive.
Thursday, 22 October 2020
Racial Templates/Monsters: Races of Stone
Racial Templates/Monsters: Races of Stone
Let's convert races from Races of Stone. Goliaths are a quite interesting race, and the feral garguns are their more savage offshoot. The stonechildren were first printed in the Miniatures Handbook, but then reprinted in Races of Stone as a "playable" race.
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Racial Templates/Monsters: Races of Destiny
Racial Templates/Monsters: Races of Destiny
Races of Destiny has quite many new races, and most of them I have already converted. Let's do the rest.
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Racial Templates/Lenses: Races of the Dragon
Racial Templates/Lenses: Races of the Dragon
Races of the Dragon for D&D 3.5 has no new monsters, but has one new race, one new template (lens, in GURPS), and reprints another lens from Draconomicon. Let's convert them.
Monday, 19 October 2020
Racial Templates/NPCs: Races of the Wild
Racial Templates/NPCs: Races of the Wild
Since I did some Races of the Wild content, let's also convert the actual races from that book (that were not converted before), and the sample NPCs.
Sunday, 18 October 2020
Monsters: Friends of the Wild
Monsters: Friends of the Wild
Since I touched Races of the Wild in the last post briefly, let's convert the rest of the creatures from thatbook. Brixashulties are halfling-bred goatlike creatures. Chordevocs are halfling-bred hawks with Vibration Sense. Elven hounds (a.k.a. cooshee/cu sidhe) are normal dogs, but with some extra abilities tacked onto them to make them more "elven".
Saturday, 17 October 2020
Monsters: More Dire Animals
Monsters: More Dire Animals
Let's convert some dire animals from the Monster Manual II for D&D 3.0. The animals are dire toad, dire hawk (later reprinted and updated in Races of the Wild), dire snake, dire horse, dire elk, and dire elephant.
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Solo GURPS: Agor Widepalm, Session #1
Solo GURPS: Agor Widepalm, Session #1
I bet that many of you have heard about solo roleplaying, but not many have tried that. The most well known "GM emulator/oracle" probably is Mythic GM Emulator, but there are many others, such as the Adventure Crafter. They all have their upsides and downsides, so it's up to you to decide which one to use. It's your game after all. Here, I am going to use MGME with one of its modifications - Variations 2, and maybe use additional toolkits. Hopefully, this will show people what this entire thing looks like.
Tuesday, 6 October 2020
Sorcery: Body Control Spells V
Sorcery: Body Control Spells V
Let's make some new Body Control spells, even though Body Control is one of those colleges that already have many spells. Bear Hug and Catfall probably work as Animal spells too.
Monday, 5 October 2020
Sorcery: Earth Spells V
Sorcery: Earth Spells V
Let's make some earth spells for all you geomancers and terramancers out there. Destroy Earth is useful for digging and removing stone obstacles. Earthbind is a powerful binding spell. Rockwalking lets the subject cling to stone walls. Resist Earth and Mass Resist Earth should be useful when fighting earth elementals, stone golems, or neanderthals. Sandstrider and Mudwalker are two spells that should be helpful when traversing difficult terrain. Walk on Dust is a specialized form of Walk on Air. Digger is a fantastic movement option.
Sunday, 4 October 2020
Sorcery: Force and Gravity Spells
Sorcery: Force and Gravity Spells
I haven't made any sorcery spells in a while, so let's make some. In my games, I use a slightly altered magic college structure, adding several colleges. Colleges of Force and Gravity are among the new ones. While they share many spells, they still feel quite different.
Contragrav Flight and Personal Contragrav Flight are gravitic flight spells. Laminate Force Field is a variant of the Armor spell that protects better against shaped-charge warheads and plasma bolts. Ripple Sense and Ripple Message allow gravity wave-based communication. Mass Sense grants an exotic sense that lets the subject navigate the surroundings. Protection from Force is a spell that protects from force attacks.
Saturday, 3 October 2020
Friday, 2 October 2020
Thursday, 1 October 2020
Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Tuesday, 29 September 2020
Monday, 28 September 2020
Sunday, 27 September 2020
Monsters: Elemental Weirds II (Fire and Water)
Monsters: Elemental Weirds II (Fire and Water)
Saturday, 26 September 2020
Monsters: Elemental Weirds
Monsters: Elemental Weirds (Air and Earth)
Saturday, 19 September 2020
Friday, 18 September 2020
Ultra-Tech: Handtech
Ultra-Tech: Handtech
GURPS Ultra-Tech has finger paws (p. UT218) that allow some quadruped uplifts with no fine manipulators to manipulate things more precisely. But what if we need more options? What if somebody wants to play an upliften parrot and thinks that a beak and talons are not enough?
Saturday, 12 September 2020
Monsters: Element Creatures
Monsters: Element Creatures
Manual of the Planes for D&D 3.0 features a set of templates that turn normal creatures into elementals. Basically, they are the elemental variants of the "celestial/fiendish" templates. I decided against making them into lenses, but to just convert the example creatures by combining the normal creatures with some traits of the elemental creature. I did use the air element squids in one of my games. They are strong.
Friday, 11 September 2020
Monsters: Avatars of Elemental Evil
Monsters: Avatars of Elemental Evil
Thursday, 10 September 2020
Monster: Taint Elemental
Monster: Taint Elemental
Here we have the last of the "true" elementals from D&D 3.5 (as in elementals that have size/age/power categories). Taint elementals use the taint system from Heroes of Horror that I adapted to GURPS in the past. Also, they can teleport for some reason.
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Monsters: Elemental Stewards
Monsters: Elemental Stewards
Tuesday, 8 September 2020
Monsters: Elementite Swarms
Monsters: Elementite Swarms
Monday, 7 September 2020
Monster: Shadow Elemental
Monster: Shadow Elemental
Sunday, 6 September 2020
Monster: Storm Elemental
Monster: Storm Elemental
Saturday, 5 September 2020
Monster: Ectoplasmic Swarm
Monster: Ectoplasmic Swarm
Friday, 4 September 2020
Monsters: Astral Constructs
Monsters: Astral Constructs
A long time ago I wrote up the D&D metacreativity power as a GURPS psionic power. I provided a basic astral construct template there, but now I see that some changes are required. But in addition to that, let's convert the astral construct variants from Complete Psionic.
Thursday, 3 September 2020
Lenses/Monsters: Half-Elementals
Lenses/Monsters: Half-Elementals
Half-elementals to the genasi are what half-celestials are to aasimars or half-fiends to tieflings. Cool, but sort of obscure.
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
Monster: Smoke Paraelemental
Monster: Smoke Paraelemental
Tuesday, 1 September 2020
Monster: Ooze Paraelemental
Monster: Ooze Paraelemental
Monday, 31 August 2020
Monster: Magma Paraelemental
Monster: Magma Paraelemental
Sunday, 30 August 2020
Monster: Ice Paraelemental
Monster: Ice Paraelemental
One thing that I disliked about the Great Wheel cosmology in D&D 3.0+ is the removal of theparaelemental and quasielemental planes. But at least WotC decided to keep the paraelementals. I decided to remove the ice paraelemental's ability to chill metal and make them slower. I think they make more sense like this.
Saturday, 29 August 2020
Monsters: Guardian Familiars
Monsters: Guardian Familiars
Friday, 28 August 2020
Alchemy: Alternative Elixir Forms
Alchemy: Alternative Elixir Forms
Metatronic Alchemy already has quite many different elixir forms that should satisfy most players and GMs. I've added some more, like paints, dehydrated potions, and alchemical capsules, but the possibilities do not end there! Let's create meta-modifiers for variant elixirs described in Complete Arcane for D&D 3.5.
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Monster: Rainbow Dragon
Monster: Rainbow Dragon
This dragon's scales shine with all the colors of a rainbow. A large ruffled frill runs down both the top and bottom of its neck, giving way to a pair of sail-like wings that it holds together above its back, almost like the sail of a dimetrodon. A bony ridge that resembles a crown rises behind its nostrils, and two smaller frills give the appearance of finlike ears.
Rainbow dragons are among the most powerful of chromatic dragons. It is rumored that Tiamat created them to act as liasions between her other children. Their resistance to the various energy types employed by chromatic dragons lends credence to this theory.
The small, iridescent scales of a wyrmling rainbow dragon range in hue across the full spectrum. As it ages, its scales grow larger and the colors more brilliant. A rainbow dragon smells like hot metal.
Rainbow dragons tend to lair in ruins and caverns in flat, brightly-lit regions, such as plains and deserts. Rainbow dragons are extremely territorial, and frequently patrol areas they've claimed to eliminate intruders. They enjoy demanding tribute from nearby humanoid settlements, sometimes offering protection against other chromatic dragons which they would have driven off anyway.
Although rainbow dragons can subsist on nearly anything, they prefer to eat vibrantly colorful things or things displaying a wide range of colors.
The description was taken from ENWorld's Creature Catalog. This dragon should not be confused with an even more powerful prismatic dragon from the Epic Level Handbook. I've actually used a rainbow dragon in one of my games, but it never directly confronted the PCs. I can already feel the pain of reformatting this post in this apalling new interface.
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Monday, 24 August 2020
Sunday, 23 August 2020
Powers/Sorcery: Clerical and Divine Empowerments in Action
Powers/Sorcery: Clerical and Divine Empowerments in Action
One of my patrons asked me to write up an example of clerical and divine empowerments in action. That's quite understandable, as those abilities are somewhat complex and confusing. Let's try to make things more clear!
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Sorcery: Least Spells X
Sorcery: Least Spells X
At last, we have conversions of Technological, Water, and Weather spells from GURPS Magic: The Least of Spells. I've found converting spells from that book quite fun despite often just representing their effects as a made up perk.
Monday, 10 August 2020
Sorcery: Least Spells IX
Sorcery: Least Spells IX
This post describes conversions of Plant, Protection and Warning, and Sound spells from GURPS Magic: The Least of Spells.
Sunday, 9 August 2020
Sorcery: Least Spells VIII
Sorcery: Least Spells VIII
Now, let's convert Movement and Necromantic spells from GURPS Magic: The Least of Spells.
Saturday, 8 August 2020
Sorcery: Least Spells VII
Sorcery: Least Spells VII
Now, let's convert Meta and Mind Control spells from GURPS Magic: The Least of Spells. Adjuration ended up being quite expensive. I guess it is reasonable to assume that it will only be case via hardcore improvisation.
Friday, 7 August 2020
Sorcery: Least Spells VI
Sorcery: Least Spells VI
This post converts Light and Darkness, Knowledge, and Making and Breaking spells from GURPS Magic: The Least of Spells.
Thursday, 6 August 2020
Sorcery: Least Spells V
Sorcery: Least Spells V
GURPS Magic: The Least of Spells has a surprising number of Healing spells. In addition to them, I will convert Illusion and Creation spells from that book.
Wednesday, 5 August 2020
Sorcery: Least Spells IV
Sorcery: Least Spells IV
Food spells and Gate spells from GURPS Magic: The Least of Spells!
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Sorcery: Least Spells III
Sorcery: Least Spells III
Even more spells converted from GURPS Magic: The Least of Spells. In addition, I decided to convert Staff from GURPS Magic that I deemed impossible to convert before.
Monday, 3 August 2020
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Sorcery: Least Spells II
Sorcery: Least Spells II
There's a lot of new spells in the new book. It will probably take twelve or so posts to convert them all. But at least I am motivated to do something!
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Sorcery: Least Spells I
Sorcery: Least Spells I
GURPS Magic: The Least of Spells came out not long ago. After buying it I felt that I spent my money well - this is one of my favorite books despite the standard magic system not being used in my games. It's time to convert the plethora of cantrips into Sorcery. Don't forget to buy the book, it's worth it, especially if you use Magic-as-Skills!
Monday, 27 July 2020
Sorcery: Dungeon Fantasy Spells
Sorcery: Dungeon Fantasy Spells
Have you read Fantastic Dungeon Grappling? You should. Aside from a nice streamlining of the Technical Grappling rules and providing the rules for swallowing people whole for the first time, it has a short section with new spells. Let's convert them (and two Kickstarter DF spells) (one, two) into Sorcery spells.
Monday, 20 July 2020
Sunday, 19 July 2020
Saturday, 18 July 2020
Ultra-Tech: UAC BFG-9000
Ultra-Tech: UAC BFG-9000

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