Sunday 20 December 2020

Pantheon: Fey Deities

Pantheon: Fey Deities

D&D fey have a quite extensive pantheon of deities that weren't really described in much detail. AuldDragon has done a great job creating very detailed entries for most of them. I'll just take a paragraph for each one, link to the original post, and provide all the mechanical information relevant to my GURPS games. I like how the pantheon has intersections with the elven, gnomish, centaur, and even draconic pantheons.


Alignment: Chaotic Good
Symbol: tiny bowl and pin
Home plane: the Seelie Court
Portfolio: food, shy friendship, comfort
Domain (-30%): food spells, communication and empathy spells
Worshipers: killmoulis

Rarely seen even by his compatriots in the Seelie Court, little Caoimhin (KOO-ev-inn) is the shy patron of killmoulis. He enjoys good food and comfortable clothing and living conditions, and takes pride in surreptitiously helping others complete their tasks. These desires mean his followers live on the edges of rural human society, and this tie to civilization keeps him in the Outer Circle of the Seelie Court.
    Dogma: One need not do big things to help others. Always perform a service in exchange for something received or taken. When living amongst the big folk, seek out those with good disposition, for they will treat you well. Perform services for them and they will leave rewards for you, but do not reveal yourself. Protect them as you can and they will protect you as well. Kindly big folk will allow you to live in their homes, but do not take it for granted. Take pride in the services you do for big folk. If mistreated or harmed by big folk, mete out punishment through nuisance rather than do harm. Make your displeasure at their lack of care known.


Lesser deity
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Symbol: flute or pipes and drum
Home plane: the Seelie Court
Portfolio: dance, song, celebrations, revels, alcoholic consumption, satyrs, korred, atomies
Domain (-20%): food spells, communication and empathy spells, sound spells
Worshipers: satyrs, korred, atomies

As the son of Titania and Oberon and a member of the Inner Circle of the Seelie Court, Damh (DAV) the Horned Beast represents the spirit of revelry that can be found within most of the faerie races. He has taken upon himself the patronage of satyrs, korred, and atomies, all of whom value good music and dance, and he looks after them faithfully. To all faerie folk, Damh is known as the Reveler in the Glades for his great love of music and dance combined with his fondness for drink.
    Dogma: Life is full of joy and pleasure, pursue them with gusto and live your life to the fullest. The greatest pleasures in life are wine and women, music and mirth; seek them out and indulge in the joy they bring. Share your joys with others, and the more the merrier. Life is a celebration, and celebrations are life. Any gathering of individuals has the makings of a party. Stand the stones that mark reverent spaces, and display devotion at these places with song and dance. Wild sylvan lands are full of wonder and fun-loving creatures; protect them from despoilers and aid the active guardians of these lands when they require assistance.


Lesser deity
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Symbol: unicorn horn
Home plane: the Seelie Court
Portfolio: healing, loyalty, protection, unicorns, pegasi, equine creatures
Domain (-20%): animal spells, healing spells, protection and warning spells
Worshipers: unicorns, pegasi

Majestic and proud, Eachthighern (ek-TEE-arn) the Lord of Horses is the courageous patron of unicorns and pegasi. His nobility and loyalty are legendary, and he is revered for his dual roles as guardian of sylvan lands and folk, and healer of sickness and injuries. He allows few powers to ride him, but those who do know they have been blessed with a steed and ally who can be counted on, whatever may come.
    Dogma: Protect the peoples and the lands of wild sylvan forests. Defend them from marauders, and act as champions for those who are less capable of defending themselves. Show compassion and mercy, and tend to the sick and injured whenever possible. Those who are true friends deserve lasting friendship in return.


Intermediate deity
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Symbol: pair of acorns
Home plane: the Seelie Court
Portfolio: treants, trees, deep and hidden magic, knowledge
Domain (-30%): knowledge spells, plant spells
Worshipers: treants

Among the most ancient beings known, the Grandfather Tree Emmantiensien (ehm-man-TEE-en-see-en) is the creator of treants and protector of primeval forests throughout the planes. The Treant-King is a timeless sage with an infallible memory for all the eons he has seen, and the Old Oak’s few words are wisely heeded by those who respect him.
    Dogma: Guard and nurture forests, and protect them from those who would ravage and destroy them. Protect places of ancient sylvan magic and keep such locations from falling to evil. Seek to grow forests and return them to places where they have disappeared. Carefully consider all options before you, and make no hasty decisions, but do not dawdle so long the allies fall when your aid is crucial.


Alignment: Neutral Good
Symbol: white feather
Home plane: the Seelie Court
Portfolio: swanmays, communications, sorority
Domain (-20%): animal spells, communication and empathy spells, plant spells
Worshipers: swanmays

Fionnghuala (fin-ELL-ah) is the Mistress of Swans, the goddess of the shapechanging swanmays. She roams the borders of the deep sylvan homelands of the faeries, zealously (some would say overzealously) protecting them from incursions by evil monsters and humanoids. She is also a messenger between the Seelie Court and their mortal and divine allies. The Bright-Shouldered Lady was once a mortal ranger, elevated to the rank of a demigoddess by Titania and given the gift of a white feather that allows her to change into the form of a giant swan. By gifting human and half-elven women with simulacra of that original token, she has created the swanmays, a close sorority rangers and druids.
    Dogma: Defend the forests and the fairies with your life. Hunt down those who knowingly harm either. Warn the forest folk of danger, and assist them in their times of need. Carry warnings and messages swiftly, and do not falter in your mission. Support, love, and care for your swan-sisters, and treat them all as equals. Walk the forest paths, and watch for signs of evil intent.

Nathair Sgiathach

Intermediate deity
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Symbol: smile
Home plane: the Seelie Court
Portfolio: mischief, pranks, faerie dragons, pseudodragons
Domain (-40%): illusion and creation spells
Worshipers: faerie dragons, pseudodragons

Offspring of the great Concordant Dragon, Io, Nathair Sgiathach (NEIGH-er SKEY-ak) has left his brethren behind and found a home amongst the sylvan races of the Seelie Court. The patron of faerie dragons and pseudodragons is an inveterate prankster and enjoys causing mischief and consternation in larger, more serious creatures. He is pompous and self-deprecating at the same time, but he is never, ever serious. Those who are victims of his grandest pranks are said to see his disembodied grin fade into nothingness just as the prank comes to a conclusion.
    Dogma: Laughter and levity make the world a better, more enjoyable place. Take nothing seriously and nothing serious can harm you. When causing mischief and deploying pranks, never be mean-spirited; fun should always be harmless. However, embarrassment is one of the most cutting weapons an individual can possess; wield it well against the foes of the sylvan lands. Use humor and pranks to humble those who are arrogant, mean, or full of themselves. Always strive to improve your pranking.


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Symbol: clover leaf or pointed red hat
Home plane: the Seelie Court
Portfolio: trickery, illusions, storytelling, distraction, leprechauns
Domain (-30%): illusion spells, communication and empathy spells
Worshipers: leprechauns

The Court Jester of the Seelie Court, Squelaiche (skell-LIE) is the impudent patron of leprechauns. He is a teller of stories and player of pranks, but his foolishness often has a point. He is cunning and wise in his jests, and any who underestimate him due to his antics are likely to end up tricked and embarrassed; as an accurate adage describes him, “He is a Fool, not a fool.”
    Dogma: Humor and pranks fill the world with joy, while also humbling the arrogant. They can be used to remind those of their duties through embarrassment, and make fools of the greedy and the selfish. Never use humor to inflict pain or cruelty, for that is a betrayal of what it stands for. Share the joys of humor with those you care for, and use it to bring down those who put themselves on a pedestal.

Lesser deity
Alignment: Neutral Good
Symbol: white stag
Home plane: the Seelie Court
Portfolio: nature, animals, wild places
Domain (-20%): animal spells, plant spells, water spells
Worshipers: fey

Titania (also known as the Green Lord) is the king of the Seelie Court. He is wild and mercurial. His mood changes with no warning, usually to an extreme. Oberon is a hunter without equal and a mighty warrior. He is attuned to the forest and the streams, able to sense and affect the trees and the flowing waters.

Queen of Air and Darkness, The
Intermediate deity
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Symbol: black diamond
Home plane: Pandemonium
Portfolio: darkness, magic, murder, evil fey
Domain (-10%): air spells, darkness spells, illusion spells, meta-spells
Worshipers: evil fey

The sinister queen of the Unseelie Court rules from a throne of shadows deep within Pandemonium. Bodiless and broken, she is but a presence of chill darkness and evil emotions that drives her enslaved elven, fey, and fiendish minions to ruin all that the Fey Court works to preserve. Yet, the queen was not always this way. Once a stunning fairy whose beauty rivaled that of the Seelie queen Titania herself, she was corrupted by the ten-faceted Black Diamond, a mysterious yet unfathomably powerful artifact of concentrated evil. Since her corruption, she has jealously sought to make the entire fairy race like her: depraved, ugly, and emotionless.

Greater deity
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Symbol: white diamond and blue star
Home plane: the Seelie Court
Portfolio: fey, friendship, magic
Domain (-20%): illusion spells, communication and empathy spells, meta-spells
Worshipers: fey

Titania (also known as Tiandra) is the Faerie Queen who leads the Seelie Court. Titania watches over all fey beings, be they dryads, pixies, satyrs, treants, unicorns, or any of the other nearly countless varieties, desiring that all such creatures could someday live in utter joy. When the Seelie Court meets, Titania's avatar is always present and almost always is accompanied by at least one other member of the Inner Circle of the Court. All faeries knew when and where the Court would be meeting. If harm ever comes to faerie lands, Titania will not hesitate to send her avatar to intervene.
Titania is worshiped by a plethora of non-evil fey beings. Brownies, bookas, pixies, and sprites consider her their patron deity.

Lesser deity
Alignment: True Neutral
Symbol: filigree-edged silver mirror
Home plane: the Seelie Court
Portfolio: female faeries, charm beauty
Domain (-30%): body control spells, illusion spells
Worshipers: dryads, nymphs, sylphs

Verenestra is the fey deity of female faeries, charm, and beauty. Verenestra is the daughter of Titania and one of the Inner Circle of the Seelie Court. Verenestra is fickle, vain, and jealous; she disdains the company of other goddesses of beauty, love, or romance. However, she is also wise enough to know that the security of her worshipers is tied to the security of the fey as a whole. She is utterly loyal to the Seelie Court.

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