Thursday 23 April 2020

Alchemy: Dungeon Concoctions VII

Alchemy: Dungeon Concoctions VII

I haven't done many elixirs in a while, so let's catch up and convert the elixirs from GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Treasures 3: Artifacts of Felltower and GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Setting: Cold Shard Mountains.


Dehydrated Potion
A dehydrated potion is a thumb-sized pill. It must be ingested to take effect, but the effect is delayed for 3d seconds. Once in hand, it takes a Ready maneuver swallow it. If the user swallows one dry, make an HT roll. On a failure, the pill gets stuck in the throat for margin of failure minutes, but takes effect after that. Dehydrated potions are vulnerable – water reconstitutes them, fire scorches them, acid and physical attacks crumble them. A typical dehydrated potion’s effect lasts 1 hour, but this can be changed. A dehydrated potion weighs 0.08 lb., has SM-8 and Bulk -1. This is a Tiny item, so use costs as for Alchemical Capsules.
Statistics: Blood Agent, -40%; Delay, 3d seconds, +0%; Extended Duration, 30x, +60%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Melee Attack, Reach C, Cannot Parry, -35%; Nuisance Effect, Can get stuck in the throat, -5%.

Air Wine
While this potion’s effects last, the drinker does not need to breathe at all. However, due to the mildly intoxicating nature of this potion, the drinker must roll HT. On a failure, he gains a -1 penalty to IQ for margin of failure minutes.
Duration: 4 hours.
Form: Potion.
Cost: $780 (singular); $280 (5-batched).
Recipe: $78; 4 days; defaults to Alchemy-3.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Air Wine, +170%; Extended Duration, 100x, +20%; Magical, -10%; Potion, -25%) [26]. Note: «Air Wine» is Doesn’t Breathe (Backlash, Resistible, -1 to IQ, -5%; Magical, -10%) [17].
This solvent can corrode anything but living matter. When thrown (range is STx3.5), it deals 2d corrosion damage to rock, metal, lumber, leather, but not living flesh or plants. For each point of basic damage you inflict, reduce the target’s DR by 1. Alkazyme is not magical, it’s an exotic alchemical preparation, so it will work even in a no-mana zone.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Form: Grenade.
Cost: $1,830 (singular); $660 (5-batched).
Recipe: $183; 19 days; defaults to Alchemy-7.
Statistics: Corrosion Attack 2d (Accessibility, Not on living matter, -20%; Cosmic, Intensified Corrosion, +200%; Grenade, +25%) [61].

Dehydrated Potion of Giant Strength
This brown-orange pill adds 2d to the user’s ST. This increases encumbrance, weapon damage, etc., appropriately, but does not give extra HP.
Duration: 1 hour.
Form: Dehydrated Potion.
Cost: $1,960 (singular); $705 (5-batched).
Cost (Herbal): $1,570 (singular); $565 (5-batched).
Recipe: $196; 16 days; defaults to Alchemy-6.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Dehydrated Potion of Giant Strength, +490%; Dehydrated Potion, -20%; Magical, -10%) [56]. Note: «Dehydrated Potion of Giant Strength» is ST+7 (Does not increase HP, -20%; Magical, -10%) [49]. The bonus was converted to 2d as per p. B269.
This potion hardens the subject’s skin, scales, carapace, and bones. The subject gains DR 3 that stacks with his natural DR and taken Flexible or Tough Skin limitations, if the natural DR had them. In addition, the subject gains Injury Tolerance (Unbreakable Bones) (GURPS Powers, p. 53).
Duration: 1 hour.
Form: Potion.
Cost: $870 (singular); $315 (5-batched).
Recipe: $87; 5 days; defaults to Alchemy-3.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Hardener, +220%; Magical, -10%; Potion, -25%) [29]. Note: «Hardener» is DR 3 (Magical, -10%; Nuisance Effect, Limitations of natural DR, -5%) [13] + Injury Tolerance (Unbreakable Bones; Magical, -10%) [9].

Hero’s Brew
This dark red potion adds +3 ST (including bonus HP), +3 DX, +1.25 Basic Speed (on top of the bonus gained from DX), and +3 Will. However, while under this effect, the imbiber also suffers from Overconfidence (9). In addition, the imbiber loses 5 FP when the effect wear off.
Duration: 1 hour.
Form: Potion.
Cost: $3,420 (singular); $1,230 (5-batched).
Recipe: $342; 65 days; defaults to Alchemy-12.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Hero’s Brew, +1,070%; Magical, -10%; Potion, -25%) [114]. Note: «Hero’s Brew» is DX+3 (Aftermath Costs 5 FP, -12%; Magical, -10%; Temporary Disadvantage, Overconfidence (9), -7%) [43] + ST+3 (Magical, -10%) [27] + Basic Speed +1.25 (Magical, -10%) [23] + Will+3 (Magical, -10%) [14].
Mana Gout
Once imbibes, this concoction of pure mana regenerates the imbiber 1 FP spent on casting magic spells or using other magical abilities per second. The GM rolls the duration in secret!
Duration: 3d seconds.
Form: Potion.
Cost: $2,070 (singular); $745 (5-batched).
Recipe: $207; 24 days; defaults to Alchemy-7.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Mana Gout, +700%; Magical, -10%; Potion, -25%; Reduced Duration, 1/10, -80%) [69]. Note: «Mana Gout» is Regeneration (Very Fast; Accessibility, Only FP spent on magic, -20%; FP Only, -0%; Magical, -10%) [70]. Reduced Duration costs -80%, because the Potion meta-enhancement includes Extended Duration, 30x, +60%.
Shaking Fluid
When this vial is opened, the liquid begins to vibrate for 48 hours. It can be used to trace a path, but only is visible to those with Vibration Sense.
Duration: 2 days.
Form: Special.
Cost: $270 (singular); $95 (5-batched).
Recipe: $27; 1 day; defaults to Alchemy-1.
Statistics: Absolute Direction (Environmental, Ground, -20%; Extended Duration, 3,000x, +140%; Magical, -10%; Requires Ready, -10%; Vibration Sense-Based, -20%) [9].
The drinker of this potion finds his extremities sticky. This gives him the Clinging advantage (p. B43) that is only usable when the extremities are uncovered. If only one set of extremities is uncovered, then the climbing move is halved. However, if the hands are uncovered, the drinker suffers from Ham-Fisted 1 (p. B138).
Duration: 1d hours.
Form: Potion.
Cost: $720 (singular); $260 (5-batched).
Recipe: $72; 3 days; defaults to Alchemy-3.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Stickfinger, +150%; Extended Duration, 100x, +20%; Magical, -10%; Potion, -25%) [24]. Note: «Stickfinger» is Clinging (Accessibility, Only with uncovered extremities, -10%; Magical, -10%; Temporary Disadvantage, Ham-Fisted 1, -5%) [15]. Extended Duration costs only 20%, because the Potion meta-enhancement already includes Extended Duration, 30x, +60%.

Super-Hero’s Brew
This black potion adds +6 ST (including bonus HP), +6 DX, +1.5 Basic Speed (on top of the bonus gained from DX), and +6 Will. However, while under this effect, the imbiber also suffers from Overconfidence (6). In addition, the imbiber loses 5 FP when the effect wear off.
Duration: 1 hour.
Form: Potion.
Cost: $5,910 (singular); $2,130 (5-batched).
Recipe: $591; 195 days; defaults to Alchemy-20.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Super-Hero’s Brew, +1,900%; Magical, -10%; Potion, -25%) [197]. Note: «Super-Hero’s Brew» is DX+6 (Aftermath Costs 5 FP, -12%; Magical, -10%; Temporary Disadvantage, Overconfidence (6), -10%) [82] + ST+6 (Magical, -10%) [54] + Basic Speed +1.5 (Magical, -10%) [27] + Will+6 (Magical, -10%) [27].

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