Tuesday 1 December 2020

Alchemy: Undead, Kings, and Birth Control

Alchemy: Undead, Kings, and Birth Control

I've gotten a request to write up a birth control elixir. That's not enough for a single post, so let's also convert an oil from GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 7: Clerics and alchemical items from Libris Mortis for D&D 3.5. The holy water sprinkler from Libris Mortis is identical to the aspergillum of high power from the aforementioned Dungeon Fantasy book. I'll assign the Libris Mortis elixirs to the dark alchemy specialty.



This unguent must be spread over a set of bones, animated or not. This reduces the skeleton’s DR by 2. When the skeleton is destroyed, it explodes, showering everyone around it with bone shards. Everyone in an 8-yard-radius area is attacked with an effective skill of 14, modified only for their SM. Anyone hit takes 1d impaling damage. The skeleton is utterly destroyed in the process.

Duration: Permanent.

Form: Ointment.

Cost: $300 (singular); $110 (5-batched).

Recipe: $30; 1 day; defaults to Alchemy (Dark)-1.

Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Only on skeletons, -60%; Advantage, Brittlebone, +10%; Extended Duration, Permanent, +90%; Magical, -10%; Negated Advantage, DR 2, +10%; Ointment, -45%) [10]. Notes: «Brittlebone» is Impaling Attack 1d (Area Effect, 8 yards, +150%; Backlash, Instant Death, -300%; Bombardment, Skill-14, -5%; Magical, -10%; Single Use, x1/5) [1]. Extended Duration costs only 90%, because the Ointment meta-enhancement already includes Extended Duration, 30x, +60%.


Ectoplasmic Ichor

When this thick, translucent paste is spread onto a corporeal object, it allows it to affect incorporeal creatures normally.

Duration: 1 hour.

Form: Ointment.

Cost: $690 (singular); $250 (5-batched).

Recipe: $69; 3 days; defaults to Alchemy (Dark)-3.

Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Ectoplasmic Ichor, +150%; Magical, -10%; Ointment with no Contact Agent, -15%) [23]. Note: «Ectoplasmic Ichor» is Blessed (Ghost Weapon; Magical instead of Divine, -0%) [15].

Embalming Fire

This bitter-smelling liquid must be poured over a corpse or zombie. If the zombie or corpse takes even a single point of injury, it bursts into blue flame for 1 minute. During this time, it sheds light like a torch and deals 1d-1 burning damage per second to everything it touches. The flames do not harm the corpse or zombie itself.

Duration: Permanent.

Form: Ointment.

Cost: $330 (singular); $120 (5-batched).

Recipe: $33; 1 day; defaults to Alchemy (Dark)-2.

Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Only on corpses, -50%; Advantage, Embalming Fire, +20%; Extended Duration, Permanent, +90%; Magical, -10%; Ointment, -45%) [11]. Notes: «Embalming Fire» is Burning Attack 1d-1 (Aura, +80%; Magical, -10%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; Single Use, x1/5; Trigger, Injury, -15%) [1] + Illumination (Magical, -10%; Single Use, x1/5; Trigger, Injury, -15%) [1]. Extended Duration costs only 90%, because the Ointment meta-enhancement already includes Extended Duration, 30x, +60%.


Liquid Night

This dark, sticky fluid provides a daylight-sensitive creature with temporary protection from the sun’s deadly rays, negating Weakness (Sunlight) of any degree.

Duration: 1 hour.

Form: Ointment.

Cost: $1,950 (singular); $700 (5-batched).

Recipe: $195; 22 days; defaults to Alchemy (Dark)-7.

Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Magical, -10%; Negated Disadvantage, Weakness (Sunlight), +600%; Ointment, -45%) [65].


Oil of Kingship

This oil grants the recipient +6 to Will, Charisma 3, Hard to Kill 2, Hard to Subdue 4, Luck, Night Vision 2 (the better to pierce the darkness of treachery and the shadows of deceit), and the Honest Face perk.

Duration: 5 hours.

Form: Ointment.

Cost: $2,310 (singular); $830 (5-batched).

Recipe: $231; 30 days; defaults to Alchemy-8.

Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Oil of Kingship, +700%; Extended Duration, 100x, +20%; Magical, -10%; Ointment, -45%) [77]. Notes: «Oil of Kingship» is Will+6 (Magical, -10%) [27] + Charisma 3 (Magical, -10%) [14] + Hard to Kill 2 (Magical, -10%) [4] + Hard to Subdue 4 (Magical, -10%) [8] + Luck (Magical, -10%) [14] + Night Vision 2 (Magical, -10%) [2] + Honest Face (Magical, -10%) [1]. Extended Duration costs only 20%, because the Ointment meta-enhancement already includes Extended Duration, 30x, +60%.


Potion of Infertility

The recipient becomes sterile for the duration of this potion.

Duration: 1 hour.

Form: Potion.

Cost: $360 (singular); $130 (5-batched).

Cost (Herbal): $288 (singular); $105 (5-batched).

Recipe: $36; 1 day; defaults to Alchemy-2.

Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Potion of Infertility, +50%; Magical, -10%; Potion, -25%) [12]. Note: «Potion of Infertility» is Fertility Control (Variant; Magical, -10%; Reduced Time 17, +340%) [5].

Unholy Priest’s Bullet

These hollow glass sling bullets are filled with unholy water. When they strike a target, they immediately shatter, dealing 1d-1 follow-up corrosion damage in addition to the normal damage from the sling bullet, but only to good outsiders and deathless. This damage counts as an unholy weapon for the purpose of Vulnerability and overcoming DR. To hold a sufficient amount of unholy water, these bullets must be larger than normal. The increased size makes the bullets awkward and unwieldy to launch, imposing a -1 penalty on Sling.

Duration: Instantaneous.

Form: Special.

Cost: $120 (singular); $45 (5-batched).

Recipe: $12; 1 day; defaults to Armory (Esoteric)-1.

Statistics: Corrosion Attack 1d-1 (Accessibility, Only against good outsiders and deathless, -40%; Accessibility, Requires a sling, -10%; Follow-Up, Sling, +0%; Nuisance Effect, Skill penalty, -5%) [4].

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