Tuesday 25 December 2018

Alchemy: Alchemical Capsules

Alchemy: Alchemical Capsules

Most adventurers prefer to be constantly ready for any dangerous situation. Alchemical elixirs take some time to use or even find in the pockets or bags, so alchemists have devised a way to concentrate their elixirs to be able to fit into small capsules that can be used swiftly. Such capsules were introduced in Complete Adventurer for D&D 3.5.

                Alchemical capsules require special devices known as capsule retainers to use properly. Without a retainer a capsule can be used as a normal potion.
There are three types of capsule retainers.
                Capsule Retainer: A common capsule retainer consists of a thin, rubbery strap looped inside the teeth. The strap is fitted with a small, smooth metal ring that can hold one alchemical capsule. The ring can be positioned on either the inside or outside of the user’s gums. No hands are required to break the capsule – the user can do it with his teeth by taking a Ready maneuver. Fitting an alchemical capsule into an empty capsule retainer requires five consecutive Ready maneuvers.
                Alchemical Tooth: Those relying on secrecy in the use of their alchemical capsules turn instead to the alchemical tooth. This specially concealed item has been made to look like a tooth. The tooth functions in all respects like a capsule retainer (see above). In addition, it is very hard to find without a thorough search. A successful Search-2 roll is required to find the alchemical tooth. The false tooth is most often used as a concealed version of a capsule retainer, but a few extremely dedicated spies and other agents carry a tooth filled with poison as insurance against being captured alive. An alchemical tooth can hold one dose of any poison, but such poison can only affect the wearer of the tooth.
                Weapon Capsule Retainer: Some adventurers need to apply alchemical oils or poisons to their weapons quickly. This requires special weapon capsule retainers and pressurized weapon alchemical capsules.
The most common method of delivering the effect of an alchemical weapon capsule is the weapon capsule retainer. This long leather thong, wrapped around a melee weapon or a thrown weapon (but not a projectile weapon) just at the base of the blade or striking surface, holds a thin, fitted ring sized for a single alchemical capsule. More expensive options are the double and triple weapon capsule retainers, which store two or three capsules rather than one. A character wielding a weapon with a double retainer can use one or two capsules it holds at once. A character wielding a weapon with a triple retainer can use one, two, or all three capsules it holds at once. In any case, activation requires a Ready maneuver. This can be done by pushing the capsule with a free hand or striking the weapon against a hard surface. When not using a free hand, all capsules activate at once. Striking a hard target when attacking an enemy activates the capsules as well, but the effect of the capsules does not affect the target of this strike as the oil takes some time to spread. When a weapon loaded with alchemical capsules parries or is parried, roll 1d for each capsule – on a roll of 1 the capsule breaks, activating the elixir within.
Only one weapon capsule retainer can be attached to any weapon. Attaching a weapon capsule retainer to a weapon or putting a capsule into an empty weapon capsule retainer takes 5 consecutive Ready maneuvers.
An alchemical weapon capsule retainer can be filled with a single dose of poison. Activating the capsule coats the weapon with the poison, allowing the wielder to deliver toxic strikes with the weapon. Due to the pressurized nature of the capsule, there is a 1-in-6 chance of the hand contacting the poison when activating the capsule, if the activation is made by hand. This is mostly relevant only for contact poisons.

Alchemical Capsule. $5, 0.05 lb.
Alchemical Capsule, Weapon. $10, 0.05 lb.
Alchemical Tooth. $300, 0.05 lb.
Capsule Retainer. $100, 0.05 lb.
Weapon Capsule Retainer. $100, 0.1 lb.
Weapon Capsule Retainer, Double. $220, 0.2 lb.
Weapon Capsule Retainer, Triple. $450, 0.3 lb.

Now, let us create meta-enhancements for the capsuled elixirs.

Alchemical Capsule
A typical capsule’s effect lasts 3 minutes, but this can be changed. A full alchemical capsule weighs 0.08 lb., has SM-8 and Bulk -1. This is a Tiny item.

Statistics: Either/Or (Accessibility, Self Only, -50% or Blood Agent, -40%; Melee Attack, Reach C, Cannot Parry, -35%; Takes Extra Time 1, -10%), -10%; Fixed Duration, +0%.

Weapon Capsule
A typical capsule’s effect lasts 3 minutes, but this can be changed. It can only be applied to weapons. The effect can be stopped by submerging the weapon in water. A full weapon capsule weighs 0.08 lb., has SM-8 and Bulk -1. This is a Tiny item.
Statistics: Accessibility, Only on weapons, -20%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Melee Attack, Reach C, Cannot Parry, -35%; Terminal Condition, Water, -10%; Triggered Delay, Hit or activation, +50%.

The dollar cost equals to $3,500 x point cost divided by 5 because the item can only be used once. This assumes TL 8. To determine cost at TLs other than TL8, divide cost by $20,000 (the suggested average starting wealth of a TL8 setting), then multiply that number by the starting wealth for the campaign’s TL (p. B27).
                All other calculations work identically to the ones described in Metatronic Alchemy. For simplicity, I will provide a table for costs modified for alchemical capsules.


Let us create some more capsules for a traditional TL 3 fantasy, basing them on the ones described in Complete Adventurer.

Antitoxin Capsule
The subject gains a +3 bonus to HT rolls made to resist poisons for 1 minute. Unlike many other alchemical concoction, this is not a magical substance.
Duration: 1 minute.
Form: Alchemical Capsule.
Cost: $455 (singular); $165 (5-batched).
Recipe: $46; 1 day; defaults to Alchemy-2.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Antitoxin Capsule, +50%; Alchemical Capsule, -10%; Reduced Duration, 1/3, -10%) [13]. Notes: «Antitoxin Capsule» is Resistant to Poison (+3) [5].

This capsule allows the weapon to affect ghosts and other insubstantial beings, as if it had the Affects Insubstantial enhancement (p. B102).
Duration: 6 seconds.
Form: Weapon Capsule.
Cost: $950 (singular); $340 (5-batched).
Recipe: $95; 4 days; defaults to Alchemy-3.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Ghostblight, +220%; Magical, -10%; Reduced Duration, 1/30, -30%; Weapon Capsule, -15%) [27]. Notes: «Ghostblight» is 22 points, per Enhances or Transforms an Existing Attack (GURPS Thaumatology - Sorcery, p. 11).

Ironman Capsule
The subject gains High Pain Threshold (p. 59) for 1 minute.
Duration: 1 minute.
Form: Alchemical Capsule.
Cost: $560 (singular); $200 (5-batched).
Recipe: $56; 2 days; defaults to Alchemy-2.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Ironman Capsule, +90%; Alchemical Capsule, -10%; Magical, -10%; Reduced Duration, 1/3, -10%) [16]. Notes: «Ironman Capsule» is High Pain Threshold (Magical, -10%) [9].

Leap Capsule
The subject gains Super Jump 1 (p. 89) for 6 seconds.
Duration: 6 seconds.
Form: Alchemical Capsule.
Cost: $490 (singular); $175 (5-batched).
Recipe: $49; 1 day; defaults to Alchemy-2.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Leap Capsule, +90%; Alchemical Capsule, -10%; Magical, -10%; Reduced Duration, 1/30, -30%) [14]. Notes: «Leap Capsule» is Super Jump 1 (Magical, -10%) [9].

A quickflame alchemical capsule coats a melee weapon or a thrown weapon with a thin sheet of oil that instantly bursts into flame. This causes the weapon to do an additional 1d of follow-up (p. B105) burning damage. The wielder will find the weapon hot to the touch, but not uncomfortable to use. The weapon also will give off light as a torch.
Duration: 6 seconds.
Form: Weapon Capsule.
Cost: $350 (singular); $125 (5-batched).
Recipe: $35; 1 day; defaults to Alchemy-1.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Quickflame, +50%; Magical, -10%; Reduced Duration, 1/30, -30%; Weapon Capsule, -15%) [10]. Notes: «Quickflame» is Burning Attack 1d (Follow-Up, This weapon, +0%; Magical, -10%; Visible, -10%) [4] + Illumination (Magical, -10%) [1].

A quickfrost alchemical capsule coats a melee weapon or a thrown weapon with a thin sheet of oil that instantly cools to a dangerously low temperature. This causes the weapon to do an additional 1d of follow-up (p. B105) burning damage. This damage is from extreme cold, not fire; it will never set anything ablaze. The wielder will find the weapon cool to the touch, but not uncomfortable to use.
Duration: 6 seconds.
Form: Weapon Capsule.
Cost: $315 (singular); $115 (5-batched).
Recipe: $32; 1 day; defaults to Alchemy-1.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Quickfrost, +40%; Magical, -10%; Reduced Duration, 1/30, -30%; Weapon Capsule, -15%) [9]. Notes: «Quickfrost» is Burning Attack 1d (Follow-Up, This weapon, +0%; Magical, -10%; No Incendiary Effect, -10%; Visible, -10%) [4].

A quicksilver alchemical capsule coats a melee weapon or a thrown weapon with a thick silvery liquid. This substance allows the weapon to deal damage as if it were coated with silver.
Duration: 6 seconds.
Form: Weapon Capsule.
Cost: $950 (singular); $340 (5-batched).
Recipe: $95; 4 days; defaults to Alchemy-3.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Quicksilver, +220%; Magical, -10%; Reduced Duration, 1/30, -30%; Weapon Capsule, -15%) [27]. Notes: «Quicksilver» is 22 points, per Enhances or Transforms an Existing Attack (GURPS Thaumatology - Sorcery, p. 11). This is based on the Transmute Object imbuement skill from Pyramid #3-102.

A quickspark alchemical capsule coats a melee weapon or a thrown weapon with a thin sheet of liquid that crackles and sparks with dangerous electrical energy. This causes the weapon to do an additional 1d of follow-up (p. B105) burning surge damage. Electronics that take over 1/3 HP from this electric attack, must make a HT roll to avoid shorting out. Failure disables the target for seconds equal to the margin of failure; critical failure disables it until repaired (p. B484).
Duration: 6 seconds.
Form: Weapon Capsule.
Cost: $350 (singular); $125 (5-batched).
Recipe: $35; 1 day; defaults to Alchemy-1.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Quickspark, +50%; Magical, -10%; Reduced Duration, 1/30, -30%; Weapon Capsule, -15%) [10]. Notes: «Quickspark» is Burning Attack 1d (Follow-Up, This weapon, +0%; Magical, -10%; Surge, +20%; Visible, -10%) [5].

Stability Capsule
The subject gains Perfect Balance (p. 74) for 6 seconds.
Duration: 6 seconds.
Form: Alchemical Capsule.
Cost: $665 (singular); $240 (5-batched).
Recipe: $67; 2 days; defaults to Alchemy-2.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Stability Capsule, +140%; Alchemical Capsule, -10%; Magical, -10%; Reduced Duration, 1/30, -30%) [19]. Notes: «Stability Capsule» is Perfect Balance (Magical, -10%) [14].

Strongarm Capsule
This capsule adds 1d to the user’s ST for 6 seconds. This increases encumbrance, weapon damage, etc., appropriately, but does not give extra HP.
Duration: 6 seconds.
Form: Alchemical Capsule.
Cost: $1,155 (singular); $415 (5-batched).
Recipe: $116; 6 days; defaults to Alchemy-4.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Strongarm Capsule, +280%; Alchemical Capsule, -10%; Magical, -10%; Reduced Duration, 1/30, -30%) [33]. Notes: «Strongarm Capsule» is ST+4 (Does not increase HP, -20%; Magical, -10%) [28]. The bonus was converted to 1d as per p. B269.

Swiftstride Capsule
The subject’s Basic Move increases by 3 for 6 seconds. When the effects wear off, the subject loses 2 FP.
Duration: 6 seconds.
Form: Alchemical Capsule.
Cost: $630 (singular); $225 (5-batched).
Recipe: $63; 2 days; defaults to Alchemy-2.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Swiftstride Capsule, +130%; Alchemical Capsule, -10%; Magical, -10%; Reduced Duration, 1/30, -30%) [18]. Notes: «Swiftstride Capsule» is Basic Move+3 (Aftermath, Costs 2 FP, -5%; Magical, -10%) [13].


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for your support! As for the issue you highlighted in the other comment - everything seems fine on my end.
