Wizardry: Spell Index
Since wizardry is my new Sisyphean task, and there already are many spells written up, I have to create an index for the ease of navigation. Now, instead of a simple alphabetical list, I will divide the spells into colleges that I use in my games, and also include the minimum costs. For the clerical version of wizardry, a list of exclusive divine spells is given.
There also are some more specialized spell lists for other spellcasting traditions:
Universal Spells
Cancel Spells - [10]
Acid Spells
Acid Bolt - [5]
Acid Fog - [35]
Acid Splash - [2]
Melf's Acid Arrow - [17]
Orb of Acid - [4]
Protection from Acid - [10]
Resist Acid - [30]
Rusting Grasp - [19]
Vitriolic Sphere - [11]
Water to Acid - [3]
Air Spells
Air Breathing - [14]
Air Walk - [20]
Airy Water - [24]
Bind Air Elemental - [11]
Binding: Metamorphosis - [47]
Boreal Wind - [12]
Cloud Chariot - [48]
Control Air Elemental - [18]
Control Winds - [48]
Defenestrating Sphere - [30]
Ease of Breath - [10]
Elemental Ward - [38]
Favorable Wind - [44]
Fetch Air Elemental - [2]
Flaywind Burst - [13]
Freedom of Breath - [9]
Gaseous Form - [30]
Gust of Wind - [6]
Haboob - [60]
Sandstorm - [53]
Summon Air Elemental - [3]
Thin Air - [40]
Whirlwind - [50]
Whispering Wind - [20]
Wind Walk - [76]
Wind Wall - [35]
Astral Spells
Astral Projection - [20]
Banishment - [49]
Break Enchantment - [28]
Candlelight - [15]
Dancing Light - [13]
Dispelling Touch - [13]
Faerie Fire - [21]
Hidden Ward - [52]
Light - [20]
Low-Light Vision - [12]
Nondetection - [45]
Protection from Spells - [14]
Reciprocal Gyre - [15]
Remove Curse - [23]
Searing Light - [2]
Spell Immunity - [12]
Sunbeam - [1]
Sunburst - [29]
Body Control Spells
Agitate Wounds - [6]
Alter Self - [62]
Balancing Lorecall - [13]
Baleful Polymorph - [50]
Bear's Endurance - [6]
Blindness - [25]
Blunt Natural Weapons - [20]
Bonerattle - [9]
Branch to Branch - [7]
Bull's Strength - [7]
Cat's Grace - [18]
Deafness - [22]
Ease of Breath - [10]
Enlarge - [18]
Feign Death - [35]
Fins to Feet - [20]
Flensing - [57]
Flight of the Dragon - [44]
Handfang - [5]
Heart Ripper - [25]
Hibernate - [25]
Horrid Wilting - [22]
Hunger - [24]
Ivory Flesh - [6]
Mass Bear's Endurance - [37]
Mass Bull's Strength - [52]
Mass Cat's Grace - [61]
Mass Enlarge - [42]
Mass Reduce - [35]
Pain - [17]
Polymorph - [74]
Power Word: Blind - [30]
Power Word: Deafen - [27]
Power Word: Fatigue - [29]
Power Word: Maladroit - [30]
Power Word: Nauseate - [28]
Power Word: Pain - [29]
Power Word: Sicken - [30]
Power Word: Weaken - [28]
Razorfangs - [30]
Reduce - [25]
Scale Weakening - [15]
Scent - [6]
Shapechange - [92]
Symbol of Pain - [56]
Tenser's Transformation - [52]
Thalassemia - [7]
Touch of Weakness - [17]
Urchin's Spines - [9]
Wracking Touch - [22]
Communication and Empathy Spells
Calm Emotions - [13]
Chain of Eyes - [48]
Comprehend Languages - [9]
Detect Thoughts - [9]
Discern Lies - [5]
Dispel Possession - [10]
Dream - [7]
Eagle's Splendor - [9]
Glibness - [16]
Insignia of Alarm - [6]
Magic Mouth - [18]
Mass Eagle's Splendor - [33]
Message - [12]
Mind Blank - [35]
Probe Thoughts - [20]
Protection from Possession - [10]
Rary's Telepathic Bond - [55]
Secret Signs - [6]
Sending - [12]
Speaking Stones - [33]
Status - [21]
Tongues - [15]
Whispering Wind - [20]
Zone of Truth - [35]
Earth Spells
Bind Earth Elemental - [11]
Control Earth Elemental - [18]
Control Sand - [15]
Earthbolt - [4]
Earthen Grasp - [8]
Earthquake - [67]
Elemental Ward - [38]
Fetch Earth Elemental - [2]
Fist of Stone - [5]
Flaywind Burst - [13]
Flesh to Salt - [50]
Flesh to Stone - [50]
Fuse Sand - [2]
Haboob - [60]
Hail of Stone - [10]
Heart of Stone - [37]
Impeding Stones - [14]
Imprisonment - [52]
Meld into Stone - [50]
Move Earth - [5]
Phantom Plow - [24]
Portrait - [2]
Power Word: Petrify - [40]
Repel Stone - [23]
Sandblast - [10]
Sandform - [68]
Sandstorm - [53]
Slipsand - [4]
Spike Stones - [46]
Statue - [85]
Stone Bones - [33]
Stone Shape - [6]
Stone Tell - [14]
Stone to Flesh - [10]
Stony Grasp - [9]
Summon Earth Elemental - [3]
Transmute Mud to Rock - [5]
Transmute Rock to Lava - [45]
Transmute Rock to Mud - [4]
Transmute Sand to Glass - [1]
Transmute Sand to Stone - [2]
Transmute Stone to Sand - [2]
Turbidity - [23]
Volcano - [35]
Wall of Magma - [60]
Wall of Salt - [32]
Wall of Sand - [24]
Wall of Stone - [32]
Waste Strider - [9]
Enchantment Spells
Accuracy - [28]
Binding: Minimus Containment - [47]
Clone - [10]
Create Implausible Material - [20]
Enchant - [37]
Enhance Familiar - [25]
Exacting Shot - [20]
Familiar Pocket - [30]
Golem - [52]
Guided Shot - [35]
Identify - [1]
Legion's Magic Weapon - [25]
Magic Weapon - [17]
Nystul's Magic Aura - [43]
Secret Page - [43]
Sepia Snake Sigil - [45]
Simulacrum - [32]
Spellstaff - [20]
Stasis Clone - [21]
Transcribe Symbol - [9]
Fire Spells
Anticold Sphere - [60]
Antifire Sphere - [60]
Bind Fire Elemental - [11]
Blades of Fire - [22]
Blast of Flame - [9]
Body Blaze - [18]
Burning Hands - [7]
Continual Flame - [25]
Control Fire Elemental - [18]
Delayed Blast Fireball - [6]
Detect Fire - [48]
Dispel Cold - [20]
Dispel Fire - [20]
Elemental Ward - [38]
Emerald Flame Fist - [3]
Endure Elements - [15]
Fetch Fire Elemental - [2]
Fiery Eyes - [4]
Fire Breath - [2]
Fire Shield - [6]
Fire Shuriken - [1]
Fire Trap - [6]
Fireball - [6]
Fireburst - [1]
Firefinger - [1]
Flame Arrow - [20]
Flame Blade - [4]
Flame Strike - [10]
Flaming Sphere - [4]
Heat Metal - [15]
Incendiary Cloud - [32]
Internal Fire - [50]
Mantle of the Fiery Spirit - [17]
Melt - [4]
Meteor Shower - [34]
Orb of Fire - [2]
Produce Flame - [8]
Protection from Cold - [10]
Protection from Fire - [10]
Quench - [10]
Resist Cold - [21]
Resist Fire - [21]
Scorching Ray - [1]
Searing Exposure - [17]
Smoke Cloud - [47]
Summon Fire Elemental - [3]
Sunstroke - [20]
Suppress Flame - [40]
Thaw - [9]
Transmute Rock to Lava - [45]
Volcano - [35]
Wall of Fire - [25]
Wall of Magma - [60]
Warm - [14]
Decay - [3]
Distill - [2]
Far-Smelling - [3]
Far-Tasting - [3]
Flavor - [5]
Heroes' Feast - [12]
Horrid Wilting - [22]
Hunger - [24]
Know Recipe - [9]
Mature - [4]
Monk's Banquet - [18]
Poison Food - [38]
Prepare Game - [8]
Preserve Food - [25]
Purify Food - [2]
Season - [2]
Seek Food - [30]
Test Food - [7]
Water to Wine - [1]
Force Spells
Bigby's Clenched Fist - [31]
Bigby's Crushing Hand - [43]
Bigby's Forceful Hand - [19]
Bigby's Grasping Hand - [31]
Bigby's Interposing Hand - [18]
Blade Barrier - [26]
Blast of Force - [8]
Choke - [10]
Disarm - [9]
Explosive Runes - [7]
Force Whip - [14]
Forcecage - [75]
Jump - [8]
Levitate - [1]
Mage Armor - [15]
Mage Hand - [6]
Magic Missile - [6]
Mordenkainen's Sword - [32]
Orb of Force - [6]
Otiluke's Resilient Sphere - [31]
Otiluke's Telekinetic Sphere - [48]
Repulsion - [27]
Shield - [19]
Spider Climb - [20]
Telekinesis - [15]
Tenser's Floating Disk - [43]
Unseen Servant - [24]
Wall of Force - [60]
Gate Spells
Anticipate Teleportation - [30]
Astral Projection - [20]
Banishment - [49]
Bind Elemental - [11]
Blink - [40]
City Stride - [40]
Contact Other Plane - [32]
Dimension Door - [60]
Dimensional Anchor - [45]
Dimensional Lock - [62]
Dismissal - [44]
Drawmij's Instant Summons - [36]
Etherealness - [75]
Familiar Pocket - [30]
Fetch - [3]
Fetch Elemental - [2]
Fiendform - [68]
Gate - [95]
Leomund's Secret Chest - [6]
Maze - [39]
Phase Door - [65]
Planar Binding - [15]
Planar Navigation - [85]
Plane Shift - [45]
Rope Trick - [28]
Shadow Walk - [60]
Stormwalk - [65]
Summon Elemental - [3]
Summon Monster - [4]
Float - [10]
Fly - [34]
Jump - [8]
Levitate - [1]
Pass without Trace - [15]
Repulsion - [27]
Reverse Gravity - [19]
Sink - [17]
Skyline Runner - [20]
Spider Climb - [20]
Swift Fly - [24]
Telekinesis - [15]
Wave Blessing - [19]
Ice Spells
Anticold Sphere - [60]
Antifire Sphere - [60]
Arctic Haze - [30]
Aura of Cold - [6]
Binding Snow - [40]
Boreal Wind - [12]
Brumal Stiffening - [15]
Call Avalanche - [50]
Chill Metal - [17]
Chill Touch - [34]
Coldfire Blast - [15]
Column of Ice - [33]
Cometstrike - [75]
Cone of Cold - [11]
Conjure Ice Beast - [3]
Conjure Ice Object - [24]
Cool - [14]
Crack Ice - [45]
Crunchy Snow - [26]
Dispel Cold - [20]
Dispel Fire - [20]
Endure Elements - [15]
Entomb - [42]
Flash-Freeze - [10]
Flesh to Ice - [50]
Freezing Fog - [40]
Frost Weapon - [24]
Frostbite - [31]
Frostburn - [10]
Frostfell - [30]
Gelid Blood - [19]
Glacial Ward - [8]
Glacier - [75]
Glaze Lock - [20]
Heartfreeze - [52]
Heat Leech - [25]
Hibernate - [25]
Ice Blast - [40]
Ice Castle - [70]
Ice Darts - [2]
Ice Knife - [2]
Ice Rift - [43]
Ice Shape - [6]
Ice Shield - [8]
Ice Ship - [40]
Ice Skate - [19]
Ice Slick - [42]
Ice Storm - [41]
Ice to Flesh - [10]
Ice Web - [55]
Icicle - [10]
Leomund's Tiny Igloo - [12]
Mantle of the Icy Soul - [17]
Mass Frostburn - [32]
Meld into Ice - [10]
Mindfrost - [5]
Move Snow and Ice - [6]
Numbing Sphere - [8]
Obscuring Snow - [20]
Orb of Cold - [6]
Otiluke's Freezing Sphere - [62]
Pass through Ice - [8]
Polar Ray - [6]
Protection from Cold - [10]
Protection from Fire - [10]
Raise Ice Forest - [28]
Ray of Frost - [14]
Resist Cold - [21]
Resist Fire - [21]
Shivering Touch - [13]
Sleet Storm - [98]
Snow Walk - [9]
Snow Wave - [54]
Snowdrift - [6]
Snowsight - [30]
Wall of Coldfire - [40]
Wall of Ice - [25]
Zone of Glacial Cold - [35]
Illusion and Creation Spells
Bladeweave - [17]
Body Outside Body - [80]
Chameleon - [25]
Disguise Self - [22]
Disguise Ship - [34]
Disguise Undead - [32]
Displacement - [28]
Evard's Black Tentacles - [61]
False Vision - [50]
Friendly Face - [3]
Ghost Sound - [22]
Grease - [24]
Greater Invisibility - [61]
Hallucinatory Terrain - [60]
Hide from Dragons - [85]
Illusory Pit - [30]
Illusory Script - [25]
Illusory Wall - [45]
Invisibility - [55]
Invisibility Purge - [42]
Invisibility Sphere - [63]
Leomund's Hidden Lodge - [26]
Leomund's Secure Shelter - [60]
Leomund's Spacious Carriage - [63]
Leomund's Trap - [38]
Major Creation - [40]
Major Image - [37]
Mass Invisibility - [74]
Minor Creation - [20]
Minor Image - [20]
Mirage Arcana - [70]
Mirror Image - [20]
Misdirection - [55]
Mislead - [83]
Net - [29]
Permanent Image - [55]
Persistent Image - [60]
Phantasmal Killer - [36]
Phantom Guardians - [45]
Phantom Steed - [16]
Programmed Image - [65]
Project Image - [65]
Rainbow Pattern - [44]
Revelation - [43]
Scintillating Pattern - [29]
Secret Weapon - [35]
Seeming - [37]
Shadow Double - [49]
Shadow Magic (Spell) - [Varies]
Silent Image - [17]
Sketch - [15]
Spectral Weapon - [40]
Summon Instrument - [16]
Swift Invisibility - [40]
True Creation - [23]
Web - [44]
Knowledge Spells
Analyze Dweomer - [8]
Arcane Eye - [40]
Augury - [3]
Clairaudience - [10]
Clairvoyance - [10]
Contact Other Plane - [32]
Detect Magic - [10]
Detect Scrying - [30]
Detect Secret Doors - [17]
Detect Ship - [37]
Detect Snares and Pits - [9]
Detect Weaponry - [33]
Discern Bloodline - [7]
Discern Location - [27]
Discern Shapechanger - [14]
Far-Smelling - [3]
Far-Tasting - [3]
Find the Path - [37]
Find Traps - [3]
Foresight - [18]
Hindsight - [20]
Identify - [1]
Insightful Feint - [4]
Know Direction - [1]
Know Recipe - [9]
Legend Lore - [24]
Locate City - [22]
Locate Creature - [32]
Locate Object - [30]
Master's Touch - [20]
Moment of Prescience - [90]
Prying Eyes - [90]
Read Magic - [5]
Revelation - [43]
Scholar's Touch - [7]
Scrying - [50]
See Invisibility - [9]
True Seeing - [28]
Light and Darkness Spells
Blur - [15]
Candlelight - [15]
City Lights - [30]
Cloak of Shade - [8]
Color Spray - [28]
Corpse Candle - [45]
Creeping Darkness - [50]
Dancing Light - [13]
Darkness - [37]
Darkvision - [30]
Daylight - [29]
Deeper Darkness - [58]
Dragonsight - [15]
Faerie Fire - [21]
Flare - [18]
Glitterdust - [32]
Greater Invisibility - [61]
Hawkeye - [10]
Invisibility - [55]
Invisibility Purge - [42]
Invisibility Sphere - [63]
Light - [20]
Low-Light Vision - [12]
Mass Darkvision - [55]
Mass Invisibility - [74]
Night's Mantle - [77]
Prismatic Ray - [9]
Prismatic Spray - [24]
Prismatic Wall - [45]
Rainbow Pattern - [44]
Scintillating Pattern - [29]
Searing Light - [2]
See Invisibility - [9]
Shadow Form - [27]
Sniper's Eye - [15]
Sunbeam - [1]
Sunburst - [29]
Swift Invisibility - [40]
Wall of Gloom - [48]
Lightning Spells
Arc of Lightning - [22]
Call Lightning - [10]
Call Lightning Storm - [17]
Chain Lightning - [13]
Lightning Blade - [10]
Lightning Bolt - [12]
Orb of Electricity - [10]
Protection from Electricity - [10]
Resist Electricity - [27]
Shocking Grasp - [9]
Making and Breaking Spells
Absorb Weapon - [1]
Alter Instrument - [8]
Amanuensis - [3]
Animate Object - [2]
Animate Rope - [1]
Backbiter - [20]
Change - [2]
Clean - [2]
Color - [5]
Copy - [7]
Crumble - [65]
Dancing Blade - [30]
Dirty - [2]
Disintegrate - [36]
Dye - [23]
Erase - [12]
Fabricate - [8]
False Peacebond - [35]
Keen Edge - [49]
Instant Locksmith - [5]
Musical Scribe - [4]
Passwall - [74]
Peacebond - [35]
Polish - [2]
Polymorph Any Object - [95]
Portrait - [2]
Reinforce Construct - [20]
Repair - [20]
Shrink Item - [58]
Soilproof - [4]
Waterproof - [7]
Write - [4]
Zone of Peace - [43]
Absorption - [19]
Analyze Dweomer - [8]
Antimagic Field - [73]
Antimagic Ray - [47]
Arcane Mark - [15]
Arcane Sight - [10]
Break Enchantment - [28]
Detect Magic - [10]
Dispel Magic - [45]
Dispelling Touch - [13]
Dragonblood Spell-Pact - [23]
Duelward - [39]
Globe of Invulnerability - [85]
Hidden Ward - [52]
Identify - [1]
Lower Spell Resistance - [22]
Mana Burn - [26]
Mana Leak - [24]
Mordenkainen's Disjunction - [20]
Nondetection - [45]
Otiluke's Dispelling Screen - [75]
Protection from Spells - [14]
Reciprocal Gyre - [15]
Refusal - [42]
Remove Curse - [23]
Reveal Magic - [32]
Spell Immunity - [12]
Spell Turning - [76]
Decapitating Scarf - [5]
Entangling Scarf - [24]
Heat Metal - [15]
Iron Body - [36]
Iron Bones - [43]
Iron Scarf - [2]
Magnetism - [10]
Metal Skin - [14]
Rain of Needles - [5]
Repel Metal - [23]
Ring of Blades - [10]
Rusting Grasp - [19]
Shrapmetal - [11]
Spirit Needle - [59]
Transmute Metal to Wood - [4]
Wall of Iron - [24]
Mind Control Spells
Antipathy - [33]
Aura of Terror - [33]
Binding: Bound Slumber - [27]
Binding: Chaining - [18]
Binding: Slumber - [18]
Calm Emotions - [13]
Cause Fear - [30]
Charm - [30]
Command - [23]
Compel Breath - [13]
Confusion - [30]
Crushing Despair - [30]
Daze - [20]
Deep Slumber - [42]
Dominate - [85]
Dragoncall - [64]
Enthrall - [34]
Entice Gift - [15]
Fear - [36]
Feeblemind - [32]
Geas/Quest - [44]
Heroism - [12]
Hiss of Sleep - [35]
Insanity - [41]
Lesser Geas - [40]
Maddening Scream - [24]
Maddening Whispers - [27]
Mass Charm - [110]
Mass Owl's Wisdom - [60]
Mass Suggestion - [90]
Mesmerizing Glare - [25]
Mind Fog - [40]
Mindburn - [19]
Miser's Envy - [28]
Modify Memory - [10]
Nightmare - [44]
Otto's Irresistible Dance - [26]
Owl's Wisdom - [18]
Power Word: Disable - [29]
Power Word: Distract - [29]
Power Word: Stun - [28]
Programmed Amnesia - [20]
Protection from Charm - [5]
Rage - [21]
Scare - [30]
Sleep - [28]
Suggestion - [50]
Suppress Breath Weapon - [30]
Symbol of Fear - [50]
Symbol of Insanity - [69]
Symbol of Persuasion - [38]
Symbol of Sleep - [67]
Symbol of Stunning - [48]
Sympathy - [27]
Tasha's Hideous Laughter - [21]
Tormenting Thirst - [31]
Touch of Idiocy - [23]
Movement Spells
Balancing Lorecall - [13]
Binding: Hedged Prison - [38]
Branch to Branch - [7]
City Stride - [40]
Cloud Chariot - [48]
Dimension Door - [60]
Earthbind - [25]
Expeditious Retreat - [18]
False Peacebond - [35]
Feather Fall - [12]
Float - [10]
Fly - [34]
Jump - [8]
Haste - [16]
Hold Portal - [28]
Gather - [1]
Guided Shot - [35]
Ice Skate - [19]
Implosion - [9]
Knock - [20]
Levitate - [1]
Longstrider - [12]
Mage Hand - [6]
Mass Fly - [58]
Open/Close - [10]
Overland Flight - [57]
Pass without Trace - [15]
Peacebond - [35]
Rooftop Strider - [14]
Skyline Runner - [20]
Slow - [25]
Snow Walk - [9]
Spider Climb - [20]
Stormwalk - [65]
Swift Expeditious Retreat - [12]
Swift Fly - [24]
Swift Haste - [12]
Swim - [12]
Teleport - [60]
Teleport Object - [40]
Teleportation Circle - [50]
Waste Strider - [9]
Water Walk - [17]
Wave Blessing - [19]
Word of Recall - [50]
Zone of Peace - [43]
Necromantic Spells
Agitate Wounds - [6]
Animate Dead - [9]
Anti-Ectoplasm Shell - [27]
Antilife Shell - [32]
Arrow of Bone - [18]
Blackfire - [19]
Blackwater Taint - [22]
Blood Snow - [5]
Bonerattle - [9]
Charm Ghost - [10]
Contagion - [26]
Control Undead - [23]
Create Ectoplasm - [3]
Create Undead - [12]
Dark Tide - [95]
Death Armor - [2]
Death Knell - [20]
Death Link - [20]
Death Lock - [42]
Death Ward - [10]
Deathwatch - [10]
Decomposition - [4]
Delay Death - [44]
Detect Ghost - [2]
Detect Undead - [3]
Disguise Undead - [32]
Disrupt Ectoplasm - [2]
Disrupt Undead - [1]
Disrupting Weapon - [15]
Dominate Ghost - [55]
Ectoplasmic Decay - [5]
Energy Drain - [14]
Enervation - [30]
False Life - [15]
Feign Death - [35]
Finger of Death - [23]
Forced Incorporeality - [24]
Forced Manifestation - [25]
Gentle Repose - [25]
Ghost Bane Weapon - [35]
Halt Undead - [24]
Heart Ripper - [25]
Hide from Undead - [30]
Hide Life - [8]
Inflict Wounds - [4]
Iron Bones - [43]
Leech Ghost Skill - [50]
Leech Undeath - [19]
Lichcraft - [18]
Magic Jar - [77]
Negative Energy Burst - [4]
Negative Energy Ray - [2]
Orb of Dancing Death - [40]
Pleasant Visage - [43]
Power Word: Kill - [40]
Preserve Ectoplasm - [15]
Ray of Enfeeblement - [9]
Ray of Exhaustion - [7]
Repel Ectoplasm - [18]
Shield Other - [35]
Shroud of Undeath - [12]
Slay Living - [23]
Soul Bind - [23]
Souldrinker - [57]
Speak with Dead - [10]
Stasis Clone - [21]
Stone Bones - [33]
Symbol of Death - [52]
Symbol of Weakness - [65]
Touch of Fatigue - [34]
Touch of Weakness - [17]
Trap the Soul - [22]
Undead Torch - [11]
Undeath to Death - [54]
Vampiric Touch - [22]
Wall of Bones - [16]
Waves of Exhaustion - [13]
Withering Palm - [20]
Wracking Touch - [22]
Plant Spells (for wu jen only)
Animate Plants - [15]
Antiplant Shell - [27]
Barkskin - [14]
Beget Bogun - [3]
Blight - [35]
Briar Web - [49]
Changestaff - [14]
Command Plants - [20]
Control Plants - [18]
Detect Plants - [15]
Diminish Plants - [43]
Enrichment - [58]
Entangle - [50]
Evergreen - [42]
Ironwood - [44]
Liveoak - [38]
Overgrowth - [47]
Repel Wood - [22]
Snare - [12]
Speak with Plants - [7]
Spike Growth - [31]
Transmute Metal to Wood - [4]
Transport via Plants - [35]
Tree Shape - [26]
Tree Stride - [66]
Wall of Thorns - [25]
Wood Rot - [2]
Wood Shape - [6]
Cobra's Breath - [9]
Delay Poison - [20]
Detect Poison - [18]
Fetid Breath - [38]
Kiss of the Toad - [3]
Neutralize Poison - [27]
Poison - [25]
Poison Food - [38]
Poison Needles - [4]
Stinking Cloud - [40]
Urchin's Spines - [9]
Water to Poison - [2]
Protection and Warning Spells
Alarm - [48]
Anticipate Teleportation - [30]
Arcane Lock - [40]
Cloak of Shade - [8]
Contingent Energy Resistance - [15]
Detect Poison - [18]
Detect Scrying - [30]
Detect Snares and Pits - [9]
Detect Weaponry - [33]
Duelward - [39]
Endure Elements - [15]
Ethereal Alarm - [54]
False Peacebond - [35]
Find Traps - [3]
Gaze Screen - [30]
Globe of Invulnerability - [85]
Hold Portal - [28]
Insignia of Alarm - [6]
Kuo-Toa Skin - [20]
Leomund's Tiny Hut - [61]
Mage Armor - [15]
Obscure Object - [60]
Peacebond - [35]
Protection from Acid - [10]
Protection from Arrows - [25]
Protection from Cold - [10]
Protection from Desiccation - [10]
Protection from Electricity - [10]
Protection from Fire - [10]
Protection from Possession - [10]
Protection from Sound - [10]
Protection from Spells - [14]
Resist Acid - [30]
Resist Cold - [21]
Resist Electricity - [27]
Resist Fire - [21]
Resist Sound - [26]
Sanctuary - [47]
Scry Trap - [31]
Sequester - [59]
Shield - [19]
Shield of Warding - [25]
Shield Other - [35]
Sign of Sealing - [47]
Spell Immunity - [12]
Spell Turning - [76]
Stoneskin - [10]
Stormrunner's Ward - [38]
Zone of Peace - [43]
Sound Spells
Bonerattle - [9]
Cacophonic Shield - [45]
Distort Speech - [17]
Ghost Sound - [22]
Incorporeal Disharmonics - [4]
Listening Lorecall - [18]
Orb of Sound - [6]
Protection from Sound - [10]
Resist Sound - [26]
Resonating Bolt - [9]
Sculpt Sound - [63]
Shatter - [18]
Shout - [25]
Silence - [42]
Sonic Weapon - [20]
Sound Burst - [11]
Sympathetic Vibration - [18]
Ventriloquism - [5]
Wail of the Banshee - [56]
Zone of Silence - [32]
Spirit Spells
Anti-Ectoplasm Shell - [27]
Antilife Shell - [32]
Astral Projection - [20]
Banishment - [49]
Charm Ghost - [10]
Command Undead - [25]
Commune with Spirit - [2]
Control Undead - [23]
Corpse Candle - [45]
Create Ectoplasm - [3]
Death Link - [20]
Death Lock - [42]
Death Ward - [10]
Deathwatch - [10]
Delay Death - [44]
Detect Ghost - [2]
Detect Undead - [3]
Dismissal - [44]
Dispel Possession - [10]
Disrupt Ectoplasm - [2]
Disrupt Undead - [1]
Disrupting Weapon - [15]
Dominate Ghost - [55]
Ectoplasmic Decay - [5]
Ectoplasmic Web - [48]
Ethereal Alarm - [54]
Etherealness - [75]
False Life - [15]
Forced Incorporeality - [24]
Forced Manifestation - [25]
Ghost Bane Weapon - [35]
Ghostform - [68]
Hail of Ectoplasm - [8]
Halt Undead - [24]
Hide from Undead - [30]
Leech Ghost Skill - [50]
Magic Jar - [77]
Pleasant Visage - [43]
Preserve Ectoplasm - [15]
Protection from Possession - [10]
Repel Ectoplasm - [18]
Shield Other - [35]
Soul Bind - [23]
Souldrinker - [57]
Speak with Dead - [10]
Spirit Binding - [13]
Spirit Needle - [59]
Spirit Self - [40]
Trap the Soul - [22]
Undeath to Death - [54]
Wall of Ectoplasm - [25]
Technological Spells
Haste - [16]
Hindsight - [20]
Longstrider - [12]
Mature - [4]
Slow - [25]
Swift Haste - [12]
Temporal Stasis - [27]
Time Stop - [55]
Water Spells
Air Breathing - [14]
Airy Water - [24]
Bind Water Elemental - [11]
Blackwater Taint - [22]
Blackwater Tentacle - [35]
Cloak of the Sea - [35]
Control Water - [15]
Control Water Elemental - [18]
Create Water - [5]
Dampen - [1]
Dark Tide - [95]
Depthsurge - [6]
Dispel Water - [20]
Distill - [2]
Dry - [3]
Elemental Ward - [38]
Fetch Water Elemental - [2]
Float - [10]
Fog Cloud - [28]
Horrid Wilting - [22]
Hydrate - [11]
Locate Water - [18]
Maelstrom - [60]
Murderous Mist - [32]
Obscuring Mist - [17]
Part the Waters - [113]
Pressure Sphere - [15]
Protection from Desiccation - [10]
Purify Water - [1]
Red Tide - [50]
Quickswim - [25]
Sink - [17]
Solid Fog - [40]
Standing Wave - [20]
Steam Breath - [6]
Summon Water Elemental - [3]
Swim - [12]
Symbol of Thirst - [67]
Thalassemia - [7]
Tidal Surge - [20]
Tormenting Thirst - [31]
Turbidity - [23]
Wall of Water - [45]
Water Breathing - [14]
Water to Acid - [3]
Water Walk - [17]
Waterproof - [7]
Waterspout - [72]
Wave Blessing - [19]
Healing Spells
Cure Wounds - [33]
Delay Poison - [20]
Lesser Vigor - [13]
Greater Vigor - [30]
Neutralize Poison - [26]
Regenerate - [58]
Reincarnation - [10]
Remove Blindness - [20]
Remove Deafness - [20]
Remove Disease - [32]
Remove Paralysis - [20]
Restoration - [32]
Resurrection - [12]
Vigor - [23]
Generic Divine/Alignment Spells
(Alignment) Weapon - [17]
Bestow Curse - [40]
Bestow Greater Curse - [47]
Blasphemy - [30]
Bless - [17]
Cancel Spells - [10]
Castigate - [34]
Censure - [35]
Chaos Hammer - [6]
Consecrate - [35]
Detect (Alignment) - [18]
Dictum - [30]
Dispel (Alignment) - [42]
Entropic Shield - [14]
Faith Magic Zone - [43]
Guidance - [14]
Holy Smite - [38]
Holy Word - [30]
Omen of Peril - [3]
Order's Wrath - [38]
Unholy Blight - [40]
Word of Chaos - [30]
Other Spells
Air Breathing - [15]
Air Walk - [21]
Airy Water - [24]
Anger of the Noonday Sun - [22]
Animate Plants - [15]
Antiplant Shell - [27]
Arctic Haze - [28]
Awaken - [27]
Baleful Polymorph - [45]
Barkskin - [14]
Beast Claws - [5]
Beget Bogun - [3]
Bind Elemental - [11]
Blight - [35]
Bolt of Bedevilment - [18]
Bolt of Glory - [1]
Boreal Wind - [11]
Briar Web - [49]
Call Lightning - [10]
Call Lightning Storm - [16]
Cheat - [1]
Cloak of Bravery - [40]
Cloud Chariot - [45]
Cloud Follower - [14]
Cloud-Vaulting - [50]
Cloud-Walking - [14]
Cloudburst - [55]
Clouds - [18]
Cloudscape - [54]
Command Plants - [20]
Commune with City - [2]
Continual Faerie Fire - [19]
Control Currents - [44]
Control Plants - [18]
Control Water - [14]
Control Weather - [58]
Control Winds - [44]
Cool - [13]
Create Water - [5]
Crown of Glory - [30]
Curse of Ill Fortune - [52]
Curse of Lycanthropy - [41]
Death Pact - [11]
Defenestrating Sphere - [29]
Depthsurge - [6]
Detect Animals - [15]
Detect Plants - [15]
Diminish Plants - [43]
Dire Winter - [102]
Divine Sacrifice - [17]
Dominate Animal - [73]
Earthbolt - [4]
Earthen Grasp - [5]
Earthquake - [61]
Ease of Breath - [9]
Elemental Ward - [37]
Evergreen - [42]
Faerie Fire - [20]
Favorable Wind - [38]
Fetch Elemental - [2]
Fimbulwinter - [118]
Fist of Stone - [4]
Flesh to Stone - [44]
Float - [10]
Fog Cloud - [27]
Frost - [4]
Frostfell - [28]
Gaseous Form - [31]
Giant Vermin - [30]
Global Warming - [182]
Gust of Wind - [6]
Hail - [35]
Hail of Stone - [10]
Heart of Stone - [36]
Hide from Animals - [43]
Hold Animal - [26]
Horrid Wilting - [21]
Ice Age - [182]
Impeding Stones - [12]
Imprisonment - [46]
Ironwood - [46]
Leap into Animal - [22]
Liveoak - [38]
Maelstrom - [60]
Meld into Stone - [46]
Move Earth - [3]
Obscuring Mist - [16]
Obscuring Snow - [19]
Overgrowth - [48]
Part the Waters - [98]
Predict Eclipse - [13]
Purify Water - [1]
Quickswim - [26]
Red Tide - [48]
Reduce Animal - [24]
Repel Stone - [22]
Repel Vermin - [29]
Repel Wood - [22]
Shape Clouds - [15]
Sink - [16]
Slime Wave - [42]
Snare - [12]
Snow - [35]
Solid Fog - [38]
Speak with Animals - [12]
Speak with Plants - [7]
Spike Growth - [31]
Spike Stones - [42]
Statue - [86]
Steam Breath - [6]
Stone Shape - [5]
Stone Tell - [12]
Stone to Flesh - [10]
Stony Grasp - [6]
Storm - [44]
Summon Elemental - [3]
Summon Pest Swarm - [20]
Summon Swarm - [36]
Swim - [12]
Thin Air - [34]
Tide - [44]
Transmute Metal to Wood - [4]
Transport via Plants - [35]
Tree Shape - [26]
Tree Stride - [66]
Turbidity - [21]
Undetectable Alignment - [35]
Unluck - [22]
Urchin's Spines - [8]
Visage of the Deity - [45]
Wall of Stone - [25]
Wall of Thorns - [25]
Warm - [13]
Water Breathing - [15]
Water Walk - [17]
Whirlwind - [47]
Whispering Wind - [17]
Wind Walk - [75]
Wind Wall - [44]
Wood Rot - [2]
Wood Shape - [6]
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