Friday, 28 February 2025

Wizardry: Hexblade Spell List

Wizardry: Hexblade Spell List

There is another spellcaster that requires its own spell list, because its scope of powers doesn't really fit into the GURPS college structure. Thus, here's a quite short list of spells appropriate for hexblades. The prices listed below are NOT adjusted (at least not yet) - these are wizard spell point costs. To derive the hexblade spell cost, do the following:
o Remove Requires Gestures, -10% and Requires Magic Words, -10%.
o Remove Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%, Requires IQ Roll, -10% or, in case of self-only buff spells, replace it with Requires Will Roll, -5%.
The Wizardry GCS library will get a new tage - Hexblade, just so that the spells could be easily filtered.

Absorption - [19]
Antipathy - [33]
Arcane Sight - [10]
Backbiter - [20]
Bladeweave - [17]
Cause Fear - [33]
Charm - [30]
Command - [23]
Confusion - [33]
Daze - [20]
Deafness - [22]
Deep Slumber - [42]
Detect Magic - [10]
Dispel Magic - [45]
Duelward - [39]
Earthbind - [25]
Entice Gift - [15]
Fear - [36]
Feeblemind - [32]
Heart Ripper - [25]
Pain - [17]
Remove Curse - [23]
Scare - [30]
Sink - [17]
Sleep - [28]
Slow - [25]
Suggestion - [50]

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