Saturday, 8 February 2025

Wizardry: Miscellaneous Spells II

Wizardry: Miscellaneous Spells II

While I do have plans for converting spells from other D&D books, I'd like to add some miscellaneous spells to my collection, including some Making and Breaking spells from GURPS Magic.
Create Implausible Material creates things like solid lightning, frozen flame, etc.
Dye is a more powerful version of Color. This one is limited by area as for gases and energy and not by mass because... just because, okay? It's already expensive enough.
Lichcraft is a spell that is used to become a lich.
Mana Burn attacks the subject's ER (Magic) and also deals damage if it does burn some ER.
Mana Leak causes the subject's spells to become more expensive.
Soilproof prevents the subject from getting dirty.
Waterproof prevers the subject from getting wet.
Create Implausible Material
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 20 points.
Casting Roll: Skill. Use Innate Attack (Gaze) to aim.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 4 seconds.
Range: 10 yards.
Duration: 10 seconds or permanent; see text.
This spell allows you to create up to 5 pounds of solid implausible materials, such as those described in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 8: Treasure Tables and GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Treasures 1: Glittering Prizes. Creating such materials requires the “raw” material to be present – solidifying lightning requires you to be within an active thunderstorm, solidifying screams requires a screaming person, etc.
Created matter is unstable. It vanishes in 10 seconds unless you use character points to “stabilize” it. Each point spent stabilizes a quantity worth 10% of the campaign’s average starting wealth. (This is just the tradeoff used for Trading Points for Money, p. B26.)
Points spent to stabilize matter come from your “Creation Pool,” a number of points set aside for the purpose. You can’t apply any modifiers to these points. Points used to stabilize matter are unavailable until reclaimed – which causes the matter to vanish. If the matter is crafted into an object, the item is unmade when the matter vanishes. If the matter is mixed with other materials (e.g., alloyed), you must separate it to reclaim your points; this can be a tedious process. If it’s destroyed (e.g., melts naturally) or transformed (e.g., eaten), you can’t reclaim your points – they’re gone. You can increase your Creation Pool with unspent points at any time.
Statistics: Create Solid 0.71 (Accessibility, Implausible Materials Only, -20%; Cosmic, Exotic Materials, +50%; Environmental, Proper conditions, -20%; Magical, -10%; Ranged, +40%; Reduced Range, 1/10, -30%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 2, -20%) [20].
Keywords: Area (Special).
Full Cost: 22.5 points/level.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 10 minutes.
Range: Touch.
Duration: Permanent.
Changes the color of any unliving material, as desired by the caster (note that hair is unliving, as is a thin outer layer of skin!). For hair and skin, the color fades in 2d days, but is unaffected by ordinary washing or application of solvents. For objects, the color change is permanent, but can be dispelled. Only a single, uniform, color can be produced – patterns are not possible, but only part of the subject may be affected if the caster desires.
You can change color of a surface up to the spell’s level in radius.
Statistics: Control Solid (Accessibility, Only single uniform color, -20%; Aspected, Only to change color, -20%; Cannot concentrate to extend duration, -10%; Cosmetic, -80%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Extended Duration, Permanent, +150%; Immediate Preparation Required, 10 minutes, -45%; Magical, -10%; Persistent, +40%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [22.5/level].

Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 18 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: None.
Cost: 1 FP + Special.
Casting Time: Special.
Range: Self.
Duration: Truly Permanent.
This dark spell allows the caster to enact the ritual of transformation into a lich. To do so, the caster must “enchant” the appropriate Lich template. This can be the regular lich template or a race-specific lich template, such as dracolich for dragons or alhoon for mind flayers. Other kinds of lichdom require other spells. This is a lengthy process that uses the regular enchantment rules. See the Ultimate Enchantment Post and Chapter 3 of GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery for details on enchanting in general. The form multiplier of the template is x1.0 and cannot be reduced by any means. The caster cannot have assistants help him. Traits being enchanted do not function until the ritual is complete. If the lich template has variable options, the caster chooses them when he starts the enchantment process.
When the enchantment process is complete, the caster must drink the lichnee potion (see below) during full moon. It can be brewed by him or someone else. If he successfully completes the ritual this way, his soul is transferred into the phylactery, and he becomes a lich, adding the Lich template to his own and removing all incompatible physical traits. A lich can only have one phylactery – if his phylactery is destroyed, he cannot make a new one.
The Lichcraft spell cannot be enchanted into an item!
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Self Only, -50%; Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Character point-powered, x0.2; Cumulative, +400%; Extended Duration, Truly Permanent, +300%; Limited Use, 1/day, -40%; Magical, -10%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; Variable Enhancement, Any 1-point trait, Only lich template, Margin-Based, +150%) [17] + Extra Option (Limited access to meditative study for enchanting) [1].
Mana Burn
Keywords: Resisted (Will).
Full Cost (Touch): 26 points.
Full Cost (Short-Range): 31 points.
Full Cost (Ranged): 38 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: Touch – Unlimited (-1/yard) - Unlimited (standard).
Duration: Instantaneous.
If the subject fails to resist, he loses 1d points of ER (Magic) and takes an equal amount of burning damage, ignoring DR. Damage taken from this spell cannot exceed ER lost to this spell’s casting.
Statistics: Fatigue Attack 1d (Magic ER; Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Link, +10%; Magical, -10%; Malediction 1, +100%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; No Signature, +20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [19] + Burning Attack 1d (Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Damage cannot exceed burned ER, -50%; Link, +10%; Magical, -10%; Malediction 1, +100%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; No Signature, +20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [7]. The Short-Range version removes Melee Attack, Reach C, -30% from both advantages [+5]. The Ranged version replaces Malediction 1, +100% with Malediction 2, +150% from both advantages [+7].
Mana Leak
Keywords: Resisted (Will).
Full Cost (Touch): 24 points.
Full Cost (Short-Range): 27 points.
Full Cost (Ranged): 32 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: Touch – Unlimited (-1/yard) - Unlimited (standard).
Duration: 30 minutes.
You disrupt the flow of magical energies in the subject’s body. Whenever he casts an arcane spell, uses a magical ability or a magic item that costs FP, he loses 1 additional FP.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (Will; Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Based on Will, +20%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Disadvantage, Unfit, Variant, +5%; Extended Duration, 10x, +40%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Magical, -10%; Malediction 1, +100%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; No Signature, +20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [24]. The Short-Range version removes Melee Attack, Reach C, -30% [+3]. The Ranged version replaces Malediction 1, +100% with Malediction 2, +150% [+5].
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost (Self): 4 points.
Full Cost (Touch): 19 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 4 seconds.
Range: Self – Touch.
Duration: 30 minutes.
The subject (person, creature, or object) and anything he carries become soilproof. Clothes neither stain nor become dusty, hands won’t collect grime, and so on. This spell doesn’t remove stains already on the subject at the time of casting.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Self Only, -50%; Advantage, Soilproof, +10%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Extended Duration, 10x, +40%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Magical, -10%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 2, -20%) [4]. Note: “Soilproof” is Sartorial Integrity (Magical, -10%) [1]. The Touch version removes Accessibility, Self Only, -50% and Requires IQ Roll, -10% and adds Accessibility, Only nonvolitional or non-resisting subjects, -20%, Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Malediction 1, +100%, Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%, and No Signature, +20% [+15].
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost (Self): 7 points.
Full Cost (Touch): 22 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 6 seconds.
Range: Self – Touch.
Duration: 30 minutes.
The subject (person, creature, or object) and anything he carries become waterproof. This may prevent rusting of metal items. Bows and crossbows under this effect may be used underwater with regular penalties.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Self Only, -50%; Advantage, Waterproof, +50%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Extended Duration, 10x, +40%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Magical, -10%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 2.5, -25%) [7]. Note: “Waterproof” is Sealed (Force Field, +20%; Magical, -10%; Waterproof Only, -80%) [5]. The Touch version removes Accessibility, Self Only, -50% and Requires IQ Roll, -10% and adds Accessibility, Only nonvolitional or non-resisting subjects, -20%, Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Malediction 1, +100%, Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%, and No Signature, +20% [+15].


Lichnee Potion
This sparkling black liquid with a bluish glow is made of ingredients that range from poisonous to utterly vile. Lichnee potion is used by aspiring liches to prepare their souls for transference into the phylactery. If the drinker has completed a phylactery and fully enchanted the Lich template with the Lichcraft spell, he must drink this potion and make a HT roll. If he succeeds, he dies and rises as a lich in 2d days. If he fails, the result depends on the margin of failure. Failure by 1 causes the drinker to die and rise as a boneclaw in 2d days. Failure by 2 causes the drinker to die and rise as an arch-shadow in 2d days. Failure by 3-4 causes the drinker to die and rise as a lesser form of undead in 2d days. This form can be a coffer corpse, juju zombie, ghoul, shadow, zombie, or other. Any greater failure results in death with resurrection being impossible. If the lichnee potion is imbibed by a creature that is not ready to become a lich, it instead takes 20d toxic damage. If death results from this damage, resurrection is impossible.
LC: 0.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Form: Potion.
Cost: $25,000.
Recipe: $13,500; 50 weeks; defaults to Alchemy (Dark)-7.

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