Friday 4 October 2024

Wizardry: Frostburn Spells VI

Wizardry: Frostburn Spells VI

Oh, dear, we've reached the letter "I", and that means that we're going to have a bunch of ice spells.
Heartfreeze encases the heart of the target in a block of ice. This deals cold damage and has a chance to stun on cause a heart attack.
Heat Leech is a cyclic freezing attack spell.
Hibernate forces the subject into a deathlike trance. Could be useful when cast both on enemies and allies.
Ice Castle conjures up an entire castle made of ice. Instead of doing it via Create or Snatcher, I decided to go a roundabout way and do it via Jumper.
Ice Darts is a rapid fire ice attack spell.
Ice Rift is an icy variant of Earthquake.
Ice Shape is an icy variant of Stone Shape.
Ice Shield is a very limited variant of Stoneskin.
Ice Ship conjures a vessel made of ice.
Ice Skating lets the subject ignore combat penalties on ice and improves top speed.
Ice Slick lets you do one of Sub-Zero's special moves.
Ice to Flesh is an icy variant of Stone to Flesh.
Ice Web is similar to Web, but also deals frostburn damage.
Icicles is a triggered trap spell that isn't actually a variant of an existing spell, surprisingly.
Ivory Flesh turns the subject's flesh white for camouflage purposes.
Leomund's Tiny Igloo lost its furnishing and became a specialized form of bulk snow creation. To calculate the requires Create level, I had to calculate the volume of the walls in Unigraphics NX.
Keywords: Resisted (HT).
Full Cost (Touch): 52 points.
Full Cost (Short-Range): 58 points.
Full Cost (Ranged): 68 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Range: Touch – Unlimited (-1/yard) - Unlimited (standard).
Duration: Instantaneous.
You encase the heart of the target creature in a block of ice. The victim loses 1d FP and is physically stunned. He may roll against HT to recover on the next turn normally. If you win by 5 or more, or if the victim rolls a critical failure, the victim suffers a heart attack (p. B428) instead of being stunned.
Treat FP lost to the spell identically to FP lost to cold (p. B430). Targets who took damage from this spell must make an HT roll, at -1 per 2 points of FP lost, or take a -2 penalty to DX and become Numb (p. B146) for (20-HT) minutes (minimum 1 minute).
Heartless creatures are immune to this spell, including the FP loss component.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Only on living beings with a heart, -15%; Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Link, +10%; Magical, -10%; Malediction 1, +100%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; No Signature, +20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Secondary Heart Attack, +60%; Takes Extra Time 1, -10%) [22] + Fatigue Attack 1d (Accessibility, Only on living beings with a heart, -15%; Based on HT, +20%; Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Freezing, +20%; Link, +10%; Magical, -10%; Malediction 1, +100%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; No Signature, +20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Side Effect, DX-2 and Numb, +90%; Takes Extra Time 1, -10%) [30]. The Short-Range version removes Melee Attack, Reach C, -30% from both advantages [+6]. The Ranged version replaces Malediction 1, +100% with Malediction 2, +150% for both advantages [+10].
Heat Leech
Keywords: Obvious.
Full Cost: 24 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: Unlimited (standard).
Duration: 10 seconds.
You plant a tiny sphere of intense cold in the body of a living creature. The subject begins to freeze from within, taking 1 point of fatigue damage each second for 10 seconds, ignoring DR. Each second the subject may resist the damage by making a successful HT roll. If the roll is a critical success, then the spell stops. Treat FP lost to the attack identically to FP lost to cold for all purposes, notably recovery (see Cold, B430). Targets injured by this spell must make an HT roll, at -1 per 2 points of injury, or take a -2 penalty to DX and become Numb (p. B146) for (20-HT) minutes (minimum 1 minute).
Statistics: Fatigue Attack 1 point (Accessibility, Only on living creatures, -10%; Based on HT, +20%; Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Cyclic, 9 cycles, 1 second intervals, Resistible, +450%; Freezing, +20%; Magical, -10%; Malediction 2, +150%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Side Effect, DX-2 and Numb, +90%) [24].
Keywords: Resisted (Will).
Full Cost (Touch): 25 points.
Full Cost (Short-Range): 28 points.
Full Cost (Ranged): 33 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Range: Touch - Unlimited (-1/yard) – Unlimited (standard).
Duration: Special; see text.
You put a creature into a state of suspended animation, slowing its life functions to almost imperceptible levels and allowing a creature to survive for weeks without food or water. In this state, the subject can go safely without food or water 32 times longer and requires only half as much oxygen to survive. He is unaware of his surroundings but awakens automatically if injured (this includes HP loss due to starvation or dehydration). Anyone unfamiliar with this spell must win a Quick Contest of Diagnosis vs. the subject’s HT+5 to discover that he’s not dead.
When casting this spell, the caster must set a duration. This is imprecise – the GM secretly multiplies the duration by (2d+3)/10. When this duration runs out, the subject wakes up.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (Will; Accessibility, Only on living creatures, -10%; Advantage, Hibernate, +80%; Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Based on Will, +20%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Magical, -10%; Malediction 1, +100%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; No Signature, +20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 1, -10%) [25]. The Short-Range version removes Melee Attack, Reach C, -30% [+3]. The Ranged version replaces Malediction 1, +100% with Malediction 2, +150% [+5]. Note: “Hibernate” is Metabolism Control 5 (Hibernation, -60%; Magical, -10%) [8].
Ice Castle
Keywords: Obvious.
Full Cost: 70 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 10 minutes.
Range: Touch.
Duration: 1 day.
You create a huge castle of ice and snow, fully formed with walls, towers, gates, and battlements. The castle includes a single main gate and a sally port, a drawbridge, a 10-yard diameter 12-yard-tall central tower made of ice, and four identical towers connected by walls. The walls are 8-feet-thick, 15-feet-high, and 90-yard-long. The walls with the four towers enclose an open courtyard with the central tower.
If the castle is summoned on relatively level ground, a moat of icy water 20 feet wide surrounds the castle. If summoned on sharply sloping ground, an icy crevasse 20 feet wide and 50 feet deep surrounds the castle.
The castle can be created around living creatures, and in this case it rises up from the earth and snow around them. It cannot be “dropped” onto creatures as an offensive spell. The caster may choose to be lifted onto the roof of the central tower by centering the spell on himself.
The castle melts slowly whenever the temperature rises above freezing; losing 1 HP per minute.
The castle contains no furnishing. However, if you bring your own furniture, then it will reappear in the castle next time it is conjured.
After the spell expires, you are unable to cast it again for five minutes.
Statistics: Jumper (Pocket Dimension; Accessibility, Actually conjures a castle instead of an extradimensional place, -50%; Cannot Escort, -10%; Cannot Follow, -20%; Extra Carrying Capacity, Extra-Heavy, +50%; Immediate Preparation Required, 10 minutes, -45%; Improved, +10%; Larger Size 7, +70%; Magical, -10%; Maximum Duration, 24 hours, -0%; Nuisance Effect, Cannot hurry the jump, -5%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [70].
Ice Darts
Keywords: Missile, Obvious.
Full Cost: 2 points.
Casting Roll: Skill. Use Innate Attack (Projectile) to hit.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: 20 yards.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Three sharp, transparent icicles shoot from your fingertip. This is a ranged attack with Acc 2, Max 20, 1/2D 10, RoF 3, Rcl 2 that deals 1d-1(0.2) impaling damage.
Statistics: Impaling Attack 1d-1 (Armor Divisor, (0.2), -50%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Extra Recoil, Rcl 2, -10%; Inaccurate 1, -5%; Increased 1/2D, 5x, +10%; Magical, -10%; Rapid Fire, RoF 3, +50%; Reduced Range, 1/5, -20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [2].
Ice Rift
Keywords: Area (Fixed).
Full Cost: 43 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 3 FP.
Casting Time: 4 seconds.
Range: Self.
Duration: 10 seconds.
When you cast Ice Rift, an intense but highly localized tremor rips the ground. Everyone within 0.2 miles must make a DX+4 roll every second to avoid falling down (penalized as normal for slippery surfaces), and any physical action that requires a roll is at -2. On an open glacier, an additional DX+4 roll is required to avoid falling into a fissure that is 2d yards deep. On frozen water, falling into a fissure submerges the victim into frigid water. Every building or tunnel in the area must roll against HT-2 or suffer minor damage (e.g., cracks); on a critical failure, the structure collapses.
When cast on an edge of a glacier, this spell causes the glacier’s edge to crumble, creating a landslide that travels horizontally as far as it fell vertically. Those in the area may make a DX-based Prospecting or Survival (Arctic) roll to find cover. Those who fail take 6d crushing damage as large-area injury and are buried in ice until they are freed (or until they suffocate). Freeing requires a Quick Contest of ST versus the damage roll by the victim or a friend.
Statistics: Control Tremors 2 (Accessibility, Only to cause ice rifts, -20%; Cannot concentrate to extend duration, -10%; Costs Fatigue, 3 FP, -15%; Environmental, Ice, -40%; Magical, -10%; Natural Phenomena, +100%; Persistent, +40%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 2, -20%) [21] + Control Tremors 4 (Accessibility, Only to cause ice rifts, -20%; Cannot concentrate to extend duration, -10%; Costs Fatigue, 3 FP, -15%; Does not increase area of effect, -50%; Environmental, Ice, -40%; Magical, -10%; Natural Phenomena, +100%; Persistent, +40%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 2, -20%) [22].
Ice Shield
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost (Self): 8 points.
Full Cost (Touch): 23 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: Self – Touch.
Duration: 3 minutes or 30 minutes, see text.
The subject becomes covered in a thin layer of magical ice that wards him against external attacks. He has DR 5 against external attacks. This includes eyes, but not gear. This DR is ablative - it stops damage once. Each point of DR stops one point of basic damage but is destroyed in the process.
Lost DR “heals” at the same rate as lost HP (including the effects of Regeneration). Even when this spell has worn off, the subject still recovers “virtual” DR at the same rate. Thus, if this spell granted DR 5, and the subject took 4 point of damage, reducing it to 1, then recasting this spell immediately on the same subject would only provide DR 1, because he hasn’t “recovered” yet.
In temperatures below freezing, this spell lasts 30 minutes instead of 3 minutes.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Self Only, -50%; Advantage, Ice Shield, +50%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Extended Duration, 10x, Only below freezing, +20%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Magical, -10%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [8]. Note: “Ice Shield” is Damage Resistance 5 (Ablative, -80%; Includes Eyes, +10%; Magical, -10%) [5]. The Touch version removes Accessibility, Self Only, -50% and Requires IQ Roll, -10% and adds Accessibility, Only nonvolitional or non-resisting subjects, -20%, Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Malediction 1, +100%, Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%, and No Signature, +20% [+15].

Ice Shape
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 6 points for level 1 + 3 points/additional level.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP to cast, 1 FP to maintain.
Casting Time: 4 seconds.
Range: Touch.
Duration: Indefinite.
You can form an existing piece of ice into any shape that suits your purpose. The higher your level of Ice Shape, the larger the quantity you can affect. You can affect up to 10 x (level squared) lbs. of ice in the form of a single object or amorphous mass. For example, Ice Shape 3 would let you affect a 90-lb. ice block or even 90 lbs. of ice shards in a heap, but not two 5-lb. separate ice objects.
Ice Shape doesn’t work on complex, manufactured artifacts unless they’re made almost entirely of ice. You could affect an ice club, but not a complex mechanism with only a few ice parts.
After casting this spell, you can reshape the target. Forming a simple shape (blob, column, sphere, etc.) requires a Concentrate maneuver but no die roll. If the result is meant to be beautiful or functional, though, the GM may deem the effort a long task (see p. B346) and require skill rolls against Armoury, Artist, Machinist, and so on. You can work without tools, but you must know what you’re doing.
You can also cause the target to elongate or flow at a Move 1. This requires constant concentration. You can make a solid ice object ooze, roll, or seep along the ground or a surface, and even reshape it in ways that defy gravity.
When you stop concentrating, you immediately give up control. Stable forms become permanent, while unstable ones collapse instantly.
Statistics: Control Ice 1 (Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Magical, -10%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 2, -20%) [6]. Each additional level adds Control Ice +1 (Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Lift Only, -20%; Magical, -10%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 2, -20%) [+3/level].
Ice Ship
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 48 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S, F.
Cost: 5 FP.
Casting Time: 1 hour.
Range: Touch.
Duration: Indefinite.
You create a ship made of ice. The vessel can take one of two forms, depending on your needs at the time. The form is chosen when the spell is cast and cannot be changed.
Ice Runner: Use the stats for the small ice sailer from page 15 of GURPS Fantasy-Tech 1: The Edge of Reality.
Ice Galleon: Use the stats for the small dhow from page 14 of GURPS Vehicles: Transports of Fantasy.
Regardless of the chosen form, the vessel is not combustible. In temperatures above freezing, the vessel loses 1 HP per 5 minutes. Both forms melt and disappear into puddles when you stop maintaining the spell.
If you fail your casting roll, you can try again, but repeated attempts cost 7 FP (instead of the usual 5 FP) and take a cumulative -1 to the skill roll, until you succeed or wait an hour.
A created vessel lasts indefinitely. That means, however, that if you want to cast this spell again, the first vessel goes away as soon as you begin casting to create the second one. If you can maintain multiple spells (Simultaneous Spells, GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery, p. 8), you can keep multiple versions of this spell “on” to get around that problem. Unlike most spells with Indefinite duration, this one does not require paying FP to maintain.
Statistics: Snatcher (Accessibility, Only small ice sailer or small ice boat, -60%; Costs Fatigue, 3 FP, -15%; Immediate Preparation Required, 1 hour, -75%; Improved, +10%; Large Items, +50%; Magical, -10%; More Weight 14, +80%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [48].
Ice Skate
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost (Self): 19 points.
Full Cost (Touch): 34 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: Self – Touch.
Duration: 30 minutes.
You allow the subject to skate across any icy surface. While on ice, the subject is treated as skating, ignoring normal combat and movement penalties and gaining Enhanced Move 1 (p. B52). Difficult maneuvers and hazard avoidance may require DX-based Skating rolls.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Self Only, -50%; Advantage, Ice Skate, +150%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Extended Duration, 10x, +40%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Magical, -10%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [19]. Note: “Ice Skate” is Enhanced Move 1 (Ground; Environmental, Ice, -40%; Magical, -10%) [10] + Terrain Adaptation (Ice; Magical, -10%) [5]. The Touch version removes Accessibility, Self Only, -50% and Requires IQ Roll, -10% and adds Accessibility, Only nonvolitional or non-resisting subjects, -20%, Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Malediction 1, +100%, Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%, and No Signature, +20% [+15].
Ice Slick
Keywords: Area (Special).
Full Cost: 42 points for level 1 + 3 points/additional level.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: 10 yards.
Duration: 10 seconds.
An Ice Slick spell covers a solid surface with a layer of new ice. This may affect an area up to (Ice Slick level)+1 yards in radius. New ice is difficult to spot, requiring a Vision roll at -4. The icy area is considered a very slippery surface. Those moving into or through the greased area must roll against DX-4 every turn or fall; this roll is at +1 if walking at Move/2, +2 at Move/4, and +3 at Move/8 (round down, minimum 0). Critical failure causes 1d-2 injury to a randomly chosen limb. Outside of combat, if you walk slowly (Move 1), then you only need to make an unpenalized DX roll every two minutes to avoid falling.
In combat, you have to make a DX-4 roll after each attack or defense roll. Perfect Balance gives +4, Excellent Balance gives +3. Failure means that you fall down.
If you fail a DX roll to remain standing by 1, you fall on your knees; if you fail by 2, you assume a sitting posture, and any worse failure results in you falling prone. To stand back up after falling down on a slippery surface, you have to make two successful DX-4 rolls in a row.
Slippery surfaces allow skidding (p. MA105).
Statistics: Control Ground Friction 4 (Accessibility, Only to reduce friction, -25%; Cannot concentrate to extend duration, -10%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Magical, -10%; Persistent, +40%; Ranged, +40%; Reduced Range, 1/10, -30%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Visible, -10%) [42]. Additional levels add Control Ground Friction (Accessibility, Only to reduce friction, -25%; Cannot concentrate to extend duration, -10%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Magical, -10%; Only to increase area, -50%; Persistent, +40%; Ranged, +40%; Reduced Range, 1/10, -30%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Visible, -10%) [3/level].
Ice to Flesh
Keywords: Resisted (Will or spell).
Full Cost: 18 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: Unlimited (standard).
Duration: Instantaneous.
Attempts to reverse the effects of Flesh to Ice (or any similar glacification spell or ability) and bring the victim back to life. The victim is physically stunned and may roll against HT every turn to recover. This spell cannot be used to animate an ice sculpture that was never alive. Treat the resistance roll as for Dispel Magic.
Statistics: Neutralize Magic (Accessibility, Must target subject, not caster, -10%; Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Cosmic, Can dispel spells that are immune to Dispel Magic, +50%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Interruption, -50%; Magical, -10%; One Ability, Flesh to Ice, -80%; Ranged, +40%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [18].
Ice Web
Keywords: Area (Fixed).
Full Cost: 55 points.
Casting Roll: Skill. Use Innate Attack (Gaze) to aim.
Components: V, S, M.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: 20 yards.
Duration: 5 minutes.
Ice Web creates a many-layered mass of strong, frigid strands of pure coldfire. These strands trap those caught in them. These masses must be anchored to two or more solid and diametrically opposed points—floor and ceiling, opposite walls, or the like—or else the web collapses upon itself and disappears. The web is a plane that can otherwise be oriented in any way, but has length of 6 yards and height of 2 yards. Anyone except creatures with the cold subtype (frost giants, ice paraelementals, and other creatures associated with cold and ice) covered by the web is grappled with ST 10 and rooted in place. They cannot select the Move or Change Posture maneuvers or change facing, and are at -4 to DX. Each additional Web cast over the area increases the ST by 1.
Anyone who touches a victim grappled by the Ice Web sticks to him, becoming grappled as well!
Anyone caught in the Ice Web takes 1d-1 non-incendiary burning damage. Targets who took damage from this spell must make an HT roll, at -1 per 2 points of HP lost, or take a -2 penalty to DX and become Numb (p. B146) for (20-HT) minutes (minimum 1 minute). Damage dealt by this spell does not heal via natural or supernatural means unless the victim is brought into an area with an ambient temperature above freezing.
To break free, the victim must win a Quick Contest of ST or Escape skill against the ST of the Ice Web. Each attempt takes one second. If the victim fails to break free, he loses 1 FP but may try again. Alternatively, he may try to destroy the Ice Web. Innate Attacks hit automatically; other attacks are at -4. External attacks on the Ice Web take no penalty, but risk hitting the victim on a miss (see Striking Into a Close Combat, p. B392). The Web has DR 3. Each point of damage reduces ST by one. At ST 0, the Web is destroyed and the victims are freed. The Ice Web can only be damaged by cutting and burning attacks.
Victims also can roll thrust damage once per turn against the Ice Web as a free action. If this destroys the binding, they may ignore its impediment at once. If it doesn’t, they’re affected normally but may still use their turn for a standard attempt to break free, and the binding is not damaged by this free “attack.”
Material Component: A vial of coldfire ($100; 0.5 lb.).
Statistics: Binding 10 (Accessibility, Not against cold creatures, -10%; Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Environmental, Anchored to diametrically opposed surfaces, -20%; Extended Duration, 30x, +60%; Link, +10%; Magical, -10%; Only Damaged By Cutting and Burning, +20%; Persistent, +40%; Reduced Range, 1/5, -20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Sticky, +20%; Takes Extra Time 1, -10%; Trigger, Coldfire, -20%; Wall, +30%) [40] + Burning Attack 1d-1 (Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Cosmic, Lingering Effect, +100%; Environmental, Anchored to diametrically opposed surfaces, -20%; Extended Duration, 30x, +60%; Link, +10%; Magical, -10%; No Incendiary Effect, -10%; Persistent, +40%; Reduced Range, 1/5, -20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Side Effect, DX-2 and Numb, +90%; Takes Extra Time 1, -10%; Trigger, Coldfire, -20%; Wall, +30%) [15].
Keywords: Area (Fixed), Obvious.
Full Cost: 10 points.
Casting Roll: Skill. Use Innate Attack (Gaze) to aim.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 1 minute.
Range: 10 yards.
Duration: Permanent or until discharged.
You create icicles on a ceiling, doorway, or similar overhang. The icicles fall when a creature walks beneath them, attacking the victims with an effective skill 14 modified only for Size Modifier and dealing 1d(0.2) impaling damage to a random hit location on a successful hit. This spell bypasses any cover that does not provide overhead protection. The icicles can be dodged or blocked.
The caster and any characters you choose can walk under the icicles or through the doorway without triggering the ice attack. Others can remove them with a successful Dispel Magic or 5 points of burning damage from fire. However, an unsuccessful attempt to dispel or melt the icicles automatically triggers the attack.
A caster can have no more than 1 + Talent instances of Icicles active at the same time.
Statistics: Impaling Attack 1d (Area Effect, 4 yards, +100%; Armor Divisor, (0.2), -50%; Blockable, -5%; Bombardment, Skill 14, -5%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Environmental, Ceiling, -20%; Immediate Preparation Required, 1 minute, -30%; Magical, -10%; Overhead, +30%; Reduced Range, 1/10, -30%; Triggered Delay, Walk Under, +50%; Selective Effect, +20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [10].
Ivory Flesh
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost (Self): 6 points.
Full Cost (Touch): 20 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 1 minute.
Range: Self – Touch.
Duration: 5 hours.
The subject’s flesh turns white. This gives a +2 to Camouflage and Stealth when posed still and unclad against snow, ice, or other white surfaces. The “Self” version of this spell can only be cast if the caster is a creature of flesh.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Self Only, -50%; Advantage, Ivory Flesh, +10%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Extended Duration, 100x, +80%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Immediate Preparation Required, 1 minute, -30%; Magical, -10%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [6]. Note: “Ivory Flesh” is Limited Camouflage (White; Magical, -10%) [1]. The Touch version removes Accessibility, Self Only, -50% and Requires IQ Roll, -10% and adds Accessibility, Only on creatures with flesh, -10%, Accessibility, Only nonvolitional or non-resisting subjects, -20%, Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Malediction 1, +100%, Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%, and No Signature, +20% [+14].
Leomund’s Tiny Igloo
Keywords: Obvious.
Full Cost: 12 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 1 minute.
Range: Touch.
Duration: Instantaneous.
You create a small domed snow house with a single entrance passage. The igloo is a hemisphere with a radius of 3 yards and walls 1 foot thick. The igloo provides protection against the elements, such as wind, snow, and hail. The walls provide semi-ablative DR 5.
Statistics: Create Snow 12 (Accessibility, Igloo only, -20%; Immediate Preparation Required, 1 minute, -30%; Magical, -10%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [12].

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