Saturday 5 October 2024

Wizardry: Frostburn Spells VII

Wizardry: Frostburn Spells VII

Mantle of the Icy Soul by RAW should cost 450 (!!!) character points for each casting!, but I think that 33 is more reasonable. After all, you are imbueing the subject with a 33-point meta-trait, and the spell itself is something of a point tax to be able to do that to others.
Meld into Ice is an ice variant of Meld into Stone. Ice is a category that is four times cheaper, so this spell is very affordable. By default, it also includes snow, so I had to remove this capability with a limitation.
Mindfrost is a weak damaging spell that freezes the mental pathways of the subject.
Move Snow and Ice is an ice variant of Move Earth. Ended up being a point more expensive due to the inclusion of snow.
Numbing Sphere is a cold variant of Flaming Sphere.
Obscuring Snow is a snow variant of Obscuring Mist.
Pass through Ice sounds like a variant spell, but it actually isn't. The swimming part is something unique and interesting.
Raise Ice Forest is interesting. Did you know that there's a formula to calculate a volume of a tree? No I do know that. A 15-foot-tall tree with a 5-foot-diameter trunk at breast height has a volume of 4.155 cubic meters or 146.733 cubic feet. With ice having density of 53 lbs/cubic foot, an ice tree would weigh 7777 lbs.
Shivering Touch is a melee cold spell.
Snow Walk is a simple buff that lets the subject move and fight on snow unpenalized.
Snow Wave may seem very expensive for what it does, but you can layer the created snow! This is a very powerful battlefield control spell.
Snowdrift is a snow variant of Ice Shape.
Snowsight is peculiar. How do you give yourself an ability to see unimpeded through falling snow? Penetrating Vision, even with Specific, even with Accessibility, Only falling snow would be extremely expensive. But think about it logically (*hits pipe*), if darkness is a kind of Vision penalty that is completely ignored by Dark Vision, why not create a variant advantage that ignores all Vision penalties for falling snow? I think that is sensible.
Mantle of the Icy Soul
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost: 17 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S, M.
Cost: 33 character points.
Casting Time: 10 minutes.
Range: Touch.
Duration: Truly Permanent.
This spell permanently adds the cold subtype to the targeted creature. The skin, hair, and scales of the creature subtly change color to take on an icy blue tint, and its breath does not frost in cold temperatures. This gives -2 to Disguise and Shadowing skills and +2 to others’ attempts to identify or follow it. The recipient of a Mantle of the Icy Soul gains DR 20 against external and internal cold attacks (this includes eyes), immunity to noxious non-damaging cold effects, and its lower end of the temperature comfort zone extends for extra 5 x HT degrees. However, the recipient takes double injury from fire attacks.
Material Component: A handful of ice or snow that must be pressed to the target’s body.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Only nonvolitional or non-resisting subjects, -20%; Advantage, Mantle of the Icy Soul, +450%; Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Character point-powered, x1/5; Extended Duration, Truly Permanent, +300%; Immediate Preparation Required, 10 minutes, -45%; Magical, -10%; Malediction 1, +100%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Requires Material Component, -10%) [17]. Note: “Mantle of the Icy Soul” is Alternate Form (Mantle of the Icy Soul*) [45].
* A meta-trait: DR 20 (Includes Eyes, +10%; Includes Internal, +20%; Limited, Cold, -40%; Tough Skin, -40%) [50]; Immunity to Noxious Cold Effects [10]; Temperature Tolerance 5 (Cold) [5]; Unnatural Features 2 (Icy hair and skin) [-2]; Vulnerability (Fire, x2) [-30]. 33 points.
Meld into Ice
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 10 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 3 FP to cast, 1 FP to maintain.
Casting Time: 4 seconds.
Range: Self.
Duration: Indefinite.
You can meld into ice, like a dryad merging with her tree. This works only on discrete objects – a block of ice (not a glacier), etc. Nothing that goes on outside the ice block can be seen, but you can still hear what happens around you. If any part of the ice block is in contact with air, you can breathe. Take a Ready maneuver to exit the object through the surface you used to enter it. If the object takes damage, it affects you proportionally; e.g., 10 HP of injury to a 100 HP ice block results in a 1 HP wound for a 10 HP man. Being part of something larger than you also blunts Afflictions: add the difference between its SM and yours to your resistance roll. If you have attacks that affect those touching or standing near you, like Emanations, they’re “spread thin” if you merge with a large object: scale down damage in proportion to HP (to 1/10 normal, in the above example), and add the difference between the object’s SM and your own to rolls to resist your Afflictions.
You carry objects, including clothing and armor, up to your Light Encumbrance, when you meld. If dropped, they “pop” into open space at the point where you entered the object. You cannot leave things inside solid matter!
Statistics: Permeation (Ice; Accessibility, Doesn’t affect snow, -25%; Can Carry Objects, Light, +20%; Costs Fatigue, 3 FP, -15%; Magical, -10%; Meld 1, +150%; Nuisance Effect, Can only exit from the same spot, -20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 2, -20%; Temporary Disadvantage, Blindness, -50%) [10].
Keywords: Resisted (HT).
Full Cost (Touch): 5 points.
Full Cost (Short-Range): 6 points.
Full Cost (Ranged): 7 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: Touch – Unlimited (-1/yard) - Unlimited (standard).
Duration: Instantaneous.
This spell freezes the mental pathways of a living creature with a nervous system. If the victim fails to resist, he takes 1d-2 non-incendiary burning damage, ignoring DR. Targets who took damage from this spell must make an HT roll, at -1 per 2 points of HP lost, or take a -2 penalty to IQ for (20-HT) minutes (minimum 1 minute).
Statistics: Burning Attack 1d-2 (Accessibility, Only on living creatures with a nervous system, -15%; Based on HT, +20%; Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Magical, -10%; Malediction 1, +100%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; No Signature, +20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Side Effect, IQ-2, +70%) [5]. The Short-Range version removes Melee Attack, Reach C, -30% [+1]. The Ranged version replaces Malediction 1, +100% with Malediction 2, +150% [+1].
Move Snow and Ice
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 6 points for level 1 + 3 points/additional level.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP to cast, 1 FP to maintain.
Casting Time: 10 minutes.
Range: 100 yards.
Duration: Indefinite.
This spell moves snow and ice. You can affect up to 10 x (level squared) lbs. of snow or ice in the form of a single object or amorphous mass. For example, Move Snow and Ice 3 would let you affect 90 lbs. of snow or ice. You must concentrate constantly to maintain this spell.
Each hex with a depth of 1 foot has a volume of 7.8 ft3. For more precise calculations, here are the densities of various forms of snow and ice:



Mass of a 1-foot-deep hex

New snow

3.75 lb./ft3 or 60 kg/m3

29.25 lbs.

Settled snow

15.6 lb./ft3 or 250 kg/m3

121.7 lbs.

Wind packed snow

23.4 lb./ft3 or 375 kg/m3

182.5 lbs.


53 lb./ft3 or 850 kg/m3

413.4 lbs.

This spell does not violently break the surface of snow or ice. Instead, it creates wavelike crests and troughs, with glacierlike fluidity until the desired result is achieved. Trees, structures, rock formations, and such are mostly unaffected except for changes in elevation and relative topography.
The spell cannot be used for tunneling and is generally too slow to trap or bury creatures, as snow and ice move at Move 1. Its primary use is for digging or adjusting terrain contours before a battle. This spell has no effect on ice creatures.
Statistics: Control Ice 1 (Accessibility, Only movement, -20%; Accessibility, Only up to 10 feet deep, -5%; Also affects snow, +10%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Immediate Preparation Required, 10 minutes, -45%; Magical, -10%; Ranged, +40%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [6]. Additional levels add Control Ice +1 (Accessibility, Only movement, -20%; Accessibility, Only up to 10 feet deep, -5%; Also affects snow, +10%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Immediate Preparation Required, 10 minutes, -45%; Lift Only, -20%; Magical, -10%; Ranged, +40%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [+3/level].
Numbing Sphere
Keywords: Missile, Obvious.
Full Cost: 8 points/level.
Casting Roll: Skill. Use Innate Attack (Projectile) to «lock on».
Components: V, S.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: 50 yards.
Duration: Instantaneous.
A sphere of intense cold energy flies off your fingertips and bounces along the floor towards your target. A successful hit does 1d non-incendiary burning damage per level of this spell. Targets injured by this spell must make an HT roll, at -1 per 2 points of injury, or take a -2 penalty to DX and become Numb (p. B146) for (20-HT) minutes (minimum 1 minute).
You steer the sphere to the target using your own Innate Attack (Projectile) skill. This lets you ignore all range penalties to hit! If the target is so distant that the sphere needs multiple turns to reach it, you must take a Concentrate maneuver each turn. If you lose sight of the target while the attack is en route, your attack automatically misses. The sphere can only bounce 1 yard up in the air, so the attack can be evaded by climbing high enough.
The sphere moves 5 yards per second (this is its 1/2D characteristic). The sphere can hit a target at up to its 1/2D range on the turn you launch it. It requires multiple turns to reach more distant targets. Do not halve damage, but defer the attack roll until the attack reaches its target.
For more information, see Guided and Homing Weapons (p. B412).
Statistics: Burning Attack 1d (Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Environmental, Along the floor, -15%; Guided, +50%; Magical, -10%; No Incendiary Effect, -10%; Reduced Range, 1/2, -10%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Side Effect, DX-2 and Numb, +90%) [8/level].
Obscuring Snow
Keywords: Area (Leveled).
Full Cost: 20 points for level 1 + 7 points/additional level.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: Self.
Duration: 10 seconds.
A 4-yard-high cylindrical area of swirling snow vapor appears around you. The snow obscures normal sight and Infravision, imposing a -7 penalty to Vision rolls and tasks based on normal sight and Infravision. The effect does not move with you, but drifts with the wind, and any wind more forceful than a light breeze disperses it.
Fire attacks become weaker in snow. Flaming weapons and missiles lose their extra power in snow. Scorching Rays and similar fire missile effects lose 1 point of damage per yard of snow they must traverse. Fire explosions treat each yard of snow as two yards of distance from the blast for the purpose of damage. However, no amount of snow will extinguish a fire.
Statistics: Obscure 7 (Vision; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Drifting, +20%; Extended, Infravision, +20%; Magical, -10%; Persistent, +40%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Variable, Area, +5%) [20]. Further levels add Area Effect (+50%) [+7/level].
Pass through Ice
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost (Self): 8 points.
Full Cost (Touch): 23 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: Self – Touch.
Duration: 18 seconds.
The transmuted creature is able to pass through ice or snow as easily as water, but not through stone or frozen mud. The subject may carry no more than his Light Encumbrance while passing through ice or snow. He doesn’t get the ability to see through these materials or breathe them. The subject uses his Water Move when passing through ice or snow, may need to make Swimming rolls, and is otherwise treated as if underwater.
If the spell ends or is dispelled when the subject is within ice, he is ejected out to the nearest ice surface, takes 2d injury, and is mentally stunned. He may roll against IQ to recover normally. If the spell ends or is dispelled when the subject is within snow, the subject is buried and has to be rescued.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Self Only, -50%; Advantage, Pass through Ice, +100%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Magical, -10%; Reduced Duration, 1/10, -20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [8]. Note: “Pass through Ice” is Permeation (Ice; Can Carry Objects, Light Encumbrance, +20%; Magical, -10%; Nuisance Effect, Swimming, -10%) [10]. The Touch version removes Accessibility, Self Only, -50% and Requires IQ Roll, -10% and adds Accessibility, Only nonvolitional or non-resisting subjects, -20%, Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Malediction 1, +100%, Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%, and No Signature, +20% [+15].
Raise Ice Forest
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 28/40/49/56/63/69/74/79/84/89 points for level 1-10.
Casting Roll: Skill. Use Innate Attack (Gaze) to aim.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 4 seconds.
Range: 100 yards.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Immediately after casting this spell, ice trees erupt from frostfell regions within the spell’s area. Each casting produces up to one tree per spell level. The ice trees resemble any type of tree designated by the caster (deciduous, evergreen, oak, or others). Trees have 5-foot-diameter trunks and rise to a height of 15 feet, growing 5 feet per second. The tree trunks must have at least one yard between them.
The ice trees remain indefinitely until melted through natural or unnatural means. Ice provides semi-ablative DR 0.8 per inch of thickness. Thus, each trunk provides semi-ablative DR 48.
Statistics: Create Ice 28 (Accessibility, Only as a tree, -25%; Environmental, Frostfell Ground, -40%; Magical, -10%; Nuisance Effect, Doesn’t rise instantaneously, -5%; Ranged, +40%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 2, -20%) [28]. Level 2 increases the level of Create to 40 [+12]. Level 3 increases the level of Create to 49 [+9]. Level 4 increases the level of Create to 56 [+7]. Level 5 increases the level of Create to 63 [+7]. Level 6 increases the level of Create to 69 [+6]. Level 7 increases the level of Create to 74 [+5]. Level 8 increases the level of Create to 79 [+5]. Level 9 increases the level of Create to 84 [+5]. Level 10 increases the level of Create to 89 [+5]. If you’d like to create more trees, either calculate the required level of Create or just treat every extra level as +5 to cost. Each tree weighs 7777 pounds.
Shivering Touch
Keywords: Obvious.
Full Cost: 13 points/level.
Casting Roll: Skill. Use unarmed combat skill or DX to hit.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: Touch.
Duration: Instantaneous.
This spell charges the caster’s hand with bitter chill. The caster must touch the subject to trigger this spell. The touch deals 1d fatigue damage per level of this spell. Treat FP lost to the spell identically to FP lost to cold (p. B430). Targets who took damage from this spell must make an HT roll, at -1 per 2 points of FP lost, or take a -2 penalty to DX and become Numb (p. B146) for (20-HT) minutes (minimum 1 minute).
Statistics: Fatigue Attack 1d (Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Freezing, +20%; Magical, -10%; Melee Attack, Reach C, Cannot Parry, -35%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Side Effect, DX-2 and Numb, +90%) [13/level].
Snow Walk
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost (Self): 9 points.
Full Cost (Touch): 24 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: Self – Touch.
Duration: 30 minutes.
The subjects can walk on top of snow rather than through it, avoiding the usual movement and combat penalties and leaving no footprints.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Self Only, -50%; Advantage, Snow Walk, +50%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Extended Duration, 10x, +40%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Magical, -10%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [9]. Note: “Snow Move” is Terrain Adaptation (Snow; Magical, -10%) [5]. The Touch version removes Accessibility, Self Only, -50% and Requires IQ Roll, -10% and adds Accessibility, Only nonvolitional or non-resisting subjects, -20%, Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Malediction 1, +100%, Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%, and No Signature, +20% [+15].
Snow Wave
Keywords: Cone, Obvious.
Full Cost: 54 points.
Casting Roll: Skill. Use Innate Attack (Beam) to hit.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Range: 10 yards.
Duration: Instantaneous.
You create a wave of snow that knocks creatures in its path prone and deals 1d+2 crushing damage. This damage is doubled for the purpose of knockback. This is a 5-yard-wide cone attack that uses the rules for Cone Attacks (p. B413). The caster targets a hex right in front of him, at +4, and the cone extends out from there. It is possible to make the cone wider by using the All-Out Attack (Cone) maneuver (GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 4: Dragons, p. 10). This spell has the 1/2D range of 5 yards.
In addition to dealing damage, this spell leaves a 6-inch deep layer of settled snow that may impede movement (for SM+0 creatures, this increases movement cost by 1/2 per hex, gives -2 to attacks and -1 to active defenses). The total weight of snow created with a single casting is 1,755 pounds.
Statistics: Create Snow 13.33 (Accessibility, Only as a cone, -10%; Link, +10%; Magical, -10%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 1, -10%) [41] + Crushing Attack 1d+2 (Cone 5, +100%; Double Knockback, +20%; Increased 1/2D, 5x, +10%; Link, +10%; Magical, -10%; Reduced Range, 1/10, -30%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 1, -10%) [13].
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 6 points for level 1 + 3 points/additional level.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP to cast, 1 FP to maintain.
Casting Time: 4 seconds.
Range: Touch.
Duration: Indefinite.
You can form existing snow into any shape that suits your purpose. The higher your level of Snowdrift, the larger the quantity you can affect. You can affect up to 10 x (level squared) lbs. of snow in the form of a single object or amorphous mass. For example, Snowdrift 3 would let you affect a 90-lb. snow block or even 90 lbs. of snow in a heap, but not two 5-lb. separate snow objects.
Snowdrift doesn’t work on complex, manufactured artifacts unless they’re made almost entirely of snow. You could affect a snow sculpture, but not a complex mechanism with only a few snow parts.
After casting this spell, you can reshape the target. Forming a simple shape (blob, column, sphere, etc.) requires a Concentrate maneuver but no die roll. If the result is meant to be beautiful or functional, though, the GM may deem the effort a long task (see p. B346) and require skill rolls against Armoury, Artist, Machinist, and so on. You can work without tools, but you must know what you’re doing.
You can also cause the target to elongate or flow at a Move 1. This requires constant concentration. You can make a solid snow object ooze, roll, or seep along the ground or a surface, and even reshape it in ways that defy gravity.
When you stop concentrating, you immediately give up control. Stable forms become permanent, while unstable ones collapse instantly.
Statistics: Control Snow 1 (Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Magical, -10%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 2, -20%) [6]. Each additional level adds Control Snow +1 (Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Lift Only, -20%; Magical, -10%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 2, -20%) [+3/level].
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost (Self): 30 points.
Full Cost (Touch): 45 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 1 minute.
Range: Self – Touch.
Duration: 5 hours.
The subject gains the ability to see to the normal limits of its vision even in whiteout conditions, ignores all Vision penalties due to snowfall, and gains +5 to HT roll to resist snow blindness. Snowsight does not grant creatures the ability to see in darkness or through fallen snow.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Self Only, -50%; Advantage, Snowsight, +250%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Extended Duration, 100x, +80%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Immediate Preparation Required, 1 minute, -30%; Magical, -10%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [30]. Note: “Snowsight” is Dark Vision (Snow Variant; Magical, -10%) [23] + Protected Vision (Accessibility, Only against snow blindness, -50%; Magical, -10%) [2]. The Touch version removes Accessibility, Self Only, -50% and Requires IQ Roll, -10% and adds Accessibility, Only nonvolitional or non-resisting subjects, -20%, Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Malediction 1, +100%, Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%, and No Signature, +20% [+15].

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