Friday 26 July 2024

Druidic Spells: Stormwrack Spells

Druidic Spells: Stormwrack Spells

The previous four posts had quite a few spells that would make sense as druidic spells, so let's rework them with the Nature power modifier. For some of them, this will affect the cost quite a bit.
Air Breathing
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost (Self): 12 points.
Full Cost (Touch): 23 points.
Casting Roll: Will.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 4 seconds.
Range: Self – Touch.
Duration: 5 hours.
The water-breathing subject becomes able to breathe air as though it were water. He does not lose his ability to breathe water. The “Self” version of this spell can only be cast if the caster is a water-breathing creature.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Self Only, -50%; Advantage, Air Breathing, +60%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Extended Duration, 100x, +80%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Nature, -20%; Requires gestures, -10%; Requires Will Roll, -5%; Requires magic words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 2, -20%) [12]. Note: “Air Breathing” is Doesn’t Breathe (Gills, -50%; Nature, -20%) [6]. The Touch version removes Accessibility, Self Only, -50% and Requires Will Roll, -5% and adds Accessibility, Only on water-breathing creatures, -10%, Accessibility, Only nonvolitional or non-resisting subjects, -20%, Malediction 1, +100%, Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%, and No Signature, +20% [+11].
Airy Water
Keywords: Area (Special).
Full Cost: 24/35/42/49/54/60/64 points for level 1-7.
Casting Roll: IQ.
Components: S.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Range: Touch.
Duration: 10 seconds.
This spell turns normal water (or watery solutions) into a frothy substance that is as breathable as air. Both air-breathing and water-breathing creatures within the area can breathe normally.
Moving through airy water is easier than moving through normal water. Creatures can use their normal Ground Move to move along the bottom at their normal speed. Creatures walking on the bottom still may have to spend additional movement points if they walk on sand, muck, or other unstable terrain.
Finally, airy water negates underwater combat and movement penalties.
The spell does not filter or purify solid particles, so casting Airy Water on very turbid liquids, for example, would produce an area filled with dust or smoke (and impose similar penalties).
Airy Water 1 transforms a single 4-yard-tall hex. Each additional level (up to 7) adds an additional hexes. The affected area may be shaped in any possible shape as long as it is continuous.
Statistics: Create 24 (Nature, -20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Takes Extra Time 1, -10%; Transmute Water to Airy Water, +50%; Transmutation Only, -100%) [24]. Level 2 increases the level of Create to 35 [+11]. Level 3 increases the level of Create to 42 [+7]. Level 4 increases the level of Create to 49 [+7]. Level 5 increases the level of Create to 54 [+5]. Level 6 increases the level of Create to 60 [+6]. Level 7 increases the level of Create to 64 [+4].
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 6 points/level.
Casting Roll: None. Use Innate Attack (Gaze) to hit.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: 100 yards.
Duration: Instantaneous.
The water suddenly explodes outward in a massive surge, as if driven by a powerful explosion. Everyone in the target hex takes 2d crushing damage; anything nearby receives “collateral damage” equal to basic damage divided by the distance in yards from the blast. This spell can only be used underwater.
Statistics: Crushing Attack 1d (Accessibility, Only underwater, -30%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Explosion 1, +50%; Increased Range, 10x, +30%; Nature, -20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Underwater, +20%) [6/level].
Favorable Wind
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 38 points.
Casting Roll: IQ.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP to cast, 1 FP to per 10 minutes to maintain.
Casting Time: 4 seconds.
Range: 20 yards.
Duration: Indefinite.
This spell produces a stream of wind that can fill a ship’s sails and disperse vapors and gases. The wind force is equivalent to a light breeze (Beaufort Degree 2), with a speed of about 5 mph. It begins where you stand and blows directly away from you as a line of 20 hexes; you can easily propel a sailing vessel by standing astern of the mast and directing the wind forward to fill the sails by taking a Concentrate maneuver every second. The wind’s speed is not high enough to have any effect on creatures that are heavier than air.
The wind automatically extinguishes candles, torches, and similar unprotected flames.
In addition to the above-noted effects, Favorable Wind can do anything that a natural wind could do. It can fan a large fire, disperse gases and vapors to the limit of its range in 4 seconds, produce waves up to 1 foot high, and make sailing difficult for small craft nearby.
Statistics: Control Air 3 (Accessibility, Only to create a 20-yard line of wind from the caster, -40%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Extended Duration, 10x, +40%; Nature, -20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 2, -20%) [18] + Control Air 5 (Accessibility, Only to create a 20-yard line of wind from the caster, -40%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Does not increase area of effect, -50%; Extended Duration, 10x, +40%; Nature, -20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 2, -20%) [20].
Keywords: Area (Fixed).
Full Cost: 60 points.
Casting Roll: IQ.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 1 FP to cast, 1 FP to maintain.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: 100 yards.
Duration: Indefinite.
This spell causes a deadly vortex to form in water. A body of water at least 40 yards wide and 20 yards deep must be present, or the spell is wasted. The funnel at the center of this 20-yard-radius maelstrom has a funnel with a radius of 5 yards.
Swimming and boating in the maelstrom are difficult, taking a penalty equal in size to 20 minus the distance in yards from the center. Those within the maelstrom must make such a roll each turn; a failed roll pulls the person or boat one yard closer to the center (if possible). Those in the funnel are also pulled one yard down, below the water’s surface! The maelstrom is 20 yards deep.
The maelstrom does not form instantly – it takes seconds equal to its radius in yards to form, growing one yard in radius each second. A proper funnel does not form until the whirlpool is complete. Those in the area can easily see what’s happening and may be able to escape before it achieves full strength. Once the caster stops maintaining this spell, its funnel collapses and it shrinks at the same rate at which it grew.
Statistics: Control Bodies of Water 20 (Accessibility, Only to create a whirlpool, -30%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Dissipation, -50%; Nature, -20%; Nuisance Effect, Takes several seconds to form and vanish, -5%; Ranged, +40%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [60].
Part the Waters
Keywords: Obvious.
Full Cost: 98 points.
Casting Roll: IQ.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP to cast, 1 FP to maintain.
Casting Time: 1 hour.
Range: Touch.
Duration: Indefinite.
You can form a path through any body of water, from a river to a deep ocean. Once the water parts, you may begin walking across the bed, continuing to Concentrate as you do so. If anything interrupts your concentration (see p. B366), the spell ends! You may choose the length and width of the path, and may even adjust it as you walk; it can extend from you anywhere from a few yards up to a full mile in all directions.
When using this to travel across a large body of water (one that exceeds your maximum two-mile diameter), it will appear as a “hole in the water” to ships – as if a ring of waterfalls were all emptying onto a dry patch of land beneath the surface.
Statistics: Control Waves 10 (Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Immediate Preparation Required, 1 hour, -75%; Natural Phenomena, +100%; Nature, -20%; Only to clear a path, -50%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [38] + Control Waves 20 (Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Does not increase area of effect, -50%; Immediate Preparation Required, 1 hour, -75%; Natural Phenomena, +100%; Nature, -20%; Only to clear a path, -50%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [60].
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost: 23 points.
Casting Roll: Will.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Range: Self.
Duration: 5 hours.
This spell grants the caster Enhanced Move 1 (Water) (p. B52).
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Self Only, -50%; Advantage, Quickswim, +160%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Extended Duration, 100x, +80%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Nature, -20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Will Roll, -5%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 1, -10%) [23]. Note: “Quickswim” is Enhanced Move 1 (Water; Nature, -20%) [16].
Red Tide
Keywords: Area (Fixed), Obvious.
Full Cost: 50 points.
Casting Roll: None. Use Innate Attack (Gaze) to aim.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Range: 50 yards.
Duration: Instantaneous, nausea lasts for 3 minutes.
This visually impressive spell causes a surging, frothing wave of thick, red seawater appear and rush outwards, washing over everything in the area that is on the ground or within 1 yard of it. Use Innate Attack (Gaze) to place the effect, applying normal range penalties, but at +4 for targeting an area. This wave deals 4d crushing damage only for the purpose of knockback that is directed outwards from the center. In addition, every creature in the area whose bare skin contacted the wave must roll against HT or become nauseated for 3 minutes. Those with Immunity to Poison are immune to this part of the spell.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Area Effect, 8 yards, +150%; Contact Agent, +150%; Environmental, Within 1 yard of the ground, -10%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Link, +10%; Nature, -20%; Nauseated, +30%; Reduced Range, 1/2, -10%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 1, -10%) [37] + Crushing Attack 2d (Area Effect, 8 yards, +150%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Double Knockback, +20%; Environmental, Within 1 yard of the ground, -10%; Link, +10%; Nature, -20%; No Blunt Trauma, -20%; No Wounding, -50%; Reduced Range, 1/2, -10%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 1, -10%) [13].
Keywords: Resisted (HT).
Full Cost (Touch): 14 points.
Full Cost (Short-Range): 17 points.
Full Cost (Ranged): 22 points.
Casting Roll: Will.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Range: Touch – Unlimited (-1/yard) - Unlimited (standard).
Duration: 3 minutes.
If the subject fails to resist, he loses his natural buoyancy and automatically sinks in water.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Disadvantage, Cannot Float, +1%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Malediction 1, +100%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; Nature, -20%; No Signature, +20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 1, -10%) [14]. The Short-Range version removes Melee Attack, Reach C, -30% [+3]. The Ranged version replaces Malediction 1, +100% with Malediction 2, +150% [+5].
Stormrunner’s Ward
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost: 34 points.
Casting Roll: Will.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 4 seconds.
Range: Touch.
Duration: 5 hours.
You ward a single ship against foundering and storm damage, making it easier to sail in dangerous weather. The ship’s SR for the purpose of storm hazards is increased by 1.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Only on ships, -50%; Advantage, Stormrunner’s Ward, +190%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Extended Duration, 100x, +80%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Malediction 1, +100%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; Nature, -20%; No Signature, +20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 2, -20%) [34]. Note: “Stormrunner’s Ward” is Imbue 1 (Limited Skill Access, One Skill, -80%) [2] + Unusual Training [1] + Stable Vehicle (VH) DX [8] modified with Accessibility, Only storm-related hazards, -30%; Cosmic, No die roll required, +100%; Nature, -20%; Reduced Fatigue Cost 1, +20% for a final cost of 19 points.
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 54 points.
Casting Roll: IQ.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 1 FP or more, see text.
Casting Time: 8 seconds or more, see text.
Range: 1,000 miles.
Duration: Instantaneous.
You draw upon the power of a storm to teleport yourself and a number of others from one place to another. Interplanar travel is not possible. You must be able to see the destination with your own eyes, view it remotely, or visualize it clearly (which is only possible if you have visited it previously in person). This spell can only be cast outdoors, and the destination must be outdoors.
Upon casting the spell, the storm suddenly intensifies in the area where the spell was cast, obscuring sight of those affected—whether because of a thickening of fog. This fog fills a 8-yard-radius 4-yard-high cylindrical area around the caster and gathers gradually. Penalties to normal Vision imposed by the fog increase by -1 for every second up to the maximum of -7. After the casting is over, it disperses gradually, losing -1 in Vision penalties every second. The casting culminates in a lightning bolt striking the area and the teleporting subjects disappearing. This is merely a visual and auditory effect, the bolt deals no damage.
Though the targets of the spell disappear instantaneously once the spell is cast, they do not immediately reappear at the spell’s destination. Instead, 10 minutes elapse during which a storm quickly develops in the target location. This is plainly not a natural occurrence to anyone who witnesses it, unless there is already a storm in progress. Fog gathers at the destination point in the same way, with the subjects arriving when the fog reaches -7 in Vision penalties accompanied by another lightning strike, and then disperses, losing -1 in penalties every second.
Fire attacks become weaker in fog. Flaming weapons and missiles lose their extra power in fog. Scorching Rays and similar fire missile effects lose 1 point of damage per yard of fog they must traverse. Fire explosions treat each yard of fog as two yards of distance from the blast for the purpose of damage. However, no amount of fog will extinguish a fire.
If you are carrying equipment heavier than your Basic Lift, then you make your casting roll at a penalty equal to twice your Encumbrance level. On a failed roll, you leave excess cargo behind; on a critical failure, you lose 1 point of IQ for each Encumbrance level you attempted as you “burned out” that part of your brain temporarily. This temporarily lost IQ recovers after you sleep.
Teleportation distance also penalizes your casting roll. Distance penalties appear on the table below. If actual distance falls between two values, use the higher.


Skill Penalty

10 yards


20 yards


100 yards


500 yards


2 miles


10 miles


100 miles


1,000 miles


This table is not open-ended - the spell has a range limit of 1,000 miles.
The amount of time taken to cast Teleport affects the skill roll, as follows:

Preparation Time

Skill Modifier

8 seconds


15 seconds


30 seconds


1 minute


2 minutes


4 minutes


8 minutes


15 minutes


30 minutes


1 hour


2 hours


4 hours


8 hours


This table is not open-ended; +12 is the maximum possible bonus.
If you have a “second-hand” view of the destination, you are at -2 per level of removal. For instance, seeing it through a crystal ball of scrying or through someone else’s eyes would give -2, while seeing it through a crystal ball of scrying that you are viewing through someone else’s eyes would give -4. There is an additional -2 to teleport to a place you have visited but cannot see.
Apply a bonus of +1 per additional FP spent. You must declare this before you roll, and you lose the FP whether you succeed or fail.
On a success, you appear at a random location somewhere in a circle with a radius equal to 1% of the distance you teleported (minimum one yard); e.g., if you teleported 10 miles, you’d materialize somewhere in a 0.1-mile circle around your target. The better your casting roll, the closer you’ll be to your target, but it’s up to the GM exactly where you appear. After you teleport, you are disoriented – you may take no action other than defense for one turn, unless you make a Body Sense roll. On a failure, you go nowhere and strain your teleporting ability: you are at -5 to cast this spell again in the next 10 minutes. On a critical failure, you’re likely to appear high in the air or underground. In addition, your spell temporarily “burns out” and will not function again for 1d hours.
Optionally, you may overload this spell to transport other willing beings in physical contact with you. Your casting roll will be at -5 per additional target, and your casting will cost an additional 2 FP. A critical failure strains your spellcasting ability; the spell automatically fails, you lose 1d FP, and all your magical powers shut down for 1d seconds.
Statistics: Obscure 7 (Vision; Area Effect, 8 yards, +100%; Environmental, Outdoors, -20%; Link, +10%; Nature, -20%; Nuisance Effect, Gathers and disperses gradually, -20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [19] + Warp (Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Drift, -15%; Environmental, Outdoors, -20%; Link, +10%; Nature, -20%; Nuisance Effect, Delay, -5%; Nuisance Effect, Preparation no shorter than 8 seconds, -10%; Range Limit, 1,000 miles, -15%; Reliable 2, +10%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Uncertain Encumbrance, +25%) [35].
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost (Self): 11 points.
Full Cost (Touch): 23 points.
Full Cost (Short-Range): 26 points.
Full Cost (Ranged): 31 points.
Casting Roll: Will.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Range: Self – Touch – Unlimited (-1/yard) – Unlimited (standard).
Duration: 30 minutes.
This spell lets the subject swim at his full Basic Move and avoid skill penalties for working underwater.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Self Only, -50%; Advantage, Swim, +80%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Extended Duration, 10x, +40%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Nature, -20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Will Roll, -5%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Takes Extra Time 1, -10%) [11]. Note: “Swim” is Amphibious (Nature, -20%) [8]. The Touch version removes Accessibility, Self Only, -50% and Requires Will Roll, -5% and adds Accessibility, Only nonvolitional or non-resisting subjects, -20%, Malediction 1, +100%, Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%, and No Signature, +20% [+12]. The Short-Range version removes Melee Attack, Reach C, -30% [+3]. The Ranged version replaces Malediction 1, +100% with Malediction 2, +150% [+5].
Keywords: Area (Leveled).
Full Cost: 23 points for level 1 + 12 points/additional level.
Casting Roll: None.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: Self.
Duration: 30 seconds.
You cause the water surrounding you to swirl and fill with suspended sediments, decreasing visibility and making it harder for foes to see and attack you. This roiling spherical cloud obscures normal Vision, Ultravision, Infravision, and Dark Vision imposing a -8 penalty to rolls and tasks based on these senses. The effect does not move with you, but drifts with the current. A current of 1-3 knots disperses the clouded water in 20 seconds, and a current of 4 or more knots disperses it within 5 seconds.
Statistics: Obscure 8 (Vision; Area Effect, Spherical, -10%; Accessibility, Only underwater, -30%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Drifting, +20%; Extended, Infravision, Ultravision, +40%; Extended Duration, 3x, +20%; Nature, -20%; Persistent, +40%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Variable, Area, +5%) [23]. Further levels add Area Effect, Spherical (+75%) [+12/level].
Urchin’s Spines
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost (Self): 7 points.
Full Cost (Touch): 20 points.
Casting Roll: Will.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: Self – Touch.
Duration: 3 minutes.
The transmuted creature’s skin is covered by 2-inch spines. When they grow, they pierce normal clothing, but any armor stops their grows, causing the coverage to be uneven. The subject get a DX-4 roll to hit each foe in close combat with him once per turn with these spines, as a free action. Those who grapple or slam the subject are hit immediately and automatically – and those who slam him take maximum damage!
The spines deal 1d-2 impaling damage and are mildly poisonous. Anyone injured by the spines must make a HT roll or take a -3 to DX for margin of failure minutes due to terrible itching and burning sensation.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Self Only, -50%; Advantage, Urchin’s Spines, +70%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Nature, -20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Will Roll, -5%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [7]. Note: “Urchin’s Spines” is Affliction 1 (HT; Attribute Penalty, -3 DX, +30%; Follow-Up, Spines, -50%; Nature, -20%) [6] + Short Spines (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%; Nature, -20%) [1]. The Touch version removes Accessibility, Self Only, -50% and Requires Will Roll, -5% and adds Accessibility, Only nonvolitional or non-resisting subjects, -20%, Malediction 1, +100%, Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%, and No Signature, +20% [+13].
Keywords: Area (Fixed).
Full Cost: 54 points.
Casting Roll: IQ.
Components: V, S.
Cost: 3 FP to cast, 1 FP to maintain.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: 50 yards.
Duration: Indefinite.
Waterspout causes water to rise up into a whirling, cylindrical column 4 yards wide and 24 yards tall that looks exactly like a tornado made of water. A body of water at least 4 yards wide and 6 yards deep must be present, or the spell is wasted. If the waterspout encounters insufficient depth after it has formed, it collapses. When concentrating, you may move the waterspout along the surface of water at Move 1.
The waterspout does not form instantly – it takes four seconds to form, growing one yard in radius and six yards in height each second. Those in the area can easily see what’s happening and may be able to escape before it achieves full strength. Once the caster stops maintaining this spell, the waterspout shrinks at the same rate at which it grew.
Swimming and boating around the waterspout are difficult, taking a penalty equal in size to 12 minus the distance in yards from the center. Those within the turbulent water area of 12 yards from the center must make such a roll each turn; a failed roll pulls the person or boat one yard closer to the center (if possible). Those in the column are also pulled one yard up. When they reach the top, they are ejected into a random direction, falling 3d yards away from the center and taking fall damage for a fall from 24 yards (fall velocity is 23 yards/second).
Statistics: Control Bodies of Water 12 (Accessibility, Only to create a waterspout, -30%; Costs Fatigue, 3 FP, -15%; Dissipation, -50%; Mobile 1, +40%; Nature, -20%; Nuisance Effect, Takes several seconds to form and vanish, -5%; Ranged, +40%; Reduced Range, 1/2, -10%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [54].
Wave Blessing
Keywords: Buff, Reflexive.
Full Cost (Self): 17 points.
Full Cost (Touch): 30 points.
Full Cost (Short-Range): 33 points.
Full Cost (Ranged): 38 points.
Casting Roll: Will (at -4 when used reflexively).
Components: V.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second (or free action when used reflexively).
Range: Self – Touch – Unlimited (-1/yard) – Unlimited (standard)
Duration: 30 minutes.
The subject becomes buoyant, gaining a +5 bonus to Swimming. This is a defensive spell that can be used to help somebody thrown overboard stay afloat. As such, it can be cast as a free action even when it’s not the caster’s turn, but no more than once per turn. If this spell is part of an alternative ability array, then it must be in an active slot to be used reflexively. When used this way, the casting roll is at -4.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Self Only, -50%; Advantage, Wave Blessing, +80%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Extended Duration, 10x, +40%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Nature, -20%; Reflexive, +40%; Requires Will Roll, -5%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [17]. Notes: “Wave Blessing” is +5 to Swimming (Nature, -10%) [8]. The Touch version removes Accessibility, Self Only, -50% and Requires Will Roll, -5% and adds Accessibility, Only nonvolitional or non-resisting subjects, -20%, Malediction 1, +100%, Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%, and No Signature, +20% [+15]. The Short-Range version removes Melee Attack, Reach C, -30% [+3]. The Ranged version replaces Malediction 1, +100% with Malediction 2, +150% [+5].

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