Wizardry: Draconomicon Spells II
And now let's do the second half of the Draconomicon spells. These ones are intended for dragons, but they can be used by other spellcasters if they meet the prerequisites. The book introduces metabreath feats and also metabreath spells that significantly alter the dragon's breath weapon. And I will simply skip them!
Aura of Terror isn't really a spell for most dragons, because they already have a fear aura, but a spell modeled after dragons. At least that's how I cope with being unable to elegantly build a spell that gives you an aura or expands the existing aura.
Hiss of Sleep is a mass version of Sleep that doesn't require a somatic component, but also only works against those who cannot see the caster.
Maddening Whispers is a similar spell, but with hallucinations instead of sleep.
Mesmerizing Glare fascinates creatures in an area.
Razorfangs gives an armor divisor to your claws or bite.
And that's it. That's all the spells I wanted from the book.
Aura of Terror
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost: 33 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: Self.
Duration: 3 minutes.
You project an aura of frightful presence akin to a true dragon. All sapient creatures within 10 yards of you must roll a Fright Check (p. B360). Each victim gets +1 per Fright Check after the first within 24 hours. If a victim succeeds at his Fright Check, he will be unaffected by your Aura of Terror for one hour.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Self Only, -50%; Advantage, Aura of Terror, +320%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Magical, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [33]. Note: “Aura of Terror” is Terror (Accessibility, Only sapient beings, -10%; Magical, -10%; Presence, +25%) [32].
Keywords: Area (Leveled), Resisted (Will).
Full Cost (Ranged): 40 points for level 1 + 5 points/additional level.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: Unlimited (-1/yard) - Unlimited (standard).
Duration: 1 second.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (Will; Accessibility, Only on sapient beings, -10%; Accessibility, Not against creatures that see the caster, -50%; Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Based on Will, +20%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Magical, -10%; Malediction 1, +100%; No Signature, +20%; Reduced Duration, 1/180, -40%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Sleep, +150%; Selective Area, +20%) [35]. The Ranged version replaces Malediction 1, +100% with Malediction 2, +150% [+5]. Additional levels add more Area Effect (+50%) [+5/level].
Maddening Whispers
Keywords: Area (Leveled), Resisted (Will).
Full Cost (Ranged): 32 points for level 1 + 5 points/additional level.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: Unlimited (-1/yard) - Unlimited (standard).
Duration: 18 seconds.
Hissing and whispering, you stir feelings of confusion and madness in the targets’ minds. Subjects in the area begin to hallucinate (p. B428). After the duration runs out, a subject is stunned (p. B420) and may roll vs. Will once per second to recover. The spell only affects sapient (IQ 6+) beings who cannot see the caster, and the caster may omit any creatures from the effect. The affected area is cylindrical in shape and has a height of 4 yards.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (Will; Accessibility, Only on sapient beings, -10%; Accessibility, Not against creatures that see the caster, -50%; Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Based on Will, +20%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Hallucinating, +50%; Magical, -10%; Malediction 1, +100%; No Signature, +20%; Reduced Duration, 1/10, -20%; Requires Magic Words, -10%; Selective Area, +20%) [27]. The Ranged version replaces Malediction 1, +100% with Malediction 2, +150% [+5]. Additional levels add more Area Effect (+50%) [+5/level].
Keywords: Area (Leveled), Resisted (Will).
Full Cost (Ranged): 30 points for level 1 + 5 points/additional level.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: S.
Cost: 2 FP.
Casting Time: 2 seconds.
Range: Unlimited (-1/yard) – Unlimited (standard).
Duration: 18 seconds.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (Will; Accessibility, Only on sapient beings, -10%; Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Based on Will, +20%; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Dazed, Lesser, +30%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Magical, -10%; Malediction 1, +100%; No Signature, +20%; Reduced Duration, 1/10, -20%; Requires Gestures, -10%; Selective Area, +20%; Takes Extra Time 1, -10%; Vision-Based, -20%; Vision-Based, Reversed, -20%) [25]. Additional levels add more Area Effect (+50%) [+5/level]. The Ranged version replaces Malediction 1, +100% with Malediction 2, +150% [+5].
Keywords: Weapon Buff.
Full Cost: 30 points.
Casting Roll: Skill.
Components: V.
Cost: 1 FP.
Casting Time: 1 second.
Range: Self.
Duration: 18 seconds.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Only on cutting or impaling natural weapons, -40%; Accessibility, Self Only, -50%; Advantage, Razorfangs, +340%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Magical, -10%; Reduced Duration, 1/10, -20%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Requires Magic Words, -10%) [30]. Notes: “Razorfangs” is 34 points, per Enhances or Transforms an Existing Attack (GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery, p. 11).
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