Racial Templates: Humans
The possibility of playing a character of a non-human race always appealed to me in roleplaying games. It's fun to try to view the world through the eyes of a long-lived elf, a dwarf from a clan-based society, a homeless halfling that is always on the road, a tribal lizardfolk, etc. Nowadays I see people claim that playing a non-human is uncreative, restrictive, cliche, and is a "roleplaying crutch". I disagree with this point of view. Some people like playing non-humans because of mechanical benefits, some do it for flavor, or because some racial or cultural trait fascinates them. Personally, I belong to the second group. Even though many D&D races have very minor differences and may feel redundant, I think that the GM should put an accent on cultural differences.
Anyway, here's every single D&D 3.5 human subrace converted to GURPS.