Tuesday 2 March 2021

Region/Dimension of Dreams in GURPS

Region/Dimension of Dreams in GURPS

I do not know when exactly the Region of Dreams has appeared as a plane of existence in D&D, but I know it from the Manual of the Planes for the 3rd edition. In Pathfinder, a similar plane called the Dimension of Dreams was introduced in Occult Adventures. In GURPS, there's the Dream Control psionic power in GURPS Psionic Powers and three dream-related spells in GURPS Magic. Also, do not forget the Dreaming skill! In this post, I will try to consolidate some of the rules and adapt them to GURPS. In the follow-up posts I probably will expand the Dream Control power and create some new sorcery spells for dream control.

The Region of Dreams is a plane of existence of misty dream-stuff that is conterminous with all other planes. Despite that, spells and abilities that shift the subject between planes are unable to transport the subject into the Region of Dreams or from it, and summoning spells cannot summon "through" the Region of Dreams to circumvent planar distance penalties. However, all creatures travel there with their minds when they fall asleep (well, elves are out of luck), and their subconscious mind shapes the dream-stuff into a dreamscape that is suspended like a bubble within the roiling mist. When they wake up, their dreamscapes usually burst, but very rarely they become permanent and more real, passing into the Dreamheart (see below).
    The Region of Dreams is not homogenous. While the dreamscapes make up most of its space, there's also the Dreamheart - a chaotic, stormy place that is not easily accessible to the dreamers or planar travelers. In the Dreamheart, it is possible for a dreamer to die, but it is also possible to find pretty much anything. Nobody can truly understand how the Dreamheart works, and every dreamer perceives it differently. There is also the Demiplane of Nightmares - a terrifying place conterminous with the Region of Dreams, the Ethereal Plane, and the Far Realm.

    Planar Traits
    - For every 10 minutes in the Region of Dreams, only 1 minute passes on the Material Plane. But the nature of the plane makes time spent on the plane less real. No matter what visitors experience, only memories remain when they leave the Region of Dreams.
    - The Region of Dreams is infinite, but the individual dreamscapes are finite.
    - The gravity is dictated by the so-called primary dreamer, the "owner" of the dreamscape. However, a successful Dreaming roll performed by any dreamer may change the way gravity affects the dreamer - changing direction, strength, or even nullifying it completely, allowing flight at Basic Move. If the primary dreamer is aware of another dreamer doing this feat, then this becomes a Quick Contest of Dreaming.
    - Spells cast, abilities and items used in a dream are not depleted in the real world. Similarly, any spells or abilities still in effect when a traveler leaves the Region of Dreams are gone as if they were never cast. Wounds and conditions don’t have any effect on the creature’s waking body and mind.

    Accessing the Region of Dreams
    Dreaming: Every living mind enters the Region of Dreams once it falls asleep. Spells cast, abilities and items used in a dream by a dreamer are not depleted in the real world. Similarly, any spells or abilities still in effect when a dreamer leaves the Region of Dreams are gone as if they were never cast. Wounds and conditions don’t have any effect on the creature’s waking body and mind. If a dreamer dies within a dreamscape, he wakes up with a hammering heart, but is otherwise unharmed. If a dreamer dies in the Dreamheart, he dies normally.

   Projecting: Some spells and psionic abilities (such as Dream Projection on page 73 of GURPS Psionic Powers) allow the user to project their mind into the Region of Dreams. Typically, the user can "clothe" himself in any way (but this does not grant any protection). A projector does not bring any physical equipment into the Region of Dreams. The projection can be harmed as per Projection (GURPS Powers, p. 44). Despite the name, the Dream Projection spell does not actually project the mind - it's just an elaborate communication spell. Projecting yourself into the a dreamer's brain is considered as good as physical contact for abilities with the Contact Agent limitation.

    Dreamwalking: Very rare natural portals, magic items, spells, and abilities allow users to bodily pass into the Region of Dreams. Spell cast, abilities and items used by dreamwalkers are depleted, and wounds affect them normally. The dreamwalkers do bring their physical possessions into the Region of Dreams. Being in another being's dreamscape is considered as good as physical contact for abilities with the Contact Agent limitation.

    Movement on the Region of Dreams
   Typically, the mode of movement depends on the primary dreamer of the dreamscape - a walking dreamer usually has dreams where walking is the normal mode of movement, while a merfolk's dream is expected to be filled with water to swim in.
   Moving between dreamscapes is intentionally done only by dreamwalkers, dreamers or projectors who are using the Dreaming skill. A traveler can hop from dreamscape to dreamscape or aim for the Dreamheart itself. Although dreamscapes don't usually overlap, one can find places where the borders are thin enough that a single step transfers the traveler from one dreamscape to the next. The passage between dreamscapes is a gradual change, not a sudden wrenching. If the traveler is the primary dreamer, then their dreamscape ruptures once they leave it.
    A dreamer may wake up by taking a Concentrate maneuver and making a successful Will or Dreaming roll. If the dreamer is in the Dreamheart, this roll takes a -5 penalty. Once the primary dreamer wakes up, their dreamscape bursts, and any other visitors are sent headlong into the nearest dreamscape. In extremely rare cases, a dreamscape sending its pieces and visitors into other dreamscapes or onto the Material Plane. Objects from ruptured dreamscapes usually last 10d hours on the Material Plane, but some of them achieve permanent reality (on a 3 on a roll of 3d).
    A projector typically can end their projection at any time. However, if they are projecting into the Dreamheart, they can only wake up by taking a Concentrate maneuver and making a successful Will-5 or Dreaming-5 roll.

    New Uses for the Dreaming Skill
    The most basic use of this skill is to realize that you're dreaming - it is done at +2.
    A successful Dreaming roll can change one aspect of your dreamscape (gravity, lighting, terrain, architecture of a given building, vegetation, or any other relatively innocuous characteristics of a dreamscape). You cannot use Dreaming to make a bolt of lightning strike a foe or open a pit below an enemy. You can roll at -2 to affect another's dreamscape this way, but only if the primary dreamer of that dreamscape is either unaware of your presence, does not realize that he's dreaming, or does not resist. Otherwise, this is a Quick Contest of Dreaming.
    A successful Dreaming roll also can change your outward appearance without changing any of your abilities. You can change your size category by up to two steps.
    A successful Dreaming roll lets you move to another dreamscape. Normally, this moves the dreamer to the closest dreamscape. Alternatively, you can make this roll with Long-Distance Modifiers (p. B241), if you want to find a dreamscape of a dreamer in a distant place. This roll takes an additional -5 penalty if you want to cross planar boundaries. When a dreamwalker wakes up, he appears near the primary dreamer of the last dreamscape he was in. Thus, the Region of Dreams can be used to travel long distances and cross planar boundaries.
    You may pass into the Dreamheart with a Dreaming-5 roll. If you are grappling somebody, you may pull them into the Dreamheart with you, if you win in a Quick Contest of Dreaming against the highest of the target's Will or Dreaming. Leaving the Dreamheart for a normal dreamscape or waking up from the Dreamheart also requires a Dreaming-5 roll (although, to wake up you may roll Will-5 instead).

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