Wednesday 25 April 2018

Alchemy: Injury Poisons

Alchemy: Injury Poisons

Here we have injury (follow-up in GURPS terms) poisons from D&D 3.5 Dungeon Master's Manual and Pathfinder Core Rulebook. None of the aforementioned sources provides any descriptions for the poisons, unfortunately, but some names are quite evocative.

Black Adder Venom
This poison is extracted from a black adder. A living victim must make an immediate HT roll or suffer 1 toxic damage. Every minute for 4 more cycles he must make another HT roll to resist or take the same amount of damage. After losing 1/3 HP to this poison, the victim gains a -3 penalty to ST until he heals above this threshold.
Form: Follow-Up Poison.
Cost: $60 (singular); $25 (5-batched).
Recipe: $6; 1 day; defaults to Poisons-1.
Statistics: Toxic Attack 1 (Cyclic, 1 minute, 4 cycles, Resistible, +80%; Follow-Up Poison, -20%; Resistible, HT, -30%; Symptoms, 1/3 HP, -3 ST, +45%) [2].

This poison is extracted from a crimson flower that grows in cold swamps. A living victim must make an HT roll after 1 minute or suffer 1d-1 toxic damage. Every minute for 3 more cycles he must make another HT roll to resist or take the same amount of damage. After losing 1/2 HP to this poison, the victim gains a -3 penalty to IQ until he heals above this threshold.
Form: Follow-Up Poison.
Cost: $150 (singular); $55 (5-batched).
Recipe: $15; 1 day; defaults to Poisons-1.
Statistics: Toxic Attack 1d-1 (Cyclic, 1 minute, 3 cycles, Resistible, +60%; Follow-Up Poison, -20%; Onset, 1 minute, -10%; Resistible, HT, -30%; Symptoms, 1/2 HP, -3 IQ, +60%) [5].
Blue Whinnis
This poison is extracted from a blue flower that grows in warm mountains. A living victim must make an immediate HT-1 roll or suffer 1d-1 toxic damage. Every minute for 4 more cycles he must make another HT-1 roll to resist or take the same amount of damage. After losing 1/3 HP to this poison, the victim gains a -2 penalty to HT until he heals above this threshold. After losing 2/3 HP to this poison, the victim becomes unconscious until he heals above this threshold.
Form: Follow-Up Poison.
Cost: $330 (singular); $120 (5-batched).
Recipe: $33; 1 day; defaults to Poisons-2.
Statistics: Toxic Attack 1d-1 (Cyclic, 1 minute, 4 cycles, Resistible, +80%; Follow-Up Poison, -20%; Resistible, HT-1, -25%; Symptoms, 1/3 HP, -2 HT, +30%; Symptoms, 2/3 HP, Unconsciousness, +200%) [11].
This is a synthetic poison invented by a brotherhood of assassins. A living victim must make an immediate HT-3 roll or suffer 1d+1 toxic damage. Every minute for 3 more cycles he must make another HT-3 roll to resist or take the same amount of damage. After losing 1/2 HP to this poison, the victim gains a -3 penalty to HT until he heals above this threshold.
Form: Follow-Up Poison.
Cost: $300 (singular); $110 (5-batched).
Recipe: $30; 1 day; defaults to Poisons-1.
Statistics: Toxic Attack 1d+1 (Cyclic, 1 minute, 3 cycles, Resistible, +60%; Follow-Up Poison, -20%; Resistible, HT-3, -15%; Symptoms, 1/2 HP, -3 HT, +30%) [10].
Drow Poison
This poison is made by drow from underground fungi extracts to help in their raids for slaves. A living victim must make an immediate HT-1 roll or suffer 1 toxic damage. Every second for 9 more cycles he must make another HT-1 roll to resist or take the same amount of damage. After losing 1/3 HP to this poison, the victim becomes unconscious until he heals above this threshold.
Form: Follow-Up Poison.
Cost: $360 (singular); $130 (5-batched).
Recipe: $36; 1 day; defaults to Poisons-2.
Statistics: Toxic Attack 1 (Cyclic, 1 second, 9 cycles, Resistible, +450%; Follow-Up Poison, -20%; Resistible, HT-1, -25%; Symptoms, 1/3 HP, Unconsciousness, +600%) [12].
Greenblood Oil
This is an alchemical poison that prevents blood clotting and turns it green. A living victim must make an immediate HT-3 roll or suffer 1d+1 toxic damage. Every minute for 2 more cycles he must make another HT-3 roll to resist or take the same amount of damage. After losing 1/2 HP to this poison, the victim gains Hemophilia (p. B138) until he heals above this threshold.
Form: Follow-Up Poison.
Cost: $300 (singular); $110 (5-batched).
Recipe: $30; 1 day; defaults to Poisons-1.
Statistics: Toxic Attack 1d+1 (Cyclic, 1 minute, 2 cycles, Resistible, +40%; Follow-Up Poison, -20%; Resistible, HT-3, -15%; Symptoms, 1/2 HP, Hemophilia, +60%) [10].
Shadow Essence
Named after undead shadows that drain strength, this synthetic poison greatly decreases the victim’s strength. A living victim must make an immediate HT-2 roll or suffer 1d toxic damage. Every minute for 4 more cycles he must make another HT-2 roll to resist or take the same amount of damage. After losing 1/3 HP to this poison, the victim gains a -3 penalty to ST until he heals above this threshold. After losing 1/2 HP to this poison, the victim gains a -6 penalty to ST until he heals above this threshold. After losing 2/3 HP to this poison, the victim gains a -9 penalty to ST until he heals above this threshold. These penalties do not stack, use the worst penalty.
Form: Follow-Up Poison.
Cost: $360 (singular); $130 (5-batched).
Recipe: $36; 1 day; defaults to Poisons-2.
Statistics: Toxic Attack 1d (Cyclic, 1 minute, 4 cycles, Resistible, +80%; Follow-Up Poison, -20%; Resistible, HT-2, -20%; Symptoms, 1/3 HP, -3 ST, +45%; Symptoms, 1/2 HP, -6 ST, +60%; Symptoms, 2/3 HP, -9 ST, +45%) [12].

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