Monday 30 April 2018

Alchemy: Vile Poisons II

Alchemy: Vile Poisons II

Here we have the last six "normal" poisons from Book of Vile Darkness.

This poison is alchemically synthesized from rotten plants and rare salts. A living victim must make an immediate HT-2 roll or suffer 1 toxic damage. Every minute for 24 more cycles he must make another HT-2 roll to resist or take the same amount of damage. After losing 1/3 HP to this poison, the victim gains the Lifebane (p. B142) disadvantage until he heals above this threshold. After losing 1/2 HP to this poison, the victim gains the Low Pain Threshold (p. B142) disadvantage until he heals above this threshold. Damage dealt by this poison cannot be cured via mundane or alchemical means. Healing it requires magical healing, and all attempts to heal it impose a -5 penalty to all casting rolls made for it.
Form: Follow-Up Poison.
Cost: $210 (singular); $75 (5-batched).
Recipe: $21; 1 day; defaults to Poisons-1.
Statistics: Toxic Attack 1 (Cosmic, Lingering Effect, +100%; Cyclic, 1 minute, 24 cycles, Resistible, +480%; Follow-Up Poison, -20%; Resistible, HT-2, -20%; Symptoms, 1/3 HP, Lifebane, +30%; Symptoms, 1/2 HP, Low Pain Threshold, +20%) [7].

This poison has an admixture of unholy water. A living victim must make an immediate HT-5 roll or suffer 1 toxic damage. Every minute for 59 more cycles he must make another HT-5 roll to resist or take the same amount of damage. After losing 1/3 HP to this poison, the victim gets a -2 penalty to ST until he heals above this threshold. After losing 1/2 HP to this poison, the victim gets a -4 penalty to ST and begins experiencing moderate pain (p. B428) until he heals above this threshold. Damage dealt by this poison cannot be cured via mundane or alchemical means. Healing it requires magical healing, and all attempts to heal it impose a -5 penalty to all casting rolls made for it.
Form: Contact Poison.
Cost: $450 (singular); $165 (5-batched).
Recipe: $45; 1 day; defaults to Poisons-2.
Statistics: Toxic Attack 1 (Contact Poison, -5%; Cosmic, Lingering Effect, +100%; Cyclic, 1 minute, 59 cycles, Resistible, +1,180%; Resistible, HT-5, -5%; Symptoms, 1/3 HP, -2 to ST, +30%; Symptoms, 1/2 HP, -4 to ST and Moderate Pain, +80%) [15].
Balor Bile
Balor bile is a hard to resist contact poison synthesized from demonic ichor. A living victim must make an immediate HT-4 roll or suffer 1d-2 toxic damage. Every minute for 8 more cycles he must make another HT-4 roll to resist or take the same amount of damage. After losing 1/3 HP to this poison, the victim becomes nauseated (p. B428) until he heals above this threshold. After losing 1/2 HP to this poison, the victim gains a -8 penalty to ST until he heals above this threshold.
Form: Contact Poison.
Cost: $270 (singular); $95 (5-batched).
Recipe: $27; 1 day; defaults to Poisons-1.
Statistics: Toxic Attack 1d-2 (Contact Poison, -5%; Cyclic, 1 minute, 8 cycles, Resistible, +160%; Resistible, HT-4, -10%; Symptoms, 1/3 HP, Nauseated, +90%; Symptoms, 1/2 HP, -8 ST, +80%) [9].

Mist of Nourn
This is a respiratory agent made from rotten mountain moss. This poison flask can be thrown (range is STx3.5). Hitting a hard surface, it breaks, creating a cloud of poison gas in a 2-yard radius. The cloud persists for 10 seconds and may drift with the wind. Any creature that inhales the gas must make an immediate HT-4 roll or suffer 1d-1 toxic damage. Every 2 seconds for 3 more cycles he must make another HT-4 roll to resist or take the same amount of damage. After losing 1/3 HP to this poison, the victim begins experiencing severe pain (p. B428) until he heals above this threshold. After losing 1/2 HP to this poison, the victim gets a -4 penalty to HT until he heals above this threshold.
Form: Grenade.
Cost: $540 (singular); $195 (5-batched).
Recipe: $54; 2 days; defaults to Poisons-2.
Statistics: Toxic Attack 1d-1 (Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Drifting, +20%; Cyclic, 2 second, 3 cycles, Resistible, +150%; Grenade, +25%; Persistent, +40%; Resistible, HT-4, -10%; Respiratory Agent, +50%; Symptoms, 1/3 HP, Severe Pain, +120%; Symptoms, 1/2 HP, -4 HT, +40%) [18].

This is a respiratory agent invented by drow alchemists. This poison flask can be thrown (range is STx3.5). Hitting a hard surface, it breaks, creating a cloud of poison gas in a 2-yard radius. The cloud persists for 10 seconds and may drift with the wind. Any creature that inhales the gas must make an immediate HT-2 roll or suffer 1d-1 toxic damage. Every 2 seconds for 6 more cycles he must make another HT-2 roll to resist or take the same amount of damage. After losing 1/3 HP to this poison, the victim gains the Low Pain Threshold (p. B142) disadvantage until he heals above this threshold. After losing 1/2 HP to this poison, the victim gains the Weakness (Sunlight, 1d per minute) (p. B161) disadvantage until he heals above this threshold.
Form: Grenade.
Cost: $660 (singular); $240 (5-batched).
Recipe: $66; 3 days; defaults to Poisons-3.
Statistics: Toxic Attack 1d-1 (Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Drifting, +20%; Cyclic, 2 second, 6 cycles, Resistible, +300%; Grenade, +25%; Persistent, +40%; Resistible, HT-2, -20%; Respiratory Agent, +50%; Symptoms, 1/3 HP, Low Pain Threshold, +30%; Symptoms, ½ HP, Weakness (Sunlight, 1d per minute), +120%) [22].

Basilisk Breath
This is a respiratory agent made from basilisk eyes. This poison flask can be thrown (range is STx3.5). Hitting a hard surface, it breaks, creating a cloud of poison gas in a 2-yard radius. The cloud persists for 10 seconds and may drift with the wind. Any creature that inhales the gas must make an immediate HT-4 roll or suffer 1d-1 toxic damage. Every 2 seconds for 6 more cycles he must make another HT-4 roll to resist or take the same amount of damage. After losing 1/2 HP to this poison, the victim turns into a stone statue until he heals above this threshold. A petrified victim stops taking damage from this poison, but also stops healing naturally. This petrification cannot be undone via Dispel Magic; countering it requires Remove Curse or the equivalent of Stone to Flesh. This poison affects even outsiders that are normally immune to poison and petrification.
Form: Grenade.
Cost: $930 (singular); $335 (5-batched).
Recipe: $93; 5 days; defaults to Poisons-4.
Statistics: Toxic Attack 1d-1 (Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Cosmic, Ignores outsiders’ poison immunity, +50%; Cosmic, Lingering Effect, +100%; Cyclic, 2 second, 6 cycles, Resistible, +300%; Drifting, +20%; Grenade, +25%; Persistent, +40%; Resistible, HT-4, -10%; Respiratory Agent, +50%; Symptoms, ½ HP, Paralysis, Variant, +300%) [31].

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