Thursday 5 April 2018

Treasure: Boots of Landing

Treasure: Boots of Landing

This pair of psionically enchanted boots helps the wearer land on his feet, reducing damage from falls.

Boots of Landing

Boots of Landing – as a metatronic generator (using Pyramid 3-46)
These light leather boots (LTIA, page 16) help the wearer land on his feet. The wearer subtracts five yards from a fall automatically (treat this as an automatic Acrobatics success – don’t check again for it). In addition, a successful DX roll halves damage from any fall. To enjoy these benefits, the wearer’s limbs must be unbound and his body free to twist as he falls. Costs 1 FP/hour.
Statistics: Catfall (Apparatus, +0%; Psychokinesis, -10%) [9].
            TL3 Cost: 50 + 9 x $125 x 2 = $2,300.
TL8 Cost: 50 + 9 x $2,500 x 2= $45,050.

Boots of Landing – as an enchanted item (using Sorcery, indestructible armor)
These light leather boots (LTIA, page 16) help the wearer land on his feet. The wearer subtracts five yards from a fall automatically (treat this as an automatic Acrobatics success – don’t check again for it). In addition, a successful DX roll halves damage from any fall. To enjoy these benefits, the wearer’s limbs must be unbound and his body free to twist as he falls.
Statistics: Catfall (Psychokinesis, -10%) [9]. Usually On; Armor, x0.9; 9 EP.
            TL3 Price: 2 x ($50 + 9 x $320) = $5,860.
            TL8 Price: 2 x ($1,000 + 9 x $1,180) = $23,240.

Boots of Landing – as an enchanted item (using Sorcery, destructible armor)
These light leather boots (LTIA, page 16) help the wearer land on his feet. The wearer subtracts five yards from a fall automatically (treat this as an automatic Acrobatics success – don’t check again for it). In addition, a successful DX roll halves damage from any fall. To enjoy these benefits, the wearer’s limbs must be unbound and his body free to twist as he falls.
Statistics: Catfall (Psychokinesis, -10%) [9]. Usually On; Armor, x0.45; 5 EP.
            TL3 Price: 2 x ($30 + 5 x $320) = $3,260.
            TL8 Price: 2 x ($600 + 5 x $1,180) = $13,000.

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