Saturday 19 May 2018

Treasure: Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location

Treasure: Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location

This is probably the longest name for a magic item if not in the Dungeon Master's Guide, if not the whole system. Impressive. The item is expensive, but quite useful.

Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location

Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location – as an enchanted item (using Sorcery)
This silver amulet protects the wearer from Information spells, like the Scryguard spell. The amulet reduces the diviner’s effective margin of success by 10 for these purposes – so a spell that succeeded by 0-9 completely fails to find the subject, while one that succeeded by 10+ provides less information than normal and is at a huge disadvantage if it’s resisted.
            Statistics: Obscure 10 (Information Spells; Defensive, +50%; Magical, -10%; Stealthy, +100%) [48]. Usually On; Amulet, x0.5; 24 EP.
            TL3 Price: 2 x ($150 + 24 x $320) = $15,660.
            TL8 Price: 2 x ($3,000 + 24 x $1,180) = $62,640.

Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location – as a metatronic generator (using Pyramid 3-46)
This silver amulet protects the wearer from Information spells, like the Scryguard spell. The amulet reduces the diviner’s effective margin of success by 10 for these purposes – so a spell that succeeded by 0-9 completely fails to find the subject, while one that succeeded by 10+ provides less information than normal and is at a huge disadvantage if it’s resisted. Tiny, 0.03 lbs. Self-Powered. 1 FP/hour. LC3.
            Statistics: Obscure 10 (Information Spells; Apparatus, +0%; Defensive, +50%; Magical, -10%; Stealthy, +100%) [48].
            TL3 Cost: 48 x $175 x 2 = $16,800.
TL8 Cost: 48 x $3,500 x 2= $336,000.

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