Sunday, 31 December 2023

Wizardry: Illusion Spells III

Wizardry: Illusion Spells III

The college of Illusion and Creation has been largely neglected by the dice roller. Surprisingly, it's much larger in D&D than it is in GURPS, so there's a lot of undone work. Disguise Self is an illusory disguise spell. Displacement not only makes you harder to target, but also makes it harder to defend against your attacks. False Vision is a way to fool scryers. Illusory Script creates an ecrypted message that implants a suggestion into the reader. Seeming is a version of Disguise Self that can affect others (while usually I combine such spells into a single one, I decided to split these two because they are named differently; in terms of mechanics, a character should feel free to "upgrade" Disguise Self to Seeming). Mirror Image is one of the most fun spells in D&D. I hope I did a good job bringing it to GURPS. Misdirection redirects Information spells to a different subject. Mislead turns you invisible and replaces you with an illusory duplicate. Leomund's Trap makes a lock seem trapped.

Saturday, 30 December 2023

Wizardry: Gate Spells IV

Wizardry: Gate Spells IV

Let's tackle the summoning spells, as they are very difficult to get right. Summon Monster is strictly a combat spell, as it has a very short duration. The D&D spell has 9 levels, and GURPS has Ally with 9 power categories, which is a nice coincidence. Planar Binding is a spell with a much longer duration, but also long casting time. It's very similar to the (Entity) Summoning spell from Pyramid #3-105. Fetch is a summoning spell that does not force the summonned being to do anything. It permanently displaces an outsider from its native plane to the plane of the summoner. I will also introduce the limited versions for elemental beings for specialized elementalists.

Friday, 29 December 2023

Wizardry: Light Spells III

Wizardry: Light Spells III

Prismatic Spray and Prismatic Wall are nothing like their D&D counterparts. The name is there, but the mechanics are absolutely different. Prismatic Sphere had to go - I think it's way too similar to Prismatic Wall. Rainbow Pattern creates a fascinating pattern in the air that requires constant concentration. Scintillating Pattern works in a similar way, but stuns and possibly blinds instead of dazing. Searing Light is a laser beam. Sunbeam got downgraded to a flashlight. Sunburst is a combination of Flare and Fireball.

Thursday, 28 December 2023

Wizardry: Making and Breaking Spells III

Wizardry: Making and Breaking Spells III

Another post with leftovers. Passwall had to be nerfed significantly from its D&D version. Now, the casting time is low, and the cost to maintain the passage is quite steep. I had to borrow Tunnel, Before, +100% from Warp. Polymorph Any Object also has been changed. Now, it can only transform and object into a different object - it cannot turn them to creatures. Shrink Item is almost identical to its D&D counterpart; I merely removed the option of turning the item into cloth.

Wednesday, 27 December 2023

Wizardry: Earth Spells IV

Wizardry: Earth Spells IV

Spike Stones was a difficult spell to stat up. To simulate bad terrain, I decided to reverse the Grease statline. To simulate caltrops-like spikes, I decided to go with Natural Weapon based on ST of the victim. To make it a ranged attack with range independent of ST, I had to first bring 1/2D range in line with muscle-powered range from the Metatronic Generators article, then reverse muscle-powered limitation. Statue is a high-end earth spell that lets the subject shift between his normal form and an immobile stone statue. Wall of Stone is another example of why Create makes better walls than Innate Attack with the Wall enhancement.

Tuesday, 26 December 2023

Wizardry: Water Spells II

Wizardry: Water Spells II

Now, let's finish the Water college. The end is in sight! Horrid Wilting is a dehydration attack spell. Obscuring Mist creates a fog cloud around you. Fog Cloud does so at a range. Solid Fog creates a supernaturally thick fog cloud that impedes vision, attacks, and movement. The extra effects could've probably be done via Control or Affliction, but that would most likely have an extremely high cost. Thus, I just slapped Cosmic, +100% on it and called it a day. The resulting full cost seems appropriate to me.

Monday, 25 December 2023

Wizardry: Body Control Spells IV

Wizardry: Body Control Spells IV

And now, let's finish the Body Control college. I decided to split Blindness/Deafness into two spells and make it permanent only as a secondary effect. Symbol of Pain is the last spell in the "symbol" series. Finally, Tenser's Transformation is a spell that greatly enhances combat capabilities.

Sunday, 24 December 2023

Wizardry: Air Spells II

Wizardry: Air Spells II

Let's finish the Air college. Control Winds lets you change the strength and direction of wind. Whirlwind creates a circular mobile storm. Whispering Wind sends messages across long distances. Wind Walk transforms you into a fast-flying cloud.

Saturday, 23 December 2023

Wizardry: Body Control Spells III

Wizardry: Body Control Spells III

Here we have four similar shapechanging spells. Alter Self and Polymorph are limited to physical traits and same body morphologies. The former is a self-only buff, and the latter is a proper buff. Shapechange is a self-only spell that does not have such limitations. Baleful Polymorph is a curse that permanently turns an enemy into a harmless (probably) animal.

Friday, 22 December 2023

Wizardry: Mind Control Spells V

Wizardry: Mind Control Spells V

Let's have some more mind control spells (there's still quite a few left). Deep Slumber is an area variant of Sleep with a longer duration. Dominate is a long-lasting mind control effect. Enthrall is something bards could use. Feeblemind is a long-lasting IQ debuff.

Thursday, 21 December 2023

Wizardry: Earth Spells III

Wizardry: Earth Spells III

Here we have three earth spells. Repel Stones creates a force field that repels stone objects and creatures. Transmute Mud to Rock and Transmute Rock to Mud are pretty self-explanatory.

Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Wizardry: Fire Spells IV

Wizardry: Fire Spells IV

And here we have the final fire spells, aside from the elemental summoning ones that will be described in a different post. I decided to rework Pyrotechnics and turn it into Smoke Cloud that causes coughing and impedes vision. Quench extinguishes fire and doesn't have the ability to dispel magic fire or remove fire spells from magic items. Scorching Ray is a very cheap fire attack spell. Wall of Fire conjures a flaming barrier. Meteor Swarm had to go, I don't like this spell. However, let's make Meteor Shower from the Might and Magic series instead! This spell poses a difficulty mechanically, as GURPS doesn't really like multi-projectile explosive or area attacks, and I came up with something of a workaround.

Tuesday, 19 December 2023

Wizardry: Ice Spells II

Wizardry: Ice Spells II

Let's finish the ice college. Polar Ray is a simple damaging ray. Ray of Frost is the same, but deals freezing fatigue damage. Sleet Storm is a very expensive spell that impedes vision and makes the ground slippery. Wall of Ice conjures an icy barrier.

Monday, 18 December 2023

Wizardry: Sound Spells II

Wizardry: Sound Spells II

Let's finish the sound spells. Sculpt Spell is a difficult spell that can do all sorts of sound- or voice-related things. Shatter is a single-target attack against objects and crystalline creatures. Shout is an area sonic attack. Sympathetic Vibration is a sonic attack against buildings. Ventriloquism lets you displace your voice.

Sunday, 17 December 2023

Wizardry: Body Control Spells II

Wizardry: Body Control Spells II

Size change! Enlarge, unlike its D&D counterpart, does not enlarge equipment. I prefer the way GURPS does this spell. Mass Enlarge/Shrink are the mass versions of these spells.

Saturday, 16 December 2023

Wizardry: Making and Breaking Spells II

Wizardry: Making and Breaking Spells II

Fabricate lets you transform solid material into a finished product without any tools. Keen Edge gives an impaling or cutting weapon an armor divisor.

Friday, 15 December 2023

Wizardry: Metal Spells II

Wizardry: Metal Spells II

And here we have the remaining metal spells. Rusting Grasp decreases HT and DR of metal objects. Transmute Metal to Wood is self-explanatory. Wall of Iron creates a wall of iron, obviously. In D&D, this is a permanent spell. Typically, you create wall effect in GURPS by using Innate Attack with the Wall enhancement. However, the DR and HP provided rarely are appropriate for the material in question, there are no enhancements to change these ratios, and the cost would be extremely high for something like a proper iron wall that is consistent with the DR and HP values from p. B558. Instead, I decided to calculate how much a wall would weigh and try statting this spell up with the Create advantage. Now, you have a wall that is much more consistent with the existing values, much cheaper that what its Innate Attack counterpart would cost, and also has a mechanism of making it permanent. Isn't that great? For a good measure, I also added the Shrapmetal spell from the Might and Magic series.

Thursday, 14 December 2023

Wizardry: Spirit Spells I

Wizardry: Spirit Spells I

This post will feature the remaining necromantic spells and two etherealness spells. Etherealness combines its D&D equivalent and Ethereal Jaunt. While more expensive than Plane Shift, it lacks such requirements as forked rod focus and drift. Soul Bind traps a soul in a gem, preventing its resurrection or reanimation. Trap the Soul traps both the soul and body of a still living creature.

Wednesday, 13 December 2023

Wizardry: Gate Spells III

Wizardry: Gate Spells III

Let's tackle the difficult ones. Blink is a cool spell, but insubstantiality in GURPS costs a lot (and for a good reason), so I had to think hard about how to make it affordable. Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion is based on the pocket dimension variant of Jumper, but due to its huge cost, I had to include character point expenditure. Also, unseen servants, supplies, and furniture had to go. Rope Trick is another pocket dimension spell based on the write up by Rindis.

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Wizardry: Mind Control Spells IV

Wizardry: Mind Control Spells IV

In this post, I will convert five "symbol" spells - Symbol of Fear/Insanity/Persuasian/Sleep/Stunning. There's a lot of repetition, the difference between them lies in the first paragraph.

Monday, 11 December 2023

Wizardry: Metal Spells I

Wizardry: Metal Spells I

At last, metal spells! Chill Metal and Heat Metal induce extreme temperature in metal objects. There is a delay that may give the subject a chance to remove an affected piece of armor. Iron Body was an incredibly expensive spell that transforms the caster into iron, and a character point cost made it much more affordable. Repel Metal creates a field that repels all metal objects (not only ferromagnetic ones, all metals).

Sunday, 10 December 2023

Wizardry: Protection and Warning Spells IV

Wizardry: Protection and Warning Spells IV

Let's finish the P&W spells. Protection from Arrows is a simple spell that blocks physical projectiles. Protection from Acid/Cold/Electricity/Fire/Sound impart ablative DR against a specific energy type. Resist Acid/Cold/Electricity/Fire/Sound provide non-ablative DR and immunity to noxious energy effects. Stoneskin grants ablative DR against physical attacks. Sanctuary is an interesting warding spell that forces others to roll against Will to attack the subject.

Saturday, 9 December 2023

Wizardry: Gate Spells II

Wizardry: Gate Spells II

Dimensional Anchor prevents the subject from teleporting or planeshifting away. Dimensional Lock creates an unmoving area that does the same thing. Drawmij's Instant Summons teleports an item with your Arcane Mark to you. I decided to remove the expensive gem component. Shadow Walk is a very complex teleportation/plane shift spell.

Friday, 8 December 2023

Wizardry: Light Spells II

Wizardry: Light Spells II

More light spells. Blur is a good defensive spell. Faerie Fire outlined subjects in the dark. Color Spray is a classic spell that may blind or stun. Glitterdust is an area spell that may blind or light up invisible beings.

Thursday, 7 December 2023

Wizardry: Force Spells IV

Wizardry: Force Spells IV

Here we have the final three force spells. Shield creates a shield-like disk of force in front of you. Tenser's Floating Disk creates a moving telekinetic platform. Unseen Servant creates an invisible, mindless force that performs simple and repetitive tasks for you.

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Wizardry: Necromantic Spells VIII

Wizardry: Necromantic Spells VIII

Waves of Exhaustion deals fatigue damage in a cone. Undeath to Death is an instakill spell that only affects undead. Symbol of Death creates a symbol that deals toxic damage in an area when triggered. Symbol of Weakness is the same, but with fatigue damage instead.

Tuesday, 5 December 2023

Wizardry: Meta-Spells III

Wizardry: Meta-Spells III

Arcane Sight is an Indefinite variant of Detect Magic. It cannot look into the lingering auras, but works indefinitely and has a drawback of revealing your location. Mordenkainen's Disjunction is a character point-powered dispel spell that can disenchant magic items. Nondetection protects the subject from divination. Spell Turning reflects spells back at the original caster. And with that, I'm done with meta-spells!

Monday, 4 December 2023

I was wrong about darkness penalties in GURPS

I was wrong about darkness penalties in GURPS

Not long ago, I delved into the rules that dealt with invisibility, darkness, and illumination in GURPS. Also, a few days ago we had a new book released – GURPS Tactical Shooting: Extreme Conditions. Inside that book, I found a single line that made me realize something – I’ve been wrong all along! The said line is the following: “Once the target is spotted, the maximum penalty is ‑4 (per p. B394), as the shooter knows the position of that foe within one yard.” Now let me explain why this is very important!

Wizardry: Mind Control Spells III

Wizardry: Mind Control Spells III

Suggestion is a powerful spell that implants a suggestion. Mass Suggestion is an even more expensive mass version of the previous spell. Mass Owl's Wisdom is a mass variant of Owl's Wisdom. Otto's Irresistible Dance forces the subject to dance - an interesting spell. Tasha's Hideous Laughter is another fun one, based on the coughing condition.

Sunday, 3 December 2023

Review: GURPS Tactical Shooting: Extreme Conditions

Review: GURPS Tactical Shooting: Extreme Conditions

We got a new GURPS book out – GURPS Tactical Shooting: Extreme Conditions. If you are new to GURPS, you probably haven’t heard about it, but if you are a GURPS veteran, then this title isn’t new to you. Tactical Shooting: Extreme Conditions was in development for, I believe, five years, despite not being a 300-pages-long tome. I still remember its announcement, and being excited, but then, after some time, the author simply disappeared without a trace for a few years, hence the delay. However, he has reemerged and actually finished the book, so big props for that.

Wizardry: Protection and Warning Spells III

Wizardry: Protection and Warning Spells III

Glyph of Warding is difficult. The spell contains many different sub-spells, and all of them should be separate spells in GURPS. Thus, here you have five different blast glyphs. As for Spell Glyph... just don't look at the statblock. It's jank as hell, but it should work. This is the first time I noticed that Glyph of Warding is a clerical spell in D&D, which feels weird. I decided to remove the incense material component, but keep the diamond powder one to rein in casters who'd like to spam glyph all over the place. Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum is an extremely expensive spell, so I had to include a character point cost to make it affordable. Obscure Object, however, is a simple spell.

Saturday, 2 December 2023

Wizardry: Gate Spells I

Wizardry: Gate Spells I

Finally, Gate spells! This college will contain some tricky ones. First of all, Plane Shift is one of the examples I made in the initial Wizardry post, but I will repeat it here for ease of reference. Astral Projection lets you project an insubstantial body to the Astral Plane that cannot affect anything there. Banishment sends the victim back to their home plane. I decided to add a clause that it cannot return from there for a month. Dismissal is a weaker version of Banishment.

Friday, 1 December 2023

Wizardry: Gravity Spells I

Wizardry: Gravity Spells I

In my games, I use the college of Gravity magic. Gravity is different from Force and Movement because... because it just is, okay? Jokes aside, this is just an "alternative" college that has an overlap with both Movement and Force, but also has some unique spells. Pass without Trace makes the subject leave to visible tracks. Repulsion pushes creatures and objects away from you. It doesn't provide any defensive benefits, such as deflecting arrows. I guess this is closer to something like one-second pulses of force instead of a continuous pressure. Reverse Gravity (for now) is the only unique gravity spell. It is quite expensive, but I think that it should be this way. After all, anything inside doesn't get a resistance roll. Spider Climb lets you crawl on walls and ceilings. Telekinesis is a more universal version of Mage Hand, but still not as universal as its D&D counterpart. I decided to base in on TK Grab from GURPS Psionic Powers. However, I decided to remove ST scaling, as if I were to leave it in, Telekinesis would invalidate pretty much all other TK-based spells and also could cause some balance issues. It do be like that sometimes. Also, with this post, I'm done not only with Gravity spells, but also with Movement spells! I'm making significant progress.