Saturday 18 September 2021

Alchemy/Equipment: Ghostwalk Gear

Alchemy/Equipment: Ghostwalk Gear

Ghostwalk is probably the most obscure setting for D&D 3.0. It has some interesting pieces of gear, alchemical items, and even a drug for ghosts, so let's convert those.
    Cretchwater Oil
   This green oil smells strongly of crushed green plants. This alchemical substance is toxic to both living beings and ghosts, acting as a follow-up poison. A living victim struck by an envenomed weapon must make an immediate HT roll or suffer 1d-2 toxic damage. Every hour for 4 more cycles he must make another HT roll to resist or take the same amount of damage. After losing 2/3 HP to this poison, the victim gets a -2 penalty to DX until he heals above this threshold. A ghost struck by an envenomed weapon must make an immediate HT-3 roll or suffer 1d+1 non-incendiary burning damage. Every minute for 2 more cycles he must make another HT-3 roll to resist or take the same amount of damage.
    LC: 2.
    Form: Follow-Up Poison.
    Cost: $480 (singular); $170 (5-batched).
    Recipe: $48; 2 days; defaults to Alchemy-2.
   Statistics: Burning Attack 1d+1 (Accessibility, Only on ghosts, -50%; Affects Insubstantial, +20%; Cosmic, Ignores poison immunity, +100%; Cyclic, 1 minute, 2 cycles, Resistible, +40%; Follow-Up Poison, -20%; Link, +10%; No Incendiary Effect, -10%; Resistible, HT-3, -15%) [13] + Toxic Attack 1d-2 (Cyclic, 1 hour, 4 cycles, Resistible, +40%; Link, +10%; Follow-Up Poison, -20%; Resistible, HT, -30%; Symptoms, 2/3 HP, -2 DX, +20%) [3].
    Dark Ectoplasm
    This gray-black material is made from corrupted ectoplasm and is the bane of many ghost abilities. It is a follow-up poison that affects only ghosts. An affected ghost must roll against HT or take a -5 penalty to IQ for the purpose of activating supernatural abilities.
    LC: 3.
    Form: Follow-Up Poison.
    Cost: $540 (singular); $195 (5-batched).
    Recipe: $54; 2 days; defaults to Alchemy (Dark)-2.
  Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Only on ghosts, -50%; Affects Insubstantial, +20%; Attribute Penalty, IQ-5, Only for the purpose of activating supernatural abilities, +40%; Cosmic, Ignores poison immunity, +100%; Follow-Up Poison, -20%; Magical, -10%) [18].
    Desk Clock: This bronze, copper, and steel device uses springs, gears, and weights to measure time, and if wound daily, it keepstime to within a few minutes each day. The machine is about the size of a human head and tends to be less accurate if moved about or left in any position other than upright. $700, 8 lbs.
    Ectoplasmic Stabilizer
   This fine blue powder is instantly absorbed by ectoplasm, altering its properties so that it lasts ten days instead of only 10 minutes (multiple doses applied to an item extend the duration proportionately). One ounce of powder is required for each pound of ectoplasm. It has no effect if used on a living creature made of ectoplasm, but can be used on the remains of a slain ectoplasmic creature.
    LC: 4.
    Duration: 10 days.
    Form: Special.
    Cost: $30 (singular); $10 (5-batched).
    Recipe: $3; 1 day; defaults to Alchemy (Dark)-1.
    Statistics: Accessory (Ectoplasmic Stabilizer; Magical, -10%) [1].
    Ghost Disguise Kit: This is like a normal disguise kit (p. LT126), except all the parts are alchemically treated to match the transparency and coloration of ghosts. A ghost disguise kit can be used to disguise a living creature as a ghost.
    Oil of Animate Dead
    When rubbed on a corpse or skeletal remains, this oil animates the corpse or skeletal remains, turning it into a zombie or skeleton, much as if they had been raised by a Zombie spell (GURPS Magic, p. 151). The zombie or skeleton created by this potion is under the control of the potion’s maker, if he has spare points to buy the appropriate Ally advantage.
    LC: 0.
    Duration: Truly Permanent.
    Form: Ointment.
    Cost: $1,590 (singular); $575 (5-batched).
    Recipe: $159; 15 days; defaults to Alchemy (Dark)-6.
   Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Oil of Animate Dead, +140%; Cosmic, Works on the dead, +100%; Extended Duration, Truly Permanent, +240%; Magical, -10%; Ointment, -45%) [53]. Notes: “Oil of Animate Dead” is Alternate Form (Zombie or Skeleton; Magical, -10%) [14]. Extended Duration costs only 240%, because the Ointment meta-enhancement already includes Extended Duration, 30x, +60%.

    Raw Ectoplasm: This is raw, unshaped ectoplasm, either slippery or sticky. It decays into nothingness after 10 minutes unless stabilized with magic or ectoplasmic stabilizer. Like all ectoplasmic things, it can interact with both substantial and insubstantial beings. $1 per 1 lb.

    Shellcraft Manikin: This humanoid creation of metal and wood roughly resembles a tailor’s dummy, with articulated limbs and head. The unusual materials in its construction allow a ghost or another insubstantial creature with the Possession advantage to enter the manikin and move it in a manner similar to how most ghosts can possess bodies. The manikin is considered to have the Body of Wood meta-trait (GURPS Magic, p. 165). $800, 40 lbs.
    Soul Venom
   This alchemical liquid smells like incense. Soul venom is harmless to living creatures, but acts as a poison against ghosts. A ghost struck by an envenomed weapon must make an immediate HT-3 roll or suffer 1d-1 non-incendiary burning damage. Every hour for 4 more cycles he must make another HT-3 roll to resist or take the same amount of damage. After losing 2/3 HP to this poison, the victim gets a -2 penalty to HT and a -1 penalty to DX until he heals above this threshold.
    LC: 3.
    Form: Follow-Up Poison.
    Cost: $240 (singular); $85 (5-batched).
    Recipe: $24; 1 day; defaults to Alchemy (Dark)-1.
   Statistics: Burning Attack 1d-1 (Accessibility, Only on ghosts, -50%; Affects Insubstantial, +20%; Cosmic, Ignores poison immunity, +100%; Cyclic, 1 hour, 4 cycles, Resistible, +40%; Follow-Up Poison, -20%; No Incendiary Effect, -10%; Resistible, HT-3, -15%; Symptoms, 2/3 HP, -2 HT and -1 DX, +20%) [8].
   Tereppekian Paper: The people of Tereppek have developed a method of making paper from vegetable pulp, which is cheaper and faster than the cloth-fiber paper created elsewhere. One pound costs $4 and is 100 sheets.

   Wraithweed is a non-magical plant. In the past few months, a select few have discovered that when this plant is alchemically treated, powdered, and then dissolved in liquid, it becomes a strange mixture that grants ghosts euphoria and relaxation. Ingesting ghost must make an HT-4 roll to resist the effects. If he fails, he experiences euphoria for margin of failure hours, then must make a HT roll. If he fails that roll, he permanently loses 1 level of ST or HT (determine randomly, ST loss on a roll on 1-3 on a 1d, HT loss on a roll of 4-6). Over time, the drug breaks down the ectoplasm of an addicted ghost. If it reaches ST 0, it becomes a shadow. If it reaches HT 0, it becomes a wraith.
    Type: Depressant.
    Dependency: Psychological.
    Disadvantage Cost: -30 (very expensive, totally addictive, illegal).

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