Alchemy: Metallic Alchemy and Silver Rings

First, since the elixirs actually are rings, the previously-used form modifiers will not work. Instead, they will be replaces with Apparatus, +0%. In addition, the rings are not single-use items. The formula for cost calculation does not account for that. A metallic alchemical ring functions like an alchemical charm or talisman, as defined in GURPS Magic (p. 220). It grants effects with a certain duration, and then must recharge for a longer duration, during which it is dormant. The article says that dormancy lasts one day for each five weeks required to make the device. Sine crafting times rarely are going to reach such numbers in Metatronic Alchemy, I will replace the dormancy period with one day for each day required to make the device. Still, this is not a single-use item, so the cost should be multiplied by 5. There is no limitation to account for that kind of a recharge period, so instead I will multiply the point cost by 2.
Disk of Vision
This effect must be created on a smooth, flat,
highly polished disk of silver. To utilize this effect, pick the desired
viewpoint (which can be inside something) and its facing, look into the disk, and
then make an IQ roll. You need to concentrate for a minute and make a IQ-5 roll
if your desired viewpoint is out of sight.
On a success, you can use see as if you were
physically present at the viewpoint.
Your vision ignores darkness penalties
completely. You cannot see through solid objects, but if your viewpoint were
inside (for example) a closed chest, you would see what was inside despite the
lack of light. If you are using or subjected to range-dependent abilities
(e.g., spells), calculate all ranges from your body, not your viewpoint. On
failure by 1, your sight goes to some other viewpoint of the GM’s choosing. On
any greater failure, nothing happens at all.
Duration: 1d minutes.
Cost: $2,880.
Recipe: $288; 47 days; defaults to Alchemy
Statistics: Clairsentience (Apparatus, +0%;
Clairvoyance, -10%; Fixed Range, -5%; Magical, -10%; Maximum Duration, 1d
minutes, -50%; Second Nature, +70%) [48 x 2 = 96].
Ring of Fertility
Any woman who is naturally fertile can will the
ring to take effect, and on a successful roll vs. HT, she will conceive a child
in any sexual act performed under its influence. Even an infertile woman – so
long as she is anatomically whole – can conceive on a roll vs. HT-5, or a
critical success.
Duration: 24 hours.
Cost: $240.
Recipe: $24; 1 day; defaults to Alchemy
Statistics: Immunity to Non-Fertility (Apparatus,
+0%; Magical, -10%; Maximum Duration, 24 hours, -0%; Requires HT Roll, -10%) [4
x 2 = 8].
Ring of Illumination
A ring of silver can surround the wearer with
cool light filling a two-yard radius, allowing a Vision modifier of -4
(brighter than candlelight, but dimmer than torchlight). The wearer cannot see
anything outside this radius. Outside observers seeing such light against a dark
background are at +10 to Vision rolls, but at -7 to see anything outside its
radius. However, the light is gentle enough not to blind those who gaze upon
Duration: 1d hours.
Cost: $1,200.
Recipe: $120; 8 days; defaults to Alchemy
Statistics: Obscure 10 (Vision; Accessibility,
Only to negate darkness, -40%; Always On, -50%; Apparatus, +0%; Extended
Duration, 300x, +100%; Magical, -10%; Maximum Duration, 24 hours, -0%) [20 x 2
= 40].
Ring of Lunacy
Grants the wearer the ability to afflict
another character with the condition of Lunacy, with effects varying with the phase
of the moon (see p. B143). This requires a Quick Contest of Will vs. the
target’s HT. The range modifier is -1 per yard of range.
Duration: 24 hours.
Cost: $1,440.
Recipe: $144; 12 days; defaults to Alchemy
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Apparatus, +0%; Disadvantage,
Lunacy, +10%; Extended Duration, 1,000x, +120%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Magical,
-10%; Malediction 1, +100%; No Signature, +20%) [24 x 2 = 48].
Ring of Sterility
Any woman who is wearing this ring while it is active cannot conceive a child under any circumstances.
Duration: 24 hours.
Cost: $240.
Recipe: $24; 1 day; defaults to Alchemy (Metallic)-1.
Statistics: Fertility Control (Accessibility, Only to become sterile, -50%; Apparatus, +0%; Magical, -10%; Maximum Duration, 24 hours, -0%; Reduced Time 17, +340%) [4 x 2 = 8]
Ring of Tides
This ring can locally make the ocean higher and
lower, within a radius of 30 yards. To activate it, roll vs. Will at a penalty
equal to the desired change in water level in feet (no more than 10 feet). A
successful roll can either raise or lower the water level. Despite its name,
this effect can work on any body of water with a radius of at least 30 yards
and a depth of at least the desired change in water level.
Duration: 1dx10 minutes.
Cost: $3,000.
Recipe: $300; 50 days; defaults to Alchemy
Statistics: Control Water 10 (Accessibility,
Only to change water level, -70%; Based on Will, +20%; Cannot concentrate to
extend duration, -10%; Extended Duration on Persistent, 300x, +100%; Magical,
-10%; Nuisance Effect, Penalty, -20%; Persistent, +40%) [30 x 2 = 60] + Control
Water 20 (Accessibility, Only to change water level, -70%; Based on Will, +20%;
Cannot concentrate to extend duration, -10%; Extended Duration on Persistent, 300x,
+100%; Magical, -10%; Nuisance Effect, Penalty, -20%; Only to increase area,
-50%; Persistent, +40%) [20 x 2 = 40].
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