Dungeon Delving Procedure
I've already adapted the wilderness exploration procedure from ACKS II to GURPS (although I still have to adjust it a bit). Now, one of the other important procedures is the dungeon delving one. It shouldn't be difficult now that I've got Dungeon Exploration Turns down. Yet again, this is more of a checklist than a procedure you should strictly adhere to at all times.
Pre-Delve Stage
1. Determine party marching order. (DFRPG Exploits, p. 19).
2. Select one or more mappers. This demands ink, paper, and two free hands. (DFRPG Exploits, p. 18).
3. Establish light sources.
Delve Stage
1. Gameplay is handled in increments of 10-minute turns and 1-minute rounds. Each turn, you should follow the procedure below:
2. Determine each adventurer’s action during the turn. Actions can be methodical (requiring a full turn) or hasty (requiring 1 round).
2.1. Roll to see if any random encounters are triggered by the party's actions (typically, this is a roll of 1d every 2 turns, with 6+ triggering an encounter). If an encounter is triggered:
2.1.1. Choose or roll 1d10 to determine the minute during the turn that the encounter occurs.
2.1.2. Roll on the Random Encounter table for the dungeon.
2.1.3. Roll 7d to determine the maximum encounter distance in yards at the start of the encounter. Choose or randomly roll for the direction from which the monsters approach. Then reduce the distance (using his dungeon map as a guide) until either the monster(s) can see the adventurers or adventurers’ light source, or the adventurers can see the monster(s) or their light source (if any).
2.1.4. Determine surprise (DFRPG Exploits, pp. 26-27) and reaction (DFRPG Exploits, pp. 11-12).
2.1.5. If combat happens, shift play to second-by-second combat and follow the combat sequence.
2.1.6. When combat ends, round the time spent on combat up to the nearest whole minute.
2.1.7. If combat lasted for 10 seconds, subtract FP (DFRPG Exploits, p. 64).
3. Adjudicate the results of any stationary dungeon activities (lockpicking, battering down doors, etc.)
4. Adjudicate the results of movement (movement rates are given on page 27 of Pyramid #4-1).
4.1. Check to see if any traps were encountered.
4.2. If a trap is detected, describe it and allow the adventurers to update their actions for the remained of the turn.
4.3. If adventurers perform an action that might trigger the trap, roll for each (usualy in marching order) to see if each triggers the trap, then adjudicate the results.
5. Determine if any deliberate encounters were triggered by the party's actions. If such an encounter is triggered, follow steps 2.1.1.-2.1.7., skipping 2.1.2. and 2.1.3.
6. Mark off 1 turn (10 minutes) of game time.
6.1. Check to see if any spell durations expire.
6.2. Chech to see if any lit torches or lanterns go out.
6.3. If adventurers were resting for the entire turn, recover FP and ER as per DFRPG Exploits, pp. 64-65.
Post-Delve Stage
1. Write down the names of the adventurers who participated in the delve and make notes of any permanent effects, such as crippling injuries, lost limbs, curses, etc. suffered.
2. Write down any treasure recovered and monsters slain by the party.
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