Thursday 27 October 2022

Powers: Pyrokinesis

Powers: Pyrokinesis

Psychokinesis is one of the broadest psionic powers in GURPS Psionic Powers. While such abilities as Pyrokinesis and Cryokinesis are appropriate in a realistic or pseudo-realistic campaign, even GURPS Powers mentions that Pyrokinesis often is a separate power! So, let's excise this ability from Phychokinesis and create an entire new power. I might do the same with Cryokinesis in the future.

This power includes abilities that allow the psi to create and manipulate fire.
Power Modifier: Every ability in this power has the limitation Pyrokinesis, -10%. This reflects that it is part of this power, and that it uses the rules under How Psi Works (Psionic Powers, pp. 6-11).
Conflagration – 5.5 points/level
Skill: Conflagration (IQ/Hard).
You create a blazing inferno of flames that emanates from you and deals everything around you 1d burning damage per Conflagration level. This ability requires you to invest your full power into it – you cannot scale the damage down.
GMs may wish to set a maximum power level for this advantage. Alternatively, the rules for Arms Control (GURPS Powers, p. 138) can be applied.
Statistics: Burning Attack 1d (Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Emanation, -20%; Pyrokinesis, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) [5.5/level].
Expansion – Hard
Default: Conflagration-5; cannot exceed Conflagration.
You can increase your area of effect to a four-yard radius. You may double this radius, cumulatively, for every 5 points by which you make your (modified) skill roll.

Extinguish – 17 points/level
Skill: Extinguish (IQ/Hard).
Within a radius equal to your Extinguish level, all fire immediately goes out and stays out. If you can only affect part of a larger fire, you may put it out one patch at a time; there is no risk of the existing fire spreading back into the extinguished areas. (However, if someone starts a new fire, unrelated to the initial one, it may spread there.) Apply normal range penalties (p. B550) to your skill roll.
Statistics: Create Fire (Destruction Only, +0%; Pyrokinesis, -10%; Ranged, +40%; Reduced Fatigue Cost 2, +40%) [17/level].

Fire Control – 20 points/level
Skill: Fire Control (IQ/Hard).
You can control the shape of a fire, which must have an initial radius (in yards) no greater than your Fire Control level. This requires a skill roll and lasts for as long as you concentrate; there is no resistance roll. Apply normal range penalties (p. B550) to your skill roll. If the target fire is already under someone’s control (for example, controlled by another pyrokineticist with Fire Control), then you must win in a Quick Contest of skill against skill or attribute used by the other party to control the fire.
This even allows you to “walk” the fire, with a Move equal to your Fire Control level. You cannot split the fire into multiple components – it must remain one continuous fire – but you do not have to leave it in a circular shape. You cannot affect creatures made of fire, such as fire elementals, this way.
Statistics: Control Fire (Accessibility, Only to shape and move fire, 30%; Pyrokinesis, -10%; Ranged, +40%) [20/level].
Persistent Fire Control – Hard
Default: Fire Control-4; cannot exceed Fire Control.
When using this technique, the effects persist for 10 seconds after you stop concentrate. If the last “order” was to move somewhere, then the fire keeps moving in that direction with the same speed. If Fire Control was used to shape the fire, then the fire maintains this shape for the duration.
Fire Lash – 12 points
Skill: Fire Lash (Will/Hard).
You fashion a whip of fire from unstable ectoplasm with a Ready maneuver. It is wielded like a normal whip (p. B404), except that it always takes only one second to ready, and it cannot be used to parry or entangle. The whip has Reach 1-4 (changing Reach requires a Ready maneuver without a skill roll) and inflicts swing burning damage every time it strikes. It is wielded with the Force Whip skill, but for the purpose of damage use your Fire Lash skill instead of ST (maximum effective ST = ST x 3). If it is parried, it deals its normal damage to the opponent’s weapon.
Statistics: Natural Weapon (Burning; Cannot Parry, -40%; Destructive Parry, +40%; Extra Reach, 1-4, Ready maneuver necessary, +90%; Intangible, +50%; Pyrokinesis, -10%; Single, -20%; Swing-Capable, +20%; Switchable, +10%) [12].
Dual Fire Lash – Hard
Default: Fire Lash-2; cannot exceed Fire Lash.
You can use this technique to manifest two fire lashes at once – one in each hand. You still take normal off-hand penalties.
Fast Manifestation – Hard
Default: Fire Lash -4; cannot exceed Fire Lash.
By rolling against this technique, you can manifest your fire lash as a free action instead of a Ready maneuver.
Instant Reach Change – Hard
Default: Fire Lash-6; cannot exceed Fire Lash.
By rolling against this technique, you change the Reach of your fire lash as a free action.
Fire Ray – 6 points/level
Skill: Fire Ray (IQ/Hard).
You can fire a ray of fire. Take an Attack maneuver and make a skill roll, with all normal modifiers for a ranged attack.
Damage is 1d burning per level of Fire Ray; you can do less damage if you wish. Other stats are Acc 3, Range 20/100, RoF 1, Rcl 1.
GMs may wish to set a maximum power level for this advantage. Alternatively, the rules for Arms Control (GURPS Powers, p. 138) can be applied.
Statistics: Burning Attack 1d (Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Increased 1/2D, 2x, +5%; Pyrokinesis, -10%; Variable, +5%) [6/level].
Fire Blast – Hard
Default: Fire Ray-3; cannot exceed Fire Ray.
The ray affects an area of a 2-yard radius instead of affecting a single target. Everything in the area suffers the attack’s damage at -1 per die. On a miss, use the scatter rules (p. B414) to see where the area is centered. Active defenses don’t protect against an area attack, but victims may attempt to dive for cover or dodge and retreat to leave the area. For every 5 points by which the (penalized) roll succeeds, add another level of the Area Effect enhancement to the attack.
Fire Stream – Hard
Default: Fire Ray-3; cannot exceed Fire Ray.
The ray becomes a wide stream of fire that affects everything in a straight line. Treat this as a cone with the maximum width of one yard that deals the Fire Ray’s damage at -1 per die. Cones use special rules; see Area and Spreading Attacks (p. B413).
Heat Flash – 25 points for level 1, plus 5 points for each additional level
Skill: Heat Flash (Will/Hard).
You can focus all ambient heat into an infrared flash that emanates from a single point. Make a skill roll, at normal range penalties (p. B550) to the focal point. This effect is invisible to normal vision, but is visible with Infravision. Anyone within range (see below) of the flash must make a HT roll, with a penalty equal to your original margin of success, and a bonus equal to his distance from the focal point in yards. Protected Vision adds +5, and anyone with Blindness or who had already stated he had his eyes closed is immune. Failure makes the victim lose his or her Infravision for minutes equal to the margin of failure.
At level 1, everyone within two yards of the flash’s focal point must roll to resist. Every additional level doubles this range. There is no way to distinguish friend or foe, though you may always choose to scale down your range.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Dissipation, -50%; Low Signature, +10%; Malediction 2, +150%; Negated Advantage, Infravision, +10%; Pyrokinesis, -10%; Variable, Area, +5%; Vision-Based, -20%) [25]. Further levels add Area Effect, one level at a time [+5/level].
Mask Heat – 3.6 points/level
Skill: Mask Heat (IQ/Hard).
You block heat emanated by you and your gear, making it more difficult to detect you with Infravision. Level 2 is enough for normal situations, where a living being stands out from the thermal background. Level 10 makes you completely invisible to Infravision, even negating the +10 bonus to spot a living creature in a cave that is in thermal equilibrium. This requires a skill roll every minute.
Subtract your level from any attempts to see you using infravision; there is no resistance roll. Even if someone does manage to see you, subtract your level from any attack roll against you that relies on Infravision to hit. At level 10, you are effectively invisible to Infravision; use the rules on p. B394 instead.
You can use your own Infravision normally while using this ability.
Statistics: Obscure (Infravision; Defensive, +50%; No Area of Effect, -50%; Pyrokinesis, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Stealthy, +100%) [3.6/level].
Expansion – Hard
Default: Mask Heat-5; cannot exceed Mask Heat.
You can increase your area of effect to a two-yard radius instead this ability being a personal effect. You may double this radius, cumulatively, for every 5 points by which you make your (modified) skill roll.
Reactive Use – Hard
Default: Mask Heat-4; cannot exceed Mask Heat.
You can turn this ability on as a free action, even on someone else’s turn.
Matter Agitation – 5/7/9 points for levels 1-3
Skill: Matter Agitation (Will/Hard).
You can excite the structure of an inanimate object, heating it to the point of combustion. Roll a Quick Contest of skill against the object’s HT. If you win, consult Making Things Burn (p. B433) – a target rated from Super-Flammable to Resistant ignites immediately. Anything more resistant to fire may catch if this ability is used repeatedly and continuously. Roll 3d after every 10 seconds of uninterrupted use; Highly Resistant materials (including flesh) catch on a 16 or less, while Nonflammable ones catch only on a 6 or less. This spell does no actual damage to the object, though it will likely take damage from the resultant fire.
At level 1, requires a touch. At level 2, this ability is at -1 per yard of distance. At level 3, this ability takes the normal range penalties (p. B550).
Statistics: Burning Attack 3 points (Accessibility, Only on objects, -10%; Incendiary, +10%; Malediction 1, +100%; Melee Attack, Reach C, Cannot Parry, -35%; No Signature, +20%; No Wounding, 50%; Pyrokinesis, 10%) [5]. Level 2 version removes Melee Attack, Reach C, Cannot Parry, -35% [7]. Level 3 version replaces Malediction 1, +100% with Malediction 2, +150% [9].
Pyrokinesis – 14/27/39/51/65/77 points for levels 1-6**
Skill: Pyrokinesis (Will/Hard).
Like Pyrokinesis (GURPS Psionic Powers, p. 56), but uses normal range penalties (p. B550) instead of the long-range penalties.
Statistics: Temperature Control 1 (Area Effect, 8 yards, +100%; Heat, -50%; Increased Range, LOS, +70%; Pyrokinesis, -10%; Requires Will Roll, -5%; Short-Range 2, -20%) [9.25/level] + Burning Attack 2 points (Incendiary, +10%; Malediction 2, +150%; No Signature, +20%; Pyrokinesis, -10%; Variable, +5%) [8.25/level]* + Fatigue Attack 1 point (Hazard, Heat, +20%; Malediction 2, +150%; No Signature, +20%; Pyrokinesis, -10%; Variable, +5%) [8.55/level]*.
* Alternative Abilities to Temperature Control. Divide these point costs by 5, then round up.

**This ability is open-ended, but you will have to calculate the cost for further levels yourself.
Pyrokinetic Shield – 3 points/level
Skill: Pyrokinetic Shield (IQ/Hard).
You can partially or completely divert incoming heat and fire attacks. Every time you are hit by a fire attack, roll against your skill. Success provides DR equal to your Pyrokinetic Shield level. In a situation where you are under constant “attack” (i.e., being trapped in a fire), roll once per minute. This is a passive ability.
Statistics: Damage Resistance (Force Field, +20%; Limited, Heat/Fire, -40%; Pyrokinesis, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) [3/level].
Expansion – Hard
Default: Pyrokinetic Shield-5; cannot exceed Pyrokinetic Shield.
Like the Expansion technique for EK Shield (GURPS Psionic Powers, p. 33).
Suppression – Hard
Default: Pyrokinetic Shield-5; cannot exceed Pyrokinetic Shield.
Like the Suppression technique for EK Shield (GURPS Psionic Powers, p. 33).
Weapon Afire – 10 points
Skill: Weapon Afire (IQ/Hard).
Flames that harm neither the wielder nor the weapon engulf a weapon you touch. Make a skill roll when you touch the weapon. The weapon affected deals an additional 1d of follow-up burning damage and provides illumination equivalent to a torch. The weapon retains these properties for margin of success minutes.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Only on weapons, 20%; Advantage, Weapon Afire, +50%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; No Signature, +20%; Pyrokinesis, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) [10]. Note: “Weapon Afire” is Burning Attack 1d (Follow-Up, This weapon, +0%; Pyrokinesis, -10%; Visible, -10%) [4] + Illumination (Pyrokinesis, -10%) [1].
Weapon Ablaze – Hard
Default: Weapon Afire-4; cannot exceed Weapon Afire.
You make the flames that engulf the weapon hotter. The weapon deals 2d of follow-up burning damage instead of 1d. If the GM allows it, you may further increase this damage by 1d, cumulatively, for every 4 points by which you make your (modified) skill roll.

Pyrokinesis Perks
DR 1 (Limited, Heat/Fire, -40%; Partial, Hands, -40%) [1]
Ignition (GURPS Psionic Powers, p. 56)
Hot Metal (GURPS Thaumatology: Chinese Elemental Powers, p. 25)
Illumination (GURPS Power-Ups 2: Perks, p. 10)
Inner Heat (GURPS Thaumatology: Chinese Elemental Powers, p. 25)

Additional Pyrokinesis Abilities
The following traits require no special modifiers to be Pyrokinesis abilities.
- Infravision (Pyrokinesis, -10%) [9]. No skill needed; passive ability.
- Near Infrared Vision (Pyrokinesis, -10%) [9]. No skill needed; passive ability.
- Protected Power (Pyrokinesis, -10%) [5]. No skill needed; passive ability.
- Temperature Tolerance (Pyrokinesis, -10%) [0.9/level]. No skill needed; passive ability. This represents a reflexive, defensive use of Pyrokinesis.
- Thermal Infrared Vision (Pyrokinesis, -10%) [9]. No skill needed; passive ability.

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