Monday 11 July 2022

Psionics: Cryokinesis, Pyrokinesis, TK Crush Reworked

 Psionics: Cryokinesis, Pyrokinesis, TK Crush Reworked

Something strange was pointed out to me a couple of days ago - certain abilities in GURPS Psionic Powers use Malediction 3 and have some other questionable modifiers when usually everything uses Malediction 2. Malediction 3 in general is something that should be used very carefully (in Low-Tech games, at least). Let's rework some of the statblocks!
Edit: I also found Spectral Surge in Pyramid #3-99 and TK Burst in Pyramid #3-29, so they also needs a similar repricing.

1. Cryokinesis (p. 55)
Here, I want to replace Malediction 3, +200% with Malediction 2, +150% on the attacks, and also add a level of Short-Range 1, -10% to Temperature Control to even out the penalties. In the text, replace any mentions of long-range modifiers with the standard speed/size and range table penalties.

Statistics: Temperature Control 1 (Area Effect, 8 yards, +100%; Cold, -50%; Cryokinesis, -10%; Increased Range, LOS, +70%; Requires Will Roll, -5%; Short-Range 2, -20%) [9.25/level] + Burning Attack 1 point (Cryokinesis, -10%; Malediction 2, +150%; No Incendiary, -10%; No Signature, +20%; Selective Effect, +20%; Variable, +5%) [5.5/level]* + Fatigue Attack 1 point (Cryokinesis, -10%; Hazard, Freezing, +20%; Malediction 2, +150%; No Signature, +20%; Variable, +5%) [8.55/level]*.
* Alternative Abilities to Temperature Control. Divide these point costs by 5, then round up.

2. Pyrokinesis (p. 56)
Literally the same changes as for Cryokinesis. Replace Malediction 3, +200% with Malediction 2, +150% on the attacks, and also add a level of Short-Range 1, -10% to Temperature Control to even out the penalties. In the text, replace any mentions of long-range modifiers with the standard speed/size and range table penalties.

Statistics: Temperature Control 1 (Area Effect, 8 yards, +100%; Heat, -50%; Increased Range, LOS, +70%; Pyrokinesis, -10%; Requires Will Roll, -5%; Short-Range 2, -20%) [9.25/level] + Burning Attack 2 points (Incendiary, +10%; Malediction 2, +150%; No Signature, +20%; Pyrokinesis, -10%; Variable, +5%) [8.25/level]* + Fatigue Attack 1 point (Hazard, Heat, +20%; Malediction 2, +150%; No Signature, +20%; Pyrokinesis, -10%; Variable, +5%) [8.55/level]*.
* Alternative Abilities to Temperature Control. Divide these point costs by 5, then round up.

I wonder what is the reason for Pyrokinesis dealing 2 points of burning damage, but Cryokinesis dealing only 1 point?

3. TK Crush (p. 54)
Replace Malediction 3, +200% with Malediction 2, +150%. In the text, replace any mentions of long-range modifiers with the standard speed/size and range table penalties. In addition, replace Nuisance Effect, Must stare intently and directly at the subject, -5% with Vision-Based, Reversed, -20%.

Statistics: Crushing Attack 1 point (Based on IQ, +20%; Malediction 2, +150%; No Signature, +20%; Psychokinesis, -10%; Variable, +5%; Vision-Based, Reversed, -20%) [5.3/level].

What was the Nuisance Effect there for? If it is there to enforce line of sight requirements, then this is done via Vision-Based, Reversed - you don't even have to change the text. If it was there to make the user obvious, then why is there No Signature there?

4. Spectral Surge (Pyramid #3-99, p. 5)
Replace Malediction 3, +200% with Malediction 2, +150%. In the text, replace any mentions of long-range modifiers with the standard speed/size and range table penalties.

Statistics: Corrosion Attack 2 points (Insubstantial Only, -30%; Materialized spirits are valid targets, +5%; Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Malediction 2, +150%; Necrokinesis, -10%) [13.25/level].

5. TK Burst (Pyramid #3-29, p. 4)
If we do not skip the rounding, we get a very different price. This ability should cost not 5/level, but 7.8/level.

1 comment:

  1. When I was adjusting the Psi powers for my DF campaign, those Maledictions 3 modifiers gave me headaches. Well done.
