Monday, 18 July 2022

Karilan Setting Documents

Karilan Setting Documents

Some of you might know that I have created my own kitchen sink fantasy setting to incorporate all things D&D/PF in GURPS. I decided to post it here to have a static place where I can share it.

The most recent version can be downloaded here (March 16, 2025) - LINK.

The archive contains the following documents:

Karilan Primer - an overview, guide on how to get started, occupational templates, equipment, advantages, disadvantages, skills, etc.

Lands of Karilan - world map, timeline, descriptions of nations and regions.

Languages of Karilan - a document with a detailed approach to linguistics.

Powers of Karilan - everything about supernatural powers.

Power-Ups of Karilan - premade abilities that are not spells or psionic abilities.

Races of Karilan - races and cultures, including templates.

In addition, you can have GCS libraries with new equipment (August 8, 2022) - LINK.


Regional documents

New Aventus (April 23, 2024)


March 16, 2025
A massive update/rework of all the documents. Changes are too numerous to list them all. However, I have to mention a new QoL feature - clickable tables of contents!

July 11, 2024
Karilan Primer:
Changed occupational template: shadowcaster
New weapons: heavy pick, light crossbow, light pick, long runecannon, offhand runecannon, pocket crossbow, short runecannon, springspear (some are from T-Bone's Games Diner)
Typos and formatting fixed

Lands of Karilan:
Changed the religion sections of nations inhabited by the Meshi

Powers of Karilan:
Reworked enchanting
Reworked the deity table
Reworked the entire divine magic chapter
Changed links to Wizardry
Cleaned up the draconic bloodlines for sorcerers

Races of Karilan:
Templates changed: anguillian, bandar, charau-ka, loxo, tasloi, all kobolds
An image added for the earth kobold
New templates: astral elf, deserntak, dragonwrought kobold, noble eladrin, winterkin eladrin
Changed the descriptions of Memtan and Meshi

July 29, 2023
Karilan Primer:
New occupational template: Soulknife
Tweaked occupational templates: Cleric, Monk, Ninja, Psychic Warrior, Ranger, Rogue, Swashbuckler
Removed the Extrenal Parasitic modifier for Possession
Added a new skill - Psychic Recovery
Slightly changed Expert Skills
New weapon: flindbar
New weapons from T-Bone's Games Diner

Lands of Karilan:
Typos fixed

Languages of Karilan:
There were some very minor changes that I forgot to write down

Powers of Karilan:
Typos fixed
Expanded the list of deities
Linked to the alternative nature spellcasting penalties
Restructured the psionics chapter and introduced new psionic powers
Slightly adjusted the urban druid
Truenaming has been reworked
Pact magic has been reworked
Channeling has been reworked
Magus has been reworked
Incarnum has been reworked
Removed the wordcaster

Races of Karilan:
Revised almost all the templates, and added some new ones. I already forgot which ones.

December 27, 2022
Karilan Primer:
Added the Precise Shot technique

Lands of Karilan:
Typos fixed

Powers of Karilan:
Typos fixed
Pyrokinesis and Cryokinesis introduced as a separate psionic powers
Astral Projection and Teleportation have been merged into a single power
Changed the critical spell failure table for the urban druid

Power-Ups of Karilan:
A new document

Races of Karilan:
Typos fixed
Added an image for the hagertral
New races: causticsoul genasi, cindersoul genasi, plaguesoul genasi, psionic genasi, voidsoul genasi

October 9, 2022
Karilan Primer:
Added links to new martial arts.
New occupational templates: Artificer, Psionic Artificer.
New weapons: Wyrmling Gun, Wyrm Gun.
Added notes for the Navigation skill.
New Piloting specialty - Spelljammer.
New Philosophy specialties - A Thousand Pins and Needles, Infinite Harmony, One Mind with Many Voices, The Return to Center, Uniting Opposing Forces.

Lands of Karilan:
Expanded the Beyond Karilan section.

Races of Karilan:
Fixed some formatting errors.
New races: half-elementals

August 29, 2022
Karilan Primer:
Fixed mistakes in the Ninja, Paladin, Ranger, Scout templates.
New occupational templates: Hexblade, Shadowcaster.
Slightly revised occupational templates due to the wizardry rework: Cleric, Incantatrix, Paladin, Wizard, Wu Jen.
Some typos fixed in the equipment chapter, added weapon images.
Added Excellent Balance, Permanency Points, Summoning Points, Creation Income, and PK's Unarmed Only Trained by a Master in the advantage section.
Added Cold Berserk enhancement in the disadvantage section.
Added two new Piloting specialties.
Added the Zen Spellcasting skill.
Moved the elven courtblade from Rapier to Saber.
New weapons: Bladed Tonfa, Etherblade, Sand Blaster, Spiked Tonfa, Spring-Loaded Tonfa.

Lands of Karilan:
There are some changes, but I don't remember the details. Probably just some typos fixed.

Powers of Karilan:
Incorporated the wizardry rework. This has affected the following spellcasting traditions: wizard, wu jen, shadowcsater, geometer, archivist.
Added a note about perk-level spells not requiring a power skill for magi.
Added the ofuda requirements to the shugenja.
Removed Trading Fatigue for Skill from divine agents.
Reworked the cleric and the ur-priest - now use Divine Empowerment instead of Clerical Empowerment and have domain skills, like the wizard.

Races of Karilan:
Adjusted templates: Aarakocra, Adu'ja, Agrutha, Alcor, Anguillian, Azerblood, Blackscale Lizardfolk, Brute Crocodilian, Cayman, Dvati, Hai Nu, Jarak-Sinn, Lizardfolk, Maeluth, Master Crocodilian, Sea Kin, Underfolk.
Added pictures.
Changed the formatting to improve readability.


  1. Hi, a great read!
    But could you elaborate a bit more how you handle power levels, especially of damaging powers like fireball and exploding fireball using the powers system? Is there a hard cap to x dice or x dice with area of effect and how can powerful characters raise those?

    1. Thanks!
      I left all this out because there is no "default" power level, I was writing the documents with an assumption that some people might be playing grounded 150-point games, like I like to, and some might prefer DF-style 250-point games or higher (I've played in such games too), and then the damage caps will be different. Personally, I've tried limiting single-target attack powers to 3d and area effect attack powers to 1d+2 damage, but I still haven't found a cap that I am satisfied with. Also, it's much more than just capping damage, you also have to consider the actual area of effect, casting times, etc. I would allow a more powerful attack if it could not be spammed due to high FP costs or recharge time. Also, no Rapid Fire attacks - they just shred things to pieces in Low-Tech games. It's more of an art than a science, and I am no artist yet.

    2. Thank you for the insight!

  2. A great resource I found and a clever solution to the problem can be found at
