Saturday 1 September 2018

Alchemy: Dungeon Concoctions III

Alchemy: Dungeon Concoctions III

Here we have chemicals and natural preparations from GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 8 - Treasure Tables.
Black Dust
This potion can be thrown (range is STx3.5). Hitting a hard surface, it breaks, creating a cloud of fumes in a 2-yard radius. Invisible creatures in the cloud must make a DX roll or become covered in enough dust to be outlined. Such creatures become faintly visible, making them only -3 to hit. Black Dust washes off easily, so full invisibility can be regained by jumping into water.
Form: Grenade.
Cost: $1,440 (singular); $520 (5-batched).
Recipe: $144; 12 days; defaults to Alchemy-5.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (DX; Accessibility, Only on invisible creatures, -10%; Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Based on DX, +20%; Cosmic, Irresistible Attack, +300%; Disadvantage, Noisy 3, Visual Variant, +6%; Grenade, +25%; Magical, -10%; Terminal Condition, Water, -10%) [48].

Druidic Fertilizer
This concoction vastly speeds the growth of plants, giving a one-yard area the equivalent of a full year’s growth in a single hour. This can be useful for anything from covering tracks (treated plants almost instantly recover from trampling) to actively blocking a path (vines and shrubs form a thick barrier).
Duration: 1 hour.
Form: Ointment.
Cost (Herbal): $1,105 (singular); $400 (5-batched).
Recipe: $138; 11 days; defaults to Herb Lore-5.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Only on plants, -40%; Advantage, Druidic Fertilizer, +450%; Magical, -10%; Ointment, -45%) [46]. Notes: «Druidic Fertilizer» is Unaging (Age Control, Only Forwards, +10%; Magical, -10%; Reduced Time 10, +200%) [45].
Foul Pepper
This concoction can be thrown (range is STx3.5). Hitting a hard surface, it breaks, creating a cloud of dust in a 2-yard radius. Any breathing creature in the area of effect must roll against HT twice: once to avoid a sneezing fit lasting 30 seconds, and another to avoid retching for 10 seconds (see p. B428-429). This preparation is not magical.
Form: Grenade.
Cost (Herbal): $1,225 (singular); $440 (5-batched).
Recipe: $153 14 days; defaults to Herb Lore-6.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Grenade, +25%; Link, +10%; Reduced Duration, 1/6, -15%; Respiratory Agent, +50%; Sneezing, +20%) [24] + Affliction 1 (HT; Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Grenade, +25%; Link, +10%; Reduced Duration, 1/10, -20%; Respiratory Agent, +50%; Retching, +50%) [27].

Goblin Nerve Tonic
This syrupy liquid allows the user to move a bit faster, but it causes small twitches that interfere with fine motor skills. It provides +0.5 to Basic Speed (improving Move, combat sequence, etc.), but makes the user effectively Ham-Fisted 1 (p. B138). The imbiber loses 1 FP when the effects wear off. This substance is not magical.
Duration: 1 hour.
Form: Potion.
Cost (Herbal): $432 (singular); $155 (5-batched).
Recipe: $54; 2 days; defaults to Herb Lore-2.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Goblin Nerve Tonic, +100%; Potion, -25%) [18]. Notes: «Goblin Nerve Tonic» is Basic Speed +0.5 (Aftermath, Costs 1 FP, -2%; Temporary Disadvantage, Ham-Fisted 1, -5%) [10].

Jamming Glue
Adhesives are combined with sand, sawdust, and other thickeners to produce a sticky substance that gets into tight crevices and stiffens in place. Anyone hit with a glue grenade must win a Quick Contest of ST vs. 10 to get out any new piece of equipment from a belt or pouch. Victims wearing mail or plate armor are at -2 to DX as joints stiffen and seize up. It takes about a half-hour to chip off enough glue to negate its effects. This substance is not magical.
Form: Grenade.
Cost: $510 (singular); $185 (5-batched).
Recipe: $51; 2 days; defaults to Alchemy-2.

Statistics: Binding 10 (Accessibility, Only for mail or plate wearers and for drawing items, -20%; Halve the penalties, -50%; Grenade, +25%; Unbreakable, Limited, +30%) [17].

Orcish Energy Brew
This potion restores 1d/2 FP lost to exertion (but not spellcasting or other mystical uses), if the imbiber makes a successful HT roll. If imbibed more than once per day by a given subject, apply a cumulative -3 per successful replenishment on that subject. This penalty accumulates until a full day has passed since the most recent replenishment. This only works for humans and all “similar” races (elves, orcs, dwarves, halflings, etc.), but this potion can be made to affect, for example, animals. Such a potion will not be able to affect humanoids.
Consumers without Cast-Iron Stomach (p. B80) become nauseated for margin of failure minutes if they fail an additional HT roll. Additional doses taken within eight hours cause a loss of 1 FP. This substance is not magical.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Form: Potion.
Cost (Herbal): $408 (singular); $145 (5-batched).
Recipe: $51; 2 days; defaults to Herb Lore-2.
Statistics: Healing (Accessibility, Only FP lost to exertion, -20%; Aftermath, Nauseated, Resistible, +15%; Based on HT, +20%; Blood Agent, -40%; Capped, 1 FP, -30%; Heals Fatigue Only, +0%; Reduced Fatigue Cost 1, +20%; Takes Extra Time 1, -10%) [17]. Notes: Since the potion is considered to be the “caster”, we do not apply Affects Self, +50% here. Also, because this ability is not based on Affliction, we only take parts of the Potion meta-enhancement.

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