Sorcery: Divination Variants
The Divination spell from GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery is a single spell that simply gives you a vision pertaining to the question asked. GURPS Magic has Divination not as a single spell, but as a group of various divination techniques that differ from each other. So, let's split Divination into many much more flavorful options. And Rhabdomancy from GURPS Underground Adventures probably should be a separate spell. This post has all Divination variants from the 4th edition books, Pyramid #3, GURPS Magic 3e, GURPS Grimoire, and GURPS Technomancer. It seems that Haruspication from 3e was renamed to Extrispicy in 4e, Molybdomancy was merged into Lecanomancy, Arm Measuring and Chiromancy were merged into Physiognomy, Belomancy, I Ching, and Maize Kernel Reading were merged into Sortilege, Ornithomancy was merged with Augury, and Rune-Casting was renamed to Symbol-Casting.