Sometimes I get an urge to make some GURPS content, be it something original, or something converted from another system/media. Maybe if I post it here, it will be useful not only to me. Keep in mind that I'm not a native English speaker and please forgive any mistakes.
Friday, 28 February 2025
Wizardry: Shadowcaster Spell List
Wizardry: Hexblade Spell List
Wizardry: Hexblade Spell List
Tuesday, 25 February 2025
Gatekeeping Problem #1
Gatekeeping Problem #1
Monday, 24 February 2025
D&D Taint/Corruption Revisited
D&D Taint/Corruption Revisited
Sunday, 23 February 2025
Morale Rules in GURPS
Morale Rules in GURPS
As I’ve been on an AD&D and ACKS binge
lately, I noticed some mechanics that rarely are present in the more modern
systems. Well, ACKS is modern, but you get my point. One of such mechanics is
morale. Not long ago, I wrote a post about Fright Checks where I actually
managed to miss something important from DFRPG, and fear is somewhat related to
morale. Generally speaking, one of the complaints about combat being too long
in any system is that many GMs seem to insist that all fights must be fights to
the death, and that NPCs or monsters never flee or surrender. PCs never fleeing
also is a thing. Thus, I would like to explore the morale rules in GURPS.
Saturday, 22 February 2025
Wizardry: Warmage Spell List
Wizardry: Warmage Spell List
Wizardry: Scribe Spells
Wizardry: Scribe Spells
Friday, 21 February 2025
Rule Zero, RAW, and GURPS
Rule Zero, RAW, and GURPS
In the past couple of weeks, the online RPG discussion was focused on a contentious topic – Rule Zero and playing RAW. Walls of text were written, videos recorded, feelings hurt, etc. Even Rob Kuntz got involved. From observing it all, I found out that people have very strong opinions about Rule Zero and playing RAW, that many people are incapable of logic reasoning, and that there is a lot of dishonesty and arguing in bad faith. However, the discussion was mostly in the context of D&D, and when it comes to GURPS, things works slightly differently. That’s why I’d like to explore the gamemastering chapter of GURPS Basic Set and some other GURPS books to show you what the books say on this topic, and, of course, provide my own opinion.
GCS Libraries and Compilation Documents
GCS Libraries and Compilation Documents
Monday, 17 February 2025
Random GURPS Weather Generator
Random GURPS Weather Generator
Sunday, 16 February 2025
Wizardry: Magic of Eberron Spells
Wizardry: Magic of Eberron Spells
Saturday, 8 February 2025
Wizardry: Miscellaneous Spells II
Wizardry: Miscellaneous Spells II
Friday, 7 February 2025
Market Class and Equipment Availability
Market Class and Equipment Availability
One concept from ACKS II that I really likes is the Market Class – each settlement is classified as one of six market classes, depending on the population. Market class defines how many goods of different price categories can be bought or sold at this market, among some other things. This is something like the GP Limit for settlements from D&D 3.0, but expanded and perfected. In GURPS, there are some rules for equipment availability in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Setting: Caverntown (you wouldn’t think to look for them there, would you?), but they are quite barebones and not generic. Surprisingly, GURPS City Stats has nothing about it. Thus, it is time to adapt the ACKS rules. To be honest, there’s barely any adaptation needed, and I really hope I’m not stretching the limits of fair use.
Monday, 3 February 2025
Dungeon Delving Procedure
Dungeon Delving Procedure
Wilderness Random Encounter Distance
Wilderness Random Encounter Distance
Saturday, 1 February 2025
Review: How to Be a GURPS GM: Improvising
Review: How to Be a GURPS GM: Improvising
Since I haven’t been following the GURPS news and upcoming releases in quite a while, the new book caught me by surprise. Yesterday, How to be a GURPS GM: Improvising got released, written by Sean Punch a.k.a. Dr. Kromm. The How to be a GURPS GM series of books is a mixed bag with some good ones and some not so good ones, so I decided to check this one out. After all, improvisation is indeed a skill and I wondered how one could even explain in text how to improvise better. These days, when many players seem to try their hardest to avoid reading the rulebooks and GMs learn how to GM from questionable actual plays and numerous even more questionable YouTube videos, there is a shortage of good written material to learn the art of being a GM from. And then people complain about the GM shortage!