Monster: Phase Spider

Phase Spider [Monster Manual, page 207]
Attribute Modifiers: ST+6 (No Fine Manipulators, -40%; Size Modifier, -10%) [30]; DX+2 (No Fine Manipulators, -40%) [24]; IQ-3 [-60]; HT+1 [10].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM+1; Will+3 [15]; Per+5 [25]; Basic Move +2 [10].
Advantages: Clinging [20]; DR 1 [5]; Extra Legs (Eight Legs) [15]; Fangs [2]; Infravision [10]; Injury Tolerance (No Head, No Neck) [12]; Night Vision 9 [9]; Peripheral Vision [15]; Subsonic Hearing (Biological (Passive), -5%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%) [4].
Poison: Toxic Attack 1d-1 (Cyclic, 1 minute, 4 cycles, Resistible, +80%; Follow-Up, Sharp Teeth, +0%; Resistible, HT-3, -15%; Symptoms, 1/3 HP, -2 HT, +30%) [6].
Ethereal Jaunt: Jumper (Planar; Accessibility, Only on the Ethereal Plane and planes that border it, -5%; Based on Will, +20%; Limited Access, Ethereal, -20%; Magical, -10%; Reduced Time 4, +80%; Reliable 2, +10%; Takes Recharge, 5 seconds, -10%) [165].
Disadvantages: Bestial [-10]; Cold-Blooded (50°) [-5]; Mute [-25]; No Fine Manipulators [-30]; Restricted Diet (Carnivore) [-10]; Semi-Upright [-5].
Creature Type: Magical Beast.
Knowing Your Own Strength [262] |
Typical Stats
ST: |
16 |
HP: |
16 |
Speed: |
5.75 |
DX: |
12 |
Will: |
10 |
Move: |
7 |
IQ: |
7 |
Per: |
12 |
HT: |
11 |
FP: |
11 |
SM: |
+1 |
Dodge: |
8 |
Parry: |
N/A |
DR: |
1 |
Ethereal Jaunt (12): The phase spider can slip into the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane and the other way around as per Jumper (p. B64). The jaunt requires a single Concentrate maneuver. After using this ability, he cannot reactivate it for 5 seconds.
Traits: Clinging; Cold-Blooded (50°); Extra Legs (Eight Legs); Infravision; Injury Tolerance (No Head, No Neck); Night Vision 9; No Fine Manipulators; Peripheral Vision; Restricted Diet (Carnivore); Semi-Upright; Subsonic Hearing (Biological (Passive); Melee Attack, Reach C).
Skills: Brawling-14; Stealth-14.
Creature Type: Magical Beast.
Phase Spider Venom
This poison is extracted from a phase spider. A
living victim must make an immediate
HT-3 roll or suffer 1d-1 toxic damage. Every minute for 4 more cycles he must
make another HT-3 roll to resist or take the same amount of damage. After
losing 1/3 HP to this poison, the victim gains a -2 penalty to HT until he
heals above this threshold.
Form: Follow-Up Poison.
Cost: $180 (singular); $65 (5-batched).
Recipe: $18; 1 day; defaults to Poisons-1.
Statistics: Toxic Attack 1d-1 (Cyclic, 1
minute, 4 cycles, Resistible, +80%; Follow-Up Poison, -20%; Resistible, HT-3, -15%;
Symptoms, 1/3 HP, -2 HT, +30%) [6].
Hello! I'm about to use this Phase Spider in my campaign and I noticed a couple things and I figured that I'd pitch it the changes I've made.
ReplyDeleteThere are a couple changes to make to the Phase Spider’s Jumper ability. First, add four levels of Reduced Time for +80% so that the ability takes only one concentrate maneuver. Second, add Based on Will (+20%) so that the Phase Spider isn’t rolling against 7(!). In IQ’s stead, roll against Will (10) during the Concentrate maneuver so that it at least has a chance of phasing to the other plane.
Reading the description of the Phase Spider Venom, the description of the follow-up attack should actually read as five cyclic attacks, since the first attack is included in the number of cycles.
That's all. Thanks for making this Phase Spider and thank you so much for making this blog and everything you do! I appreciate it so much!
Thank you! Your suggestions sound reasonable, I implemented them and even slapped two levels of Reliable on Jumper.
DeleteI am always glad to help, thank you.