Tuesday 27 February 2018

Sorcery: Assorted Spells II

Sorcery: Assorted Spells II

Here we have four assorted spells, converted from D&D/PF. Astral Projection is a limited Planar Visit. Elemental Body and Giant Form are limited shapeshifting spells. Magnificent Mansion is a not-so-magnificent extraplanar refuge, unless you know complimentary spells, such as Create Food.

Astral Projection
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 30 points.
Casting Roll: IQ. Special casting time (see below).
Range: Self.
Duration: Indefinite.

You leave your body behind, unconscious, while projecting your spirit to the Astral Plane. While there, you cannot cast spells or otherwise affect the world in any meaningful way. Your spirit form is visible, but insubstantial. This spell can be maintained indefinitely, but your body’s need to eat, drink, sleep, etc. effectively limits the duration to a day or so – longer if your body is left with friends, in a hospital, or otherwise cared for.
On the Astral Plane, projectors (but not native astral denizens) are attached to their body by a slim silver cord, which fades to invisible after about 20 feet. The cord always “points” in the direction of the projector’s body.
Unlike most spells, Astral Projection takes 10 or 11 seconds to cast instead of one or two. You can speed this up by taking -1 to skill for each second omitted (maximum -10).
Statistics: Jumper (World; Improved, +10%; Limited Access, -20%; Magical, -10%; Projection, Cannot affect new world, -50%) [30]. Note: The Improved enhancement removes the auto-fail on 14+.

Elemental Body
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 60 points or 140 points or more; see text.
Casting Roll: None. Special casting time.
Range: Self.
Duration: Indefinite.

The caster can assume different elemental forms, as if using the Morph advantage (p. B84). The transformation requires 10 seconds. If he is knocked out or killed, he immediately reverts to his native form (which will also be unconscious or dead).
The caster retains his intelligence, but gains all the physical attributes of the new form. Note that FP are not increased for spellcasting purposes. The caster may not add traits to templates, but he may freely omit racial mental disadvantages (e.g., Bestial), and he may always choose to drop the racial IQ modifier from a template and use his own IQ. This spell includes the ability to make cosmetic changes. This lets the caster impersonate a specific member of any elemental creature he can turn into.
The caster can always take on the form of a being he can see or touch, provided its racial template cost does not exceed his maximum. Once he has assumed a form, he can opt to memorize it by concentrating for one minute. This allows him to shapeshift into that form at any time. The caster can memorize a number of forms equal to his IQ. If all his “slots” are full, his must overwrite a previously memorized form (his choice) to add the new form. Memorizing cosmetic changes also requires a “slot”.
If the caster can assume any racial template worth no more than his native one, Elemental Body costs 60 points. This makes many forms available – anything no more powerful than his native form. If the caster can assume more powerful forms, add the difference between the maximum racial template cost and the cost of his native template to the base 60 points. For instance, a human who can take on any elemental racial template worth up to 75 points would pay 135 points for Elemental Body.
In addition, the caster may purchase the improved (140-point) version of this spell. This shortens the transformation time to 1 second.

Statistics: Morph (Accessibility, Elementals Only, -25%; Sorcery, -15%) [60]. The improved version adds Reduced Time 4, +80% [+80].

Giant Form
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 60 points or 140 points or more; see text.
Casting Roll: None. Special casting time.
Range: Self.
Duration: Indefinite.

The caster can assume different forms, but is limited to giants (ogres, hill giants, trolls, etc.) as if using the Morph advantage (p. B84). The transformation requires 10 seconds. If he is knocked out or killed, he immediately reverts to his native form (which will also be unconscious or dead).
The caster retains his intelligence, but gains all the physical attributes of the new form. Note that FP are not increased for spellcasting purposes. The caster may not add traits to templates, but he may freely omit racial mental disadvantages (e.g., Bestial), and he may always choose to drop the racial IQ modifier from a template and use his own IQ. This spell includes the ability to make cosmetic changes. This lets the caster impersonate a specific member of any giant he can turn into.
The caster can always take on the form of a being he can see or touch, provided its racial template cost does not exceed his maximum. Once he has assumed a form, he can opt to memorize it by concentrating for one minute. This allows him to shapeshift into that form at any time. The caster can memorize a number of forms equal to his IQ. If all his “slots” are full, his must overwrite a previously memorized form (his choice) to add the new form. Memorizing cosmetic changes also requires a “slot”.
If the caster can assume any racial template worth no more than his native one, Giant Form costs 60 points. This makes many forms available – anything no more powerful than his native form. If the caster can assume more powerful forms, add the difference between the maximum racial template cost and the cost of his native template to the base 60 points. For instance, a human who can take on any giant racial template worth up to 75 points would pay 135 points for Giant Form.
In addition, the caster may purchase the improved (140-point) version of this spell. This shortens the transformation time to 1 second.
Statistics: Morph (Accessibility, Giants Only, -25%; Sorcery, -15%) [60]. The improved version adds Reduced Time 4, +80% [+80].

Magnificent Mansion
Keywords: None.
Full Cost: 345 points.
Casting Roll: IQ. Special casting time (see below).
Range: Touch.
Duration: 3d seconds.

You conjure up an extradimensional dwelling that has a single entrance on the plane from which the spell was cast. The entry point looks like a faint shimmering in the air that is 4 feet wide and 8 feet high. Creatures that traverse the gate can carry up to Extra-Heavy Encumbrance when they travel.
Your magnificent mansion is the size of a small mansion (or the equivalent of the best Status 4 dwelling in your campaign setting) but has no other features. It does not, for instance, have furniture, light fixtures, etc. It does have a breathable atmosphere and takes whatever shape you initially desire, but from that point onward is fixed. For instance, you could have a pocket dimension that actually looks like a small bedroom or a cave.
Whenever anyone attempts to enter your magnificent mansion without your permission, you can roll a Quick Contest of your Will (plus any levels of Talent) vs. your opponent’s Will. If you win or tie, his attempt to enter fails and he cannot try again for 1d hours – if you critically succeeded, this becomes 1d days and he loses 1d FP! If you lose, he can enter normally; if you critically failed, you are also left reeling (mentally stunned) as he breaks through your dimensional barriers.
To create an entrance, you must visualize your destination, concentrate for 10 seconds, and make a IQ roll. You may hurry the creation, but your roll will be at -1 per second of concentration omitted (-10 to jump with no preparation at all). On a success, the entrance appears leading to your magnificent mansion. On a failure, the entrance does not appear. On a critical failure, the entrance opens, but leads to the wrong destination, which can be any plane the GM wishes!
Statistics: Jumper (Pocket Dimension; Access Regulation, +25%; Extra Carrying Capacity, Extra-Heavy, +50%; Gyroscopic, +10%; Improved, +10%; Larger Size 6, +60%; Magical, 10%; Tunnel, Before, +100%) [345].

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