Thursday 12 January 2023

Martial Arts: Split Punch Technique

Martial Arts: Split Punch Technique

I've already covered Johnny Cage's shadow kick, but let's also do his split punch. I don't even think this counts as a cinematic technique, so the asterisk is gone.

Split Punch
Defaults: Karate+0.
Prerequisite: Karate; cannot exceed prerequisite skill.

You do a split and deliver a strong punch to the opponent's lower body. Make an Acrobatics roll that receives a +3 for Flexible or +5 for Double-Jointed. If you fail, you drop to the kneeling posture and cannot do anything else this turn. If you succeed, you still drop to the kneeling posture and roll against this technique to hit the lower body (groin, legs, or feet) or a standing opponent. Note that the normal -2 to hit from the kneeling posture and the decreased hit location penalty to attack the feet, legs, or groin of a standing opponent still apply (p. MA99). Your opponent is at -1 to all his active defenses against this attack; and you deal your normal punch damage.

Remove -1 from the hit location penalty
to attack the feet, legs, or groin of a standing man

Under the Hood:
Based on punch - default +0;
Opponents Defenses (-1 to all active defenses) - default -4;
Special Drawback (must drop to kneeling) - default +2;
Special Drawback (lower body only) - default +1;
Special Drawback (requires Actobatics roll) - default +1.


  1. Defaults to Karate+0, cannot exceed (Karate+0)? So you can't put any points into it without Technique Mastery?
