Wednesday 11 January 2023

Martial Arts: Shadow Kick Technique

Martial Arts: Shadow Kick Technique

Even wanted to perform Johnny Cage's shadow kick in GURPS?

Shadow Kick*
Defaults: Karate-5.
Prerequisite: Karate; cannot exceed prerequisite skill.

You slide across the floor with one foot at a steady speed, (followed by a green-colored afterimage, if you have this cinematic technique thanks to supernatural powers) and connect with a kick to the upper body of your opponent with the other one.
Shadow Kick is a special option for Move and Attack (p. B365). Use the rules below instead of the normal ones for that maneuver. If you use this technique, it’s all you can do that turn, no matter how fast or skilled you are.
To execute a Shadow Kick, you have to move forward in a straight line at least half your Move. If successful, then at the end of your move, roll against your level with this technique to hit. If you hit, you inflict your usual kicking damage at an additional +1. You can only target a standing opponent's upper body (skull, eyes, face, neck, torso, vitals, arms, and hands).
Afterward, you cannot dodge or retreat. All your remaining active defenses are at -1. These effects last until your next turn.
If you fail the roll for your attack – or if your target successfully dodges – you fall unless you can make a DX-2 roll.

Under the Hood:
Based on kicking - default -2;
Based on Move and Attack - default -4;
Extra Damage: +1 - default -2;
Special Drawback (must move at least half your Move in a straight line) - default +1;
Special Drawback (upper body only) - default +1;
Special Drawback (defenses are at -1) - default +2;
Special Benefit (no skill cap) - default -1.

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