Sunday 22 January 2023

Galactic Havoc: What's Next?

Galactic Havoc: What's Next?

Rembmer my Galactic Havoc project? I do, I haven't forgotten about it, I have just been busy with other things, such as making videos and preparing/running games. But now that I think about, what else do I need before running a playtest game? I've got two factions and a bunch of weapons for one of them. So, I think what I have to do it to make some equipment for the other faction, make a third distinct faction, and that's it. Sure, I did not cover everything, such as heavy weaponry and vehicles, but that probably won't be necessary in the first playtest. Once I'm done with all this, I'll try running a short game if I have enough time, and that game will show me what is missing and point me in the right direction.

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